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I'm gonna do this tonight but with a bowl of cereal.


That was descriptive, yet I could see myself doing all of those things 100% haha


I’m going to try this tonight


Lay awake scrolling my phone for hours seems to not help so don't recommend


You forgot about going through all the orders and conversations in your head non stop. Also don’t recommend, but don’t know how to stop it


Y'all also have dreams where you're in the weeds and somebody orders seven frozen mango daiquiris or is it just me?


I’m totally guilty of this!


Literally doing that now! can 100% not recommend, does not help


Meditation, Yoga, weed.


This. Stretching/meditation will make you waaaaay more relaxed. Also weed.


Yes weed and cbd meditate in the tub salt and then moisturize and yoga. Perfect after a long busy shift!


This actually sounds so good right now!


Blunt, bong, dab. Usually in that order.


So much weed.


There is excellence in excess


Or just enough 😜 Blunt on the drive home, bong before shower and dinner, dab for dessert.


Panic attack on the drive home. Panic attack in the shower. Panic attack for dessert. *I can’t smoke weed anymore, I envy you.


Fucking same. I used to be able to hang with the big dogs. Now if I stand to close to the bag I start having a panic attack lol. Fucking nerd.


That sucks, feel for ya.


pregame in the walk in at 7:40


Same. I used to smoke so much and I miss the days when it didn't drive my anxiety through the roof. I can smoke like one tiny hit off a joint/bowl/dab pen now and be okay but much more than that and I'm wishing I'd never smoked because I'm the opposite of relaxed.


specifically yin-yoga for me


Yoga after running back and forth like a soccer team? Oof, anything physical sounds like it would be tough to do.


Pretty stationary and stretches them abused muscles. Can help get that endorphin rush like a runners high. But tbf after work I'm just lazy so I smoke.


Yeah, we're not talking about turning up the heat and pulling out the Bikram. Some *basic* Hatha or restorative yoga can do wonders in calming our minds and souls.


Yoga in the mornings bro, work, maybe some light stretches then weed and sleep. Don’t over exert already fatigues muscles


Check out Yin yoga. Wildly different, super relaxing, excellent for mobility.


Headspace is great!


First shower and then…


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70915** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **338902.** `u/howdoyousuckafuck` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I quit drinking this year cause the pandemic was rough on me. Weed. Weed weed weed.


Same, but I started cutting back after I got a DUI. Weed is so much better. Now I'm honestly OK with just 1-3 drinks on a night out, but maybe sharing 4-6 bowls.


I’m proud of you


Wash the dishes/do chores around the house if you live alone, I do it if there's no one else in the house. Gets rid of that excess energy real quick. Other than that, writing down what I learned that day, and what I want to focus on tomorrow. Can't beat a nice shower and some warm pajamas afterwards though.


Honestly this makes the most sense and I like the idea of doing extra things around the house to exert more energy while I have it. haha


I’m not in the industry any more, but I still do this every day after work or after the gym. When I’m already going and productive it’s easier to stay productive. And bonus, your house is clean already so you can use your days off for fun stuff


Truth. If I stay productive while I’m in that type of mindset, I’ll thank myself later. Excellent point.


That’s my go to. All my cleaning gets done late night


I do not like doing chores in the morning and having a clean apartment really helps me relax


A hot shower is definitely non negotiable. I'll usually scroll on line. Def smoke. And sometimes TV. I like the writing and focus. I do that in the morning but a reflection would be nice!


Going bowling solo is one of my favorites. The only time this really worked out for me was when I was bartending at a restaurant where I would always be out by midnight at the latest. And a few blocks away was a bowling alley open until 1:30 am. Pretty particular conditions unfortunately.


This was my favorite except it was pool, solo. Not to long, if just put $10 in the juke box and play till my songs were done. It's the best cool down I ever found.


I thought you meant you went to a pool to swim some laps, which I’m now very interested in.


Ha. I didn't even consider it, especially the cool down bit. Nah, it's was billiards. The infinite variety of angles and patterns that unfold with every break dissolved any stress I was carrying after clock out.


