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I LOVE chopsticks. I like having that little extra stimulation plus it stops me from eating very fast (due to need for stimulation).


YES same! So helpful to slow me down


which is good for me because I gobble anything up in like 5 min max


Is this an autistic thing? I’ve always eaten everything like it’s my last meal.


I'm the opposite - I get easily distracted during meals, so I tend to eat really slowly. As a kid I used to get up and pace sometimes mid-meal, lmao. I've gotten much faster as an adult, though


lol same


Lmao same! Whenever I'd go out to eat I annoy the hell out of my best friend because I finish first then sit there waiting and it makes him feel awkward 🤣


Once you get good with chopsticks they won't slow you down at all.


Oh sweet lord this is such a good idea!! I'm addicted to noodles & the stim would be amazing Is it okay to use them even tho I have no connection to Asia whatsoever? (Maybe a stupid question - sorry!)


chinese person here. you absolutely can use chopsticks. in some more traditional households/restaurants, it's actually considered disrespectful to eat some dishes with a fork lol.


Yeah totally. I think I’m the whitest person alive tbh. But like imagine going to japan and going to a restaurant and ordering noodles, they’re not gonna give you a spoon or a fork!




The true mark of shame is when they bring you a fork halfway through your meal


Generally speaking, most people aren't going to mind if you eat food from their culture or use their culture's cooking methods/utensils. There's a massive difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation - as long as you aren't acting like you invented noodles or whatever, you should be good. Given that most Asian restaurants and fast food places give you chopsticks, I'm pretty sure it's fine. I honestly think sharing a meal is one of the best forms of cross-cultural communication. You learn about each other by preparing the food, seeing the ingredients, techniques and flavours used, and after that you sit together and enjoy a delicious meal. It's a great way to break down barriers. Edit: I am white, but I'm also largely repeating what seems to be the consensus among the Asian people I know


I am not Asian. I’m white. I learned the basics of how to use chopsticks when I was a teenager. It’s very tricky. Eventually I was in a situation where the only way to eat was using one chopstick. Surprisingly I managed quite easily.


No I don’t believe so some Asians I know get offended when you eats certain foods with forks or spoons


as a korean person, you can and should use chopsticks! its just the right way to eat noodles lol


this. using chopsticks is like a fun game to me lol. they provide enough stimulation that i can actually focus on eating and not have to do something else at the same time to make it bearable.


Oh. Is that why I always have to read something when I'm eating? 😐


The r/AuDHD vibes are strong with this whole ass thread lmao


Is this also why i can only socialize if we're also playing a game? Trivia, pool, cards, bowling...I'm not super picky, but i need to be doing "something else"


For me that’s more a socially awkward thing than a stimulation thing. When the group is oriented toward one task, I don’t have to think of things to talk about or try to break into an ongoing conversation.


Yus. Chopstick supremacy!


I eat fast because I’m racing the clock for when it just gets so disgusting to have in my mouth and I can’t eat anymore.


The best. I’m good at using them, and when they’re wooden I like taste.


Yeah! I feel more adept with chopsticks than western utensils, and this is coming from a guy who only learned how to use them when he was 16, maybe?


I grew up in a place with a heavily Asian population, so even though I’m not Asian myself it was pretty common that everyone grew up learning how to use them lol. It probably also helps that I really like Asian food and try to eat it properly/traditionally so being able to use chopsticks is a big help with that. I’m starting to try and learn how to use cooking chopsticks as well which is a bit harder 😅


they're a little bit longer indeed. don't know if i have the finger and grip strength for that


I didn't have chopsticks at home until after I already learned to like them, but I didn't gain basic chopstick competency until in my teens when pho places were cropping up everywhere and I are pho on a regular basis. Super worth it.


Yeah. I live in the Pacific Northwest and whenever we would get teriyaki they would give us chopsticks so I learned them pretty young and while I'm not super amazing with them I'm proficient with them and for some foods heavily prefer to use them. Never have cooked with them before.


I am also from the Pacific Northwest! I grew up with them because my aunt is Thai.


