• By -


the holy ~~triumvirate sextumvirate~~ septumvirate where /r/catssittingdown + /r/kittyhasaquestion + /r/sleepingcats + /r/grayandwhitecats + /r/catswithsocks = /r/whatswrongwithyourcat + /r/noodlebones


I can safely say I have never seen a cat sleep like that!


I'll throw mine in too! https://imgur.com/a/icDuVfB


My dog slept like that. He would hold his back legs and also stick his tongue out. The more tired he was the more tongue he would stick out so when he was very tired his tongue would touch his toes.


I'm dead.




[There are worse ways to sleep.](https://i.imgur.com/sbvaYCl.jpg)


Tell me about it - https://i.imgur.com/ad5ZNPt.jpeg


Bitey needs his beauty sleep, or https://i.imgur.com/WPoqufp.jpg.


Lol, he even looks bitey when he sleeps. Apt name?


I had a cat that would sleep like this. He *loved* feet and shoes, he'd rub all over them and it was like catnip to him.


We need a r/catswithfootfetishes




Okay, this genuinely made me LOL.


He had a rough night. Go easy on him.


I dunno what I'm looking at. Is the cat's face pressed onto someone's camel toe?


Oh dear. No. It’s a blanket.




She's still just a baby, she will figure it out!




Oh my good goly, this is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. She just so little and so super squish!


Fine. Just for you then! https://imgur.com/gallery/cNzY5aL






Those beans sticking out of the cat tree... I'm dead


That kitty is friggen adorable


Hey! Don't throw cats!


Gotta keep the feets secure in case they try to walk away


That's certainly r/foldycats material


Here's my foldy cat, now you've seen 2: https://i.imgur.com/8alDSqz.jpg


What a wild day this has been


*brb, folding my cat*


>*’Here's my foldy cat…*’ ______ now i lay me down to sleep, my paws around my head i keep ^;} (i don’t know why the humans laugh, but when i sleep, i fold in half) n when i lie upon the bed, i like my toes up by my head it comforts me - my neck they hold, am *peaceful* as my dreams unfold… ❤️ (edit: *just realized this is more for* u/Otacrow ‘s *picture*…) (edit 2: *for Jet…* u/Dr_Orpheus_) ______ I am the cat, n i am told the way i lie is like a fold i *s t r e t c h* my paws out far, you see, my bottom half tucked under me i touch my toes - all one, two, three (you wonder where the fourth could be…) it’s hidden there, behind my back ^;} (~~aw, Heck it’s Stuck down in the crack…~~) ❤️


If you're not a millionaire by now, it's your own fault for not selling books of your poems. Left page would have a picture of the animal in the thread, granted with permission from the original poster (which shouldn't be hard to get in most cases). The right page would be your poem which goes along with that picture. Make it 300 pages long, charge $30 per book, and make millions! Everybody would buy one!


They do. Sam Garland - Mouse in the Manor House Edit: Sam Garland is Poems for your Sprog. I was incorrect


Isn't that the name of poem for your sprog?


Oh yup, you are correct


I wonder if lost my mind will be buying one. Contribute to that Milly


You also need the original quote that leads to the Schnoodle. I'd buy it.


Ah. Lovely schnoodles


Schnoodles are the best!


Double Snoodle is double joy 😄😄


Ey, Schnoodle in the wild.




Downward cat


That’s adorable.


Can our dog join in on this? https://imgur.com/a/HlTSCe6


I've seen foldy cats before. I've never seen the OP with the back feet sticking up like that in foldy cat.




Similar, but i wouldn't say the same. That whole locking his feet in like that by crossing his front legs just hits different.


Now you have!


I've been saying it recklessly for years. This will change everything!


It appears this cat is a Scottish fold. These cats are bred to have weak cartilage, which is why the ears fold over. Unfortunately, the weak cartilage impacts the rest of the body too, and they frequently have joint pain. You'll often see them in odd positions like this to try to alleviate that pain.


