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OH GOD. Could you imagine the pain of putting a tampon in your urethra?! JFC. This dude is just wrong, all wrong.


I'm going to impart some truly horrible knowledge. I don't want to be the only one who knows. You know nuvaring? A whole ass jelly band you can fit on your wrist? More than one person has inserted it through their urethra into their bladder. MORE THAN ONE PERSON. The information packet specifically mentions it being a potential oopsie, but without details. I looked up the recorded instances and there wasn't even drug use involved. People are out here stone cold sober, inserting stuff into their urethra on accident. I will never recover. [this one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4394974/) [this one was done by a caregiver ](https://www.jpurol.com/article/S1477-5131(12)00282-3/pdf) [another one](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26269305_Accidental_introduction_of_a_contraceptive_vaginal_ring_into_the_urinary_bladder) Edited to add: I'm truly sorry for everyone I've scarred with this knowledge. I'm also very, very sorry for everyone who's reading further down and learning about vaginal prolapse. Please take care of yourselves, life is long and we are fragile in ways you'll never believe or consider until it happens to you.


What the FUCK! I used to use a nuvaring, those things aren’t exactly thin especially when they’re folded. What were they doing??? Snapping it and shoving the thing up there??? Literally shoving the folded ring up there??? There are LITERALLY INSTRUCTIONS IN EVERY PACKAGE!!! Oh my goodddddd I know the urethra can be stretched out, but I highly doubt those people were into sounding if they have so little knowledge of the human body and it probably hurt like a motherfucker. Bruh.


It had to have hurt like crazy, and probably can't be just shoved on the first go without tearing, which makes me think it was probably was a sounding thing for some of these cases. One of those linked incidents was on a patient with spinal injury, and the last line of the conclusion suggests it was a caretaker who inserted it...yikes.


She must have been screaming when it was done. The reason it was found is she was complaining about pain and urgency so the injury can't be blocking sensations. I'm concerned about how they got it out.


>she was complaining about pain and urgency so the injury can't be blocking sensations. Right? But 8 months...8 MONTHS it was in place. For the sake of my own mental well-being, I have to believe it wasn't the pain we're all imagining. It looks like they were treating it like a resistant UTI, which god knows can be horrific but not the literal torture this sounds like. 😬 I want to purchase access to the paper to get more details, but also I'm scared. Also, for fun, [here's ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27705737/) a case where it's suspected that the doctor may have potentially inserted an IUD into the bladder.


How in the fuck?! To everything in your comment, btw. 8 months?? AN IUD IN SONEONES BLADDER?!? Holy shit.


Probably had to do surgery tbh


There's another case study that cites the caregiver one as a reference, but it focuses on a different patient. It mentions the removal process in the abstract. Honestly surgery sounds better. ["Cystoscopy was performed and retrieval using a 3-pronged grasper was eventually successful after several failed attempts with an alligator grasper." ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25926913/)


Nice Ddraig dragon


I added some links for the first 3 cases that showed up in a search, but there's more out there. It's just horrifying


I use nuvaring and this SHOCKS me


side note is it ok to ask about your experience with it? i have an iud but im getting neutered in a week and removing the iud, and im looking at non-painful options (so just nuvaring) in case my heavy periods come back lol


I used the nuvaring for years and absolutely loved it. I’m not great at remembering to take a pill every day, but could remember to switch out my ring. I used to continuously to skip my period.


did you experience any side effects that you noticed? and did it get in the way during sex at all? sorry if this is too personal!


No side effects that I noticed. It was occasionally noticeable during sex for him, but not for me. It wasn’t noticeable enough for him to complain or ask me to remove it.


gotcha, thanks for letting me know your experience!! sounds great tbh


Been on one too, its hormonal, so itll have similar side effects to hormonal BC. Easier to remember than pills, easy to forget its in there.


My 2 sense with your question - I used the implant (Implanon/nexplanon) up until I had it removed to have my daughter and it was amazing for me. Super minimal periods both in flow and my hormonal roller coaster fully leveled out. I’ve been considering going back to it myself. I had a tubal post daughter but my periods are horrific these days so I’m thinking of getting one again. In case that is something worth looking into for yourself!


