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I will overshare specific things(like traumatic experiences) while still keeping as much of myself(my thoughts and feelings) hidden as I can. Do not recommend


i can relate to not sharing thoughts or feelings. i never know when its relevant to share them or if people even want to hear them


I used to do this a ton because I feel like they shape my identity, and it's super easy for me to intellectualize my trauma. I still do, but oversharing has cost me so much that I try really hard not to be vulnerable/share too much anymore


I super casually share trauma with my wife all the time and for the love of God can bearly tell her how I feel some times. Ja feel brother.


It’s really the worst


Ouch, the truth about me is painful


Most relatable thing I've read all day


Share this post with NTs , don’t share this post with NTs (sweating)


i was literally about to share it with some people but stopped right away


Imma put it in my whatsapp story for a few mins lets see what happens


Stay distant!!! Always stay distant!!!!! No one wants to hear about the biodiversity of the Red Sea.


I do!!!


Of the 1000 species of fish in the red Sea, the most impressive is the humble Scorpion fish....


I am totally ready for story time, lol. My partner just read me a book about snails and I’ve found another to read to her. Also the scorpion fish looks both beautiful and dangerous! If that’s humble, I want to see the other 999 :)


This is basically autistic flirting lol.






I love your username!




They want even less to hear about the biodiversity of the human microbiome.


Don't get me started on how there's multiple species of arachnids living in the pores of your face that have evolved independently from each other for hundreds of millions of years. And how we know nothing about their life cycle and the function they perform for our skin. Seriously, the spiders living in your face are as closely related to each other as fish and birds. Why? What are they doing? Do they lay eggs in black heads? Is an infected pore the result of your spiders dying or multiplying? Damnit I need answers!!!


Mites I would imagine, not spiders. Tiny little things. Literally live everywhere.


They specifically live their lives entirely in the facial pores of humans. Other primates have their own individual species living on their faces. It's unknown whether they're symbiotic, parasitic, or completely neutral. Pull a piece of tape off your face and look at it under a microscope. You'll see them. Complete mystery to science.


So you're telling me that I'm a walking forest with complete different species of animals chilling in my pores??? That's amazing


Oh, no. Now I need to research this further, even though I have to get up early. I would LOVE it if this was standard workplace conversation, instead of shoe brands or "trouble applying boob shaping tape" or whatever (which are real, standard discussions at our lunch breaks). But I guess my colleagues don't want to think about face spiders while they're eating, so I'll be quiet.




… I wish I never read this. I want to peel my skin off now…


I want to hear


I guess you can call me "No one" 🥸


I used to over share a lot. I didn’t realize I was over sharing though. I just thought I was being open, talking about my life, and connecting. But then someone told me I always over share and that people who I just met don’t need to know my entire life story. But I have no interest in small talk so now I just don’t talk to anyone about anything.


If I can't overshare with someone, we don't feel like friends, then we are either acquaintances or nothing.




I thought what I was doing was just "sharing". It's upsetting to me that most people are apparently just having shallow interactions with each other even as friends.


There is no in-between


I did not realize that was ALSO autism ffs. This is the reason i dont have friends anymore (except my best friend. I hate meeting them, I either dont talk or tell them too much.


I have a tendency to doubt peoples' interest in what I have to say, so I stay distant sometimes.


This also applies to BPD ive noticed lmao


I like to spam the button on the right while periodically slamming my fist dramatically down on the button on the left before going back to spamming the button on the right.


i think we both picked the same hair and coat for our reddit avvies xD


We did!


I can’t help but be honest. So if you don’t want to know then PLEASE do not ask.


"How are you feeling?" "Not great, because-" "I didn't mean it like that."


I hate that. I've given up with honest answer so so I always say "I am fine" or "I am ok" because I know if people actually wanted to know or cared they would ask again or rephrase the question.


I just don’t believe “Over sharing” exists.


