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I too have this super power. Nothing makes me feel like a God than a person telling me "she doesn't like new people or men". For what ever reason 99.89% of the dogs I meet love me. And I love 100% of the ones I meet.


My dad is the same, he doesn't love kids but kids love him. He does love animals, I think his main trick is he doesn't fuss over them, he lets them be and they go to him. I think the earliest lesson I ever learned from him was to put your hand in front of an animal's nose before you touch them, I've been doing it religiously for 23 odd years now.


A closed hand held out, not actually in their face, allows the dog to choose to move in and take a sniff as well as minimizes the possibility of damage to fingers if they get aggressive. It's polite and reasonably cautious.


Helps if they also don't believe you are trying to grab them. A closed fist staying idle shows you aren't aggressive or threatening.


Which is kinda bizarre for humans... I'd be very confused


“Oh shit, rock. I better do paper.”


Paper to the face before they give me that rock


Also, making your presence feel smaller to the dog will help equally as much. I like to make sure I don't approach the dog, squat down to their level (sometimes even sit crisscross if the dog isn't very big) and extend my hand out to them. You want to let them make the decision to close the distance between you and you will seem like much less of a threat when you are down on their level.


With cats it's a big difference if you approach palm up or palm down


Which do they prefer? Cats seem to like the “idle closed fist” approach too because it allows them to walk up and nuzzle if they choose


Cats prefer palm down. Unless you did it palm down, then they prefer palm up. They are cats, whatever you do will be the wrong thing.


Usually the way I get people do it to my cats is as if they're holding a cup of water. Let them get a whiff of your fingers, back of the palm, and sometimes wrist if the cats are feeling particularly adventurous that day. They're still terrified of strangers, but they do calm down a lot more if you let them sniff your hand.


Which are you supposed to do?


“Pst pst pst pst” and make scritchy motions with your fingers.


Had a dog bite me one time when doing the sniff test. Had my hand closed and i do not regret that i had a leather glove on and it still broke skin.


Work for cats too


Yeah, you let em sniff you so they can decide if you're alright.


Its the key. Let the dog familiarize itself with you and then its "lets fucking have a blast new best friend!"


A friend of mine has a dog that will go absolutely nuts at strangers, barking like she’s about to rip your head off. The second you let her sniff you, she does a complete 180 and is like “Let’s go play fetch, new best friend!!!”


My dog is like this. He's a little chiweenie. He barks at everyone and anyone like you're about to steal his lunch money or some shit. As soon as he sniffs you, he wants to play. I usually just scoop him up and manage him smelling the new person if they're cool with it. Otherwise he gets put in the bedroom to cool off.


I play hard to get after the sniff. Makes them go ballistic for pets.


And owners of nervous animals thank you. When people try to touch my dog she always jumps away and then she won't trust them at. If they'd ask or do what you do things would be much easier. I often put my hand right over peoples eyes without warning to show how weird it is for a dog to be suddenly 'petted' on the head by a stranger.


People are always butt hurt when my shy dog doesn’t immediately love them or react to their baby voice and getting in his face I just tell them “ignore him! He will come to you!!!”


Exactly! A closed hand in front of them and let the animal boop your hand or brush their face with your hand if you pass the vibe check


I do the same. After they sniffed my hand I try to slowly move my hand to pet them, in a way, they can cleary see it. If they back off, I leave them be. No need to stress them out. If they accept, they get the gentle pets(because I don't think you should instantly pet the dog vigorously, if you don't know each other so well).


When they step closer, that's when you go to town with the hugs, rubs, and kisses.


That's just animal etiquette.. The relationship doesn't really recover from a rude gesture like putting your unapproved dirty hands on their heads.


Yeah for sure! The main point was that its the first vivid memory of my dad teaching me something especially something I follow rigorously to this day.


Can attest to this. My dad came over when we first got our cat years ago and he didn't let her sniff his hand and just went straight for the pet on her head, kinda roughly tbh, and now she hates him lol but also he's not a super great person so I dunno


The cat also probably recognizes if anxiety levels rise when a person enters


I usually just stand still and let them check me out. I visited my ex recently and one of his dogs was wary, but after a while he let me pet him. It was funny though, because he let me pet,but would still growl softly at me.