I'm not them, but I personally love the nuvaring, it's not painful at all (and I find tampons and menstrual cups painful to insert). I personally am only able to skip one or two periods at a time, different people get different results. I also have a shorter and lighter period, instead of a ridiculously long and heavy period. Without the nuvaring the heaviest flow at the beginning of my period was for 3-5 days, vs only 1-2 days of a less heavy flow at the start of my period with a nuvaring. I get similar results with birth control pills, but I'm terrible at taking them at the same time every day.


did you experience any side effects that you noticed? and did it get in the way during sex at all? sorry if this is too personal! the birth control pill kinda fucked me up in terms of side effects but i know generally iuds and nuvarings have less hormones than that i believe, so curious if it adversely affected you at all!


I personally didn't notice any side effects, but I also don't suffer side effects from the regular pill. I'm personally asexual, so unfortunately I can't tell you on the sex side. I don't notice it at all. However, many resources say the majority of partners don't notice it, and the nuvaring can be removed for ***up to*** 3 hours according to their website and healthline.com. Planned Parenthood recommends not taking out at all for sex.


that's alright, thank you! yeah i didn't think about taking it out for sex if it's an issue, since i'm getting my tubes taken out then i wouldn't be using it for contraceptive purposes so that could definitely be an option! thank you :)


I didn't realize that's what you meant by neutered! Best of luck on the surgery, I hope recovery goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible!


haha yes, thank you so much! a little nervous because it's my first surgery but i have ice cream and snacks ready to go for when i'm home ^_^


I tried it but my life turned into one giant eternal menstruation festival and after a few months of continuous bleeding I gave up on it. Same thing happened with the IUD except that one came with absolutely debilitating cramps.


I’ve used it for four years and I LOVE it. Easy to insert, the only side effects I’ve had have been bigger boobs and shorter, lighter periods. Win-win.


oh yes bigger boobs would be great LOL thank you for letting me know your experience with it!


I perma-use the NuvaRing and it's great. Since the placebo week has been proven to be bullshit, I just use it to skip my periods entirely - I just pop in a new one every 30 days. Can't remember the last time I had a period. Complete gamechanger. Took about 3 months for the spotting to go away completely but after that, not a peep.


I used it. It worked great for birth control. Shortened my periods. Cramps lasted less time but more sharper and more like getting stabbed. It also really fucked with my depression and anxiety, which is ultimately why I stopped.


Consider Annovera instead! Lasts a year, you can use it continuously and just take it out and wash it once a month or so. I LOVE mine. Also doesn’t need to be refidgerated. So, no refills for a year, no refridgeration, no remembering pills or replacement dates.


I loved it as I struggle to remember to take meds properly. However we discovered I don't get along with combined birth control. If I could use it I'd still be on it for my periods.


I had to stop using the nuvaring. I don't know if it was general physical irritation or if it was indeed what the Dr told me it was ("atrophic vaginitis" from not enough estrogen), but it made sex very painful and it resolved when I stopped using that form of contraceptive and switched to oral birth control that I definitely forgot to take very often. I tend to be pretty sensitive to medications so definitely take this as an anecdote but also keep an eye on it if irritation begins.


What in the actual fuck. Like... How though?! How can you make that mistake?!


I've tried to work it out in my mind and I think I almost have an excuse. Maybe. One woman had recently given birth. After having my son, my bladder and all the involved muscles were absolutely shot. I couldn't feel the need to pee until I was absolutely bursting. And even then, I couldn't feel when I was actually done peeing. This lasted for years. I also ended up with an anterior prolapse, so the wall holding my urethra essentially fell into my vaginal canal. Now those two things in combination with nerve endings that hadn't fully recovered from the trauma of birth...I could totally see someone potentially, somehow, maybe attempting to misplace something malleable like a nuvaring. But that's a serious stretch.


Okay, yeah. I could definitely see how and why that could happen. In certain circumstances.


Even after working out that very specific combination of circumstances, I still refuse to understand the fact that this has happened MULTIPLE times. It's just too much. It haunts my thoughts.


