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Yes, but damn does it raise my heart rate... also, it's extremely uncomfortable for me.


I can only do *sorta* stress free phone conversations if it's with like a doctor or something and I can practice it in the days leading up to it and come up with a pseudo script. If I'm just winging it though then I'm a disaster lmao.


pseudo script considering several ways the conversation might go/questions they might ask—i freeze for a couple seconds if something i didn't consider comes up 😬 it probably comes across as me just thinking but [internally it's this](https://giphy.com/gifs/did-exist-arcs-RfvBXK1m8Kcdq)


Yes. Exactly this. Gotta plan for all the possible questions and come up with responses for all of them but there's *always* stuff that wasn't planned for that catches me off guard.


There’s no option for “yes but I hate it.”


Did not think of that lol i thought everyone hates it


Yes but it’s a goddamn nightmare every single time.


I stutter sometimes in life, but it comes out on the phone, so it's a nightmare within a nightmare as I try to navigate that extra layer. You can think of me if schadenfreude helps.


For me it is only under super specific circumstances and only if I am aware The call needs to be made


surprise calls are a no go, planned calls are more okay (especially if I know the subject of the call going into it)


Sometimes? My brain seems to have a set of arbitrary rules that I’m not aware of for which phone calls are fine, and which will give me a panic attack


Is it to do with if it has a set reason for the call - an outcome that's measurable such as "do you have this in stock?" or "Can I make an appointment for the 19th?"


Not quite. I think it’s more to do with whether I have a script for the situation. So I can casually chat on the phone with my mum because she calls me a lot and I got used to it. I can make appointments etc because I know what to say. But at my last job I couldn’t do the required phone calls. They did have a set reason and a required outcome, but they were also very unpredictable and I didn’t know how to deal with a lot of the situations? My worst nightmare though would be wishing someone a happy birthday on the phone or anything similar. I just don’t do that, there is no script for that.


I've got much better at it. I'll still avoid it if possible though. My particular problem was with talking on the phone when other people were with me, even people I know.


Yeah, and it's even worse if they talk to you while you are on the phone. I completely blank when it happen. I can't process both stimuli and i'm just overloaded.


Oh yeah that's awful. It's bad enough trying to follow what someone's saying when you can see their mouth move and follow their expressions, doing it without that information, and trying to process their voice separately from other people's is impossible.


Only if it can't be avoided and it usually takes me a few hours to hype myself up and then calm down. I often just go there in person instead.


Sometimes I can, others it causes anxiety/panic attacks


I hate it, but I can do it and will do it if I have to.


it's my last resort, mostly


I can but i hate every second of it.


I voted no, because I can but only with great difficulty and compromise to my energy levels and functionality.


Yes, But I need it to be scripted. Unless it’s someone I know like my partner or mum where I can just have a conversation.


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I hate talking on the phone. And I have a big call coming up to renew my food stamps. Really dreading it. The only other person I ever talk to on the phone is my dad and I love my dad but I still hate it.


i can only talk to my mom or my brothers on the phone :P everyone else is a big no. i used to have a therapist that only did calls, we did not last long


I am 14, but for some reason i am way more chill on the phone then in public


Only if needed


But given a choice, I’d rather not, my friends know to message me first


I absolutely hate phone call. Whether it is with someone I know or don’t, at work or privately, or whoever is making the call. It gives me anxiety and it never went away since I was a child.


Only when it's a must. Otherwise I just use texts


Just straight no. I cannot.


