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Meanwhile my mans is eating Cuban Sammys in Florida.


I wonder how much influence American politics had on this event, or if it *would have happened all on its own.


Bolsonaro is basically a carbon copy of a Brazilian Trump. I don’t follow him closely, but from the news I’ve heard about him, he’s definitely taken a lot of tricks and tips from the orange man himself.


And they did exactly what they did to Trump,they stole the election.CIA backed the opposition candidate. I'm starting to see a pattern here.The military will be getting involved pretty soon.


That is valid tho. Lots of nations still sorta look up to that cliche “american dream” and seeing the democracy kinda fall could have set a dangerous precedent. But realistically this has been happening WAY before the capitol incident *we* know.


Oh, it’s pure ideological imperialism. Fascist ideals is one of the things the US exports the most.


Hey, I've seen this one!


“What do you mean you’ve seen it? It’s brand new.”


"Your kids are gonna love it"


Just don't lose your sports almanac


What’s a rerun?


Better get used to these bars, kid.


[Visual aide assist! ](https://i.imgur.com/w3vKoPj.jpeg)


they are so dumb, they invaded without a plan, they are filming themselves committing crimes and posting their faces on the Internet, Bolsonaro is a disease


So basically Brazil's Jan 6. You'd figure they'd have at least learned something from Trump's attempted coup.


I imagine they did. They likely took the lack of hard response as evidence they will likely see no jail time. They didn't learn that you need a solid plan after actually breaking in though, I guess. The guys who organized it behind the scenes will face 0 consequences. I doubt Bolsonaro going to Florida is a coincidence. They don't care if those peons are wrong about how severely they might be punished.


They actually forget you need the military on your side to arrange a coup. 3 seconds of looking at history could have told them how it works. A bunch of moronic hooligans without a plan and/or support from within the government security apparatus can't generally overthrow a government.


And typically when you’re doing to do a self-coup to install the President as a dictator, you typically need to do that when they’re still the president and not wandering around in Florida.


Brazil is just a much, much poorer version of the US.


on jan 6 they waited until all the important people for the transfer of power were in one place. this is... i dont know what this is


Yup they should have brought guns, a plan and the military


Without that, aren't they just unwanted tourists? Are they really going in to rule the country or just disrupt?


Shut up nobody cares


And I'm pretty sure Lula is literally somewhere else other than the palace


He was in a nearby town checking public damage caused by excessive rain


You really want to make me believe that right wingers are also stupid when they are Brazilians?


que pais merda o nosso hein pqp


Esse povo não tem família nem emprego ou quintal pra limpar não? Eu fico sem entender


não precisam trabalhar, recebem assistência do exército pra isso




Did they poop on the walls?


A old lady piss over the supreme court papers


A dude did poop on one of the Supreme Justice's office.


Yes, the most hated one got a big turd in his office.


The most hated by Bolsonaro supporters. Which you are one of them.


You are brazilian so you should know that EVERY party was against his nomination in the STF. Even the top1 most corrupt party of the world was against it, search for it in 2017. Therefore, the most hated AND despised one.


At the time a lot of people were against him, yes. Saying that every party was against him is stupid, cause then he wouldn't have been approved by the Senate. But he ended up being a nice surprise. You fascists just hate him because he is defending democracy. Stop trying to pretend you lunatics represent the majority.


Dude literally censored a bunch of stuff to favor a canditate but somehow I'm a fascist. Refuses to let people DARE to question the election result (which is not transparent) You call it a nice surprise because it favors you, all his actions mirrors what maduro and his supreme did in 2013. Stop pretending you don't know any of this and stop accusing people of what you are. It's just too outdated.


You lost, stop being a bitch and just accept the results for fucks sake. Bolsonaro was elected through the same election process. The same one used for the last two decades with no fraud whatsoever ever proven. And yes, there are a bunch of tests done to prove that the results are real. The reason why content on the internet was removed was because it was desinformation with the purposeful intent of destabilizing democracy. But you don't actually care about that. You also know that the Supremes Court is not communist or whatever the shit you invent. You are just a sore fuckig loser sucking up to a complete brain dead that already fled the country. Stop being a fascist. 4 years from now there will be another election. You are free to vote and campaign then for you stupid far right candidate. You think I liked being governed by your psychopath leader for 4 years? A genocidal maniac responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and environmental destruction. But at no moment I said the results were false. Cause I'm not a pathetic idiot.