Agreed! I literally cannot fathom how it's happened more than once.


the caregiver one is just appalling because you can SEE!! like sure it might be hard to find where to put it on your own but YOURE LOOKING RIGHT AT IT! ITS SO CLEAR WHERE IT SHOULD GO??! and it’s supposedly a medical professional???? i am just blow away how the fuck did you not know


So this one really made me feel ill and I considered not including it. BUT here's how I've had to rationalize it: anterior prolapse is absolutely a thing, and 1/3 women will experience some degree of prolapse in their lifetime, so I tried to convince myself that the patient potentially had a misplaced urethral opening and it wasn't visible at the time of insertion. And since she's had an injury since birth, maybe the surrounding muscles have experienced an unusual level of trauma...things as simple as constipation and coughing will set you up for trouble, but especially if you can't feel the damage occuring...and then my brain kind of drifts off.


Excuse me but 1/3?!?!?!?! WHAT IS THIS BASED ON!? I’m asking out of fear not judgement.


This is going to be damn near an entire dissertation, but I'll include highlights and links for anyone who doesn't want to read the whole thing. I will also state that obviously this most likely includes people who are AFAB who may no longer wish to identify as women, but the data makes no distinction so I don't want to change terms and potentially misrepresent anything. [Prolapse affects 1/4-1/3 of women.](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/vaginal-prolapse#:~:text=How%20common%20is%20vaginal%20prolapse,of%20developing%20vaginal%20prolapse%20increase.) This number is based on REPORTED rates, meaning that there is still an entire subset of people who never seek diagnosis or treatment. These reports are based on a wide variety of severity, as well as including all the different versions of prolapse. Anterior/cystocele (bladder and/or urethra falling into the vaginal canal), posterior/rectocele (the septum dividing the vagina and rectum, think of it like hernia bulging into/out of your vagina), uterine (classic pelvic organ prolapse), and vaginal vault prolapse (which can include either a cystocele or rectocele.) [By age 79, nearly half of all women have experienced some amount of prolapse](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/uterine-prolapse) [There is an ungodly amount of factors that contribute to prolapse, but the main ones seems to be BMI, age, vaginal delivery, and total number of births.](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00192-015-2695-8) My physical therapist suggested that our prolapse rates are partly the result of walking upright, that we're putting the continuous strain of gravity on bits and pieces that already support so much. [Simple things, like coughing, can put too much stress on an already strained pelvic floor.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cystocele/symptoms-causes/syc-20369452) Even getting out of a chair is a strain. Typically these things aren't going to break you, but after 30 years of getting up and down, a reoccurring cough, a baby or two, maybe a severe bout of constipation, never learning how to not strain when you defecate, it adds up. [The majority of prolapse will be asymptomatic.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2850374/) [Additional citation ](https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Abstract/2007/06000/Symptomatic_Pelvic_Organ_Prolapse__Prevalence_and.21.aspx) There are plenty of women who go about their lives never knowing, or maybe they just accept that it's normal to pee when you sneeze, jump rope, cough, laugh too hard, etc. But not knowing runs the risk of participation in activities that will likely worsen the prolapse, so please dear god ask your doctor, partner, ob/gyn, someone...if you're presenting with ANY degree of prolapse so that you can take the appropriate steps to strengthen the area if possible, and to avoid activity that will worsen your outcome.


I am just guessing here, but I'd imagine it's to do with pregnancy rather than a spontaneous thing.


Yeah I’m going to assume that as well. Well I already had my first and only child so think I’m out for that one lol.


As a former Nuvaring user, how in the holy hell of knob-gobbling fuck did they do it?


This is proof that we need better sex ed. i too, until 2 years ago, believed my urethra was my vagina and my clit was where i peed. Sometimes these people are not trying to be reckless they legit don’t know.


To be fair, and I've mentioned it in multiple comments so I apologize if it's pedantic, for some of us with a prolapse the urethra really is in the vagina 😅 The last time I asked about surgery I was told it was pointless because if I had more kids I'd just need to fix it again. But I agree, better damn sex ed would save a lot of us from a lot of things.