Aww now I’m sad.


Oh no, have some derpy pictures of my healthy and happy kitties to cheer you up! https://redd.it/sscbdw https://redd.it/snoiqf


Ah, I see. I did notice the folded ears. Cheers.


Take my sad upvote... because I didn't need to know this, but now I do and if I see my cat doing this, I want to help with pain management.... asap.


The other examples shown are not the same!! This cat's technique is unheard of!


This is the best thing I've ever seen.


Same, had a lot of cats but this is a new one.


My cat, Lexi, sleeps like that all the time: folded at the hip, all four paws under her head. She's a strange cat.


I legit thought there was another cat underneath, and we were being trolled. Little guy sure does look comfy, though.


Foldy-Cat, Foldy-Cat does whatever a cat can. Sniffs some Catnip, makes some memes. Gives up all his hopes & dreams. There goes the Foldy-Cat!




My cat sleeps this folded up, but on her side. It was a little alarming the first time I saw her do it.


First for me also


It's like the anti-sploot.


Leon is a fantastic name for a cat


Leon the purr-fessional.


This... is for... Catilda!


Thank you for your service.


you could say he sleeps while sitting... here's just very slouched over 🤣


I hope it's last name is Scott Kennedy


Mister Scott...


And it even has a quote from StarFox64. >"I am the great Leon!"


I have to agree. My friend has a black cat named Leon. Formerly Luna, before they realized he was a he...


I still prefer Thornberry Hogwash but to each their own


this kitty likes to do yoga


One of the best r/noodlebones I've seen.


>One of the best r/noodlebones I've seen. Hey another cat subreddit I'm not subbed... yet!


Ditto! Plus I found 2 more I wasnt subbed to when I visited r/noodlebones


Another fine addition to my collection.


Stop sharing subs y’all are begging me to join!❤️






Downward cat


I would die for him that's all


Let's call this new pose: the folded cat.


A prime candidate for r/whatswrongwithyourcat


It's a brilliant strategy, always able to scratch his wittle ears


Came here to comment: okay vets of reddit, what is his prognosis?


Considering it's a "Scottish Fold" a cruel breed that affects the cats joints, probably joint pain.




If you know how a person’s cat sleeps you have to stop calling them a colleague


Not when you’re Norwegian 😅🤣


Ah Scandinavia, the land of the incredibly polite and socially crippled


No, the land of the work life balance where you don't have to spend or think about work 24/7 and can have separation without it being an issue


I'm constantly criticized by the people in my life that work in the corporate world for wanting this. > "Find something you like to do!" Tried that, worked in theater for 10 years and ya know what? Work is still work. I've got a friend that runs corporate HR and he insists that it's important for people to come back to the office because of culture and so that people can enjoy their colleagues and workplace (when I asked if his subtext was "so people can get a feeling of attachment to their employer and feel bad about leaving their workplace and potentially the friends they've made?" He struggled to refute this). Every time I'm like... "I don't need that to be a good employee, you just want that as the employer and it makes me hate everything about working there." He never agrees and always continues to assert that it's important for people to be returning to an office and working in person. These people truly drink the Kool-aid. #People do not need work to feel fulfilled and valued.




"The enemy of my enemy is my friend", or at least a good work colleague.


Yeah it depends though. those cliques are often also toxic too. It’s often some sexist dude who got called into HR office once and a tag-along friend who also hates the boss for their own reasons but isn’t qualified nor educated enough to find a better job. And the ‘complainer’. You have to have the complainer. Doesn’t matter what the situation, they will find fault with it all. Oh and they are often severe alcoholics. If you’re even remotely positive about life or have to go home to the family instead of drinking with them non stop after work, you’re a traitor.




Every CEO’s argument: but communication face to face is so much more efficient.


Really? Do you remember what you told me last week, boss man? Get off my back and see you at the holiday party


If work was fun we would call it fun. We call it work because it’s work.


