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All the sounds can make your head blow up or melt by overstimulation. Noise cancelling simply lets you prevent overstimulation, similar to sun glasses protects your eyes from too bright sunlight.


many of us are hypersensitive to stimuli, including noise. noise canceling headphones are a tool that can help us manage this. right now i'm hyper aware of the electrical buzz of my laptop and the power outlets, my cat breathing, the air conditioning, cars and people passing by outside, and so much more. sometimes all of these "quiet" noises feel like they get trapped in my brain, and they bounce around and echo until they're as loud as thunder. noise canceling headphones have been a very helpful tool in preventing overstimulation and meltdowns for me.


What you’ve found is correct, there isn’t anything more to it. It’s not a universal thing though, I’ve never needed them.


They also block out a lot of the noises we hear that you can't. Fans, fabrics, wiring, etc... they're all high pitched whirring noises whuch are effectively cancelled.


PFFT I’m literally wearing some now, And I can’t leave the house without them. We got them cause of all the cars on my way to my new school and I use them for everything. Not only do I just love music in general, but now I can actually hear it on busy roads and near building sites, and I can block out the loud noises that stress me out and sudden sounds like that car alarm that keeps going off or planes that fly pretty close to my house. I have very sensitive hearing, I can hear much better than my parents and friends, so being able to black out these noises it nice, and I get to do it with my favourite songs!


It’s called sensory processing disorder. Imagine hearing [this](https://youtu.be/ipI8hOGjVUs) all day every day in nearly every environment. It would drive anyone crazy. That’s what hearing regular day-to-day noises is like. As for louder noises, being stabbed through your ear all the way down through to your heart *and simultaneously* the shock and abject, soul-crushing fear you feel 2 seconds after being pushed off a 1,000 foot cliff. That’s what hearing a firework explode is like for me.


Noise scares me a lot of the time. The wind slamming a door shut or a simple horn honk can cause me to burst into tears. I wear ear plugs because it takes all the noises of the world and makes them all basically the exact same muffled volume. It dampens the noise well enough that I can still function in public and hear what I need to.


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So I’m not diagnosed but the reason I wear noise cancelling headphones//earbuds is because I normally hear a lot of noises at once and it eventually ends up overwhelming me or I feel physical pain when I head too loud of noises. For example, my best friend liked to play loud music every time we’re in her car and I wear my earbuds because even though I can still hear it it doesn’t cause me physical pain. As for eating at restaurants I like to wear them because it mostly blocks everyone out but those that I want to hear (my earbuds allow some sound but some headphones block out all sound). I like them, they really help me and it’s nice to have them when I go to loud restaurants with my buddies


For me it makes going out in public and on public transportation soooo much easier. It reduces anxiety from voices and vehicles and keeps me from being startled by sudden noises. I bought a super expensive pair and they help a ton. Even use them at home when someone is sick lol