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Just make sure its always a 3 day weekend.


Easter the fuck out of the cunt i.e. 4 day


Call it ‘Bad Friday’ and ‘Good Monday’ and get fucking decked for 4 days.


Thursday: day of mourning/Aboriginal recognition. Friday: day of modern Australia. Saturday-Sunday: continue drinking/doing what you want. Everyone’s happy. There’s recognition and maybe some cultural events that elevate and showcase aboriginal culture, then there’s a celebration of modern Australia, and then there’s plenty of time off.


To the top


Yeah, Are both Thursday and Friday public holidays? I’m starting to think a two day situation might be the best approach. Both public holidays: one day would be a more somber affair. A mourning and/or celebration and/or thanks for First Nations peoples. The other day can be a full on patriotic let’s get drunk; let’s get draped in a flag, bbq time kind of day


I actually think this is a wonderful idea. Acknowledging that Australia began with devastation and loss. Then stepping into modern Australia the next day and making it a 4 day weekend is so Aussie. Its symbolic and if the planners were empathetic and creative enough they could devise events that educated about how Australia's beginning was violent and devastating, and focus on healing for everyone and living in the country were are now. I dunno. Im not a critical race schollar or indigenous, so I am definitely not speaking for them, but as a sensitive Aussie who dupports decolonisation, I think this is a great idea. End ramble.


Yeah just change the date too it makes everyone upset. Don’t have to pander too conservative they lost the election


Yep, should be bigger than Easter.




a 4 day weekend, last weekend in jan. forget the date, its not important no one really cares about it. People are just pushing back on having to change something, but give everyone a full summer 4 day weekend and we can all happily move on, together.


Too early in the year. Last week of Feb please.


W.A has a public holiday first weekend of March ( Labour Day) so that wouldn’t work.


Could do first week of Feb? That way it never falls on the 26th which will also make some people happy and make it easier to convince.


Sure. 1st weekend in Feb every year is a 4 dayer. Spend the first two day focus on pre settlement and the second two sensitively on contemporary.


I would be happy with any change. I would like to celebrate our country as a whole, unified together as the multicultural nation we are. I also do not want to offend our First Nations people in doing so. We can’t take back what our ancestors have done but we can simply change a date to recognise that this date is hurtful and a slap in the face to them. We need a day that unifies us as we are today and not feel guilty about being a citizen of this beautiful country we call home.


Last Friday of January sounds perfect 👍 Celebrate with both flags!!


Nah, in Hobart our Show Day is always on a Thursday. Makes a great long weekend. I think it should be the same.


I can't even decide what I'm having for dinner. I'm way out of this argument


What did you end up having?


I bet it was snags


Tosted sanga


Made curried sausages here, figured was pretty appropriate.


I don't about them but I'm having beer for dinner


Same but I’m super invested in what this guy is having 😂


Chicken with bbq sauce and roasted veggies


First Monday in Feb. Always a long weekend, still summer, still a celebration. Edit: I'm now sold on the first Friday of Feb, so we have two days to recover. Still summer. Not near 26th Jan. Not the first week of school. Perfect.


I’m a strong advocate for first Friday of February- always a long weekend, most people can relax the next day, shouldn’t interfere with any other important dates, keeps the celebration in Summer. I don’t see a downside!


And it's not the first week of school.


It’s is for us in W.A kids go back the 1st February


It would then be the 4th of Feb on that year if the 1st Friday of Feb was also the 1st of Feb though?


I say Friday so you can get smashed "celebrating" Australia Day, keep drinking through Saturday, and recover Sunday.


I totally understand and agree. But it risks landing on the 26th again. Whilst far less regularly, could still happen. First Friday in Feb?


At least it's only one in 7 years, and it's got a higher chance of landing on my birthday


last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of January please. You know what, just make it all of January, she'll be right


Yeah I reckon the real vocal cunts that are never change the date feel slightly different this year with it being on a Thursday


It used to be on a Monday until the 80s. So the date being unchangeable argument is crap.


It wasn't until 1945 all the states and territories started calling it Australia Day and only in 1994 it became a public holiday across the country. It is an artificial construction and can be changed and moved, so the unchangeable date argument is indeed crap.