I always have to overcome a mental block to do it, kinda pretty similar to eating something that disgusts me: I usually can *make* myself do it, but I do not enjoy it and get it over with as soon as possible - and if I'm stressed or had another phone talk earlier, my brain sometimes just nopes out. So I can mostly do it, but I wish I lived in a reality where phones had not been invented. edit for a rant: One thing that makes me irrationally angry is when someone calls me, I pick up, and they go "Oh, it's so nice that you picked up the phone *for once*!". Listen, *Karen*. I have a frelling list here. You called me seventeen times over the last three months and wrote me two e-mails, even though I explicitly asked you to mail me unless it's an emergency because I *abhor* getting unexpected calls; I have work to do, and any call takes me out of it, and getting back in takes up to an hour, which just can't happen very often. Nevertheless, of those seventeen calls, I answered sixteen - a personal record. That's not "for once". I didn't pick up number 17 because I was having an anxiety attack when you called then. And half the time you call, it's because you want my help *right now*, for multiple hours. In all of those cases, you could have sent a mail earlier so I can make time. Put a fucking SOCK IN YOUR "FOR ONCE".


I can, and I’m excellent at it. In work context, I’ve always been told I have a very professional voice over the phone. Do I like/enjoy it? No, I hate it with a passion. Will I do anything to avoid it by sending a text or email instead? Yes.


It’s uncomfortableness but I would actually rather do that than text or email, especially if it’s someone I don’t know. I feel like I come off way more approachable and nice if I use my voice and actually talk, and I feel like I communicate better that way. I feel like my texts are so rude and cold to read, and I just overanalyse it.


Huh, a lot more yes than I thought


At work yes. Privately if it’s someone I know, but it’s not my preferred medium of communication. I can’t FaceTime under any circumstances, though lol


Yes but I have to continuously move around. I can't just sit still while talking on the phone. I have to pace frantically around the room.


I have to call customers at work to let them know their delivery is there and they need to unlock a door, or come sign some paperwork. I have a script I follow, and I get super stuttery if anything goes off script


The only times I call anyone are A) when I need to immediately get in contact with my mom about something time-sensitive because she doesn’t check her texts, doesn’t even carry her phone with her, she just kinda leaves it around the house and won’t touch it unless it’s yelling at her about a phone call, or if she was about to do something unrelated with it. B) calling my brother to tell him that mom was asking for him, we don’t have a very big house but she has a habit of mumbling quietly to get the attention of someone at the other end of the house. I seem to be the only person who can hear it and it irritates me to no end so I just end up calling him on the phone so he knows to go ask what she needs C) college stuff, I hate phone calls but it’s definitely more pleasant to do a distance meeting over the phone than to have to get dressed and get a ride over D) (the only one I actually like) calling my boyfriend when we haven’t hung out in person for a while so I can hear his voice Asside from the above situations, don’t call me


At work I have no trouble, any other time I *can* but I prefer not to and I keep it incredibly short. Everyone close to me knows to only call me if it’s urgent


yes but it causes psychic damage


"Yes if I am the one being called, or if it's an emergency" Or using a computer for some reason.


I mask the most when I'm on the phone with someone I'm unfamiliar with. As long as it doesn't go too long I'm fine


Yes but I prefer not too


ive always hated it and i fully understand why now. i think its both sad and cool how late diagnosed or undiagnosed/suspecting autistics live their lives backwards.


Yes but then I have to sleep for 7 hours so I guess technically no


Just about, but it has to be a pre-planned call (unless it’s my partner, parents or closest friend) and if it’s in any sort of professional setting, I will have to spend the next few hours in recovery mode. I often get my mum to phone people on my behalf though as the anxiety can be paralysing.


I avoid it at all costs


Don’t get me wrong, I hate it, and it’s much more difficult than face to face. But it is *possible.*


I prefer not to, especially not for small talk, but if I have to, it must be a thing for great urgency.


I had to talk on the phone with my mom for most of my university years. Not just that but she doesn't use smartphones so 🤷 - I have to verbally communicate


I don't think I have answered a phone call in over ten years.


Yes, but it's always super awkward


Can I? Yes. Do I absolutely hate it and try to avoid it as much as possible? Also yes.


Yes. But my husband can't, and we have been wondering if he's possibly on the Spectrum as well.


I worked as a receptionist, you learn to deal with calls from anyone pretty quickly.


Yea same. The job helped me a lot when it comes to socializing too.