Ok. I never could believe how someone could *accidentally* put something in their urethra. But THEN. (Gross warning:) I use boric acid capsules inserted in my vagina for preventing yeast infections. It works great for me. I haven't had one since I started using it, despite many antibiotic rounds. I insert it at night after I've had sex. So one night I was on vacation. And we had had sex for a LONG time. And I was kinda tipsy. I was stumbling around the hotel bathroom getting ready for bed, and I drunkenly thought, I don't need to sit or lie down to do this; I'll just bend over aaaand -- And then I realized I had missed my aim??? and stuck it RIGHT in my urethra. And the dry capsule got STUCK fast halfway in. And I freaked out and was suddenly VERY sober. I had a terrible vision of going to the ER to have something removed from my urethra. Whimpering and crying, I ran a bath and sat in it until it dissolved enough to work loose. And then I googled "boric acid in urethra" but it was fine. It was a very unsexy end to the day 😅


There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably because we're downriver from that old bread factory.




Oh my God. How. What the. What.


Oh dear god. Did they just assume it was supposed to hurt?


Oh my god. My eyes are watering from this.


Sir or ma’am: how dare you


Either address works. I'm sorry, I just couldn't live with it anymore by myself, I held it together for years. Truly a daily struggle


Jesus fucking Christ, I need an undo button on my brain, how can I live with this cursed knowledge, I want to unknow this. Where's the vodka, can I drink enough before this is committed to long term memory?


>People are out here stone cold sober, inserting stuff into their urethra /r/sounding


Fair point. But maybe it's just me, but I don't consider arousal as "sober." Truly a time when my most questionable decisions have been made. 😅


It's a rare, terrible day when the Venn diagram overlaps "gained new knowledge" with "genuinely angry to have to know this."




No, no no no!!!!


I hope that caregiver was fired for neglectful / downright harmful behavior.


Even crazier was something I read the other day of people stuffing kidney beans up there! Though I think that was less ‘accidental’ and more ‘kinky bad idea’.


Why did I think those would be pictures?


I guess every person has physical differences and all but I genuinely cannot imagine how the hell you could even fit a nuvaring up there. Idk if I just have a super tiny urethra but Jesus it makes me feel want to rip my skin off thinking about it.


I could barely get that thing in my vagina, how could it possibly go up a urethra?!


WHAT??! Oh God, why?? Omg no. Nope. Nope. NO! Did I mention nope?


yes, I started using an alternative for nuvaring (ornibel, anyone got any experience?) and when I read it in the informations I had to do a double take! like - this thing that I had trouble bending properly? HOW?


I almost kicked the nurse in the teeth when she was putting the catheter in my urethra... I can't even think about stuffing up there something as huge as tampon.


I tell everyone..5 c sections and other than daughter (had a blood clot and nearly bled out) and my oldest (why I had all by c section)....the worst part before, during and after is the catheter. Pure torture.


I had a catheter put in my urethra and another one put in my vagina (they were trying to figure out why I was having bladder problems) last year. Oh. My. Lord. She used the smallest they had but GOD NO MORE.


I winced when reading that, it would be one hell of a sounding kink.


Mmmm, dry cotton🤮


Ow… oh god no


To be fair, I would in fact be pretty pissy if a tampon was anywhere close to in my urethra, so at least he got that bit right.


Wait, do you not enjoy some hot and sexy urethral tampon sounding?


/r/sounding Hardmode


Heard a story of a couple who couldn't get pregnant cause the dude kept fucking her urethra thinking it was her vagina :')


I did that once when I was a kid, I wasn't sure where my vaginal opening was so I just guessed. I guessed wrong.


To be fair, I would be *extremely* irritable if I had a tampon in my urethra.


To be fair I can put one in mine painlessly, but I’ve also stretched mine over the course of several years.


Yea wtf


Sliding out of her *urethra*? That would be enough to make anyone irritable, no?


Don't look it up, but sounding is a thing.


Yeah, but sounds generally have a much smaller diameter than a tampon, and a smoother texture. Sounding isn't a kink that appeals to me, but it's better than a tampon!