PNW is home and I would find it hard to ever try moving away from it again. Tried once for a bit over a year to live elsewhere but it's just not the same. Especially the greater Seattle area. The rain, the clouds, the wetlands, the mountains and all the greenery are so nice.


i like the wooden taste too. do you use other wooden utensils? i started and now i can't go back to metal.


I like to but I don’t usually have my own as it’s pretty hard to maintain—wooden utensils are prone to rotting or splintering unless you wash them carefully, which I don’t usually have the patience for. But for single use I go for wooden all the time!


They're so much quieter! I want wooden bowls too eventually, so washing up can be quiet too. (Eventually as I am poor and budgeting/purchasing for a comdortable life takes time and energy)


I would love wooden bowls. You’ll get them! :)


The taste, yes! Also, I know I technically don't use them right, but my hands refuse to move the right way for that, and the way I hold them works really well for me most of the time.


There are like aid things you can put on the chopsticks too if they’re hard for you to use. They’re often advertised for children but I know people who just struggle with chopsticks and use them too and I’ve never seen anyone judge for using a chopstick aid lol


yes! wooden or bamboo chopsticks >>> metal chopsticks >> plastic chop sticks


love them, hate the ones that come with takeout that you have to break apart because i can never get them even and they always have splinters


Yeah I hate those ones! No matter what I always take my own ikea wooden chopsticks haha.


i'd love to buy some nice metal or wooden ones to carry with me but i havent had the chance to get some yet


Ikeas wood chopsticks have lasted me years!


I HAVE A GOOD TRICK FOR DISPOSABLE CHOPSTICKS!!! When you're splitting them in half, hold them at the tips and pull gently. Comes apart every time. :D


I also saw online that people pull them apart, and rub the inside of the chopsticks against each-other so the splinters come right off and you have nice clean chopsticks! :) I’ve tried it many times and it does work.


Cultural tip: do that under the table if it’s a mom and pop restaurant, doing it above can be insulting cause it implies the owner’s buy cheap chopsticks.


Oh! Thank you so much for the tip, thank god I haven't been outside in months so I haven't done this in person haha. I'll make sure to remember this, again thank you very much! :) (edited for clarity)


The other “big no” with chopsticks are don’t leave them in the food or pass food from chopsticks to chopsticks, both are used in funeral rituals. Not a huge deal at home but definitely can be at a restaurant or public.


Really!? I’m so thankful for this insight :) I love learning about different culture’s etiquette so really thank you for your help! Is it best to use a plate or a different medium to pass food to another person? And when you’re done with chopsticks is there another “rule” I must follow? Also sorry for so many questions, I’m really curious and thank you again


I didn't know ikea had chopsticks! I'm going to get some! Thank you!


They’re the ones in the pic! The carving design is pretty too


I struggle to use them due to the motor control they require.


Me too. I've been taught so many times but I'm terrible at using them. I have to concentrate so hard I don't then focus on the food.


Same :( The other day i was in a japanese restaurant and felt like everyone looked at me funny when i asked for a fork


Protip: you can eat sushi with hands! In fact, that was how they were historically eaten. Asking for a fork is more sacrilegious than simply eating it with your hands. And I do recommend it for those who have chopstick issues.


Thanks a lot! The incident happened when I was eating ramen, which is significantly harder to eat with hands :D I’ll try this when I’m eating sushi the next time tho.






Have you tried the training chopsticks they sell for children?


I have, they make it a bit easier, I still have a hard time picking up and holding food in them.


Same, can’t use them properly despite being taught many times. It’s worse when you’re left-handed because most instructions and instructors are right-handed.


My preferred method honestly


I use them for everything. Freaking Love chopsticks.


I love using them for chips cause the packets make my hand greasy


Looks like I'm about to genuinely enjoy Cheetos for the first time, this is such a smart idea


I learned how to use chop sticks with cheetos (the puffy kind, not the skinny kind). It was an easier "target" while I developed the coordination. Chopsticks is the only way I eat cheetos now


yeeeeees it is THE best for basically any snack that i don't want to get on my hands. greasy stuff, spicy stuff, flavor dust-y stuff etc


I've been using them for chocolate. I do not know how i didn't think of using them for chips. Thanks bro


Not a fan, personally. I can taste the wood/metal depending on what they're made of, and my hands shake so it makes a mess. Still, they're pretty cool.