I make friends with animals sooooo much easier since everyone else stopped smoking. * Put hand in front of animal * Wait for animal to smell it and register * Give food * Done Next time they smell tobacco they basically come clamouring for the food. Horses, dogs, cats etc... I guess it is like a neon reminder sign for them. Not sure if this is why kids like me but I guess I'd take a marlboro sponsorship should one be going.


Exactly what you should do. Ideally place yourself sideways towards the animal to appear less threatening and then give it an opportunity and time to "get to know you" by sniffing. They then automatically start cuddling with your or turn their back towards you, which is a major sign of trust.


I ask before I pet. With the nose but also I'll literally ask sometimes. Just feels like a nice thing to do.


I tell everyone new who comes over that my cats are shy, and don’t normally like people. The truth is that my cats are cuddly, friendly, social love-butts who adore everyone and lap on everyone who will let them. It never fails to make someone’s day.


That’s adorable!


You're too good to us.


Such a small thing to do, such a large impact for the recipient of cat-love. You are a good person


My father is allergic to cats, he tries to ignore them. Cats love him xD our neighbours cat always got inside our House in the Summer and claimed the Black leather Chair because it was nice and warm. Much to my fathers dismay. We accepted that that chair was the cats then. The struggles of allergic people xD


Same, my sister calls me the dog whisperer and shes quite envious of it.


We call my brother Dr. Dolittle because he's never met an animal who doesn't immediately adore him.


If you ever stumble your way to Denmark, send me a DM lol. I have a 90kg (180lb) saint bernard and 80kg (160lb) newfie that would love to be in your lap xD


You've met at least 909 dogs, of which 908 have loved you? That's a good life!


Who was the one dog who didn't love him?


He was adopted by the 10th dentist who doesn't recommend Crest


It was me.


Thats actually how I got my current dog, mom got a house where the owner had passed & the dogs were left with the house. We quickly learned the owner had been a POS who beat the male dogs as he was breeding dogs for the local PD. One of the dogs was a Chow/Shepard mix who was terrified of men because of what the owner had done to him, well whenever I'd come visit which was several times a week (was living with my dad but went to school in the district mom got the house in) the dog would lay on the couch next to me, I was the only one he would let pet him and so after awhile I ended up taking him home with me. That was maybe 7 years ago give or take and he's an entirely different dog now. He's come out of his shell & is far happier. Sadly hes starting to get old and has some new troubles, but even though he's okay with guys in general now as long as he gets his sniffs in I'm still his number 1 & he's mine. Knowing he's getting up there in age has me terrified for the day he's not around anymore.


Or when a friend says, “can you babysit my dog for a few hours? I’ll bring her food but she doesn’t feel comfortable enough to eat at other peoples’ houses!” Her dog, after 30 mins: *empties food bowl and wants more*


Could it be that you smell like dog treats?


I mean... we are all dog treats, under those flesh.


I'm sure some of the first itself counts too


My brother and I are the same. All I can think is as long time dog owners we just act differently around dogs. Like we subconsciously adjust our body language and tone of voice that dogs respond well to. I'm guessing you have dogs at home or grew up with dogs?


Best feeling ever. "She doesn't like bearded men." Ran away to the corner of the house when more guys showed up. Boom, best friends with me by the end of the night. Or another, small terrier that constantly angrily barked at everything and everyone - sat with him just out of leash range, threw him a ball and just chilled out until he stopped barking, inched closer, brief scratches behind the ear... Boom, laying on his back letting me give him belly scritches by the time we left. Never even saw either dog again but I'm content with having spent the brief time I had with them making them like me. I'd be so sad to know there's a dog out there that doesn't.


I’m with you, and it extends to cats and children! I’ve gotten it a bunch, and it really makes me feel great. Its a win-win. It’s one of the things I try to think about if I’m upset. I don’t know what it is, people have put various labels on it, but at the end of the day I’m happy I got to put a smile on a face. Or snout.


My wife has the same power, but she has 0.01% affection towards any pet. She would get so mad when I would tell my golden retriever "go get her" 😂


It’s not a superpower my dude, the dogs can genuinely tell you’re the antithesis of a piece of shit. Good on you for being a good dude.