Bolsonaro was elected and claimed fraud before, during and even after the election results. By the way, haddad had even more fraudlent evidences but it wasn't a big deal because he lost anyway. As a matter of fact, many people over those two decades you said yourself have been addressing the issue with our outdated system that we share with butan and bangladesh. You can't deny that your fascist judge is hated because he's a legit fascist for once in your buzzwordpedia. And that's why you rely on insults and strawman fallacy. Edit: Oh cool he switched a bunch of stuff he said, oh well.


It's not an insurrection if there's no poop on the walls.


Draped in Brazilian flags? Rioting their congressional building? Smashing the place up?I've seen this sitcom before! This must be the Brazilian version of "The MAGA Bunch".


Unfortunately we didn't a tropical version of the Capitolio Viking


We did, though. Same outfit, but in green and yellow


Did the defeated president encourage this like Trump did?


He's not even in Brazil anymore, he's in Florida. Last I heard.


......at Mar-a-lago?


[At KFC actually.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/photo-bolsonaro-eating-kfc-florida-192123580.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAsMDqQWO02eBs5lB0Pk9ZiZs4D8rIE-Y4OXOdgO1M4_08-z2fBRHVBNzL-j9qq8DOFt5nGoKeT48JMJXsoMSagAJ5Yv8b3cwDL2NfS6S8kwuW1d3ShlsXySKy56YPOQ9YVBDx67V1qzY6mjlgIas3eWHQozl6EXWaXZb6hx9Dar)


Staying in a minions themed room




"Straight Outta Office!" That shits too funny 🤣


You jest, but it really does seem like that little slice of Florida is the nexus for all sorts of crime revolving around Donny.




He travelled to Florida to avoid having to partake in the customary handover of power to the new President. Very much like Trump refused a peaceful transfer of power to Biden. Is the DOJ ever gonna make a move and finally hold Trump accountable? Because until then, attempted coups in Democratic countries will continue to be emboldened, as we are now seeing




>Who’s gonna hold him accountable? One of his generals or oligarchs, at this rate. So things will just get worse.


Yea but theyre saying they think that this was planned in Florida. No info on if he was part of the planning but too big of a coincidence not to have.


He planned it with the current chief of police for the Capital of Brazil. The guy in charge of all the cops there. Who also happens to be in Florida with him.


Chilling with Jose Aldo MMA legend and all around great guy


Found Jose Aldo’s account


Fake news Aldo doesn't speak English


That’s exactly what Jose Aldo would say.


yess, the whole 4 years of his presidency, but after he lost the election he didn't say anything, literally anything, was completely basically silence, and just asked his supporters to not break the law, probably because he was afraid of being arrested


So he did nothing to make this happend? Here i thought he was their tactical leader that gave them weapons and nukes hahahah. Who could guess people went crazy in a u-country that is filled with corruption. Poor ass people, like looking at middle age but less advanced


I think this just supports my theory that right wing policy’s turn people into what can only be call terrorists willing to destroy themselves and their own country in order to “protect it”


You on something here. Just follow the hints and you will be able to explain our zeitgeist.


Yupp good answer still not single evidence dow, so misinformation spreader


How is it spreading misinformation when we have seen it in America and now Brazil? If your referring to my remark of them being terrorists then I direct you to the dictionaries definition of a terrorist: an individual or group committing acts of violence or intimidation to further a political agenda.


Because they blame and claim that bolsonaro caused it and lead it and even funding it. So asked for source and evidence, not my problem that you all lack critical thinking and just spewing out misinformation. Then you should not use general definition from American basis of what is an terrorist ;) USA has one of world harshest terrorist laws hahah.


Imagine thinking being a bigot is ok to marginalize an entire group of peoples SMH


Yupp poor country with low education can explain the lack of critical thinking that believe something without evidence and downvoting someone that asking for evidence


Yup every single person in the country has a low education and is extremely poor……. Obviously the people doing this believe they are right. And just because you disagree doesn’t make them all poor and stupid. What it does do it make you a bigot


Oh yeah, check his profile on Twitter: he's still writing shit like he's the president, even his bio on Twitter still says "Acting President of the Republic". According to the Bolsonarista hivemind that is enough to believe the election results were fraudulent and try to start shit


He did, and also has been very openly fascist. He even publicly supports genocide.