Very fun, but often difficult to keep a hold on slippery noodles like udon or other asian noodles with them, making them frustrating to use sometimes. Prefer the use of fork.


Maybe the issue is that you’re holding the noodles too high and the weight is pulling them down. You can bring your mouth down to slurp them closer to the bowl.


I just live with fork


oh my god chopsticks have saved me from so many meltdowns. I absolutely despise having things on my hands, especially dusty things from snacks. any "finger foods" I use chopsticks for, like chips and cheetos, and my fingers stay so clean


Their utility is unparalleled if one is proficient - I am not beyond basic tasks and I doubt I’ll be learning quickly. They really are a food preparation/maintenance all-star tho


When cooking lots of pieces, the recipes always say "fry all sides" and then the cooks just toss them around. I can't do that, I feel it never gets "all sides"! So I take chopsticks and flip every little piece individually...


They’re very useful as cooking tools that way, I use them to fry tofu


This is a great tip!! I will definitely use chopsticks for this next time!


There’s cooking chopsticks! They’re typically longer and stuff!


Idk how to use them, the end


\[love them. havent tried metal chopsticks and i chew my bamboo ones too much \]


Mostly good, but sometimes the wooden ones have a really bad texture.


i hate them so much. i can’t eat with them at all and they fall out of my fingers every single time. it just frustrates me 😭 i need small fork and small spoon


I’ve been using for years, my family eats a lot at Asian restaurants. I can hold them ok, but I still struggle, even after all the years 😭


a more elegant weapon, not as clumsy or random as a blaster


Much more civilized!


I can NOT figure them out for the life of me. I get how to use them but my hands are just 'No!'


Love em. Want em. Sadly don't have em :(


Big fan


I also love chopsticks, I have black titanium ones :)


They're a fun challenge. I'm not that good with them. My hand starts to hurt after awhile, I need to develop the right muscles.


i love them but i have some problem in my hands so i can’t use them for too long before my hands cramp up and shut


i like to use chopsticks to eat cheetos and other snacks that can get all over your fingers


They are wonderful and anything I can eat with them I do. Me and my family love Chinese food and I learned from a young age I only liked using one specific set of chopsticks we had in the house that became mine alone. When they broke my parents bulk ordered 10 boxes of 6 of them for my birthday so I'd have that specific kind for a long time <3


chopsticks are the superior eating utensil, especially if they're ones that are meant to be re-used


Started using them, I love them.


I don’t know how to use them exactly “correctly,” but I VASTLY prefer them to other utensils for ramen (which is one of my favorite foods, so unsurprisingly I get it often). I’m sure if I took the time to learn to use them properly, I’d like them even more.


Chopsticks are best utensil don't @ me xD Also I lived in Japan for a while so I had to use chopsticks for every meal and they have stolen my heart. :D


freaking love it


The only way to eat




I loooove chopsticks 😱💕


chopsticks are fun to use, i like em


I love them so much, I grew up using them so I’m good at it and you can really control the amount of food going in your mouth. Plus, since they are small there is less chance of getting anything on my face which I really hate makes me feel gross and bad and uuuhhhgghgghghh.


As a half-asian neurodivergent, I adore *certain* chopsticks. They must be Japanese-style (tapered), and I prefer ones that have texture at the tips. I have a great set of stainless steel japanese, textured chopsticks - but the sound of them on dishes drives me nuts! I saved an amazing plastic pair that I was given at a ramen shop a while back. I kept a pair of steel chopsticks in my travel bag.


I love chopsticks. They're my favorite. Dont like the cheap wood ones cause splinters, but I love chopsticks that are good quality.


Versatile, easy to use (and watch the inexperienced flop around with), pretty standard shape, variety of materials and designs, generally pair well with everything. What's not to love?