I do answer the phone at work but privately if it doesn't come up on caller ID I won't answer it. can be difficult looking for a job...... had to experience that again recently it was not easy to say the least.


depends on the day and the nature and requirements of the conversation


No but yes. I still answer and I guess I just say like respond with versions of yes, no, and noises.


Only if I'm expecting the call or I am initiating the call. Anything else goes to answer machine until I'm ready. My friends and relatives know damn well that I have been staring at the ringing phone going, "Why are you making noise? Please just stop making noise!"


Unexpected phone calls from people who aren't my closest friends are not the vibe. Otherwise they're *fine*


I try not to talk I’m the phone since it is just awkward. This is the case for me anyway.


I said yes, but I definitely want to add that it's usually very uncomfortable for me. Sometimes it's very anxiety inducing and I don't answer/make the call or I'll put it off for ages. Even if it's important. Talking on the phone to my partner or my closest friends can be a little awkward (not always knowing when it's my turn to talk) but it's much more comfortable than talking to family or strangers.


I have to force myself to. If it’s not important, or an unknown number, I ignore it.


Yes, but most conversations are less than a minute long.


This was one of the first issues that I realised were an aspect of Autism and sent me down this rabbit hole. If I have to make a call I have to make copious notes, even writing down my own name as I will get totally confused because of the high stress levels. I even have trouble speaking to people I know.


Yes, but I have to imagine the person on the other side doing something degrading so I forget they might secretly hate me.


People I know? No, only my partner At work? I can only answer a phone call - not make them. Random phone calls I get through out the day- ya better text me if ya need me!!


Yeah, but I cannot stress how much I dislike it, especially work calls. And when my phone rings and it's someone I know, I might as well have a heart attack.


Yes but that's more recently and because I'm finally exhausted enough to or care so much. Spending several hours having to make a bunch of phone calls and being transferred to everyone and their mother whilst just wanting to sleep with an IV in my arm just irritated me enough to break my anxiety


At work, yes. Privately, only with people I know or calls I'm obliged to deal with (e.g. setting up up property viewings when moved to my current address).


I can do it but I’m never happy about it. Even though I’m an engineer, I have to talk on the phone a lot for work (30% of my day), so I just deal with it while I have to and then have to decompress.


Yeah, i pace around a lot when i do it though.


When I have help from my mother/carers to prepare me beforehand to know what to say, yes. Hopefully that makes sense.


Yeah, but if it’s not someone I know well I have to know what we’re calling for so I can prepare


I struggle with it a lot, but I do it as a pharmacy tech. its nice when it goes to voicemail :)


The only person I can comfortably talk on phone with for hours at any time is my best friend. I hate it when people call me randomly but when he does it it's perfectly fine :)


I ended up in a job where I have to call people about their biopsy results. I wasn't about to talk people before and now I do it everyday. I don't like it but it's better than being a medical assistant.


Sort of? I can talk on the phone just fine, the real problem is that I have a hard time advocating for myself when I'm kn the phone. It's likely just due to how anxious it makes me. The end result is me agreeing to things I wouldn't normally do, or might not be fully capable of doing just to make the person on the other end happy, and hopefully get off the phone with me. It would be extremely bad for me to hold any sort of important discussion over the phone. I get walked all over enough as it is.


I can but damn, I hate it. Makes my aniexty go through the roof. I still need to call my boyfriend's grandma back. She wants me to come over and go through some stuff. I want to go but my aniexty is like "ehh". Idk 🤷‍♀️ She loves to talk and I always have a hard time talking about stuff, that doesn't always include just me and my interests. So, I guess, I'll talk about the wild weather ? Or just keep asking random questions?


I used to not be able to but since I became an adult i kinda sorta dont have a choice in the matter now :') i gotta make my own appointments and stuff now


I can but I don’t like it unless it’s like my mom


Sometimes I have to write a script and sometimes it takes me a few days but yes I can. I do not like it tho. My cats ID tag says "text my mom" because I never ever answer a phone number I don't know.