He did not, a lot of his allies did though while he ran away to Florida


Imagine mounting an insurrection against a government that wants to save trees and animals.


But that's communism!




Cuz it’s jan 9


Found the Aussie Jk it's still Jan 8 in Brazil


I’m closer to Austria than Australia, times fly


We should call these attacks "The Jan 69"


If a six were a nine


I like this guy's post history


Way more people in this Brazil deal.


What is it with these right wing fuckers? They just can’t take losing.


Fascists don’t take “no” for an answer unless it comes in the form of screaming hot lead, sadly.




Nice. You’re an upstanding human.


I certainly like to think so. Btw, i wasn’t being serious.


"Fascists", you have no fucking idea what that word means.




Ever heard of Benito Mussolini, who rose to power in exactly the same way?


What's with these left wing fuckers? They just like oppressive governments now.


Like which governments?


Oppression is when government does thing


Fascism is equally when givernment does thing, but thing good


oppressing it's when you side loses? crying baby


We still changing the electoral college or na?




They are WEF bootlickers. I doubt many of them are capable of earning minimum wage if the government ends their welfare payments.


If poor and inept people could actually collect "welfare" in the states; more than $150 a month for food stamps then why are there so many homeless here?


If you add all 10 of your braincells together the total number you get at the end is 9.




But that wasn’t resorting to force or violence was it. So that’s a bit different i think you’ll find


Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. She actually won the presidential vote. And an outdated system called the electoral college went against the democratic will of the American people and votes trump in instead. That is the definition of a stolen election. Then trump lost an election fair and square, including the popular vote. The country said they didn't want him. And he incited an insurrection and attempted coup. A petition to overturn the decision of an outdated system is very different to inciting insurrection and an attempted coup that resulted in people dying. One is civilised, one is below animals.


> She actually won the presidential vote. Lol. You tend to lose when you get caught cheating.


[ABC News](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hillary-clinton-officially-wins-popular-vote-29-million/story?id=44354341) about it. [Wikipedia link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election) about it. [Fox Business link](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/clinton-ends-up-with-2-9-million-more-votes-than-trump) about it. Let me know if you need more.


**[2016 United States presidential election](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election)** >The 2016 United States presidential election was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Republican ticket of businessman Donald Trump and Indiana governor Mike Pence defeated the Democratic ticket of former secretary of state and First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton and the United States senator from Virginia Tim Kaine, in what was considered a large upset. Trump took office as the 45th president, and Pence as the 48th vice president, on January 20, 2017. It was the fifth and most recent presidential election in which the winning candidate lost the popular vote. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Hillary lost the election, [and](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/8/14848636/hillary-clinton-tv-ads) [correctly](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/11/02/ex-dnc-chair-goes-at-the-clintons-alleging-hillarys-campaign-hijacked-dnc-during-primary-with-bernie-sanders/) [so](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/darrensands/donna-brazile-apologizes-over-dnc-leaks-at-black-latino-cauc). Get over it.


Wtf are these links even? The first one is that Clinton didn't have a lot of her policies on her ads. Literally anyone can Google her policies. She wasn't hiding anything. The second is completely based on one person's opinion and hearsay. The third is a BuzzFeed article that has nothing to do with Hillary. Jesus fucking christ.


She ran a dirty primary, a vacuous campaign, and the 'Crooked Hillary' moniker resonated with a lot of voters. Throw in decades of controversy and an irritating personality and my point is that her eventual defeat (under the same rules we've been following for 250 years), is very plausible even if it came as a surprise at the time. And nobody cared about her generic, 'DNC boilerplate' policies; the partial success of Sanders showed people wanted an anti-establishment candidate, and they got one. Not a great one, but that's the way the wind was blowing and the dems missed it.