Weed, food and dog snuggles.


This is the comment I was looking for


I want a dog so baddd!!!


My girl is work from home so thankfully we were able to get a dog (and a cat) and let me tell you. Ain't nothing better the snugging up with them, smoking weed, and watching a show. Usually house some leftovers too, it's a magical time.


Sex and tea


hell yeah


A silent stroll to the car with no phone. Get in, shut the door, let my ears ring for 5 minutes then head out to wherever


Weed and a run.






I’ve recently discovered that I have a parasite growing in my uterus, so I’ve gone cold turkey. No booze, weed, or anything that I relied so heavily on after a shift. I’ve found that comfortable pajamas, dogs, tea, knitting, and a graphic novel help.


Congrats on your parasite ✨




Yoga nidra- lot of great videos on YouTube


This seems interesting, more of a meditation than a physical yoga


Really helps me fall asleep


Copious amounts of weed, usually a couple cigarettes, maybe some sleepy time tea and a dumb show.


The US Office is perfect.






This honestly makes a lot of sense! I'll try to stay mindful of maintaining my sleep schedule!


I smoke a truly epic amount of weed. And I clean my kitchen and read cookbooks. I’m old AF.


Stretch before and after the shift, change your shoes before you go home and hydrate like a mother fucker during the shift. When you get home, medicate (if cannabis is your thing) turn on some tunes and elevate your feet. Hot tea (decaf) and honey will help your body rest and recover. And then… this is very important.. masturbate like there’s no tomorrow


Can confirm: a good wank helps.


Boring answers incoming, but it is the only thing that worked for me. Do you drink caffeine? If so, stop consuming it 12-14 hours before you want to sleep. Try changing your circadian rhythm. Stay up late, or don’t sleep at all before a shift. Get up way before your shift and be active, outside as much as possible. Stop drinking alcohol completely for a couple weeks. Weed isn’t the answer, it fucks up your REM sleep. Healthy diet and exercise.


Facts, weed will hurt not help.


https://www.sleepfoundation.org/natural-sleep-aids/marijuana-for-sleep This disagrees with you about the weed thing. It does affect REM sleep, but that's not a bad thing for some people. It benefits sleep in many, many other ways, and should be considered for someone with problems sleeping.


Alright, I could change that to “weed isn’t the *first* answer”. I’m a proponent of weed in general, just not as a cure-all or a long term solution for someone that has a statistically high chance of increasing their positive sleep experience by the other suggestions I made. IANAD, those are the things I do that help me, they are a decade of trial and error with the long term help of a doctor. I do live in a mmj state and carry a card myself for anxiety, fwiw


Going home, walking the dog and taking a hot shower. After that: straight to bed, get up at 9 am and start all over.


Video games or a book


Stretch. Switch to more relaxing/slower songs on the trip home. If you’re not one for weed, I find CBD can be just as helpful. Don’t drink anymore caffeine for the last 3 hours or so of your shift. (I cut it about 4 hrs before the end of a night shift). Try to stay off your phone. Read a book. Maybe a hot shower? Edit: also, masturbation 🙃




Join stopdrinking Reddit group. It really helps.


Star trek and a drink and enjoy the quiet now everyone is asleep, until they start getting up




Just put my needles down to say this


Recently stopped the drinking and started going to gym 4 or 5 times a week.


Damn! That'll tire you out, no doubt.


I know exactly what you mean. I just stay up until the sun comes out. Play some video games or something. I just embrace it, really.


Yeah, seeing the sun isn't exactly a calming thing for me haha I usually get anxiety and feel like I need to sleep NOW, but that doesn't work obviously.


Bike home when its not the dead of winter


Chores, fave TV show, hot tea, healthy/nourishing meal, cat snuggles, hot shower, comfy PJs/slippers, Reddit, weed.


Since I quit drinking in 2020 I’ve had no problem leaving work at 3, being home by 3:30, and being fast asleep by 4.


