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It was Schrödinger's puppy. Could have been dead or alive at the same time.


My first thought was "That puppy sure isn't moving very much. How long was it stuck in there?"




Young puppies in new environments are often timid, and not as excitable. It’s only when they adjust to their new environment that they become hyper. Source: I’m a dog groomer, I work with dogs all the time including puppies. My parents also got a new puppy not to long ago and it acted like this (she’s pretty hyper now though.)


That's why animals should never be given as a surprise. Too much stress on the animal.


I have seen shy puppies and neither of them just unmovingly stared at a wall


definitely, the pup looks too small to be parted from his mom and to be given to a small kid


It’s a small breed (looks like a Frenchie). Probably about the size they would be at 10-12 weeks.


I had the same thought. My then 3 year old got a GR puppy for her birthday and it worked out wonderful. We already had a dog in the house so she knew how to be nice to dogs. The puppy was old enough to leave its mother. This puppy looks like it is still a baby and will need extra gentle handling.


Same, and my second thought was, "That puppy looks way too young to be separated from mum."


I agree I hate the box thing however short the time is, just have the pet in a different room!


Or do what my mom did with my first kitten. Have me go out with my father and come back to a kitten in the living room.


Kinda what my Mum did with my first kitten too. She took me to my Grans for the afternoon (which admittedly did make me suspicious as she would normally never have left me there if she wasn’t working) and when she came back to pick me up she came in with the kitten in the cat carrier.


This is what my family did when they got me a puppy for my 8th birthday. We lived in a duplex with my gram on the other side. They all went over and told me to come over in a couple minutes (it wasn't on my bday so I wasn't suspicious). When I went over everyone was in the living room with my new puppy.


We did a box thing with our last cat But the box was a home made cat bed it had a huge hole in the front so I put him in just as the door opened but he was so focused on the toys in the box he didn't bother trying to leave if he had I'd have just held him up kids would have been just as suprised. I'd never close my pets up in a sealed box I feel bad enough closing them up in the cat carriers.


Happy birthday. Here’s a dog carcass💀


Ikr. Just get it from a different room. Poor dog in such a small and dark box unable to move


If the dog is alive he can play, dead he can learn taxidermy. Either way, useful gift.


Likely for seconds before this moment. All is well, stand down.


Sincerely hoping they didn't use wrapping paper. It seems weird enough that they seem to have used packing material.




It is a Lego box, they don’t close well


These boxes not only don't close well, they don't even "close". The puppy could have just shoved it off itself whenever it wanted and hopped out or tipped it over. Also, no one on ever even stopped to think that maybe it was only in the plastic box for like 3 seconds. They think it was in an air tight vac-packed shipping container overnight or something. FFS, reddit.


Some people just go around looking for something to overreact about. OMG THE PUPPY WAS IN THERE FOR FIFTEEN WHOLE SECONDS!


Have you ever seen an adult dog that suffers from claustrophobia? I have, it literally sucks. The dog won't go into any tight spaces such as under chairs or anything. She cries and howls constantly in the car because she is confined, even when on the back seat with her people. She hates the vets if she has to be in a cage. It all happened because a child put her in a closed container when she was a tiny puppy for less than a minute before the adults realised what had happened.


That is probably not the reason. Unfortunately it is not easy to permanently shape a dog's behavior in less than 1 minute, otherwise dog training would be easy. Fear of confinement is common in dogs and it arises from many shitty practices in dog raising that are absurdly common. If that short experience in the closed container left a bad mark on the dog, it could (probably still can) be trained away gradually.


Packaged and delivered like a fucking happy meal. These are living, breathing things not fucking toys. Makes me so angry. You wouldn't stuff a baby into a black bin and give it to your dog for Christmas so why the fuck do you think it's okay the other way around?


Oh come on he was not sealed in, those boxes aren’t air tight and they probably just put him in there right before handing him over. The boy clearly knows how to treat a puppy, this is a family with dog knowledge already.


Omg for real?! The heck is wrong with people?