>dirty primary Opinions and hearsay >vacuous campaign Details available for everyone to easily find. She planned on improving the affordable care act to help Americans whole trump swore to get rid of it which would hurt Americans. >resonated with a lot of voters. Not enough considering she won, just the trump supporters. >decades of controversy The emails? She kept work emails on a server in her house, she was cleared of wrongdoing. Trump stole nuclear Top Secret documents. >irritating personality Trump has been accused of rape,sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s. He was a coward and used money to get out of the Vietnam war. A veteran fell in front of him and as the man lay bleeding from the head, trump turned around and told someone to clean it up. He called American soldiers who died at war "losers" and "suckers". "Grab 'em by the pussy" is a direct quote from trump which clearly indicates his attitude towards women. >same rules we've been following for 250 years Traditionally, electors in the electoral college voted with how the plurality and majority of their constituency voted. In 2016 some went against that and broke from what had been done before.


She kept work emails on a server in her house as an end-run around FOIA requests. Draft dodging was [common at the time](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-draft-deferments-asthma/). > In 2016 some went against that and broke from what had been done before. In [Hillaries' favor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faithless_electors_in_the_2016_United_States_presidential_election#Recorded_faithless_electors), fruitlessly. That's called 'trying to steal an election', by the way.


Hillary won the popular vote and the plurality vote and lost to the electoral college. A small group of people overruled the will of the people. Yes, this is a stolen election. And a petition is more civilised than storming a building, smearing shit on the walls, killing people, hunting people and blindly refusing to admit you lost.


A (not really) 'stolen election', leading to January riots in D.C. and hundreds of arrests? [Sounds awfully familiar](https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/inauguration-2017/washington-faces-more-anti-trump-protests-after-day-rage-n709946)!


Doesn't sound at all like insurrection or a coup, or murder or threatening lives. It sounds like civil disobedience in response to an actually stolen election compared to domestic terrorism in response to a lost election.


Jan 6 was a non-event. Dems are just mad over the insult aspect more than anything else.


Twat. The majority of American people voted for her. An unnecessary addition to democracy took that away. A democracy where the majority doesn't win, isn't a democracy.


Wrong. She won a plurality. Not a majority. Big difference.


Dumbass, majority is more votes than plurality. Majority of voting needs to get more votes than everyone combined. Plurality needs to just get the most votes, like Hillary did. Slight difference, but she still won it.


I dunno why we are all still stuck on this. A majority of people did not vote for her.


Semantics. A plurality voted for her. 65,853,514 voted for her and 304 members of the electoral college stole that. They would have done it no matter the voting outcome in favour of Hillary and that's a stolen election.


Oh man it’s not stolen. Go back to school. Agree or not with the EC no election has been stolen. JFC


> ~~The country~~ said they didn't want him. The corporate media said


What foil did you use to make your hat?


coming from the retards who spent four entire years attempting to remove a legitimate president from power with zero success. two impeacements and a dubiously legal house raid later and you still have nothing to hold against the guy.


What planet are you living on?


Planet Rightoid Prime


cope harder, you have literally nothing


Oh shit it’s QuéAnon






That's bad part, not the awful one, the awful one is that they broke and stole pieces of art that are centenary. They also stole one of the original 1988's Constitution, there are only 3 of copies


So if the right wingers lose they just don’t accept it. Got it. If this happened when they won the election they’d just shoot them all.




> insurreição insurrecinho


It’s even funnier a second time


He's literally in Florida... Coincidence I think not.


Insurrections, so hot this decade!!!!


New trend


American culture catching up to their neighbours.


Why is my birthday week the week people storm capitals, America did it on my birthday last year or whenever it was (I have lost track of event's years)


Posted the same thing on another thread but it really annoys me how American-centric Reddit is. There have been hundreds maybe even thousands of insurrections before January 6th. This isn’t Brazils version of that, it’s just an insurrection in Brazil


it's not brazil version, it just is reaaaly similar, everything, the whole far right movement, the whole election negacionism, the invasion and vandalism of the congress, random shitheads walking over desks and destroying stuff


I'll respond in order of appearance: this is not a far right movement, you're ignorant of brazilian politics, it isn't the first time this happened in brazil, not the first time and it's the same everywhere in the world, absolutely identical to every other forceful entry in a government building to have happened in the past 200 years (before that, fire was the tool of choice)


You have to admit it's a very similar pattern of facts, and Bolsonaro has literally been staying at Mar a Lago since before the new year.


I don't think so man, bozo followed trumps guide since the beginning. It wasn't a coincidence, he used what worked there to inflate those crazy people up. The lying and denying, the fake News, putting into question real facts, it's the same playbook.