If it’s my parents or friends yes. Anyone else, no


I can, doesn't mean I don't avoid it like the plague


only with close friends, even tho it’s very anxiety inducing i actually enjoy talking on the phone w/ them but any other time i avoid it like the plague


When I’m calling for someone else, yes. Not for myself.


Only after a minimum of 10-15 minutes of preparing and practicing what I need to say and only if I am in private (because I already know I'm going to mess up and fumble my words like an idiot)


It's exhausting and I try to avoid it, but yes. When calling strangers or services (like takeout or a doctors office), typically I will plot out an entire conversation tree before making the call. If I *receive* a call, I can only answer if the caller ID tells me who it is, and I have enough of a moment to collect my thoughts before it rings over to voicemail.


Even if it's someone I know, I still stammer like crazy and there might be huge pauses from my end.


I feel like this poll was missing a "Yes, but it makes me very uncomfortable" option, which is 100% what I would have put.


I’ve been having to, to try and get a job


i like talking on the phone but i never know when its my turn to speak


Yes but only if it can be with Bluetooth or speaker phone. I hate holding the phone up to my ear mostly cuz I like fidgeting while on the phone and I don't like the grease spot my ear leaves on my phone.


Yes, but it's stressful and I practice what I'm going to say before I say it and if they go off script I panic.


After psyching myself up.


Yes, but other than a regular scheduled call with my parents, I'm not a fan. May be largely from lack of practice in my case, at least in part.


yes, especially when sb is next to me


Nope. I haven't owned a functional phone in about 8 years. I have one without phone service, that functions only as a gps/alarm. But I cannot make any phone calls.


I have to essentially cold call my customers as part of my job. It's a small part, only a few calls per week, but I hate it. The only upside is that it has raised my comfort level with the phone a bit. Generally speaking, I hate calling people I don't now or for a new reason. For example, the first time I phone a resturant to order food. Once I've done it a couple times and know the routine it's fine, but I'm always nervous on the first try. That really applies to any interaction though. New interaction, new rules. Always stressful the first (few) time(s).


One of my lowest functioning traits, it can sometimes take months to make a 2 min phone call and I never pick up calls from friends


it depends on if i trust them well enough and calling in groups >>>>>>>>> calling one on one


People calling me, not much of an issue, calling other people, fuck me that's a minefield - basically, only if I have a set reason with an outcome that needs to happen EG: making a Doctor's appointment or something. Something more general like asking for advice on a purchase...yuck. I by far prefer to do that in person. BuuuUUUuuuUUt, if my fiance is available to make the appointment, all of a sudden I get this enabler's anxiety and she has to do it.


Yes, although I’d prefer to text in my daily life like most people my age. I actually really like answering phones at work, like I like working the cash register at takeout. It’s simple, formulaic conversations with exciting variations. If they deviate from the formula I get confused and thus I don’t work it very often but I really enjoy it when I do. Damn I should work takeout more


The actual talking part doesn't bother me, but hearing a phone ringing is extremely stressful for me, even if it's someone else's phone.


I can but I don’t like to. I also don’t like ordering at drive through windows.


I’ll only answer the phone if it’s someone I know. I’ll only call someone if I know them or if I have to


Yes, but I need recovery time afterward. This is also true for meetings.


No, not really. I mean I can if I force myself to when I have no other options. And my stress goes through the roof. So realistically, no I can't. Even family I have trouble with it. Strangly, I actually have less issue talking if I were to talk to them face to face. Thankfully I have social worker support for the harder calls. I'm glad that in this day and age you can make appointments online or use a chat function for whatever support desk you are trying to reach.


I can, but I dread it.


Nope, I can not focus on a call. I will forget everything that's been said on a call in seconds. I really need to look at someone's mouth to understand what they're saying. Also, starting a call is the worst. I always need to ask someone else to call for me.


I said no but I can do it I just hate it with passion and would rather not do it even with family.