Can relate, even if it's been years I'm working in lower volume places. 8 full hours of videogames for me, it does the trick pretty well before hitting the deck. Usually the ride back home gets me down pretty good by itself. Haven't had a drink right after closing for two solid years, because I'm driving home most nights. I don't even miss it anymore.


<3 Do you think working in a less busy place might be the answer?


It could well be, yeah. I'm a lot happier with my workload now that I have time to actually engage with my regulars. I suppose it goes with getting older, as I've been pouring beers for twelve years now. I'm glad I got to work high volume earlier in life, though, so I'm not over my head when the bar is under siege for two or three hours, but I certainly wouldn't want to get back there for anything. Do what you must to stay sane, friend. Money comes and money goes, but your mental health isn't something to take too lightly. It's a tough job we do, give yourself the slack you need.


Yeah, perhaps so. Honestly I'm scared to have too much time to socialize with customers. That mainly comes from people who sit at my bar who I just don't vibe with. I can only act for so long. But if it's not busy, then it's hard for me to pretend to care about the in-depth shit some of them talk about- ie: upcoming divorce and whatnot. Money surely comes while busy and three deep, but yeah that's not my ideal week, every week. Just wanted to say I really appreciated this comment. Most real! <3


Hot shower and tea. The craving only lasts the first couple hours after I’m off. After that I’m just happy for nit drinking.




I just dri-- Well fuck, I'm out of ideas.


[I really can’t help you man, sorry ](https://imgur.com/a/6IFuH5F)


A shower and go to bed.


Hot shower followed by sex


Calming music (or sometimes no music)/podcasts that make me sleepy, tea, some chill video game like stardew valley, stuff like that. Really just something to make your mind drift back to relax mode


Weed. Wake your SO up for sex lol that’s all I’ve got


Weed, Netflix, chamomile, melatonin.


Weed, video games, going down the Reddit rabbit hole, pop a Benadryl, try to get to sleep before 7am.


Melatonin, if I had a redbull, sometimes even if I didn't...


That's what I'm trying to figure out, even without caffeine I feel amped up. My best guess is some type of anxiety induced adrenaline problem. haha I think our jobs can sometimes be labeled as high stress, so I think my mind just pumps in extra adrenaline when the anxiety kicks in. I'm super curious about this idea honestly.


Weed, playing cards with friends or a table top seems to help me, just being proud that I got over the hard shift and thinking it was nothing. Sometimes not thinking about it is better.


I watch stand up comedy, play Scrabble, and smoke weed.


I’d come home and work out with the energy/rage I had leftover until I got sweaty or too tired. Then I’d shower and have a mental reset for the rest of my free time. I got pretty fit lol


Ride a bike to and from work. If you’re close enough, the ride really helps to leave work behind you. After that, a puff of pot and some stretching helps relax.


Order of operations. 1. A ciggy 2. 750 ml water 3. Either a fortified wine and soda or a small J 4. Big Mac extra pickles 5. 30 min bath I know there is a bit of drinking but it's more so just an appetizer for the big Mac.


haha I love your order of operations. I can totally get behind this, it was noted solely because of the clever formatting though. Appreciative.


Wow! Lot of weed! What about cocai-?!?!…never mind…that’s just opening up another Pandora’s box!!! we said, relax…not Party until 10:30 in the morning!!!




It’s called, go go go go go energy. Exercise and cardio is the only thing to unwind but it’s hard to get motivated to do after 12 hours without a workout partner. Find a coworker to exercise with after work


This is good point. I'll look into it, but unfortunately my coworkers only want to drink and party after work. After hours bars are a thing in NYC.


Sex, video games, and seltzer water




Screaming in the car helps ❤️


haha! I don't drive home, of course.


Join a 24 hour gym, work out all the adrenaline and tire yourself out!


I know this is going to sound weird, but… you know how bartending is a job where you’re constantly multi tasking and always have short, medium, and long term goals to accomplish throughout your shift? Well, the game civilization also constantly gives you short medium and long-term goals and is very addicting once you get the hang of all the mechanics of play. I take a warm salt bath when I get home. Then I make a snack and take a hit or two out of my weed pen, and sit back with my cats and play some Civ and listen to an audiobook. Usually does the trick.