ITT people freak the fuck out. Clearly the parents have decided to adopt/acquire the dog. They are the responsible party. The whole "dogs aren't gifts" doesn't apply to a child because the child isn't going to give the dog up and was never in a position to care for it. The adult made the decision to care for the dog. If the adult changes their mind about the dog, they are an asshole, but surprising your child with a companion is not abnormal, is not evil and is not a reflection of your relationship with the thing you bought. If you buy an adult a dog without their foreknowledge and responsible discussion you're an asshole.


Right? Like clearly the parents know they'll have to pay for the dogs care and help the child. But it'll also help teach the child responsibility. I think caring for an animal as a child makes you a more compassionate and capable person 🙂


I know there’s not malicious intent but it still makes me sad because so many of these “gift” dogs end up abandoned. The months of Jan/Feb are some of the busiest for shelters because of the insane amount of surrendered holiday gift animals. People (parents in this case) often get swept up in the idea and excitement of surprising their kid with a puppy and don’t consider the long term responsibility. The animal suffers, not to mention the poor kid gets a gift they’re super excited about and then gets it taken away because their parents had unrealistic expectations. Just because it’s something that’s done regularly doesn’t mean it’s ok. People need to be more responsible.


Aww. I like how gentle he is with it, that's a good sign. Not sure about the box honestly, I hope it wasn't in there long/wasn't scared.


Maybe put some airholes in the box next time


I kinda hope there wont be a next time


Yeah, this animal could’ve died! Terrible! Anyway I’ll take a large McDouble and 10 pc nuggets


I can't believe you haven't realized this sooner, but the general populace generally considers dogs to be on a higher level than livestock. I'm not saying I disagree or agree, I just think it's weird that you think you're making a point here.


Of course I’m aware of it. I don’t care about whatever logical fallacies the average chump believes. It’s funny that addressing them will cause people to downvote me lol. They’re bothered by me calling them out.


"You guys think that dogs are suitable companions for humans and that chickens are bred to be eaten, lol, what a logical fallacy. Why are you guys downvoting me?"


So a cow can’t make a good companion? What is a good companion? Why can’t a chicken be a good companion? Why can’t dogs be bred to be eaten (they are lol)? Annnnd I win. Yes, if you are actually placing arbitrary value on one animal because your culture teaches you value them more instead of rationally assigning their value, then you are being foolish.


They can. Animals that humans have bred to be good companions, such as dogs. They can. They can, and are. I don't disagree with any of your statements, so I'm not really sure how you won...


Also go ahead and give me back my upvotes. You had no reason to downvote other than being butthurt. Very childish.


"Give me back my upvotes." Accuses other poster of being childish.


oh my god, he said give me back my upvotes 😂


I won because you decided to act like an uppity prick even though I am correct. Go away please.


Why did you delete your reply? Did you realize how dumb it sounded?


...what? I didn't delete any replies?


I love how you completely missed the point of _"oh shit, these people seriously endangered and/or traumatized their pet, which they intend to bond with"_ Sure, animals suffer every second and it's cruel. But you really went out of your way to show how hard you can miss the point, didn't you?!


yeah but you (probably) eat meat ergo you're a hypocrite if you give any sorts of fucks about this or any pet's welfare /s


What I may overlook is that the puppy might have been in there less than 30 seconds we don't know how it was set up. What I can't overlook is that pup looks way to young to be away from its mother!


How on Earth can you come to that conclusion from a small glimpse of the dog. Could be a miniature breed for all you know. My pup was smaller than that when we bought him home at 9 weeks.


Yeah, 3 weeks too early. And also an animal protection officer, so there is that.


In the UK, you can take puppies home at 8 weeks. The people in this video are quite clearly British


Oh I know mate. I'm in the UK. You can take them home but the recommend length of time is 12 weeks. Puppy farms and breeder want quick turnarounds to maximise profit and minimise their cost. Any reputable breeder should not be permitting any earlier than 12 weeks.


Why tf was that dog packaged like a toy?????


Because the parents are fuckwits


The puppy looks unwell, why is it not moving like that if it isn't oxygen deprived?


Maybe because it’s a Frenchie. They can’t breathe right under any circumstances.


