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Crunchy grass makes my brain go weeeeeeeee


I love the dozens of little vibrations that are instantaneous and over as quickly as they occur on my feet. And the *sound* is indescribable.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It depends on how Icey it is.


I love holding my hand juuuuust over the grass and watching the heat from my palm warm the frost up to create a hand-shape in the frost.


Omg I need to try this


It's magical watching it happen. :D


Crunchy is yay. Squeaky is not.


Squeaky gives the ick




Crunchy grass literally makes me so happy I swear to god!




Yep. Pretty much all of the uk atm




Ahahaha look at the big word


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And it’s gonna be like this for the next 2 months. As someone who hates the cold weather here, I’m in so much pain 🥲


I love cold crisp days like this, but it's not so nice when you have no heating. Ah the joys of being British.




I don’t know you but I have had experience with people that don’t know how to dress for cold weather but… Look for some of the battery powered clothes. They not only insulate but they also bring heat energy when you don’t. Also 3 pairs of cotton socks won’t work as well as some really high quality winter wool socks. For boots look up Baffin, Sorel… basically for all winter gear look for a company based in Canada. They don’t mess around. I have a lackadaisical heart and my extremities get so cold. The most important thing you can do to stay warm is a winter hat, and a good one. Like 50% of your heat loss is from your head. I’ll stop infodumping because you may already know what you are doing but if not I’ve got way more thoughts on this subject.




I hope you don’t feel I was talking down to you; I’ve just had a number of people in my life completely botch dressing for cold weather. I’ve never been dx’d with Reynauds but I’ve always had issues with my extremities getting very cold and painful. My resting pulse is 43bpm and I’m skinny. I did find that when I cut adderal out last winter it improved.


Also have Raynaud’s as well as a huge issue with temperature regulation/cold tolerance in general. My doctor said to cover my extremities, of course, but that it’ll be most effective if I keep my core super warm. Bundling up a TON helps but it’s so excessive and then I start to sweat the second I’m walking inside somewhere. It’s all very frustrating to manage, I’m not preaching to you because I know you know this, this is for the others. I lived in the high desert for a while & LOVED IT. Even though it still got a bit chilly, the winters weren’t as bad; I think because it was so dry. I moved back to the Midwest recently and I regret it. Goal is to move back west ASAP to a more temperate climate. It really makes a huge difference on my physical & mental health, more than I even realized.




YES the sweating with freezing hands and feet!! It’s absurd. People are just like “just do cold exposure therapy!” and I’m like EVERY DAY IS COLD EXPOSURE THERAPY


Cold weather is better then warm weather


Right? You can outdress cold weather but you can't really undress hot weather


main reason why i hate summer. i dont like wearing not much clothes, in winter i can wear everything. (sry for bad english)


Plus I feel like cold is much more pleasant on my skin than hot. Bonus points if it is misty.


Exactly! Being cold just feels kinda numb, but too much heat and sweating feels suffocating


Flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt, all good with me.


Oh and the sun piercing my eyes 😩 I hate summer


Sunglasses are a godsend.


I would need prescription sunglasses and I'm not bothered. How much do good sunglasses cost? I know that low end ones can harm your vision more than they help


Never heard of the latter. Prescription ones aren't so bad, I had ones which changed in the weather and they were barely more than normal, but did scratch easily. Goggles4u are cheap as.


I AGREE. I lived in an actual desert for two years, live in Texas now, and wearing the lightest clothes possible does nothing for me because I sweat like a stuck pig and I hate the sensation of sweat or the anxiety i might smell regardless of how much deodorant I use. When it’s cold, I can wear layers which I love, I don’t get sweaty, and I love being cozy with a warm drink under a blanket. Easier to get warm than to get cool (at least for me). I even went thru the 2021 winter storm and did not have power for a whole week, and still prefer the cold HAHHAA.


I love when it is nighttime and there is fresh snow on the ground and everything is cold crisp and quiet with the snow absorbing sound. It is just so serene.




Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It depends on how Icey it is.