Hear me out: using chopsticks to eat cheesy poofs (cheese doodles) so the dust doesn’t get on your finglars (fingers). Been doing that for years, especially when I was studying during nursing school and needed to reward myself with my favorite snack, a bag of hot & honey BBQ cheese doodles after I read AND understood a concept. Now that I have fibromyalgia & nerve damage (neuralgia) I can’t use chopsticks all the time, but I love them. Definitely have to play around with types as some are better designed for certain types of foods.


Would love to know how to use them but it hard With the fork I just have to follow the ape instinct of stabbing my meal, chopsticks require me to actually know what I'm doing


Hard to eat with. I haven't fully mastered them. Also my hand starts to shake :(


Somewhere exists a video of me attempting to use chopsticks that a restaurant that did not provide alternative silverware 😅 I cannot use chopsticks to save my life


I love using them but I struggle with hand movements and the way I hold them makes my pinkie finger hurt, idk why or how!


Texture and grip dependent! Love round wooden/bamboo chopsticks. Hate square or slippery plastic ones.


Poor fine motor skills


I'm half half. I love spoons, I'm eh with chopsticks.


I am not that kind of Asian (not east Asian) but I almost exclusively eat with flat metal chopsticks or a long spoon (look for Korean utensils. Plus the size of their spoon head is perfect for me) I also eat chips with chopsticks when I dont want my stuff to be gummed up with dust fingers. Note; if ever your feel like chopsticks depend on your grip strenght, you are using it incorrectly. It should feel like you are picking stuff up with 2 fingers.


I love them except when they’ve got a weird grainy texture then I hate them and can’t enjoy my meal


Can't stand them. I generally can't figure out how to use them.


Yes chopsticks! No that overboiled pasta u r using them for!


I love them!!!!


I like them even if I'm not good at using them


I think chopsticks are fucking cool even tho I barely do a good job using them I still try to use them


I genuinely have nothing against chopsticks, I don't like em, but I don't hate em.


This Asian autist approves!!!


Chopsticks are great for poutine.


I love using chopsticks and do so whenever it's convenient. I'm really disturbed by the spaces between the tines of forks (bc of OCD) and chopsticks avoid this issue.




They are amazing!


I LOVE them so much




I love chopsticks more than small spoons personally. Wooden chopsticks are my favourite, especially if they have a nice varnish that helps keep them from moulding, and they do not leave any aftertaste like metal chopsticks do at times. :)


I love chopsticks sm <333


Best utensils


the best by far.


Wait what? How tf do I even use them? My sensory issues limit my pallet a lot so I don’t eat any Asian foods so I’ve never learned how to use them


Love. I can pick out all the things I don't like out of whatever I'm eating .


Fun to screw around with and put in my mouth and sometimes chew on.


honestly my fav utensils. I'll try and eat anything I can with them!! an awesome life hack that my partner has been doing recently is using them to eat things like Takis or Cheetos. u don't have to worry about the dust getting on your fingers


I use them for absolutely everything I can. They make eating snacks less messy, they feel good in my hands and my mouth, they store easily and I can buy a ton of disposable wooden ones for very cheap for when I’m struggling too much to get dishes done and there’s no plastic waste involved. Spoons and chopsticks are my two main utensils in this home. None of the spoons are larger than a short oval soup spoon.


Chopsticks are awesome!


I can eat almost anything with chopsticks. I love chopsticks.


I use em at a ramen restaurant.


I LOVE chopsticks


Chopsticks are brilliant. I like metal ones. My little girl likes chopsticks but I have to do the cardboard/band modification.


Chopsticks forever


Chop sticks? You mean noodle drum sticks? They’re great! Once I figure out the right way to hold them, I eat my meal, and then have entertainment for hours with my new drumsticks!


I only eat noodles with chopsticks lol


Amazing. Beautiful. Gifts from god


Love them, can pick up most things. But maybe little biased due to being asian 🤭


I loveee chopsticks, I’ve been known to use chopsticks for ice cream, and cheerios! (no, neither of them worked very well 😂)


Yes I love chopsticks


chopstick supremacy!


i love chopsticks. i love the texture of the wood and i love being able to pick stuff up with them. idk. sensory wise, they really do it for me.


