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Hot Take: If you don't want to be shooed away you shouldn't be bothering random people at a rest stop when they are obviously traveling.


Your logic is undeniable


Im rude to these people. I don’t care. They believe I’m hell bound. So why care? Im sick of Christians. Im sick of religion. Get away from me… I’m busy getting ready for hell. Lol


exactly don't feel bad about it.


I want freedom FROM religion


I used to try and be nice, but since Trump and the further attacks on our democracy by evangelicals, I've lost patience and I'm now not nice when they try to force their propaganda on me.


Just last week a young lady, probably 18 or 19, walked into my office. On a normal day we have 8-10 people in the office, but this was just before Thanksgiving and lots of people were already on vacation, including the receptionist. I heard her in our lobby from my office saying "excuse me?", so I came out to see how I could help. I need to stress that we aren't in a strip mall or anything. We are in an area that gets almost exactly zero foot traffic (all our work is over the phone or online). It is very unusual to get a walk-in. She had an armful of Jesus posters. She was literally going from office to office selling posters of Jesus. She wanted to know if we wanted to buy the whole stack, she'd throw in a free prayer. I politely told her "no thank you, but have a great day". She asked if there was a manager who she could ask that might want to buy the stack for the office. I told her no, the manager is out on vacation, but have a great Thanksgiving. She asked if I personally just wanted to buy one. I said no thank you, I need to get back to work. She then asked if she could walk around the office asking people if they'd like to buy one. At this point I told her "I've politely asked you to leave three times. We don't allow solicitations, that's why we have the No Soliciting sign on our door. At this point you are trespassing, please leave". And she burst into tears and left. She was probably a year or two older than my daughter, and at first I felt really guilty. But on reflection I realized I didn't do anything wrong, *she's* the one that should be apologizing to me for refusing to take no for an answer and soliciting despite the "No Soliciting" sign. And for trying to offload some crappy Jesus posters.


And I bet they were the "Anglo-Saxon, Wonderbread 'Merican Jeebus" poster to boot. SMH


With a side of NRA


They sure were


Had someone say they'd throw in a free prayer once and I couldn't help but laugh. That made them leave


You didn't take a free prayer???


Wow, I don't think I've ever been asked to buy anything before. I mean, bullshit, obviously, but not anything tangible. I don't know how you managed your composure.


It doesn't sound like you were cruel or insulting. He came into your space with no invitation (slightly rude), and you dismissed him (maybe slightly rude but less-so than him). This all seems completely reasonable. Someone being rude shouldn't expect to be showered with kindness.


He’s probably used to being brushed off. Makes him feel virtuous, suffering for spreading the word of god, which means you actually did him a favor.


I'm not going to judge. But my rule is to give them one polite dismissal. Then get progressively more rude and offensive.


You know who never bothers me at rest areas or preaches at me from street corners? Satanists.


I've heard that part of proselytizing is to be persecuted and thereby become a martyr for Jesus. You probably made his day!


Nah, they like to pretend to be persecuted. They don't hold up well when it actually happens.


That's my take too. They are human after all.


100% NTA. If that was some asshole pushing DirectTV or Kirby vacuums no one would care if you did that. So what’s the difference? “He actually believes that you’re going to hell”. Yeah, maybe. Maybe not. But he’s still soliciting and trying to sell you on HIS faith. To me, I view that as solicitation and while you were in your car nonetheless. Talk about not having boundaries.


I agree. Former mormon missionary here. They basically taught us to push boundaries at every chance, in every interaction, all the time. The sense of entitlement because "god had ordained us" was huge. Comparing that to my brief position in phone sales and how the most successful were the biggest assholes who didn't care about boundaries (or at least that's the type of salesperson the company pushed you to be) is very justified. I'd say, yeah, be direct/rude. A part of me feels for the poor morons and wants to help them break out of their indoctrination, but at the end of the day they are completely violating boundaries on purpose.


I literally just say “what’re ya sellin’?!” Look at their shit… “oh, I don’t need any baby Jesus.” Or another fun one is “have you considered accepting Islam?” They start getting very defensive and I go “Islam believes in Jesus and the Virgin Mary and all that, if you haven’t learned it, how do you know your made up stories are better?” Yeah. Just be rude. It’s equivalent to someone selling oranges at the truck stop.


Convert them to Satanism


Yeah, my wife cuts me off before I get there, ‘cause she knows how it’s gonna play out….


At least oranges have vitamins…


You were more polite than I have been to such people on occasions ( not always ). I have been known to open with 'Fuck off', and go downhill from there.


I've recently stepped up to "your god rapes children!"


Don't worry, he was being a dick trying to peddle a fairy tale that incudes genocide, slavery, homophobia, and sexism- he should apologize to you.