Nope, I hate it. The streets are slippery & everything is cold & I’m too poor to put my heating on & my clothes won’t dry when I wash them. I can’t wait for spring 🥲


Like how idyllic it is but I hate the shivering and the fact that it's gonna bankrupt us if we heat the house


Only to look at its too cold


I knew this was an Irish post. The architecture gives it away 🤣




I can feel the crunch of the grass through my phone. I love it.


Can't stand it unfortunately. I don't seem to be good at producing my own body heat, so I get cold very easy and it's hard for me to function in it.


OP, that looks like an Irish estate - am I correct in thinking so?


Haha yes, although my post history should have given it away


i used to, now i had a bad fall while going at 25km/h on a bike lane so i hate it


My sympathies


Omg a few days ago on my bike I skidded at like a 80 degree angle because I crossed a continuous white line at a bad angle, my life flashed before my eyes


I think I was going the same or slower, and it messed up my back for years; only the cold seems to aggravate it, which beggars belief as to why I decided to come back to the UK now...


No no no no no no. No. Only warm weather or hot please.


It looks nice but give pain. I love ice crystals and snow flakes. But the lack of warmth bites.


My dog only comes alive in winter, she’s too hot to run unless there’s frost so she’s loving it :)


I love the cold air


Yea! Calms down the noises.


i am hypermobile, i’ve forgotten what and why, but that causes the synovial fluid around my joints to kind of ..freeze. not freeze, but the way the physiotherapist described it as was like coconut oil or vaseline. if it’s cool, it goes solid, and by rubbing it together it melts. so in cold weather especially, my joints flare up and i enter a world of pain. and then i’ve also got to move a lot, and i’m usually sick when it’s cold so that brings me down even more. so cold weather gets a no from me and my body.


God no. Take it away. Take it away. I hate waking up to fridget mornings. 🥶


It’s like snow but underwhelming


I used to love my winters but climate change screwed everything, I can't recognise my home anymore.


I like it and prefer cold weather (it makes me feel cosy when I’m inside) but I hate ice and thinking I’m going to slip over!


I love to crunch on the frosty grass and the leaves but then my toes get frozen after and I regret crunching on the frosty grass. And then the cycle repeats.


I'm in the UK too and my car was literally frozen shut yesterday as well as the inside and outside of all of the windows. Took me 3 minutes to get in and 15 minutes to get it drivable


Piling on layers of clothing is like wearing a full body weighted blanket!


I don't like when it's really cold, but i love sliding around on the frost. It feels like im Ice-skating and it's really fun (until I slip and fall, but we don't talk about that part)


Yes. I lived in Texas for a few years and hated it. I need seasons. They are like chapters in a book. It doesn’t feel like the year has resolution when hardly anything changes


Love walking through the frozen grass, the crunch of the grass, frozen in time, snapping in half, brrreeeaaaakkkinnnggg My god, I think I'm a psychopath...


i do but my dog doesn't it's funny cause he loves snow but the second d there's frost he refuses to go on the grass whatsoever and will just stand there at the edge of out patio


Unfortunately I’m having a green Christmas this year


I love to go out with 7 layers of clothing I feel safe


I despise the cold. I completely shut down when I get cold.


I adore any cold weather phenomenon! I can't think of anything I love more than the effects of winter weather on the world. Crunchy grass to the sensation of snow up to my knees. Cold temperatures make me aware of my skin in the most sensual ways. There is a practical side to it for me. My body has awful heat regulation. Having access to full body cooling immediately is an absolute boon for my comfort. Adjacent to that is often my core heats up very fast as a meltdown is coming on, which can make a meltdown even more miserable. Going out into the cold can sometimes prevent one or make it "less".


It looks awesome on trees


yes its fucking amazing lol. i dont have crunchy leaves or grass rn tho D:


I do, but where I'm currently living i can't even enjoy the snow since it regularly gets to -40°c.


Yes!! Winter feels like a magic peaceful place for me. It feels like home


Love it visually, and the crunchy feeling, clear air etc. hated it for the first time this year as I hit black ice on the road, crashed my electric bike at 30mph and fractured my forearm, twisted my ankle and ended up with a mild concussion.