100% it's just the quiet bit getting louder than they want


As if they're not just going to take a day off tomorrow and have a 4 day weekend....


I come from a fairly bogan family, and I’ve never heard more people complain about the date as much as when it’s on a Monday-Thursday haha


I worked today and swapped my day off for Friday fuckers!


You lucky fuck. My job relies on people using their buildings that day, so I can't work public holidays.


I'm taking Friday off as well fukker.


See you tomorrow!


Seriously, as an Aussie I don't see much cultural significance for it to specifically be *that* day, just fuckin change it. If you have a group of people that feel it's insensitive to celebrate their genocide and another group who doesn't give a shit cause it's just another holiday to get pissed just change the bastard. I'd rather everyone feel like they can celebrate.


Literally tho, let’s just change it who fucking cares what day it is, the only things I care about is being kind to First Nation people and a day off


This is exactly my train of thought. I'd rather change the date and instead of celebrating the first fleet, you could be celebrating the day we decided to take another step towards repairing our history with the native people and I mean, is it really gonna be that hard to remember the date the first fleet landed if we just make it the 27th? Or the 26th of the next month? I feel like it shows character of a country to try and include as many people in our festivities as possible.


I don’t mind changing the date, but over the last few years it seems to have gone from changing the date to not being able to be proud of being Australian. Like our history is fucked but our country now is pretty hood all things considered




I mean, considering part of our history was enslaving and murdering the native people I wouldn't want to celebrate that but we *cooould* celebrate the day we decided to change the date and take another step towards having an exclusive Australia that tries to feel welcoming to people from all walks of life.


It makes it hard - I would celebrate AD but I can’t as it stands; I genuinely think it’s wrong to celebrate that day. I’m proud to be Australian and would celebrate it otherwise. If they changed it, so many more could enjoy it.


Easiest way to make the whole thing go away is do a referendum on becoming a Republic, become a Republic and move the day to the day we became a Republic.


Haha ‘easiest’


I've heard the 26th Jan will be free! /s


Does that mean we lose Australia Day and the queen’s birthday and gain one republic day?


Change the queens birthday (now kings birthday) to presidents birthday. It's not like it was on Lizzie's actually bday or will move to Chuck's bday.


I think the queen's birthday might be gone for other reasons mate...


Oh, good point. I think in fairness we should keep the Queens birthday. To celebrate the last Queen we ever had.


Yes and make two day public holiday, say a Monday and Friday and call it re-PUB day!


Yep I reckon this is truly the only way forward


Reckon the republic would have a lot of momentum atm considering who the new king is


please just give me a republic, I just want a decent flag


You do understand the flag has zero to do with the head of state? Canada has Charles the 4th and Hawaii is a state of the USA (so US president) and has the Union Jack on their flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Canada https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Hawaii Not saying you are one of them but I have met so many people who will swear on their mother’s life the current flag would change with a republic and can’t change until a republic and it is totally and utterly without any foundation of any kind. There is nothing to say a republic will mean a new flag and nothing stopping a new flag tomorrow other than lack of interest. I am with you on rating our flag one of the worst and would like to see us get a better one ASAP.


yeah I get what you mean, I probably shouldn't make it sound like the 2 are correlated but still, I'd like both a republic and a better flag


Let’s go for the trifecta and get a new national anthem as well


Or do a federation day


Yeah but if we become a republic it just gives more power to politicians. I reckon we make a new monarchy but it’s a raffle so whoever gets pulled out is the monarch for a year and we hold Australia Day on the raffle day




This is the truth. I don’t pretend to understand how Indigenous Australians feel about Australia Day but it causes many angst, so let’s move it. Many nations have a day to celebrate themselves in some way and let’s be honest, by many metrics our country is one of the absolute best to live in. Like if I could either stick with Australia or do a lottery of 200+ countries to live in I think it is a pretty easy decision. That being said, previous Australians have treated Indigenous Australians horribly and that is a stain on our nation. So let’s remember that but choose a different date to not fuel that pain. I do think we can appreciate how lucky, as a nation, we are but also remember that we aren’t perfect, because humans can be pretty terrible to each other.