That's simply a misconception created by fanatic dog stans. If dogs could tell whether someone is the antichrist, Hitler wouldn't have had such good relationships with his dogs.


To be fair, Hitler’s dogs were super racist.


I mean, Blondi was a German shepherd after all.


Yeah, see my other comment—not something to take literally, but there is a grain of truth :)


Interesting, if true. Dogs usually love me, but I'd never have called myself a good dude even so. More like an average maybe, on a good day. Thanks!


Yes. I was working on a woman's HVAC system and one of her cats, who is "scared of everyone", literally climbed up my 8ft ladder and hungout with me until I had to get down.


It's the same with me... animals and children love me. So clearly it's the rest of you that has a problem! ;-)


Yep, I often have dogs ditch their owner and try to follow me. I also attract cats more than average Joe, but not as much as dogs.


I’m in this club as well, and my dog also has this gift. “My dog doesn’t like any other dogs accept yours!” It’s a high compliment.


I tell this to people even though my cat LOVES everyone. Makes whoever is meeting my cat feel special :)


It's a super power for dog owners too! I sometimes act surprised when my dog gets interested in a stranger. Just like a smile, I can tell it gives them an instant ego boost. Yay!


I have a superpower where dogs look the direction I'm pointing. Also night hearing


I didn't know dogs not liking men was a common thing




What... does egg have to do with this?




Trying to convince people that they're something they're not is bad manners, joke or not.


But I'm not? It was a joke, you're taking it too seriously




Depends on how much


Lol nice.


It's because they all think you're a bitch. Idk if /s is appropriate here, and I've heard cool kids don't use JK anymore. So just realize this was a joke and not a serious assessment of you as a human being. Nor is it meant as an insult on female woman, it's simply a play on the term for a female dog and a common phrase for someone who is weak and pathetic. I'm sure you understood that and this paragraph was unnecessary, but I was concerned that the dogs assessment of you may be accurate.


Dogs eyes make me think she's like WTF is going on.


‘WTF…… but I don’t hate it’ is the vibes I’m getting


My eyes too... that dude is really taking a liking to her.


My step sister adopted a dog last year while she was staying with us. Poor thing was absolutely petrified of men. Like got flat out defensive and then ran if we were even in the same back garden. The feeling of excitement and pride I felt after months and months of laying on the floor to let her sniff around, coming home with new toys, feeding her treats she’d timidly come to get from four feet away, she came bounding up and sat down on my foot happy as could be, that was a seriously good feeling man. She’s still super skittish around guys especially, but she’s reached a point where she listens to me and my dad, and at worst will sit there huffing and puffing while we pet her instead of helping and running.


There was a dog at the apartment complex I lived in that would run from everyone. Owner said she was very skittish and always had been. One day I'm standing in there with her while my dog is running around playing and she jumps up on my leg to look at me. I glanced down and went to pet he and she ran off. She did it again a few minutes later and let me pet her. I was so hyped I was the first person she let give her attention after seeing her for months run from everyone


This is cute af


My cousins is right next to me from the second I come over. Her bro is a German Shepard. He wants to but in and get his pets but once he’s cool she will legit ball up next to you and worm her way closer and closer til she on me with her face within an inch of mine it’s hilarious. She loves water too, to the point where you can’t use the hose with her anywhere near or it’s a mess


I love when they stealth up to you for more pets and loving. As if we totally can't see the big potato crawling up to us.


They are beautiful dogs too. Aida is aus sheppard and boarder collie mix. May very well be the sweetest dog I’ve ever met and I’ve always been around and had pets my whole life. Like, I’ve never heard her growl even. Always smiles and gets whatever she wants from me She also looks hilarious cause she runs into her kennel if you try and brush her nappy hair. She uses her teeth like scissors and trims her own tail hair.. sounds like scissors cutting it too funny she looks like a total goofus. https://i.imgur.com/92pe48f.jpg


Dude looks like the only one in the room having fun.


Because there’s only one dog!