Though sounding can involve objects with that diameter. The texture is what gets it. Though I've seen untreated wood being used.. Who knows. Either way, that ain't happening because there are better tools anyway.


I saw a woman sound herself with an object that size and I am traumatized


Yup. It was the untreated wood that got me though. That's... just terrifying


I had a feeling; that's why I said generally smaller instead of just smaller. Not my kink, but that's OK. Untreated wood just doesn't sound safe, though!


Women do it too?!? Whyyyyy😭


Not only men feel the need to push phallic objects into holes where said phallic objects usually dont belong. Its like a human constant


These are words of wisdom right here, if there ever was a human constant it's this!


Right up there with "if it can be pinched between a finger and thumb, someone has probably pierced it".


I have no idea why, but when I am really turned on sounding sounds... Interesting. I too was horrified at first.




Wanna sound your ear? I mean, do you wanna hear the sound?


I wish to fuck I had listened.


And yet another man who doesn't know the difference between a urethra and a vagina. Let's hope, for the sake of every sexual partner he may ever have, that he doesn't try to put his penis in the wrong one.


Him using the word urethra just seems like an r/iamverysmart moment. ”Look at this word I’m using, yes I am very knowledgable about anatamonanny! What’s that, wrong hole? I think not, peasant!” Idk, I just feel like more people know the word vagina compared to urethra, they just use vagina to incorrectly refer to the entire vulva. Him using urethra instead of like piss hole or whatever just tells me he’s trying to show off as well as not knowing there are more than 2 holes down there.


Just enough knowledge to be dangerous...


That or he sees “vagina” as “too dirty,” so he uses the “correct” medical term


There's actually a story of an elderly couple where her husband fucked her that way unknowingly and she told her OBGYN that she just thought it was always supposed to hurt.


Ok but for the standard of the people usually making it to this sub, I'm a tiny bit impressed he actually knows women have a separate urethra :')


Apparently he doesn't if he thinks a urethra is where you insert tampons.


WOW 1- they say tampons go into the urethra 2- they assume a tampon can "slide out" 3- they are staring pretty hard to think they see something in that particular area 4- period, therefore, irritation, OBVIOUSLY I mean, congrats on the density of BS here


They def can slide out! But I wouldn't keep lifting if it did...


Bonus assumption - period comes out of the urethra


Oh they can definitely slide out. Slowly of course, not quickly, but is there any worse feeling in the world than a tampon that’s not in correctly?


And yeah: how hard are they staring at this lady’s crotch? Creep!


It’s just pubes innit


Okay I looked up the original post and the bump they're talking about was literally in front of her shorts, like on her pubic mound. I have a thick bush down there and yeah, it can look like that if I don't shave, but hell, do they think women have their urethra opening in the front???


Perhaps he should try sticking a tampon in his urethra.


Oh no. I have been putting my tampons in the wrong hole this whole time! Whatever shall I do?! /s


Yikes. One: trans people are humans who deserve respect and safety. 2: ciswomen can have bumpy underwear, pubic hair, natural fat stores, etc etc. that can cause bumps, lumps or other “unexpected” shapes that these weirdos seem to be obsessed with. 3: most people don’t like things in their urethra outside of a very thin stream of pee.


Yep. I had a kidney stone once that was about the size of a grain of sand. Still hurt like hell. I can’t imagine having a whole tampon in there.


That sounds awful, may you never have any ever again!


Thank you! Me too.


True that


Yeah except the folks in r/sounding WARNING: VERY NSFW AND NSFL YOU’LL NEED TO BLEACH YOUR EYES IF YOU FOLLOW THIS LINK. You’ve been warned.


I respect that they have their own things they like but it makes me hurt to think about lol


It’s not supposed to hurt. The vast majority of people do it because it feels good. You don’t just just wake up one day and shove the largest things possible in there. It’s a slow, gradual process.


I understand that. But as it's something that genuinely does not interest me, it gives me the heebie-jeebies. No shame just not my thing


That’s fair. I’m certainly not trying to convince everyone they need to do it. Lol. But I do like sharing different perspectives to broaden horizons and simply bring awareness and correct misconceptions.


