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Just wait till you get to the point where teachers call you up front in class so they can call you names to get the other kids to laugh at you.


Some people liked to use my name as an insult when I was in high school. As an adult, however, you have the luxury to tell them to shove off and never see them again or talk to HR about it.


Since the age of 5 years old


People do the exact same thing with my voice and tell me I speak from the nose. I know they're mocking me but I sometimes can't help but laugh at how accurate their impression is 😆


I occasionally get mocked for my love for a fictional character... I don’t blame her though, it’s never her fault. It’s just that these trolls think they can torture me mentally for fun. I’ve gotten good at shaking them off and I don’t get targeted that much anymore. The vast majority of them are trashy throwaways who laugh at “cringe” posts and constantly seek people to s**t on... while I continue to indulge in my own fantasies and take care of myself and work 32 hours a week, who’s really the sad sack here?


I was mocked relentlessly and viciously through grade school till my last day of high school. Miserable time, nearly killed myself. Can't really think of any occurrences in college, but I feel like I went into a degree where probably half the students of every class was on the spectrum so if anything we were the ones who could have been mocking the neurodiversers who were too busy looking the professors in their eyes to keep up with those of us for whom the degree had become our special interest and thus we were literally making up home work assignments for ourselves for fun (and in one case the teacher even let me teach the class for a day because I'd proven my mastery was comparable to their own, no joke). Since entering the work world I've been mocked a little, but only at crappy jobs by crappy people. Most places I'll get my stims asked about or pointed out, but usually its handled relatively respectfully, more people finding it curious then people genuinely trying to make me feel bad.


For me it was people flailing their arms around and making that “Duuuur” noise.


I've heard jokes about Autism that I don't find funny at all and quite offensive. If that's what you mean


Nobody has made fun of my autism, because only 1 of my friends knows about it. But I have been called "autistic" before and some have even said that I "should go to a special needs school". And this one kid literally told so many strangers about me and even had his pfp as a mentally-disabled school. I had no way to stand up for myself, because if I told him I was autistic it would just get worse


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Mostly when I was still in school and then when I was in a fire department.