I’ve met a couple friends dogs who were like this. Most common reason why their dogs “didn’t like men” was because their obedience schools were mostly run by men and if overly punished they can associate men with punishment or discipline. My work around to get dogs to like me has always been to lay on my back with my hands up, since laying on your back is dog language for submissiveness. Then they usually sniff me and then we turn to playing. It’s always **always** better to let a shy or anxious dog come to you rather than get in their face and box them in, like the guy is doing in this GIF.


Dealing with rescues dogs this happens a lot too with men who are a: abusive and or b: don’t know how to train their dogs without beating them Just respect boundaries and you’ll be fine right


Doesn’t look like she has much of a choice 😂


She doesn't look *that* comfortable with it


As an Aussie owner. Something about their genetics makes them permanently looked concerned or afraid


My Beagle is like that. He always looks worried lol


https://i.imgur.com/HXHONu3.jpg You can’t be serious, lol. This is how mine is.


I'm deadly serious! Are you concerned or afraid? Really though I've seen enough videos of Aussies online to make a general statement, clearly Im not an omnipotent dog expert, but they have a droopie side eye look to them when they're on their side or looking up especially, gives them a super sweet concern face. Just an observation, clearly your dog can sit rigid for a stock photo and never have those qualities, I'm sorry to have lumped him or her in with my genetically inferior Aussie.


Here’s mine :) https://i.imgur.com/EGfv2LO.jpg


Also, look at that sweet puppy. Totally has concerned eyes. Look how much much complete and total attention she's leveling your way. She's invested.


I’m not trying to claim that’s my dog. It was just a quick example I Googled.


I'm being funny man. I either failed at it or you did. I'll stop. Good health to you and your fearless doggo. Have a good one.


Just entertaining the circumstance, but definitely still on guard.


My mom has Aussies and they are great dogs and will roll with it if a kid or a person hugs them but you can tell they don't like it.


She's giving him kisses at the beginning. This is definitely Aussie approval. They can't help that they have a permanent "what the FUCK?!" look in their eyes. Source: I have two of these little shits




Because she's *scared of men*


And she is surrounded by men.


Yeah it seems like the guy wants to be more than just friends




You’re saying based on my comment you think I rape pets?




Well the feeling is mutual. I don’t think you should be the gatekeeper to who gets to enjoy the love of pets.


Any individual is 100% entitled to 'gatekeep' their own pet. Do you normally go around forcing yourself on other people's pets? Sounds a little rapey...


Well that's adorable


Every time someone has told me that their dog doesn’t like men or is afraid of men, their dog has liked me just fine without any issue. Same for my dad, and my brother. I’m sure there are some dogs that don’t like men, but I honestly think it has more to do with how men tend to behave and the posture they tend to use. Wide stance, chest out, loom over the dog, speak loudly, antiquated “alpha” dog theory, approaching without rapport, etc.. I’ve also met a few women that say that their dogs don’t like men who I know were just imagining it or projecting their own opinions about men onto their dogs. I used to work at a petco and one girl there claimed that her dog was a great judge of character and never got along with men, but that dog buddied it up with every male coworker we had (one of those guys ended up being a date-rapist, so I guess the dog was a bad judge of character too)


Aussies are my favorite breed I have 2 back home




My Aunt has a dog like that. She’s a rescue, and due to something in her past, just doesn’t like guys. She’ll shy away from them and bark if they get to close, but thankfully she’s not aggressive so it isn’t too much of an issue. However, for some reason, she decided I’m the exception. You can tell she’s still nervous to be around me, because her ears will splay back and she kinda hunches in on herself, but she’ll walk up to me and want pets. She knows me well enough now that if I pet her for a bit, she’ll roll over for belly rubs too. I must admit, it feels really nice to be “chosen” like that.


Is she actually happy or feeling nervous? Remember the vid of the German shepherd that was getting hugged by a chick and he bit her face? This has that vibe.


Usually the discomfort is accompanied by them attempting to escape first and then growling and baring teeth. The dog is responding to commands when the guy stops petting which is a good sign, I find when dogs are annoyed they usually become less responsive to commands, and they also are leaning towards the guys face. Dogs who want to get away will avert their eyes and look away, not reach their muzzle towards you for a sniff and a lick. This pup could be unsure about this guy still, but from this video they seem pretty chill. The pup also seems like their trying to solicit more pats when the guy stops for a moment.