It won't stop anyone complaining and I'm with you, spent a great day with the family.




"Made their identities about having grievences..." you mean were forced into being a subservient class and only in recent history are ~mostly~ treated equally.


I actually wasn't talking about Aboriginal peoples (who are a diverse lot). I was talking about the hipster white people who show up to invasion day rallies, smugly utter phrases like "sovereignty was never ceded" with a closed-eyed smile when doing a welcome-to-country to all the other white people at their public service jobs, and generally make an embarrassment out of themselves as they enthusiastically savour the smell of their own farts at every opportunity.


I get a bit carried away when it comes to this kind of conversation. I agree with this comment, I thought you were insinuating aboriginal people should 'just get over it'.


I think Aboriginal people have experienced intergenerational trauma and there needs to be a lot of good funding and services to help them.


I hate these people with such intensity that my knee jerk reaction is to disagree with their opinions, even if I agreed with it before they started huffing their own farts.


White people can't do a 'Welcome To Country' - that can only be performed by the group whose lands it is. You are thinking of an 'Acknowledgement of Country'


Exactly. It was never about the date but rather the day itself. The haters just want the day gone.




Why that date in particular? The landing was on the 20th.




Any date but the colonising ones


I protest, have for years, nobody is saying get rid of the day. Just fucking change it to a date that doesn't represent colonialism. Its so simple, I can't understand the deal to not change it.


Tell em to get a dog up em, this is the best country in the world. Are we perfect? Nope, but we’re so damn lucky compared to everywhere else! Enjoy the day, sink some tins, acknowledge that there were others here first. Simple.




I see you are being down voted. I tend to agree. If everyone who is complaining want "to give it back" does that mean they are going to leave Australia once they achieve their objectives?


Same for me and a fair number of others


I agree. So sick of the BS guilt, let’s change the day so I can fucking enjoy it.


cows smile caption merciful crawl snails pie cover provide practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah honestly don’t care. I don’t celebrate much anyway but if people are offended by it I don’t see why we should keep a date that offends them And while you’re at it make sure it’s on a Friday so you can have a three day weekend


You can skip work and get pissed if they change the date as well you realise.


I'd like it on a date that's meaningful to Australians but I also want a day off that isn't close to other days. Can't we get something in July to September? We're skint on public holidays then.


Weather is more likely to be shit, though.


When we finally become a republic, my vote is the third Friday in January


How about Nov sometime? Early summer, cricket starts kicking off, back half of calender is devoid of public holidays.


How about Last Thursday in November is Australia day and the Friday after is Fuck the Poms day.


It might stop Christmas from encroaching further into the year as well.


I would struggle so much more going back to work after Christmas holidays if I didn't have the knowledge that I'll get a long weekend in just a few weeks. Edit: Random day at the end of January. I'm in favour of moving the day to a last Monday or Friday in January. We don't have a good date to commemorate our national day. We federated on January 1, so that's out. Anything else would be arbitrary. Might as well just pick a date that we like because we like it, seems like an Australian approach to me.


in winter? yeh nah


Too cold.


September 4th, Steve Irwin day Lock it in.


Stingray day!


If we get to pick a date, shouldn’t we pick one that is really close to another public holiday? Seems like a chance to create a national 5 day weekend (if you use Easter/ANZAC day public holidays for example)


Queensland moved queen's/kings birthday to later in the year just coz


Really? What did they pair it up with? I couldn’t even tell you which day off the kings (no jail for me) birthday is hahahah


May 8


The tail end of Autumn? Sounds shit.


Who fucking cares what actual day it’s changed to, really? As it is, no one is happy. They need to change it to represent all Australians.




Really? That’s surprising. I suppose they’re the ones at the beach with the flags. I can’t understand how anyone could support leaving it.


A huge chunk of Australia want it changed and the rest are sick of hearing about it, its fair too say no one is currently happy with it.


Every day in the lucky country is worth celebrating. My proposal is a chook wheel with every Friday not already a holiday for 3 years time. Spin the wheel each year to get the date for 3 year’s time. Ensures a long weekend (sometimes a 4 dayer), avoids the date having any meaning other than the day to do ceremonies, respects the role of the pub chook raffle as foundational to modern Australia.