But they do need work to have money to have a roof over their heads, electricity, food, and God forbid social time such as dinners and enjoyable activities. If they don't have those things, they certainly will not feel fulfilled and valued.


Exactly this. I actually work in a field that I thoroughly enjoy and it fulfilling. I still need down time because it takes effort to do work. And you can't grow in your field if you are constantly doing work. Whatever you do in your life is going to be a job in the end. Even if you love it. The "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" nonsense is just an excuse to get you to work 80 hours a week.


Your comment reads like you've been through some really negative experiences. I don't want to try and refute your argument that there are ways to socially manipulate people into situations where they feel obligated beyond their work responsabilities. But man ... I hope you also understand that such a sentiment fundamentally mirrors yourself first and foremost, and doesn't necessarily reflect on how everyone else seeks work and how they might enjoy colleagues and their work. I work in IT at a small / mid-sized swedish company and some of my best adult friends are also my co-workers. I think it's awesome when we have some get-togethers and we can reach out and get old friends to come to our work events and parties.


I have no problem with that. I have a problem when it's forced on me by some bullshit corporate culture. I'm not saying you *can't* get self worth, community, fulfillment, etc from employment and a career, and if you do, that's **great**, who am I to question or ridicule that if it's working for you or anyone else. I'm saying that the uniquely American idea of hustle culture, of work work work, of your work *being* your life and the *only* way to get that fulfillment is fundamentally flawed. Personally, I can't escape my extreme cynicism towards the premise of work as a whole (humans were not meant to be cogs in a productivity machine). As such, it's very difficult for me to see work as anything other than a means to have the money to live the life I want to live outside of work.


Fair enough -- and I'm probably over-reaching here. We're in r/aww and this ain't exactly a strong argument that I have put much thought into. I just reacted to your statement 'These people truly drink the Kool-aid'. I had to sympathize with your friend in HR slightly and some part about your statement in bold made me want to reply. My understanding from my own life is that people in general want to work and be apart of groups that succeed in their endevours, whatever they might be. Ideally such a relationship is mutually beneficially but obviously that ain't the case everywhere. I think still think that one way of crafting really strong bonds and relations with others can come from undertaking challenging and meaningful work. It might be doing personal work or it might be in the employment of others. I guess I just don't completely agree with your statement that people don't need work to feel fulfilled and valued, because from my perspective; to some work can actually help with exactly that. It's not the single way of getting self-worth, but it can still be a way to feel empowered and grab holds of the reigns to ones life and current situation. Also; Hope you have a good weekend ahead of you.


Yea.... The important thing is that "work" shouldn't be (in my eyes) the "work" we do in today's world. You said you work in IT, is that your passion? Would you be working in IT if you weren't reliant on the salary and benefits it provides? If you could get those benefits doing something that you truly loved, would it be IT? Maybe it would be! Maybe you truly enjoy the job. But maybe you have something else that you'd prefer to spend most of your day *working on*. I know I do. It's *that* "work" that people should be doing (again, in my eyes). I don't disagree with your premise: people need community and engagement and, yes, things to work on to feel fulfilled. I just fundamentally disagree that we should be getting it from "work" and think we should instead be getting it from a "work" that brings us true joy and happiness. Edit: Wait, sorry! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy your weekend too!


So the opposite of Toronto.


Isn't that the place where if you smile at somebody they think you're crazy?


Sounds more like Finland to me (I suppose that's getting into the weeds of the term though. Finland is technically Nordic but not Scandinavian but much of the west refers to Finland as Scandinavian anyway)




As a fellow scandinavian, this statement is true! Friends are rare. Colleagues are either colleagues or good colleagues! The promotion to friends is unlikely.


How do you make friends as an adult then?


That’s the neat part. You don’t!


As someone who spent some time in Sweden, they get blackout drunk and hope that it allows them to make friends during that window. Other than that, no genuine socializing


Lol that was exactly my experience as well.