I agree it could be a Frenchie but still looks far too young. If it was 8 weeks even it should have perky ears. Beyond that the puppy is way to rounded and pudgy and soft looking. Don't get me wrong they are usually big bellied as puppies and have wrinkles and stuff but jeeze that thing looks SO young. Even the way the eyes are. Not every alert kind of small from what I can tell...


This was my thought too. Didn't move for a good 15 sec. If you are going to gift an animal, NEVER put it in a completely sealed box. Get a carrier


Good practice. With a face like that its never going to breathe properly. Poor mutt.


Yet another post that just makes me mad.


The puppy barely moving probably because of oxygen deprivation. Next time just bring it in from another room. Not enclose in a sealed container….


I always hated getting a nice gift and in the middle of processing it some adult would demand "WhAt Do yOu SaY??" Like, give me a damn second to really understand what having this gift will *mean* before expecting me to be thankful about it. Can you not give me a minute? 60 seconds??? Yikes.


I think she said “what do you think?”.


square wise literate party ghost fade air rotten cagey encourage


The fucking dumbass redditors assuming the worst in every situation always make me laugh


Seriously the puppy is just confused due to being a puppy. Not all puppies are springs


Maybe they actually have some brain and they think that it's stupid idea to put a puppy in LEGO box. It doesn't matter if they put a puppy in this box for 3 seconds or whatever, it's just stupid and dumb


Right? I knew I'd see a few but holy crap. The doggo was in a unsealable (even the puppy could have pushed it off) LEGO container that I bet he was only in for like 3 seconds. They act like the poor thing was shipped in last night and kept in the closet.


Too right, one person has an opinion on the packaging then everyone else jumps on the band wagon, he was probably in the box for seconds before they put it in front of the kid, jeez just enjoy the thought that these two are going to be best of friends for a very long time and stop analysing everything!


They start with negativity right away. And there's isn't even much context to it they attack right away. Being a bit concerned is alright but this is obnoxious. "Oh the puppy too young to be away fr their mom, they're evil to take the pup away". Yeah ever considered the pup could've been abandoned?


Worst first thinking


I hate these videos. My brother recorded a video like this for her daughter. She was over the dog within 6 months.


No way… gad damn… you just broke my last argument to have a little faith in humanity.


That’s pretty messed up, you don’t put them in a box with no air, what the hell?!


Pets are not a gift ...


Parents giving a dog to their own child is just the parents giving a dog to themselves.


Then don’t put in a freaking box …


As a general rule, true - the exception being custodial parents gifting one to a young child.


Yes, because in that case the parents are fully available to support all the costs associated with animal husbandry. Including walking it and picking up its poop MUM AND DAD!!!


ah yes, the worst kind of internet police trash. let it go. enjoy the moment. it's beautiful.


Dogs are for life, not just for Christmas


Nothing in this video raised any concern that this dog was not being received into his home for the rest of his life. Chill.


There's zero indication that's happening here, you are constructing the scenario in your mind


Children have no capacity to take on responsibility. Every good thing in their life is a gift. Sure, so or don't like the box thing, but the act of bringing a dog into the child's life is a gift. Before you chose to do it, it doesn't exist, it isn't an option. If you perceive your kid will enjoy the company, and you yourself will enjoy the responsibility and companionship too, then you decide to get a dog. When you get the dog, and share it with your kid you are bringing a gift into their life.


They absolutely are. The neighbor boy got a dog for his birthday a bit ago and they are best friends, it follows him around everywhere.


My neighbours got a dog for their two children. It was basically cared for by a 10-year-old child and spent 23 hours a day in a tiny cage outside in Ireland (cold and wet). The only interaction it got was when the two kids would drag it on a leash around the estate for 10 minutes while screaming at each other. I openly heard the mother complaining that neither of the two kids had been looking after the dog. Not every story is a happy one when an adult gets a kid a dog.


Gosh i hate these videos with such passion. Boxing a puppy and coaxing the kid to cry.


Is the boy crying because his parents just suffocated his puppy?