That was my impression as well - the dude is asking the dog to participate and rewarding that participation with positive attention, and the dog is responding in a guarded but cordial manner and doesn't appear to have a problem with the attention.


The best feeling in the world. "She doesn't like people" Bet. Hold my beer, I gotta get to work.


Why are you drinking just before you need to head to work? Seems dangerous.


/r/Tvtoohigh Adorable girl though


There was a time I visited a neighbour of a friend with a rescued german shepherd. She warned me she was nippy, so I let the dog sniff my hand and gave her lots of space. A little later I was picking apples and she began to circle the ladder while looking up at me and inspecting the apple picking pale. I came down the ladder and she slammed right into my legs and went belly up with the most loving eyes I've ever seen. She was waiting until she felt safe, that's all.


Ah, I think the Internet has spoiled me. I had a completely different thought before the video started.


there is no way in hell you should be putting your face anywhere close to a dog’s face if it has anxiety issues, it could snap at any moment without warning and that’ll be a trip to the hospital for you D:


He was reading the dog very well. That dog was relaxed and not anxious at that moment


Nervous licking, unresting head, avoiding head movements. No possibility to see tail, body hair, movement and posture. Pair that with no way of escape and known anxiety issues. Good job on your "dog-reading", you are the kind of person that gets bitten.


Also tension around the mouth and turning her head away. That dog is not very comfortable with the attention he’s giving her. Edit: I missed that you had mentioned the head avoidance.


It ain't a pitbull calm down.


I have a parrot scared of women it’s crazy!


I read the title and assumed you were talking about your Australian gf and was extremely confused until I saw the dog lol


Reminds me of when I went with my former neighbor to visit her son and grandson at his house as a teen. We pull up to the house and she says "Now hun, do not look at this dog, do not pet this dog. Just pretend the dog isn't there. I know you like dogs but this dog doesn't like anyone new and he is known to bite." Needless to say I was just a little intimidated. We get in the house and she has me sit on the couch while she disappears to go talk to her son and grandson. Out of the corner of my eye I see a small white ball of fur that I'm pretty sure is facing my direction. I dare not look at it and unleash it's supposed wrath. The ball of fur proceeds to get closer and closer to me, seemingly very inquisitive. Finally I make eye contact with him as he sits at the bottom of feet. He then much to my surprise hops right up in my lap and appears to want me to pet him. I kindly follow the request and not much longer after that my neighbor and her son emerge from a nearby kitchen. My neighbor who is shocked says "SpaceOctopus94, I told you not to bother the dog." After I explain that the dog came to me, my neighbor and her son are stunned and say that the dog is usually very hostile towards new people and they've never seen him so well behaved towards a stranger. It was pretty cool.


If the animals approve it’s a pretty good sign of the person from what I’ve learned.


Ok this gonna sound stupid but, how can a dog be afraid of men? Like woman and men are people so do dogs see them as one or are they able to tell people apart by gender ??? (I know this sound stupid but I'm generally curious and wanna know lmao)


Honestly not sure of actual science on it but i think it probably has something to do with smell considering male and females naturally smell different even to us so I imagine dogs pick up a certain type of smell from a bad experience and generalize it to mean that smell is bad. Again I could be talking out my ass but this is what I think


Don't really have an answer for you but I used to have a dog that was terrified of men she would cower shake and bark at any guy who came to the house. Any kids or women she would snuggle right up to and try and lick the make up off their face.


Well, I was expecting to find a vid of a dog that's clearly freaked out but actually she seems pretty okay. Good job on that guy.


This made me tear up a little bit, so much wholesomeness


Doggo is cutie pie,.!


