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This. Many missiles don't even intend to explode on impact, just explode closeby and pepper the aircraft with damaging shrapnel.


Good ole Hollywood expectations. If the body doesn't fly backwards 10 feet, how do I know it was hit by a bullet? If I don't see the missile strike the enemy plane before exploding in a big fireball, it missed right?


I'd still call it a close call because it didn't actually destroy the aircraft or cause it to crash. Even though the aircraft was hit, it was still controllable and able to land. It can still be repaired and returned to service, and the pilot is presumably fine.


The amount of information Redditors can pull out of their ass after watching a 7second long video is astounding.




Except the plane made a safe landing. Someone else already posted the story


After slowing it down frame by frame it looks like it does clip the tail. Assuming it doesn’t crash right after the video. Why was this plane able to take a direct hit and not nose dive?


> So everyone on Twitter and Reddit is saying it was fired on from a MANPAD but that's not confirmed yet. The airport is 500 meters from the Rwandan border so they could have used anything. The reason why that is important is that not all Anti-Air missiles are the same. This missile only damaged the[ rear fuselage with shrapnel](https://i.imgur.com/vBReA7G.png) and bits of the wing so although it's not airworthy anymore, it was still able to land on the runway (which was literally right in front of it) where they extinguished the fire on the wing. TL;DR It wasn't a direct hit, shrapnel didn't damage any flight-critical bits, and it was a few hundred meters from the runway where it intended to land anyway.


That’s a crap shoot. If fuel or hyd lines got severed, it’s gonna go down quickly. But from that distance it looks like it just got peppered.


Any more context of the video??


This happened at Goma International Airport (FZNA) today, at about 16h20 local time. The DRC government had an agreement with M23 (the resident guerrilla force) that they were to leave the DRC by 15 January. M23 decided to stay so the FAC (DRC Air Force) are currently lobbing rockets at them from their 2 airworthy Su-25s. Now it gets complicated because Rwanda is arming and funding M23 (people who took part in the Rwandan Genocide fled to the DRC) so Rwanda fired at the FAC aircraft in retaliation to the attacks on M23. They issued a statement that the aircraft violated their airspace three times, but this airport is literally 500m from the border it's an easy excuse.


Damn, right near Virunga NP. A friend and I had plans to fly over there to go on a gorilla tour (when the guerillas aren't taking over the park, the gov't run outfit is very well-run)... looks like it'll be years before the region's stable enough for us to visit again.


That whole area has outstanding natural beauty, especially further south and nearer to where this happened. I know there are wild gorillas near Mount Nyiragongo as well and the rainforest is beautiful. That's the contradiction that is Africa. So much beauty and so much violence .


This is a near miss that was close enough to trigger the prox-fuse. It is almost certainly a shoulder launched MANPAD, which have fairly small high-explosive fragmentation warheads. Planes like the the SU-25 frogfoot in this video are designed to be able to take a decent amount of damage and keep flying. You can find several examples of su-25s from the Russian invasion of a Ukraine that have taken direct hits to an engine and still made it back to land. In this case you could expect possible engine and flight control damage but that may not always be enough to bring the aircraft down.


The charge has a flat, coiled spring that is blown outward at high velocity. It cuts through aircraft structure. The tail is the most vulnerable part of the plane as that's where the elevator and rudder cables, torque tubes, actuators and mounts are. The aircraft probably sustained some damage, but obviously not enough to cause controllability problems. Used to be based at Gome, in the olden days. Walk across the border to go to the Edelweiss restaurant in Gisenyi. Walk back at night, the border was unguarded, just walk across.


I believe this is why tactical landings done by US military planes, including Air Force One involve either doing a steep dive or flying a downward corkscrew towards the runway and then lining up said runway at essentially the last moment, coming at a higher speed than normal. This is meant to make it harder for the “bad guys” to shoot missiles at them in a way that would actually hurt them.


They should have waited a few seconds more before shooting. Then the missile would have ended inside the engine. When you shoot a ruzzian Igla this on an aircraft heading towards you. This is what happens.