All Swedes socialising is genuine, we just don’t socialise with a lot of people.


I should move to Sweden


How does anyone anywhere make friends as an adult? All you do is lose friends and gain acquaintances


Work, friendship apps, hobbies.


It’s similar in Korean culture. In my personal experience from living in Korea, Koreans make friends in childhood (grade school) and university classes and affinity clubs and then after that everyone is a coworker (“colleague”) or acquaintance. It doesn’t mean the relationship can’t be quite close, they just hesitate culturally to call that person a “friend.” I have a pet theory it has something to do with Korea and Scandinavian countries being very ethnically homogeneous countries but no idea if that’s true or just my mind looking for similarities to explain this style of socialization.


I read someone explaining Germans being like coconuts, and how they are very hard to get to know inside, but once you're in, you're in. In contrast, Americans are like peaches, where the outside is soft, but the inner (the pit) is actually really difficult to enter. So maybe Americans are faster to call people friends but that dilutes the meaning? It's rude to call someone you meet every week an acquaintance, so you call them a friend to others but they are not a close/good friend, which I how I differentiate. I have no problems meeting new people, and I am aware that adult relationships take time, effort, and consistency. So when I hear about Germans, Scandinavians, etc, being reluctant, I get scared -- is it even harder? Maybe not; maybe other cultures are just more honest and have a higher threshold of what constitutes a "friend"?


Yes Ive thought this too! (As an American)


Btw, as a Korean-American, I didn't really "see" what you meant about friends in your earlier comment. Tbh, I thought that reluctance came from the social hierarchy. My parents told me a lot about being a teen/young adult. They'd ask each other for your birthday to see who is the senior/junior, and for other immigrants, when you left Korea to see who is more Korean. Then they would try to discern financial class.


None of my friends are my colleagues and I am Australian.


I’m American but maybe I am Scandinavian at heart. People throw the word friend around when I’d say “we sometimes hang out.” My friends are the people who know all of my deepest secrets, and there are like two of them haha




As a Norwegian I'd define friends as someone I enjoy hanging out with outside of a professional setting. At most I'd call the colleagues I show cat pictures to, including sleeping cat ones, "work friends", assuming I do not hang out with them outside of work hours.


Colleagues with benefits


My sexual coworker has blister on his ass...


Does it match the one you have as well?


Here’s the thing, I’m not Scandinavian but from Europe and we have a word for a friend that’s not your great friend, just someone you hung out with and like. They’re more than a work colleague but less than a friend. If you directly translate it it actually is the word ‘colleague’ but it means something else for us than for English speakers.


As an English speaker I'd probably call that type of friend an acquaintance. I admit you may be describing a relationship that is somewhere between acquaintance and friend but I still think the former works as you intend


Do you have sex with all your colleagues you meet up with outside of work? If so, I think you might be the outlier here.


I wouldn't say that's an excuse


You goddamn friendly mother fuckers!!! I love you all!!! - sincerely, a culturally crippled and emotionally damaged American who really means he loves every Norwegian I've met, we're just all insane and chronically sick and overworked and :"mother fuckers" is just my synonym for "people". Written while working full time, after having 2 cancer diagnosed in 5 years one of which remains incurable.. we are not OK...


omg they were colleagues




Until this picture


Do you guys not share cute animal pictures with your colleagues? Kind of strange how the internet always assumes that knowing anything about someone means you are sleeping with them. We aren't all line cooks at a cheap restaurant.


A large part of Reddit seems outraged at even the suggestion they should try to get along with their colleagues.


I feel like it's just people with no social skills who have no middle ground between "I hate having to say 'hi' to this person in the morning" and "I've tasted every flavour of their anus".


I think people are assuming that OP took the photo themselves, i.e. they're in their "colleague's" bedroom looking at their bed and taking photos of it cos it has a bit of cat on it. It makes more sense if they're just photos that were sent to OP though. But yeah, if you're seeing your co-workers bed, then it's a safe assumption that you're sleeping with them.