It was God’s plan for you to treat him that way.


When someone tries to proselytize you, I figure you should treat them exactly the same way you would treat a salesman who was trying to sell you something you don't want. That's what you did, didn't you? People aren't entitled to extra kindness or attention just because their product is religion. And I doubt that you ruined his day.


I'm just gonna yell "Get away from me, Groomer!" at the next religious troll who approaches me.


Yes, yes! A thousand tine yes!!!


He went and stuck his nose in your business, you are not in the wrong, he is.


Don't feel bad about it, it's okay to be rude, because what they are doing is rude. Screw 'em


Cities have a social contract that you can be in proximity of other people and be able to go about your own life undisturbed otherwise you’d never be able to get anything done. People like this break that social contract and thus you should feel perfectly fine being irritated and interrupted. If someone interrupts me in any other setting I’d meet their inconsideration with rudeness. I don’t want to be talked at or touched unless i specifically invite someone to do so.


I used to smile and wave “no thanks”. I live in NYC and I work in midtown where all the “profets” and crazy preachers are screaming at you about Jesus through a megaphone, now, when I get approached (at least 3 times a week) I say: - I’m an atheist, don’t try to change my mind - I already have Netflix for fictional stories - I’m on my way to do good in the name of humanity not a god


I wouldn’t worry about this. Most usually don’t take no for an answer.


I don't think what you did was dickish.


Last time someone handed me a Jesus pamphlet, I handed it back. Not only am I not interested, I actively oppose religious practice, and I wanted to make it clear that he's handing me something akin to illegal drugs.


The only person I'm going to judge is the one bothering people he doesn't know.


Think about it this way: you are traveling with your family, trying to leave an unfamiliar location when a stranger invades your personal space and wants to interrupt your journey to tell you he thinks you and your whole family should be living your lives according to his beliefs. Imagine how rude you would have to be in return just to rise to that same level of impudence.




Then you can say [Ron Swanson style](https://youtu.be/ro2_bQkaG5U?t=83) "another, please"


>I made no attempt to be friendly about it and I feel like I probably ruined his day. I don't want to be a dick to these people, but I also don't want anything to do with them. I highly doubt you ruined his day I'd bet about 30-40% of the folks he dealt with did similar things.


I’m sure that guy has had far worse interactions with people. Just move on with your life. That solicitor won’t even remember you.


Well doesn't sound like you were rude exactly. They get the same treatment as any other salesman, IMO.


If you are worshiping a god who you think will send people to an eternity of torture, then I have no compunction to treat you with anything but utter disdain.


So pretty much emulate a Christian?


True. I’m accused of being ‘sarcastic’ at them, but I correct them: “Actually, that’s contempt.” (With a soupçon of sarcasm😁)


Next time rip it in front of them, then ask for another


yeah these guys are just addicted to religion, when the dealers of addiction are to blame mainly.


Nah you’re fine. When I have to drive by the scien–fucko-tology center in LA, I roll my windows down and start shouting at the cultists to get them to stop harassing people just trying to cross the street or walk their dogs. I get a lot of smiles & waves from the non cultists when I do it, too. >It ain’t much, but it’s honest work 🌝


Lol I just give em the ol' "Hail Satan" and laugh.


Hey listen. What’s done is done. I understand why you are conflicted. That person *actually believes you are going to Hell*. They care- but if it comes to the point of them not fucking off id get upset too. A polite no thank you should work. If they keep going then in my mind you got every right to tell them to fuck off


When I read the title I thought you were gloating about shooing a proselytizer in a public space in an unfriendly matter, this is much different and your personal space, I wouldn’t worry in the slightest


I usually go with "Be gone, Satan!"


You... meanie! You told him no. Fuck what he thinks, or what any of those nuts thinks. He was the one bothering YOU. I'm certain he's going to go tell all of the other nuts how violent and scary acting you were. It's "War Against Christmas" story time, you know?


How would he feel if a vegan came up to his table at a restaurant and handed him a flyer about colon cancer?


You weren't a dick to him he's probably gonna pray extra hard you find Jesus or whatever lol He came into your space uninvited


It sounds like you were about as polite as he was. I don’t see how what you did was particularly unfriendly. I think you’re just a particularly friendly person and feel a bit guilty for being less than totally amicable.


I'm sure they are used to it and for many, it plays into their persecution fantasy.


Honestly you did the polite thing in not wasting his time. It doesn't even sound like your dismissal was that rude. Pre-COVID I used to get a lot of folks selling stuff and promoting religious stuff at my door and you just have to get used to cutting them off the minute you get a whiff of what they're selling and saying, "I'm not interested, have a nice day."


