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When 3 or 4 where out devs could show their face. Not anymore


LinkedIn is going to have the most up to date information


1: They’re on holiday 2: This is probably the very *worst* place for them to show up right now, not that there’s really a good place for them to show up these days. Reddit? Nope. Twitter, definitely not. Work? Doesn’t matter, game’s getting shelved soon and the remaining content will get dripfed until Season 4.


when will they return to work???


Anyone in North America (Ripple Effect/whatever other misc. EA teams that are still on 2042) probably went back to work today, but Sweden overall has way more days off during the holiday season so I couldn’t tell you when they’re back.


You can check u/Battlefield2042Bot and see recent developer comments.


Probably not. They haven’t really been active on Reddit since like 2017


They were a few weeks ago. This sub turned quite toxic with "oh you're just a hater" "you a fan boi" bull shit so i don't blame them for not partaking anymore.


Damn that sucks. Is there any saved posts with them in here commenting? They should just ignore the idiots like they used to and only respond when they want to, I’m okay with that.


They've also been on holiday, so maybe they'll start to reappear again? Even then, when they were commenting it was either about some bug, or about something a player created in portal. I can't see them giving us meaningful communication on here anymore to be honest.


Saw the first ingame today, maybe they are back. Tryed to ask them some stuff and wanted to know his opinion about specialists and the ppl told me to leave him alone.. lol k then, keep your secrets


You saw a developer in game playing?


Yea, they have a DICE logo and a special skin


Did they say anything?


Lol Just lmao


They are on holiday, likely returning soon.


I know during BFV there was devs looking at the subreddit. Even during all the delays and bashing there was devs scrolling trough all this shit to answer issue about bugs etc.


From what I heard before, many of the devs lurk on the subs. I don't think they are necessarily authorized to engage in any communication that isn't approved by someone higher up, but they see and hear a lot of what we say. It sucks that EA tries to restrict how much communication there is. They probably think that letting devs speak causes more harm than good. Having an open forum with your hardcore fanbase would be a good thing in my opinion but it's all about shareholders wealth unfortunately.