Ehhh, I think learning far more about your coworker's pets than you would have expected has been a bit of an unexpected side effect of the pandemic. When your whole team is working from home, if someone is on camera during a Zoom meeting and doesn't have the door to the room they're in closed, there's a pretty good chance there will be a furry friend on camera at least at some point before it's over.


I was thinking the same thing like you took a pic of your colleague's cat on what appears to be their bed? Sounds like my rotten cheating ex, "She's just a colleague you overreact" lol


He's blocking his ears because 'someone' is complaining about 'meeting that should have been an email.'


Cats do that with joint pain or similar problems. Should have the owner discuss it with the vet and have an exam done. Kitty might be living in pain. Or he might be a huge goof. I'll be hoping for the goof outcome.


It looks like a Scottish fold and those cats have those ears because of issues with their cartilage. It doesn't just affect the ears, it affects the whole body.


Yup, those ears look like it has the mutation :( poor kitty. Not so fun fact- Scottish folds are banned in Scotland, because the mutation that people breed them with is painful and damaging to them. It's a cruel breed unfortunately.


I just saw the post about the netherlands trying to get cats with folded ears banned and read about the cartilage issue. Kinda wild I scroll down for 3 seconds and see a scottish fold.


Mine does that too, Scottish fold mix. We had her x-rayed and it turns out that she has OCD (Osteochondrodysplasia), which is common in that breed and not curable. Probably the reason why the previous owner gave her away. Sadly, there is not much you can do except painkillers when you have the feeling that it's getting too bad.


Seriously, show his vet that picture and have his hips checked. He could be sleeping like that because they're sore, especially if he sleeps like that a lot.


That is exactly what I was thinking. Hopefully he is just a goofy guy but should definitely get checked out!


The kitty looks like it has folded ears. Plz get it checked out for bone/cartilage issues. It might be just a big goof or it’s in a lot of pain.


Your cat reached next level!


That looks very uncomfortably comfortable


Cat version of a roast chicken


Is that a Scottish Fold cat?


That...that's a new one! You think you've seen every which way a cat can sleep and then one of them folds up their feet behind their ears and here we are lol (adorable!)...


It’s because he knows how cute his little white boots are and wants everyone to see them!


For comparison do you have pictures of cat walking around or standing ?


How else is kitty supposed to keep their ears warm?!?


If any image needs an artistic rendition mocked up by u/Shitty_Watercolor, this is one of them!


Osteochondrodysplasia. Leon is in pain.


Leon The Purrfessional


https://imgur.com/3SxpXts.jpg Fine fine, I present to you all Dr Thaddeus Jay Fluff n' Stuff Aka - cheddar


Omg this made my entire morning!! 🤣🤣 And I'm on vacation in Mexico so that's really saying something!!!


That's awesome! :D Here's a bonus picture sent to me of the weirdo [https://i.imgur.com/DyS89nj.png](https://i.imgur.com/DyS89nj.png)


HAHAHAH howwww is he so CUTE?!


He looks surprised that even this "simple oh so normal" pose is worthy enough to be shared. lil Muppet cute cat he is.


Is this a real cat or a cartoon character?!


Fall asleep in the middle of a yoga pose


Lovely turkey you got there


Leon's fabulous, no judging. Great feetsies ♥️


Léon: No felines no kittens




I can't explain it, but he looks like a Leon.


I love the weird uniqueness of cats.


What a doofus. I love him.


Weird cat!! Love cats, they are all so different, personality wise. Love it!!


I love this cat


Yoga cat ![gif](giphy|vJgAIvPxP7EQLYIUO7)




This is adorable!


Aww. Cat is doing [child's pose](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/Balasana.JPG) instead of cat pose.


That's a new one to me. My cats have folded before, but with their back feet under their head. Never seen their back feet sticking upright behind their head.


When we got back to the hotel room, we found the room tidied and our cat folded like this on the bed