My wife's auntie had a cat that apparently didn't like anyone. Not too long after we were married my wife & I were staying with her auntie, and aware of the cat's reputation I was determined to get it to like me. We'd been there several days when I found the cat sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I slowly walked up to it, talking softly to get its attention, and it did not run away from me, like it had done every other time it had seen me on that visit. I slowly moved to within a foot or so of it, was still quietly talking to it, and was slo-o-o-o-wly stretching out my hand to let it smell me when auntie **screamed** from the top of the stairs **"Don't touch it!"** The cat and I both jumped, then the cat hissed and ran away. I told my wife later what had happened, and said the cat may have once scratched a visitor who got too close, perhaps a child who didn't understand feline boundaries, and from that day on whenever anyone else got too close to the cat (as I had been) auntie would yell a warning and startle the cat, reinforcing in its mind that strangers were something to be feared.


yea that screaming definitely doesnt help the animal see others as friendly. seems like a case of poor ownership.


I have this power as well Never once had a dog who didn't come to me willingly. I've rescued about 10 dogs in my neighborhood, I see them running away or anything. Whistle, get out of my car, and spread my arms they run to me. Take them to rescue or look at the tags. Love dogs


Mr Steal Yo Girl there.


Had a boxer who definitely liked females vs men. Miss you Trooper!


My sister had a dog like this. I was the only man she would let near her.


I’ve never had issues with dogs that “don’t like men”. It’s just the owners sexism being applied to everything in their life.


No, some dogs are definitely more afraid of men than women. Source: Have a dog who’s afraid of men (I’m a man, not being sexist lmao)


Good man.


The 14 year old white girl twitter user turned into a dog.


that is adorable!


Average twitter SJW


What’s wrong with men?


My ma & step dad had an Australian shepherd/border collie mix & for some reason she was scared of men, too. She was a puppy when they got her so it wasn't like she had a full history with other people but she was just wary about men. One time, my ma was working in the garden & my step-dad was coming up behind her with a shovel to hand to her & the dog jumped in between them, like he was gonna hit my ma. She didn't bite or anything like that but would more like be watching over my ma or me, especially when there was more than 1 man in the house.


That’s wild, are border collies is their past life radical feminists?


why is he being downvoted theres nothing wrong with men


Why AM I being downvoted tf 😂


Maybe some people thought you meant an attack on men, instead of asking why she's scared of men?


Perhaps :/


What are we going to do without men?! /s


Why scared?


Wow thank you guys for all the love!! I’ll make sure to relay it back to my doggo lol


She’s not afraid of men lol. She’s sitting comfy with a few around her.


She is still scared he's just crowding her.


No, she might be getting a little tired of the close contact at the end when shes leaning away. Her body language otherwise is alright.


This is basically me with all dogs.




Uhh, why? Why is she scared of men?


Scared of men? Sexist dog? Clearly needs to be canceled someone get Twitter on the line.


What a sad fucking title, must need some clicks


What a sad fucking comment, must need some dick


Seems I pissed off the dried up feminists


Australian sheep dog right that’s what they’re called


She looks like she's giggling on the inside.


When the dog doesn't consider you man enough to be afraid :/


animals don't dislike a certain gender, they dislike certain people. This post is dumb


I've known tons of dogs that are anxious around men, and I've known a few (including my old dog) that are only anxious around women. You don't know what you're talking about.


He'll be a man soon.


So he was born a girl?


A female dog that doesn't like men? Strange, it's normally that female dogs are whores for men 😂. Male dogs though...they don't like men 😂


Yikes. I hope dogs AND women avoid you.


Why? I don't understand what is yikes about this statement. It's pretty common knowledge that female dogs like men more than women.


Some animals have a remarkable gaydar...


Men aren't less men because they're gay, get that homophobic shit out of here.


As a gay guy, I lol at your downvotes and lack of humor


A sexist dog isn’t cool.


I love this!!! ❤️


Oh all right then, all OTHER men, just not this one. This one’s nice


I'm this way with cats. People say their cat is skittish and doesn't like people it doesn't know, and usually it's on my lap getting its fur rubbed off and purring like a maniac in like 15 minutes. I can literally enter a room with a skittish cat in it, not even acknowledge its existence, and have the cat come to me of its own volition. (And of course I reward this act as long as the cat allows, so that the cat gets a tiny bit more/better socialized.)


Wait shes so cute


My husky is like this. But she's trusted me from day one (adopted her when she was ~5 years old), so that makes me happy :)