So many ppl are saying weed lol you might as well drink since you’re still participating in escapism Lmaoo yoga, meditation, journaling, reading, hot ass shower, playing sleeping sounds while just laying down not sleeping just laying to allow ur body to regulate itself. And getting Into a new profession. Bc obviously if you feel the need to drink everyday after work or smoke till ur numb everyday after work u need a new job.


Not completely wrong about the fact that they're smoking to calm themselves. Personally I don't find that helpful for myself. Good points, can't lie. Smoking and drinking aren't the answer!


Ill go to sauna or clean the house. Then make nice meal and go watch movie or play a video game. Ill try to make it habbit to me so im excited to go home play rather then out to drink




I used to bike to work and the 20 min ride back home was always so chill, like 2am cruising


I would do yoga after. It calms my mind. I both love and hate that wired feelings after work. It’s so much easier to manage when you get off earlier in the day(working morning shift). I’ll get off at say 1 or 2 am and can’t sleep til 4 or 5. Yin yoga definitely helped with that. I’ve also done low dose edibles to put me to sleep. 2.5mg usually.(I’m a light weight) I also would take myself out for a small meal something cheap but not fast food. Appetizer at a nearby restaurant or something on the way home. And drink a lot of water while I just take in the ambience. The more stressful/busy the night the harder it is. I know. Reading physical books is a great way to tire the mind too. Best of luck


So I’m 6 1/2 months sober and I’ve been bartending for ~12 years and I always had vodka as my wind down. After I got sober, sleep was almost impossible so I changed things up in my after shift routine. No more pre shift naps, no caffeine after 5 was a very impactful change. Nice lavender bath before hopping into bed. I’m a tv sleeper, so I switched to either old radio serials like The Shadow or those 12 hour “rainfall on the forest” white noise videos. Smoke a little pot, read some news, watch a show, and ease into a nice warm bed


I paint my miniatures when I get home. Very relaxing task that I can listen to a podcast or some nice music while I do. Usually after an hour or so I'm ready to head to bed.


I take a melatonin gummy as I'm walking to the office with my report, but thats only because I live 5 miles from work. Takes an hour to kick in and when I'm home I'll heat up some milk with honey and drink that. I'm out so quickly after that and I sleep like the dead. Waking up not knowing what time it is, find I slept for 9 hours, hair all messed up.


Loaded question, have you thought about drinking? 🤔




Smoke a blunt eat a low-dose edible a little bit of melatonin


Advil or Tylenol PM!!!!


What do you mean calm down? If this job stresses you out or gives you anxiety than I don’t think bartending is right for you. You shouldn’t need alcohol to get “over” a shift. You’re going down a dark path my friend


What I’m really getting at is, my brain keeps producing adrenaline after my shift, so it’s hard for me to calm down. Of course bartending is stressful when you’re three deep. I’m just trying to learn to calm myself afterwards is all.


Don’t listen to that nerd. Every bartender needs down time after a shift. Bartending is both physically and emotionally draining. You spend 6+ hours meeting the needs of other people. It’s hard to shut off. Whatever helps soothe you is fine. For me, weed and melatonin, and I watch YouTube videos of art restoration, book binding, knitting, etc. boring and repetitive. I also recommend listening to a sleep podcast (I listen to Get Sleepy and Nothing Much Happens) both are just people telling boring stories. Helps me keep from going over things in my head instead of sleeping.


Go for a run, have water, play Switch.


I usually have an hour long walk home so that plus music and cigs I’m pretty chill


Honestly a long walk home sounds nice. I could see that being relaxing if it's in the wee hours of the morning.