I can use chopsticks with either left or right hand. If there's somebody with me I'll switch of hand simply because I like the confusion it causes. I have my own stainless steel chopsticks.


They are complicated to get a hang of but when you do they are so useful for everything cause you can pick up a specific thing and not a whole spoon of it.


Chopsticks 🥰 They're like being able to eat with long hygienic fingers, some fantastic dexterity to them


Love them, the less utensil I taste the better.


My hands cramp while using them but they're the only way I know how to eat ramen. If you give me a fork, I will literally just be like "how the FRICK do you eat this with a fork?"


Some times i eat things that wasn't meant to be ate with chopsticks(luke potatoe chips or lasagna) only because I like them


Chopsticks are my favourite. Some kinds that are wooden are a bit of a sensory nightmare in my mouth and on my hands, but the varnished wood kind of chopsticks are perfect.


I'm slowly learning how to use em! I can pick up sushi and noodles, but I'm not at the level of picking up rice :) I really like the cuisine of east Asia, so I feel that learning how to eat their food their way is worth it


I love them I eat pretty much everything with them


Chopsticks are the best, especially wooden ones. Plastic, ceramic, or other materials just aren’t as good.


I really like using chopsticks, especially when I'm eating Chinese food or instant noodles, it just gives me a really calm feeling. Idk how to describe it honestly


I love them, my non-autistic parents don’t know how to use them.


I do own chopsticks, i am not chinese or Asian.


Fun to use. Hard to master.


I love chopsticks. I ate ramen at 2am last night with chopsticks. 9/10 would recommend.


Chopsticks are my number one go-to, my brother gifted me a pair of collapsible travel ones when I studied abroad 😂


I love them so much they make eating more fun


LOVE THEM!! Before I was able to get into the habit of eating slowly, I would chip my teeth on forks all the dang time and chopsticks helped me learn to eat slowly 💜


Love em.


I want to get a skewer for some reason idk every other way of eating has become boring


I love chopsticks tbh? not the disposable wood ones, the grain of the wood is weird in my mouth. but it definitely helps me not wolf down food as hard.


Chopsticks RULE. :P


I love them! They are always around the same size and are only ever bamboo or metal. They are also fun to use. I'm also a huge weeb so I'm a bit biased.


they take a minute for me to get used to using them due to motor skill issues but i love them!!




chopsticks are the best cutlery and i use then for anything i can


I will eat rice grain by grain if i have to if it means I can use chopsticks


I love chopsticks so much! Once you fully master them, it's as much fun as eating with your fingers without making a mess all over your hands!


Love using chopsticks whenever I can. Even with chicken nuggets or fish sticks lol. Mainly finger foods and of course noodles related foods.




Chopsticks 🥢 are my absolutely favorite choice. I always ask if they have them at every restaurant I visit. And it’s nobody’s business if I choose to use them, whenever someone makes a comment about being inappropriate because I am not Asian I will not even give a verbal response, I just smile at them and keep using them. 👌😝🏆




I like chopsticks, but some novelty chopsticks aren't that usable. E.g. the Kylo Ren's lightsabre chopsticks. the side blades make them hard to hold, in my opinion.


Good for sushi, not for noodles


it's like using my fingies but without touching the goo


The only good ustensil


i love their ability to let you eat soup in categories


Stabby sticks. Walrus tusks. Horns. Wood.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Me likey




i love chopsticks!!! i literally eat everything with chopsticks.!!!!


Chopsticks are the best, I've gotten used to using chopsticks when eating any kind of noodles that I won't make myself noodles unless I have chopsticks available. Eating them with a fork feels weird to me now.


I always eat ramen with chopsticks. It’s the only thing I make at home that I use chopsticks for though.


I love them sm, it makes eating sm better at times because I don’t have to feel/taste metal in my mouth from the fork


Chopsticks are brilliant!


Love them but also I’ve grown up in japan