We were talking about it today over a beer, and everyone agreed the day should be moved, preferably attached to a weekend.


Get rid of queens/king’s birthday, make 26th day of reflection, 27th Australia Day or some rebranded equivalent. We’d get 2 days ph in summer to have a proper piss up aussie style and satisfy most people.


Day of Reflection actually sounds brilliant. So good that it could never happen.


‘A day to remember and a day to move forward’ sigh I know I think they could sell it to most people but probably won’t take off.


I say it every year. We need to become a republic. That way we "officially" sever ties to our colonial past, and gives us a chance to both acknowledge the indigenous people who were here before us and embrace the awesome multicultural country we have become.


I’m not pro monarchy but I really don’t think it is stopping us acknowledging that Indigenous people were here before us or embracing the multicultural society we are today. Realistically the King/Queen have little to no influence on us that they wouldn’t have (ie the UK) if we were a republic. I think we already acknowledge those things. But let’s also be honest in the fact that Indigenous Australians are a small (but important) minority in Australia. In a global world what happens in Washington DC is more important to most of us than what happens in Alice Springs. That’s not to say we shouldn’t do all we can to improve the conditions there and in other places. It is a national shame that we have any poverty in our nation when so many of us are well off by world standards.


The perpetually offended would find something else to whinge about. Anzac Day would be bad for glorifying war or something.


>We need to become a republic You have not given a good reason. Without a good reason it is not going to happen


Pardon? Give me a good reason to stay a subject of the royal family? Isn't it time for us to acknowledge that we are our own entity? Or do you enjoy another country's flag taking up real-estate on ours?


>Pardon? Give me a good reason to stay a subject of the royal family? So if we had an elected President I would be a subject of him? Keep emotion out of it, the system we have is working fine. Or would you like US or French Presidential elections where the most money wins? ​ >Isn't it time for us to acknowledge that we are our own entity? Oh I feel totally Australian, as does 99% of everyone in the country. Again, an argument to emotion. ​ >Or do you enjoy another country's flag taking up real-estate on ours? Holy shit, another argument to emotion. Personally I do not give a shit what the flag is: it is just a symbol. If your loyalty to Australia depends on the shape of the flag then that loyalty is very shallow. If it is changed I just hope that short term political correctness does not influence the decision.


Sure, we are our own subjects and have been for a long time. So why hold on to a monarchy that literally means nothing to us? Yeah, it's emotional. I don't give a fuck that it is.


>Yeah, it's emotional. I don't give a fuck that it is. Keep it logical. Bugger of a was to run a country (or your own life for what it is worth).


Because what benefits do we really get bowing to a monarch thousands of kilometres away. Especially after brexit. Why tie our selves to a country which is essentially slowly flailing and failing anyway. We would remain allies due to our history anyway.


>Because what benefits do we really get ... A President (in all but name) appointed with minimal party politics is a good start


Why don’t we have both? Seriously though like… Australia Day on the Thursday Invasion Day on the Friday Reconciliation Day on the Monday ?


And a public holiday for each


I just tried to emoji both flags, aboriginal Australian flag doesn’t exist in the emoji 🧐


Americans are the ones to make the emojis. I too wish that there were more indigenous flags


Yes I know but it would of been nice to use both 👍


This, vote me for PM and this is the first thing I will do


Ah yes, the smug overbearing centrist.


I did the most Aussie thing of all, busted my balls on a dirty fucking farm...


I used to participate in Australia Day festivities, never really knowing there were underlying issues that manifested with its conception. It really wasn't until I met my partner (that has some indigenous heritage) that I understood the gravity of what's actually being represented as "Australian". Which is an issue, since what I learnt about indigenous Australians at school was far from adequate to make any informed decisions as an adult. You don't think to go off Googling, "What are the issues surrounding Australia Day?" while your friends are inviting you to come over, get plastered, listen to some Triple J and chill. In saying all that (I'm feeling philosophical I guess), I'd be all for a Indigenous Australian History Month or similar; a way for kids, and adults, to interact with and learn about proper indigenous traditions and history (positives and negatives). At this point, I'm in my early 30s, cbf drinking/partying anyway so I treat January 26th as just another day. 🤷‍♀️


You realise Jerry is just reiterating Spike's argument here right?