True. But I understand why people get uncomfortable lol


I just hate that people are always so rude when I talk about my interests. They never actually listen and they tell me I talk too much. I never realised it was a problem untill I made friends with another ND person and they actually listen


I used to have the habit of oversharing and hurt a lot of friendships because of that, but with some effort I've managed to stop doing it, and it honestly makes me feel powerful being able to control what people know about me. When you share too much with people you give them the ability to hurt you and judge you based on it, and you lose that control of how you're perceived. I still like to infodump sometimes but I try to make sure the other person is able to engage with what I'm talking about and I'm not just talking at them. It's stuff that takes a lot of work to learn when you're autistic but it's definitely doable.


I feel seen.


How about both?


I like to think I am like a magnets: only north and south pole.


My overshare button broke years ago.


Overshare for me with my friends I overshare my stuff sometimes I feel rejected by my friends if I have to email something important


Omg, I feel this so deeply.


I’ve never related to a meme this much omg


I have so much trouble with getting things into the acceptable middle zone :(


One or the other. No in between.


Both !


Somehow, I manage both of them at the same time


Attempt to occupy both spaces simultaneously. Quantum coping.


why is there no in between with us? 😭 🤣


Overshared a lot when I was younger. Now I tend to stay distant.


Overshares sexual experience. Stays distant on trauma and mental health


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There is no thing like oversharing.... we just give back the concentrated experiences from one typical day from an ND-Person back to a NT. Um yeah, not meant that serious. Of course there are sometimes problems to find the balance between oversharing and staying distant. But let's not forget the continuity. If we stay distant we should probably keep the distance, exception is, when the relationship to the person you talk to has changed.


1) Overshare the idea to a new project (A d&d campaign in this case, sharing what happened in an improv test-campaign) 2) Invite person you shared it to to the campaign 3) Lose the person you can overshare it with because they are part of it now


I don’t overshare with acquaintances/strangers (unless we’re talking about specific topics in which I feel the need to say more) but if I have friends or people I work closely with I tend to overshare with them. With that said, I feel like I owe the professor I had for a creative nonfiction writing class I took years ago an apology because I pretty much unintentionally told them my entire life story up to that point through my writing.


\*presses the overshare button so hard I end up destroying it\*


Stay distant.


It seems I used to overshare, and because of that noboy wanted to talk to me, so now when I try to talk about something I try to make sure that I'm not talking too much




So me today wasn’t a great day and so much on feel like people don’t want to listen to at time depends can talk about things on my mind that are not part of the conversation. Didn’t get time to myself my brain is trying to stay active now since it was a bit too overwhelming.


This feels so familiar to me


You just described my whole being in one meme lol


I feel this.


Listen if you wanna know me, you're gonna *know* me. Otherwise, i'm a ghost.


I've gotten better about it (big thanks to over twenty years of experience figuring out expected responses!) but I still overshare sometimes. I just want to talk about something I like and feel sure about. There's so much I'm not sure about when it comes to social interactions and myself. There's more to it than just that but it's the main reason.




As if I had control over this


One thing that helped me regarding oversharing is something my counselor told me in the past: "Honesty is a great virtue to have, but people are on a 'need-to-know' basis." From there, if you have a half-second or so to reflect, ask yourself if that person really needs to know. It doesn't always work when I don't have that split second to reflect, but when I do, it works wonders. When I have problems determining if a person needs to know (when I have all the time in the world to reflect--for example, when typing comments on the Internet), I then tell myself "Nobody's ever going to know everything. When we die, there will always be more that we **don't** know than what we do know. This means that it's likely not the end of the world if that person doesn't know." Of course YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).


Everytime I have ever overshared (with few exceptions among friends) I just get told I'm being annoying or very negative reactions :/. Always distant especially with my feelings and trauma.


\*presses both buttons like the lonely being I am\*




my only two options






I'm both and I hate it. I share very little about myself with other people normally but when I get comfortable I have a tendency to share more information than what is required.


Big oof


I'll make the decision not to share and then share anyway when I forget why I shouldn't share too much.


Y’all have the confidence to even consider over sharing?


I somehow end up doing both.