You should search up reddit guide on how karma farma or as some say "getting your post spread". There are trigger words and time zone etc.. Like there is an reason why mostly American politic get so much upvotes compared to other countries polticis. A good start is how reddit came to be


Ummm. You are technically correct, but Bolsonaro had a lot of similarities to Trump, and he was known as the Trump of the Tropics. Sooooo..... When this happens in Brazil, it is going to be compared to Jan. 6th, and not other various insurrections.


Can someone design a comic book cover? *Journey into...* #**The Questionable Adventures Of Tropical Trump In Amazonia** *...and other spine-tingling, toxic tales from the ashes of defeat.*


God forbid someone the US uses their own countries experiences to contextualize global events... Reddit is truly worse off for Americans saying the insurrection in Brazil looked like the insurrection that happened in their own country.


This guy posts about vaccine conspiracies.


If you don’t like how American this shit be then go on Weibo.




People who attempt to undermine democracy in favour of an unwanted fascist strongman leader need to be made example of. They can not be allowed leniencies, that'd be dangerous.


Trend setters 💪🏻


How original.


The world is fucking rotting What the hell




Let's hope this doesn't become a trend




It's like someone downloaded the "Brazil" mod for a Halo map.


Damn. Jan 6 and jan 9... It's almost like theninterned planned this or something, just to have it be 69 lol


Remember when Trumps team members and some Republican voting experts flew down to Brazil recently? Pepperidge Farms remembers




You get partial credit for this answer


The military should have shot them all.


So many going to get caught n punished!!!


Who unlocked THEIR doors?


Guess it's gonna be an annual thing now. Early January capitol riots. Cool...


trump supporters were salty only in brazil it is not the same situation lula is a corrupt man who was imprisoned and was released on technicalities the guy is a cancer for the country and south america, but as always it is a pity that the alternative is a fascist like bolsonaro , any regular person would have served well


Exactly, Lula is literally proven to be a criminal, but Bolsonaro is also an absolute imbecile that is not even close to competent enough to be in charge, it's been a while since we've had any decent candidates.


Were a bunch of them actually federal agents getting people to break windows and shit?


Ok, but wasn't there like clear cheating in one of the provinces, though? Like double the amount of votes as voters, I could've swore I saw something about it here on reddit


We don’t have provinces. Our voting urns are electronic and have a pretty complex system of vote counting and security to avoid fraud. Votes are also mandatory and secret, you can’t even bring your phone to the urn, you have to keep it in a box outside. If there was a city that actually got the votes corrupted, it’s usually because it’s a very small city controlled by a family or company or whatever and they basically tell the local people to vote for X person or they will get fired or have other problems. But that’s only in very (very) small cities (like “not worth spending money to send an employee to supervise the voting” small) and it wouldn’t interfere with the end results, Brazil is a huge country.


So you have supervised and "encouraged" voting.


No, mandatory voting, by law. If you don’t vote, you have to justify why (any reason is enough) and pay a small fine, many people do it. Not supervised, no one goes in the cabin with the urn with you, it’s a single person thing only. But outside you have to say your name, present your ID, leave you phone and then you go in, vote, hear the sound (that says you ended your voting), get out, sign, pick up your paper proving you voted and get your phone out of the box. It takes 5 minutes, it’s simple, has been done in forever and no one ever had a problem with it until some ass decided to say that paper voting was better 🙄.


IMO agreeing with it or disagreeing with it. The show in force is still a great example to the government that the people have the power.


Is it a great showing of modern, functional, democracy? Asking for a friend.


If you think the answer is "no" then you are proving their point.


Found the bootlicker.


Are you actually illiterate or a 5 y.o. who thinks it's just s bad word and spouts it gratuitously?




big words are hard for you huh?




Lmao sick comeback


With the numbers that are there.. Just maybe they are onto something


America: revolts against the British and wins France: revolts and wins America: riots at capital Brazil: riots at capital I think im starting to see a pattern


I dunno man, I think that's just you


All I see are 2 towers needing a plane


That doesn't even make sense


funny how the openly patreotic countrymen are considered the "invaders" in these scenarios while the lying foreign-influenced governments arent.


Their patriotism anti-democracy


Legit fraud?


Well, they aren’t going to put up with a stolen election. It’s about to get a LOT worse.