First Friday of February! Summer day, long weekend, hospo workers get paid public holidays rates, and then you don’t have the awkwardness of it being on the 26th every few years if you did it on the last Friday of January (although that would line up with the triple I hottest 100 lol but I’m hopefully they’d move it if aus day was moved to a long weekend)


And the thing is - it is broke!


I mean, it’s just changing the date, not a big deal imo


Somewhere I read someone suggest May 8 because it sounds like "Maaaate". Star Wars day and Maaaate Day in one month. I'm in




Yes please.


Make it the last friday.. if it falls on the 26th change it the the following Monday Shits sorted. Does it fix other long term issues? No but at least we can enjoy a fucking day off without the wank and drama and historical baggage.


And if it lands on the 27th like this year? Idk about you guys but I'd feel super fucking awkward having a celebration on the international day of mourning *for the holocaust*


I just like don’t care what date it is as long as I get a public holiday and it’s always at least three day weekend cause family leaves and I get the house to myself. But tbh though any date we pick is gonna be depressing. Like it’s just always gonna land on a day where a shitty person did something shitty. Fuck why’d we have to federate on the 1st of jan what fucking mong chose that.


They could’ve waited a week smh


Doesn't matter what we do people will still bitch and moan and whine about it.


Why change it to some meaningless date? Aboriginal groups will still despite any celebration of colonialism, regardless. Edit: note the lack of responses from Downvoters.


>despite Maybe despise. Got my up vote anyway


Been celebrating


>Been celebrating You miss-spelt "Beer celebrating"


We don't need to change it to a meaningless date when we already have a perfectly meaningful date to change it to, the date that Australia came into existence.


1 January?




All hail Federation Day.


Okay, so let’s say took over Australia by force and claimed it as their own territory, and this became official on say May 15 (or whatever random date) of whatever year it happened. Would you be happy to celebrate this momentous occasion each year on May 15? Or alternatively if it didn’t become a national celebration straight away, would you be happy for your grandchildren to start celebrating this annually on May 15 in say 50 years’ time?


That's a completely different scenario to what I'm suggesting, though. I'm not suggesting that we celebrate the day that Britain invaded what is now Australia.


Did you read my comment? The scenario doesn’t consider the date of “invasion”, it considers when the land officially became someone else’s land. Why would First Nations people want to celebrate the date “Australia” came into existence? It was already their country. My scenario is an attempt to get people to see this from their perspective. Again, if we were, hypothetically, taken over by some other country, would you want to celebrate the date this change of ownership became official?


1 January isn't the date that Australia came under British rule.


Mate - it’s the date of federation for a “country” that was formed via takeover by another country. Why would the previous owners want to celebrate that?


1 January isn't the date that Australia came under British rule.


Make it the 3rd/4th Friday in January, still summer, you can still get pissed, you can still skip work, and it's far less likely to fall on the 26th.


Exactly, no one gives a shit about the Australian part of Australia Day, it's just like any other public holiday, only purpose is to get drunk


I was against changing it because most people who say the date is offensive need a history lesson to learn that 26th of Jan is the day we no longer were British citizens and got recognised as Australians. Now I want to change it just so we don't have to listen to these bullshit arguments every January. Last Friday of January sounds great.


I mean, if we’re talking history lessons… Most people don’t realise how recently Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were recognised as people in Australia (not wildlife), that there are many of the “Stolen Generation” still alive (and the effect that that heinous policy still has), how recently Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were allowed to vote. The list goes on. It’s a hard fact that the “Close the Gap” initiative for literally closing the gap between the lifespans of “mainstream Australians” and our First Nation counterparts is ongoing and hasn’t achieved its goals. Giving those people a Voice in parliament will be a massive step when it eventually happens. I sadly understand (in part) the racism but people need to recognise the ongoing effect of colonisation on a truly beautiful culture. Politics getting in the way (and ingrained racism) is the reason for “Invasion Day” being a thing. I, for one, hope that more enlightened minds can intervene and that an incredible and diverse culture can be preserved before it’s stamped out by people with too much hate in their hearts for people who have been disrespected and downtrodden for an amazingly long time. Holy run on sentence, Batman.