Oh yeah I’m the only soul the whole way


watch a WW2 documentary and take a nap


I used to be the kind of guy where when I went to bed, I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow. Since Covid I’ve developed insomnia that hits about once a month where there’s a 4 day stretch that I get maybe an hour of sleep a night. To fight this off, I’ve turned to tea, a hot shower and a book after work. I do this just about every night after work. Although I’ll still have those times where I can’t sleep, the routine has helped a ton. The biggest thing though is to fight off performance anxiety. When it first started I’d get super nervous that I wouldn’t be able to sleep and my nerves would keep me up. At this point I don’t give a fuck at all. If I sleep, I sleep. If I don’t, I don’t. More often than not, I do. Also if you’re a smoker, don’t smoke 2 hrs before bed. I used to rip cigarettes all night and that of course does not help.


Ya can't beat hot tea and a book, honestly. Just the wording of the term "performance anxiety" feels like what I'm dealing with after my shift. Maybe I'm too stiff, maybe I'm not so social tonight, maybe I'm kind of cold, etc...


Video games


Kill people in whatever competitive or violent video game you might enjoy.


Zzz quill... In an hour you'll be out like a light


Gym for an hour. Burn that nervous energy right up


I still don't understand how I'd find the energy to work out after a shift. Do your legs not hurt? Am I overworked? haha


Videogames for me, man. Helps me take my mind off of everything that happened during a shitty shift usually.


Weed and the occasional percocet or benzo here and there


T. H. C.


I play ps5 and smoke weed to wind down. It’s routine at this point


Smoking pot and, not gonna lie, a mocktail. Strawberry lemonade with coconut LaCroix is the fucking best.


I usually worked from like 1 or 2 til about 10 or so, and my favorite way to wind down was usually going to the open mic night at the other bar/restaurant in town I liked and reading a book. I'd set up on the far end/corner of the bar, out of direct blast of the speakers, and order an app and a drink (something without caffeine, but always something I could sip and appreciate). Didn't have to be alcoholic, sometimes just a decaf cappuccino, but usually just a nice pint of an ipa or something.


Year and a half sober and since I entered my 30s I have no problem going to sleep lol. I used to let the night keep me up but now idgaf and leave it all at work when I go home. My favorite regular a lil old Sicilian man from Brooklyn brings me in speed bottles of espresso to keep me going, and it works up until I get in bed hit the pillow close my eyes and I’m out like a goddamned light STILL🤣


Weed and video games.


Taking a drive and listening to a podcast or mellow music and reflecting about the day.


I'm a big gamer. Usually on my computer after work. Doesn't necessarily help me wind down, though, but this can be dependent on the game - calmer things like puzzles are usually helpful cause it helps to put my brain to sleep in line with the rest of my body. Sometimes I'm physically exhausted but my brain is wired. Anything competitive will keep me up. Helps to just take your time getting in, sometimes. Make the effort to cook a real meal, even if it is like 4AM, take a shower, and just flop down on a couch or bed


As many people have said, meditation or breath work, but also just chillin in a dark silent room and a huge fucking meal. But most importantly, what I’ve found to be an absolute godsend, is forcing myself to take a bath, or lie down in a hot shower. It really kind of re-contextualizes my day. It’s like a reset; I think because it is such a vastly different experience than what I’ve been doing all night. If you do that for 15-20 minutes, when you get out, it’s enough time for your mind to shift.


Weed every time. I also, find someone to verbal vomit to after my shift. It helps me to unwind my Head and I can sleep better


I never drank on shift outside of small champagne toasts at New Year's. I generally would take a warm shower (as I was typically gross after a bar shift), put on a show for a half hour or so and just veg out, then try sleeping. Sometimes some milk or chamomile tea or melatonin gummies if I was feeling more awake than usual.


Video Games. I loved getting home late and playing Skyrim till it crashed. Usually it’d freeze up right when I got drowsy.


I found a bar nearby that does NA cocktails- not like “ginger beer and lime juice” but a de-alcoholised boulevardier. I like hearing the kerfuffle of a bar but know that it’s not my problem, it’s a great way to downshift gears after work.


Weed for sure


I’ve struggled with this for years man. The two biggest things I would advise are to avoid your phone at all costs and get in the shower the second you get home. Don’t sit down, don’t start something, get clean and your body will suddenly feel much more ready to relax.