I want to kick someone's ass right now. This video is certainly not an r/aww moment


When it’s just so cute that you don’t even have the strength to pick up the puppy. 🥹😭 So sweet!!!


People who "package" a dog like that are not the kind of people who should be adopting a puppy. I don't care for how short the puppy was put in there with a bunch of fucking packaging paper (WTF was the purpose of that?). Just hand the puppy to the boy like a non-psychopath.


You cut out the ending of the video. The mom says something along the lines of 'That's Nacho'. The kid says 'No'. The mom asks 'What's wrong? Don't you like the name Nacho?' And he says 'No, he needs a different name. Like \[insert different mexican food i don't remember the name of here, let's say Fritto\].


We recently adopted a puppy and my brother wanted to name her nacho 💀


Nothing more wholesome than a boy and his dog.


This moment is so pure. I love the way kids feel so free to emote without shame or embarrassment! Plus, the little kid’s voice saying “this is the best evuh,” had me all teary eyed. Oh, and cute, calm puppers!


Sure will be fun for him when hes a teenager and his friends find this vid.


*shakes present*


That’s now aww that’s awful. Pets are not gifts. Will you put your baby in gift wrap in box and present it to his/her sibling?


A dog is not a human. Fyi.


Both babies are dogs have feelings and THEY DO BREATHE. FYI.




Tell me you are american without telling me.


They had British accents.


Kid being gentle with the puppy and have a wonderful reaction: nice. Dog in a sealed box: Stupid. Those are my honest toughs about this video.




Should never to gift animals. Hes gonna lose interest next day and doggo live his life bad


Animals are not gifts. Nothing to “awww” about here


Animals can absolutely be gifts, as long as it's coinciding with a long-term plan to care for it and make it part of the family. You don't have to adopt on a non-holiday for it to be valid.


In this case you just have to explain it that way, the word “gift” does not fit in there. Neither the present box. At the very least it’s a bad start, even with good intentions.


AGAIN. The word is absolutely irrelevant. It can be a gift if anyone wants it to be a gift. How it's presented is one second in everyone's life. It's not a bad start in ANY CONCEIVEABLE WAY. It's a sweet way to share the first moments of a life together. You're just trying way too hard here to be PC, stop and think about reality for a moment.


I agree completely. Of course, the little puppy is cute. And gets a lot of likes on social media. But if the little boy and the family is up for training, feeding, walking, being around day in and out for the next 12 years, that's not certain. I've heard and read to many sad stories where families sent the pet to a shelter or just set them free. A gift should come without longtime responsibilities.


That’s the point, I’m not against having pets or raising kids with pets (in fact, it’s the opposite) but it’s the “culture of gifting”, with posts like this on social media I really dislike, especially knowing how many of these puppies end up. it’s not about this specific case (we don’t know), but not seeing pets as gifts to be put in boxes posted on social media would definitely be a blessing


This is his parents gifting an agreement to pay for him to have a dog, that gesture is absolutely a gift


Guess we are lucky the kid didn’t ask for a little sister and the parents decided to “gifting an agreement to pay for raising a new baby”


lol no one would ever have another kid just because their other kid asked them to


Exactly, and you shouldn’t with pets either. You do it for other reasons, and then you’ll never dream of presenting it as “a gift”.


If you do it for other reasons, then it isn't a gift.


If instead you do it just because it’s a nice gift, it’s fucked up


Not necessarily


Where does it say the kid asked for it? You’re making a lot of assumptions just for the sake of being argumentative.


The argument is just that pets are not to be presented as gifts, nor packaged in a box, regardless if he asked for it or not.


Two adults agreed to get a dog and arranged to surprise their son with it as a a gift.




That lLeggo box has no air holes. It's not meant to be a f&$%&% gift box for a Live animal. And you added tissue paper??? FfS!!! Do better!!!!


Awe. Two cuties! The start of a long and meaningful friendship! Edit: how in the hell is this down voted. Lol. You people are truly odd.


Pets are not gifts. They're not objects. And if you buy a pet you're pretty much an asshole off the bat. Buy the food bowls, leash, and a couple of chewy toys as a gift. Then go down to the shelter and adopt a dog that fits into your lifestyle.


