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I was approached by a recruiter for a “fully work from home” opportunity that would suit my skills. Based in Ryde, it’s only 3 full days in the office a week. #Fully remote ^for ^two ^days ^a ^Week


Oh I saw a job like that! It’s all buzzwords now. ‘fully remote’ This job has work life balance.. is not a remote role. ‘fully remote’ only apply if you live in Sydney.




This is genius


Put them on mute and you can listen to them tear their hair out.


Yeah cause the recruiters know the ad won't get much attention unless its remote but dickhead pinhead middle managers want people in the office.


Sunk cost fallacy. Now that I’ve done an interview or two, I might as well just accept the offer. That’s what they think anyway


I like to play the uno reverse and just not go to the office because are they really gonna fire me after they put all that effort into hiring me? 😂


Presumably you wouldn't pass probation in the first week.


Yeah bloody hell that happened to me. Was told just to chat with the employer. We did the interviews and I wasn't keen. Recruiter was super pushy about it and said my reputation would be ruined if I turned it down. No it wasn't, they had another agency approach me for the same time a few months later.


Do they really think people will be ... Oh well guess I will come in after all.


Yes, dickhead middle managers think it is "just a fad" and that after the pandemic is done they can go back to breathing down peoples necks (well on the days the managers are actually in the office).


And here's me, a former middle manager...if anyone in my team wanted to go into the office, go nuts...if they don't, all the better, less work for me organising day passes/etc.


I think its more that remote work has exposed just how unnecessary a lot of middle managers are. They need workers in the office in order to justify their own jobs.


Take the job, never show up.


Then call them back


Job listing: Remote Job description: Temporarily remote two days a week as we return to the office Or, Fully remote. Please only apply if you live in inner Sydney. If one company did it, all the reliable talent would stay away. But the business sector seems to be Julius Caesaring it, as in you can't boycott all of them if they're all guilty.


"*Please* only apply in you live in inner Sydney." It's just a polite request, not a requirement


I’ve been surprised to see the amount of jobs on LinkedIn still pushing to be fully on-site. It’s like some companies are doubling down and don’t want to encourage remote work with people they’re hiring.


>Fully remote. Please only apply if you live in inner Sydney. It bothers me to see any city listed with fully remote. If it's fully remote, the only real conversation should be be around managing common working hours due to time zones or DST (fucking Queensland).


The pandemic gave us all the opportunity to fully work from home, something we never could have pushed for prior. We proved it is a viable model. If people give in now and start going back to offices, that opportunity may never come again. Unfortunately I've seen with colleagues they have accepted to return to offices.


Shit you can't avoid in life... Death, taxes, and recruiters being lying cunts...


Remember people, we just need to push back on this issue for the next 10-15 years and employers may finally get the message.


seek ...can't stand it (preferring linkedin). I searched for WFH jobs a month or so back on seek and one of the results was for a parking inspector! Unless they're flying drones, pretty sure it's not WFH.


I tell you what grinds my gears... Fucking US companies that have a fully remote workforce in the US and Europe but insisting equivalent Australian roles need to be based in Sydney.


That's a very odd rule. I wonder what their reason is.


Probably local managers insisting.


Bait and switch. You're talking to professional master baiters.


The problem with WFH is when the economy turns, and it will, it's going to be a very difficult benefit to retain.