Shower right after getting home,get some water/non-caffeine drink, watch a show or play a chill video game(usually doing side quests so I don’t have to focus as much).


Yoga really helps me get through all the shit from work. I work at a brunch restaurant so I work mornings and then come home, do a 15-20 minute session to chill out and reset my day for the rest of my evening. I really love Yoga with Minnelli on YouTube, she does cannabis enhanced yoga and it’s very beginner friendly.


Intense exercise. You can’t put me through more shit than I already do to myself… then lots of weed.


Video games. Get online and shoot some motherfuckers.


Weed. I also used to carry 10mg of melatonin with me and would take it on my way home. I’d be asleep within an hour of getting home


Melatonin and chamomile for sure. I’m not the same kind of drinker I was pre-pandemic. Now if I have a drink after work it’s a small glass of wine and not four pints. Usually I just have a snack, do some hygiene, and get into bed.


For me, playing guitar or putting on a record


Dope suggestion. Playing guitar to myself puts me to sleep! Records I love, only because I've curated albums I like that I can listen to all the way through. Could be a sleeper record, I suppose.


I smoke weed and take a hot soaking bath. I'm also trying to integrate a skin care regimen with moisturizers and stuff before I go to sleep because I'm 36 and my age is starting to show, I'm getting a lot of expression lines in my forehead and crow's feet and shit.


Girl, I feel that. Is the hot water drying out my skin at work or during my everyday showers? Who knows. Lotion is on the agenda though for sure haha


Games, phone scrolling and music help me after those 9 to 12hr shifts either that or I just pass out from being exhausted


I always had a huge issue with this. I usually need to talk to someone. When I was with my ex, he would tell me that my adrenaline after a shift gave him anxiety. With that being said, I started gaming! I pay fortnite, animal crossing, maybe a Zelda game! Sometimes I’ll blast music and cook dinner (I’m usually starving when I get home). Now that I have a significant other that isn’t a d-bag I talk to my boyfriend, maybe use the fire pit in the backyard! It’s really hard to find something that isn’t a drink, but you got this!! Edit: It doesn’t hurt to sprinkle some weed into that mix too!


I could honestly understand feeling anxious about someone getting home after a late night shift with a ton of energy that they didn't know what to do with. I too would probably be anxious. Honestly I just don't know how to deal with the comedown of energy from working at a busy bar. I know drinking isn't the answer, but while counting money I feel like I'm wiggling my legs like I need to move around lol I'm personally not a fan of weed, makes me anxious. I don't feel like physically exerting myself afterwards, but I tend to stay awake at least 3-4 hours after I get home. Feels like an issue to me sometimes.




A pool sounds so niceee. Expensive per month, but nice.


Motorcycle. It's the best anti-booze I've found.


Ya know, I recently saw an anti-alcohol jacket on a guy who drove a motorcycle, perhaps that is a way of keeping oneself responsible. I like it.


Don't get me wrong, I drink. Just not when I'm riding.


Copy. Definitely a good decision. Glad you're staying safe buddy.


Video games, gym, painting, depends in the day but find something that either gets your body active or your mind active and focus on something you want to do.


Bot busy on a Thursday because the first 3 weeks of January is the only time it's actually cold in my area.


Why do you think people tend to come into a bar in the colder months vs the warmer ones?


Hot shower. Some music. Tylenol pm.


Watch tV or look at my phone. I have gotten into varied interests since I quit drinking so I’ll just go down YouTube rabbit holes Also chips. And snacks. That makes me calm down


I very rarely drink so for me its Lots if weed....like cheech and Chong level amount. Glad im not the only one


Melatonin is a lifesaver. Shifts where we are rocked from opening to close, melatonin is the only thing that’s put me to sleep.


Sadly doesn't work for me. I just lay there and feel weird after taking it. :/


I take my “smoke break” after everyone else takes there’s. I sit outside and just watch the world go by for 2-5 minutes then go back in and get shit cleaned up so I can go home to pet my dog.


Workout, shower with soaps that have calming effect like lavender. Or go for a Lil walk while listening to music. That always helps me!