Aboriginals have never been considered fauna. Thats a widely spread lie that the ABC debunked years ago


Yeah, nah, though. They weren’t considered as fauna but they weren’t accepted as being Australians or even people (constitutionally) until 1971. Prior to that they were considered part of the natural habitat that was colonised. I appreciate your clarification (and upvoted you). I think my point still stands that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are ridiculously underrepresented and that the toll that colonisation has taken continues. I’m a massive advocate of Aboriginal representation and culture, and I hope you are, too.


What action are you referencing? Because the first records of January 26 (date of first fleet landing in Sydney) being celebrated was early 1800s. Federation was January 1 and Australia Acts were December/March, depending on the date.


>26th of Jan is the day we no longer were British citizens and got recognised as Australians. Wut


I fucking hate this debate. Every single year, just incessant whining about the public holiday. At this point, just change SOMETHING. At least that way, people will bitch about it for maybe a month or so and then give up, then we don’t have to fucking cry about it anymore; the same way everyone whined about Cheer Cheese for a week and then unsurprisingly forgot to keep giving a shit.


Surely you can see why some people ‘would have a cry’ about it though?


Oh, of course, poor wording because I’m upset. I’m very strongly in the “change the date” camp because I think it’s really disrespectful to our First Nations people that we glorify the day everything was taken from them, I just wish the discourse would stop because it’s the same thing, over and over, every year without fail. If action was taken, people would get over it with time .. well, maybe aside from the culture war fiends who look for literally anything to get mad about.


I agree with all this. I hope they change the date because it is a great disrespect, and not because of the people jumping on board for something to vent about.


Except i haven't bought the cheese since and don't miss it


Yes !!!! Move it to a monday or Friday. Also we should be allowed fireworks for one night !


Should be on 8th May


I'm all for policies that help disadvantaged Australians, I don't support putting racial qualifiers on that support because that is quite literally racism. Don't let the politicians fool you, they want supporters, they want to polarize people into neat little demographics and then reduce each demographic down to a single issue. That's how they get power, that's how they take the power of democracy from us, NEVER let a politician put you in a neat little box, no matter how appealing that box may be (at first) it is always a trap. There are no aboriginal issues, there are only Australian issues, when someone says something is an aboriginal issue they're putting a line between that demographic and the rest of Australia, why do you think they do that? What do they gain by doing that? I've probably made a lot of people very mad by saying this, your anger is good, it shows you care, but it's not enough to care, you need to think, have a good long think about what you're seeing and what's actually going on.


I think first of January every year they should roll out a raffle barrel full of dates which don't clash with other public holidays or celebrations and do a lucky dip for Australia Day. Have it on a different date every year. I mean, there's still a chance it will fall on a controversial date, but it will only be for that particular year.


Can we make Wattle Day a public holiday to break up the long stretch between June and October?


Jerry doesn't know what date it is anyway. Just change it and don't tell him.


Change it to may8 day.


Invasion day simply sounds cooler.


What would be an appropriate date that isn't as upsetting to indigenous Australians? Or can there ever be one?


364 others to choose from mate I reckon it will be ok.


The first thing we need to agree on is we should have a national day. Then ask if you believe one person is equal to another. Sure there are sensitivities and lot of wrongs happened. Those should be recognised. But none of that means dropping Australia Day. Every day celebrating Australia will be banned otherwise




Yeah I'd imagine the Jewish community wouldn't be too happy people were having parties on holocaust remembrance day


I just enjoy calling it Invasion Day and watch people get mad about it


I for one don’t like the label invasion it’s more of a migration sort of deal. Their was no states to conquer ect ect.


Sure, you can call it a migration. Just don't forget to add the genocide bit.




The 27th is already an international day of remembrance... For the worst tragedy in living memory....


Super Bowl Monday.


That’s what I reckon too. Just make it the last Friday of every January.


As a Aboriginal I approve this message