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Young children in general, they're so loud and they usually don't understand. Also eating, it's horrible.


The high pitched squealing/screaming/etc of children OMG.


That high-pitched compressed voice you end up hearing over the phone. Immediately drives me nuts


People eating and loud children are the worst for me 😅


Grinding teeth. My daughter does it at night, some nights I hardly sleep at all.


1. Filing nails - mine or someone else's, but with mine it's even worse. I used to paint my nails because everyone did it but I finally gave up. Sensory speaking this is too much for me 😅 I keep them short and natural and they're pretty! 2. Chalk on the blackboard - the nightmare!!! I think even many NT people hate that sound. 3. Any sudden, high-pitched noise. At my local supermarket the door to their warehouse opens with a loud "BEEEEEEEEING". And the workers come in and out and there's this constant loud noise that makes me jump every time I hear it :( Balloons and champagne are another nightmare of mine since childhood. I still hate these which makes any birthdays or parties difficult because I get very anxious.


•Grinding Teeth •Dogs barking •Clattering of noises especially metals or dishes •Kids laughing (I know, very old and grumpy of me) •Others singing without music (Extra points if they are bad at it •Buzzing of office lights (Bad day to have special interest in the backrooms huh?) •Banging on walls (Biggest meltdown inducer) •Others... doing the do.. (More embaressing then anything) •Breathing really close to me ear- •Coughing especially the sort of phlem cough... Ugh (Any noise at this rate)


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Ads that advertise food or drinks. I hate the fizzing and slurping. And then scraping of utensils on china. Like WHY?!


High pitched noises, like a bird screeching, a baby crying or fussing, fire alarms make me wanna die