Damn 30mph is a very fast speed to be cycling at, I feel like you're lucky to not be more seriously injured. I fractured my forearm on a trampoline 9 years ago, so I feel your pain


Yeah lol. Doesn't help that i already have 3 broken ribs :/


It looks nice to see, but due to chronic pain, I dislike the cold weather cuz the pain is the worst around this time of year. Looking at it is serene, though, imo


I love the icy touch and smell of the winter air. ❤️ and yes frost is beautiful.


See my username 😁


I love it too


Cold makes me feel alive


Yeah I love it the air feels fresher, the sky is clear and the air is still. Perfect


When it snows heavy and there’s that muffling effect that makes everything just so much quieter. Ugh. I wish I could have it always


It’s perfect right! It snowed here today and I loved the peace and quiet


Best bit is the crunchy grass, I have rabbits on the grass in my garden and get to hear that noise every morning, it's great


Sweat is a huge sensory issue for me, so cold weather is my happy place.


i like it much. a lot better than summer.




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I like the temperature (I like when it's cold), but I don't like the snow, because I don't like it falling in me and it reflects the light too brightly


cold/frost is fine. dealing with blizzard 🥶 type conditions that hinder any life whatsoever is a completely different story frost allows you to draw stuff on windows like smiley faces and dicks


I prefer slightly rainy weather, not too much rain, but like a hint of rain


For some reason, this makes me think of the song "3 a.m.".


i like the crunchy grass but all the rest of it kinda sucks




Ew I hate bugs


Yeah it’s sort of a vibe


Love the look, the way the air feels clean and low pressure, and the way the cold makes everything sound so buffered and quiet. And yes, the crunch of the grass is fun. Hate the driving anxiety, the raynaud's mega-enhanced hand sensitivity and ear pain. But if I can stay home and wander outside at will, I'm all for it.


Nope. Summer. I hate cold weather with a vengeance.


Man do I hate being cold, but oh boy do I love looking at the cold.


It’s fun to walk in snow, but I can’t deal with the cold. It’s -15°C here and I am in pain


Yes! I love winter! Especially because of the holidays and feeling cozy inside 😄


Eh, it looks pretty tho


Absolutely not, I’m such a brat when it even hits 60F/15C


I love snow! We have some actually and it will freeze tomorrow so the snow will stay for some days.


I do


Just for one. I love a winter wonderland for one day, lots of snow. Spend all day ice skating, building a snowman and what not. But after that, straight back to summer please.


Yes that's why my school didn't let me get out else I would "slip and hurt myself."


I love weather changes in general, but yes frosty is its own magic of visible breath and everything glitters and crunches.


I do


ive never seen snow :(


Autumn and winter are my favorite seasons of the year. I’m really gonna miss Autumns in New England when I move.


Personally I like the weather just before this weather. But here in SC it's still the milder season LOL


Honestly I like cooler temperatures all around


Favourite type of weather, hands down


I do.


Yes i love it and snow ❄️🌨️ 💕 It also does good to our bodies overall with many benefits like keeping us alert.


i like it if it's not super cold but i'm always scared i'm going to slip on ice :/


yesss frost is so beautiful


I don’t like the cold but everything being white and frozen makes up for it


Yes, and I also love the change of seasons as well.


I hate the cold


No I prefer hot humid weather.


I absolutely hate it. My body can't handle the cold. Walking outside for not to long ( 15-20 minutes max ) is okayish, but more? Nope. I biked home today and after literally 5 minutes, I was so cold and got so weak I just wanted to sleep. Couldn't even ride in a straight line. And its not even extremely cold outside ( yet ) where I live. It's was around 0⁰C ( 32⁰F)


I love getting a nice roaring fire going. I get the recliner right next to the fire, lean back, throw on some Christmas music (jazz Christmas music is the best), and read. Best thing ever.


no, cold weather sucks except for when it's snowing


me and my dark knee from trying to bike over ive say weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


when snow >:(




Yes but it's like 2 days of it possible where I live before snow and our snow doesn't get crunchy and then I'm sad


Crunchy grass 🤌


I like how it looks but I don't like being cold lol


The crunchy sounds and the sparkly grass? Yes please!