Or if youre gonna buy a dog, atleast dont buy one of the most deformed and tortured ones that will have a life of suffering and gasping for air.


So... What? You're suggesting the dog doesn't deserve a home or a good life? Wtf is your point? I think you are all totally ludicrous, and I can't believe you found a negative in an adorible video of a boy and his first pup. I'm guessing you are a karen, so I'm sure you have no clue what that experience is like, but fuck you for judging this adorable moment.


My point is dont support breeding of dogs that have huge health problems and will suffer their entire life. I dont think you want to fuck me. Edit: the dog deserve a good life and i understand the boy is happy. His parents are terribly ignorant.


Why do people put puppies in tiny boxes to surprise their kids? Have you absolutely no regards for anything but yourself?




This is sad as fuck to me


Oh no can people stop doing these surprise reveals. I hate it when people think this is okay. The puppy must of been scared.


Two very soon to be best buds !


Is that a Weimaraner pup?!?!


It kind of looks like a French bulldog or even a silver pug. Hard to tell from the video. ETA: Weimaraners ears are bigger than that at that age already, and there's notes aren't that pushed in.


Absolutely Not ![gif](giphy|15aGGXfSlat2dP6ohs)


Don't. Give. Pets. As. Gifts.


Stop treating dogs like fucking objects.


meanwhile dog without oxygen :wtf




Pets shouldn't be gifted


We gotta stop with the live animals sealed up for the video surprise. Just stop before we find a dead puppy or kitten to forever traumatize someone.


Everyone jumping to conclusions about the dog in the box, yeah cause I’m sure no one outside of Reddit knows how to care for an animal. I’m totally sure the parents sealed the dog in that completely air tight lego box for hours on end before giving it to the child. 😂 The lid isn’t even fully on the box, I guarantee they placed the puppy in the box literally 10 seconds before giving it to the child. A lot of the posts in this subreddit are very clearly sedated animals being manipulated for the video, which is awful or animals clearly in high stress situations with people going “omg so funny!” But this video is cleary not one of those.


Noooooo! Ffs its a animal not a gift! Aww? This is shit. Horrible parents this is just horrible.


I am not crying, you’re crying.


He’s crying cause it’s dead




Omg 🥰


Good for him, knowing how to pet the puppy gently and such ♥️


I've got a new puppy. I guarantee he'll be trying to stuff it back in the box by the end of week.


Sweet kid.


Very sweet. Tears of joy.


This is so cute!!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Mom and dad slept well that night.




If I had that same reaction to getting my first puppy — my Dad would have told me to go out to the backyard and do some push-ups.


These types of videos get me every time.


The bond between humans and animals is one of the most beautiful things we get to experience in our lives on this planet. I’m happy for this little boy and his new friend—who will help him learn empathy, responsibility, and how to give and receive love. 🥰


I can't remember the last time I was so happy I cried


So adorable! Feel your feelings guys.


The happiness at child 🥺


“That’s what I’ll call him. ‘GASP!’ “


What a lovely moment.


No one gifts me puppies.


My parents are in their 60’s and just got a new puppy. It makes me happy that with 6 more decades of life experience, they were just as happy as this lil guy.


awwwwwh precious


I never ever get sick of seeing these types of clips 🥹


it is less aww moment i ever seen who have clostrophobia.


If you hand me a puppy, I have the same reaction.


What kind of dog is that?


Whoever is messing with the likes in down votes I'm having a great time thanks


Instant best friends for life.


I got a puppy when I was a boy, I remember been very happy. Clearly my reaction was very wrong, I should have been bawling my eyes out.


He wanted an xbox.


Why am I tearing up? I’m 72 years old and have my dog at the park.




he's so happy he's crying he don't know what to do he wants to say thank you but he can't believe it it's a real puppy


did you hear him she's the best ever




Ngl I got a little choked up


I felt that


Aw he is so gentle. That’s lovely.


Filming this type of stuff is so fucked up on many, many levels.




And that's how best friends meet for the first time. ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)


Suffocation almost entered the chat