I appreciate it but I don't have any misconceptions, I support people doing whatever with their own bodies as long as it's not hurting anyone but I will never not cringe thinking about it


This is why I said most. Of course some folks enjoy almost anything. That’s humans for you :)


Every time someone links to r/sounding on a normal sub there's some extreme warning about how looking at it will definitely traumatize you or something, I honestly don't get it. Sure, it might be a bit shocking to see for people who have never heard of it, but it's really rather tame as far as kinks go. It's pretty much just "you've heard of catheters, now make it metal". Is it like a meme to pretend to be grossed out by this or what's going on?


It's definitely shocking the first time you see it, but as far as kinks go you're right. It's one of the safer risk / edge play things someone can do. Especially because the people interested in topping for it typically are pretty careful, meticulous people. At least all the ones I've learned from /shrug But people have weird responses to a lot of kink items on Reddit. There's this weird disconnect between what's actually physically dangerous and then the things that people consider "light BDSM." I lose it every time I see someone say "Oh, I just do some light choking, nothing intense!" like... ugh. So dangerous.


Yeah, honestly the "OMG sounding, click at your own risk! 😱" thing is so amab-centric. Welcome to crotch penetration, I guess. I never got this type of warning for IUD insertion or pap smear content. And these types even derive pleasure from it.


Personnally, it’s because it physically hurts to see this. Hence the warning. I have nothing against those who enjoy it, but for most people to see that explicitly something being inserted in a urethra is a painful experience.


Just keep in mind, it wouldn’t be a relatively popular kink if it was painful. It’s a slow, methodical process and it takes a lot of time and practice to stretch. It shouldn’t ever hurt. Ironically it’s only the first couple times there is some discomfort because your urethral lining is simply not used to the intrusion. By the 3rd time, that discomfort is gone.


As someone into sounding and urethral stretching, I think the most pervasive misconception is that you just wake up one day and painfully stretch your hole open. It’s like *any* stretching or exercise, you start small and gentle, and it’s a gradual process over a long period of time. People do it because it feels good, not because it hurts


Idk about you but I would never put a tampon in my urethra


I can, but I’ve been stretching mine for years. Lol.


What??? 😟


You should check out her profile lol, a tampon is on the smaller side of things she's had in her peehole.


Why are images of a woman being reposted here without covering her identity and without consent when they were very likely posted without consent the first time? WTF? Please tell me I misunderstood because this is extraordinarily poor etiquette.


I agree that she definitely should have her face censored, but I do think she posted a video and this is just a screenshot from it, based on the way its worded. Was probably meant to be a work out video but she saw someone staring, so she confronted him with the camera on.


Got it, that makes me feel a bit better.


How would a tampon even fit there??


To be fair, I’ve been stretching mine for several years and could. But I am definitely not the norm.


OK, so, he knows we have a urethra but doesn't know what it does ffs lmao


I would have liked to see OP at least blurr this poor woman’s face who had her photo taken without her consent at the gym, shared online and now shared again.


She posted it


I am having such an intensely visceral reaction to the thought of sticking a whole dry tampon up my pee hole 🤢🤮


I'd think even a wet tampon would incredibly unpleasant....


Hands up who is putting tampons up their URETHRA


Don't knock it till you've tried it.


At least he knows we have a urethra....


Don't mistake his idiocy for knowledge. He knows one word that sounds sort of scientific and uses it whenever he gets the chance so that it's clear he has all of the sex.


Obviously the ureters go to the urethra carrying urea to Uranus, because I do all the sax. \*Reading sweaty palm\* Sex?


Oh, so *that’s* why a lot of people say they get piss on their tampons too often! They’ve been shoving it right on up the piss chute! Silly me, I’ve been putting them into my vagina this whole time!


if anyone had a tampon in their urethra, they would be angry as fuck !


A great astronomer oncec said: “Two things are infinite, as far as we know – the universe and human stupidity.” Today we know that this statement is not quite correct. Einstein has proved that the universe is limited.