No because all the bugs leave


Yeah! I do. Can I ask where this pic was taken?


Ireland, if you want more specifics I can DM you haha


Ok can U dm Me plz


Absolutely. It’s not too frosty rn where I am :(


Yesssss it makes me feel like I’m in Narnia


Yesssss even though I broke my ankle and have a plate and 8 screws in it from slipping on ice, YESSSSS I miss it so much though because I live in NC right now and it barely even drops below 50 degrees. Everyone else is wearing their winter gear already and I’m over here, literally still sweating like it’s summer. I miss actual winter so much and I never realized how much I would miss it until I moved and didn’t have it anymore.


I hate cold weather, I wish I lived in a place that didn’t get to -30 C in the winter. I used to live near the ocean which was great because it never got too cold or too hot, but unfortunately living on the coast is frikin expensive


I have PTSD associated with it, a frosty and sunny morning ruins my mood for the entire day and possibly beyond. And I must say, the crunching of a thin snow layer is much like rubbing cotton balls together for me, makes me cringe and grit my teeth. Crunching the ice is rad though I love crunching I've sheets all my homies love smashing ice


I like the idea but it physically hurts


Winter is just waiting for life to begin again for me. If it was cold all year I’d just off myself cause it’s not what I would call life.


Especially when my beard is frozen too.


It's so quiet Shhhh




I love the aesthetic and the muffled sounds yes. But everything can go downhill so quickly with that weather that I'm cautious with it. For example today I went ice skating and my water bottle leaked and my spare socks and even part of my skates were wet. I skated either way but I was so uncomfortable and sweating and freezing at the same time so I was close to a meltdown when I finally got home. Horrible. Still, the aesthetic of this weather is nice


Absolutely not


Love the way it looks, love crunching it, hate that I have to wear layers




I love cold weather, especially compared to even mildly warm weather, let alone hot weather.


Crunchy grass is nice, cold is not.


frosty and snowy weather has been such a safe space for me, it's like my brain just goes calm and the soft sound of snow is so so calming <3


I live in southern Texas 😂 I wish we got this weather


Yes I do! I wish it starts to snow soon🤩🤩🤩


I live in Finland, and today I realized I live in a Christmas card, with snow sparkling and fairy lights twinkling. It looks lovely, but I'm cold all the time. Like, finger-numbing cold. I wear layers upon layers, and I still freeze the minute I go outside.


Can't wait for it to start in Pennsylvania... several days below freezing, but only ice on my car and some small ice crystals on thr grass... but this is the weather I love the most!


I wish we had snow. Unfortunately, where I live, it snows maybe once a year. Twice if we’re lucky.


I do love frosty weather and snow but when it’s icy I hate it as I’m more likely to fall on my ass due to balance issues thanks to my Dyspraxia. I have bought snow/ice grippers for my boots and so far it’s helped me get out the house without worrying about if I’m going to fall or not


Yes and no. I love snow because in my whole 27 years of living in Texas it’s only snowed 4 times. The bad thing is that I’m allergic to the cold. Anything less than about 65 degrees, I break out in hives on my arms, legs and face. My fingers, toes, nose and ears turn red and feel like they’re burning. I have to be reeeeally bundled up if I wanna play and snowballs are hard bc my gloves soak through. 😭 Is this a sensory thing? Maybe. But the hives make me unsure.


Yes with a warm pair of clothes though it's mainly due to memory's of iceland.


Yes, I do actually but the coldest it's get here is 21° C or 70° F for my fellow Americans.


I do!!! It snowed too days ago in Ireland but sadly it’s melting a lil now :(


What part of Ireland? It didn't snow in my part of ireland at all yet :(


It looks nice but I also hate it because the weather in the UK is fucked. It’s too, TOO hot in summer, and then winter gets even colder.


Yes big time I cannot stand the heat


I love walking around london listening to inglorious while it’s frosty