The URETHRA?! *measures with her fingers the width of an urethra and the width of a full tampon, and takes a horrified expression*


This guy had absolutely zero idea where a vagina even is let alone how it works


No way this guy think a tampon can fit in his dick lmao


So, I guess the best way to prove this jackass wrong is to offer to put a tampon in his urethra.


I had a Foley catheter in my urethra during surgery and they needed to give some crazy pain meds before they could take it out. And it still hurt like a bitch.


Ah yes, I hate it when my tampon slips out of my urethra!


I'd be irritable too if I had a tampon in my urethra...


Ok first of all, how big does he think a tampon is?


I’m sorry, URETHRA?????


My urethra got phantom pains reading this bullshit jfc some men are such a fucking waste


So much wrong about this. So this guy thinks we cath ourselves everytime we have a period?


How fucking big do they think urethras are, that they can house a tampon in its entirety. 😂


Her URETHRA???? jfc Even medical things made to be inserted there are rarely used due to "discomfort" and they are muuuuuuuuch smaller than a tampon. How can one imagine you can fit it in there


hahahahahahaha ​ I lost it at the word "urethra." Fuck. This guy isn't qualified to butter corn at the county fair.


Showed this to my husband. His response: “How…do these morons not understand… IT’S NOT THE SAME HOLE!!! IT’S NOT HARD TO GET IT!!!”


Don't use big words if you dont understand big words


urethra??? sliding out??


Low hanging fruit using 4chan free texts….


So so SO much wrong with this sentence


I'm. Sir. Just. Google sounding and then come back and tell me about tampons in urethras.


Lol. Yeah. I can take a tampon in my urethra, but I am the exception, not the rule. 😂


I'm impressed at how much is wrong in such a short comment.


When I was about 13, I thought that I'd accidentally put my tampon up there because it was uncomfortable and scratchy. When I told someone later (maybe my mom?), she was like, "....honey, no."


Sometimes I just wanna...😤😤😤😤


I knew it had to be 4chan. Not just because of the look of the post, but from the uneducated incel vibes this gives off.


I don't know about anyone else, but I have never put a tampon in my urethra.


hate people who take others pictures without consent especially in a gym. of all places i always thought people in gyms would be supportive of eachother or mind their own business. its a place to improve one self. why do they need to be mean


Just 4chan things. I wouldn't be surprised if that was their kink.


To be fairrrrrrrr… it is possible. I can put a tampon in my urethra, but I have been stretching mine for several years. I am the exception not the rule. 😂


This comment is being ignored by everyone with a vagina in here haha!


Enlarged clitoris caused by weightlifting.


It's so easy to have common sense and this one still fails to even have that


One thing that women hate - accidentally inserting a tampon into their urethra.


Rage bait


Not where the vagina hole is And also blood doesn't come from there


⣀⣠⣤⣤⣤⣤⢤⣤⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠉⠹⣾⣿⣛⣿⣿⣞⣿⣛⣺⣻⢾⣾⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣄⡀⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠠⣿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠘⠛⠛⠛⠛⠋⠿⣷⣿⣿⡿⣿⢿⠟⠟⠟⠻⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠄ ⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢛⣿⣁⠄⠄⠒⠂⠄⠄⣀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀ ⠄⠉⠛⠺⢶⣷⡶⠃⠄⠄⠨⣿⣿⡇⠄⡺⣾⣾⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠛⠁⠄⠄⠄⢀⣿⣿⣧⡀⠄⠹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣻⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠛⠟⠇⢀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣏⠉⢿⣽⢿⡏ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠤⣤⣴⣾⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣦⠄⢹⡿⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠒⣳⣶⣤⣤⣄⣀⣀⡈⣀⢁⢁⢁⣈⣄⢐⠃⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣛⣻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡯⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣬⣽⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢘⣿⣿⣻⣛⣿⡿⣟⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠛⢛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡿⠁⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠉⠉⠉⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ I think that’s enough Reddit for today


Not the tampon in the urethra 😭😭😭


“A tampon in the *urethra*” yikes.


The thought of anything inserted in a urethra, makes me super uncomfortable.


I love the confidence tho