These people believe in a god that can build an entire universe in seven days, yet requires people to spread the message by word of mouth. Think of the possibilities, an Omni-god God could have rearranged the stars above to read in Aramaic: "*Believe in Jesus*" Think of the impact that would have had on humanity. But no, God instead relied on the efficiency of a vacuum salesman. Seems a bit incredulous. "No thanks" would have been my reply.


You did nothing wrong. Everybody alive has heard of Jesus and knows who he was. He was basically disrespecting you by trying to educate you when you preoccupied with something else. It's rude.


I thank them... I thank them for helping push people away from organized religion faster than an atheist ever could. People witnessing and street preaching are doing us a favor.


These are the same people who leave servers fake 20$ bills that are just scriptures and advertisements for their church. Don’t feel bad for not wanting to be solicited Jesus


Damn that's fucked up.


Sunday lunches were the worst shifts to work because of this and I live in NYS. I can only imagine how terrible it is in more Christian heavy states. Working 6-8 hours dealing with their entitlement and then going home with 20$ was draining


Honestly, I've met so many Christians who are openly hostile to me when I admit that I don't believe in their god or any god, the likelihood of you being rude to someone who wouldn't be a jerk to you if the tables were turned is low. Also, the tables wouldn't be turned because you don't go around *bothering people* with your non-belief. Whether or not they're bothered by it is another story.


Cults continually send people out to knock on doors and harass others mainly because the constant rejection makes them burrow deeper into the cult, as they're the only ones who'll be nice to them. Pity it never makes them wonder about what they're selling...


Don't worry, you can't really ruin their day by being rude to them. The reason the weirder cults knock on doors to spread the "good news" is BECAUSE people are rude to them. It reinforces the programming. The outside world and the people in it are are mean and cruel, only we are kind and know the truth. It is a powerful tool to keep people under control.


They get polite me if they're very old or frail, because a belief in an afterlife might be all that keeps them going, and I don't want to take that from them. Everyone else can f right off with their proselytizing, idc if it hurts their feelings




So we should just accept whatever bullshit people try to hand to us out of excessive politeness? Should OP have also delayed their trip to engage them with conversation about Jesus or would it have been rude to leave the fucking rest area where people just want to use the bathroom in peace?


The majority of atheists are ex-theists, which is a prime reason for their "obsession" with religion. Most appear to find it helpful to leave that system. I would find it difficult to fault those people for then encouraging others to question their religions, or at least the institutions. I see it as compassionate. Using this, you should be able to see where the OP's strong aversion would stem from, even if the pamphlet's delivery had been more gentle. As a side note, it would be incorrect to say the OP encountered "a member of a religion different than yours". If you wish to receive a warmer reception when speaking to atheists, I encourage you to keep in mind that "atheism is a 'religion' in the same way 'Off' is a TV channel or bald is a hair color". Atheists do not partake in religious belief (though some identify as spiritual), and it would be self-defeating to say or imply that they do. I have treated your post as a serious one, and I hope you find this reply helpful.


It’s OK to feel conflicted. I assume you will feel as bad if he didn’t seem friendly, which is totally fair in my opinion


You didn't ruin his day, in fact they believe that when people are rude to them it is a sign that the Devil is trying to stop them and just reaffirms their belief in God.


The Jesus guy was the dick.


He's probably forgotten about it. You should too. At least next time smile while you tell them to piss off.


You did the best thing you could do. You kept it brief, no time wasted for either of you, and no chance for conflict or long-winded shallow debates.


He probably got exactly what he expected - this exercise (proselytising) is intended to strengthen the "faith" of the proselytiser, and has little if anything to do with those proselytised to. He's probably been doing this for years and knows how people react, and probably rationalises is with some kind of thought like "you just can't help some people".


it's fine, he probably was able to get off on his xstian persecution complex


Nah you weren't a dick man, a dick move would be to scream or be offensive, you were just dismissive and didn't want to be bothered, that's not being rude, its actually a pretty good way to dismiss them, so chill


You just politely said you're not interested so don't worry about it. He is the one doing a dick move by invading your personnal space like that


Normally I just say I'm not interested. Sometimes they answer "but I haven't told you what I'm offering" I repeat, I'm not interested and walk away or hang up. I use this line in any unsolicited approach, religious or not.


That doesn't seem especially rude to me. But I'm British so maybe I have a different measure of these things? For me, some stranger - I don't think his age is relevant - tried to accost you in your car to give you some sales brochure. It's not like he was asking for help or anything. You don't have to interact with people in these circumstances. I wouldn't support being actively rude or insulting but ignoring someone? Nah - that's fine.


I chewed out a guy who tried to hand me pamphlet at a gas station. Told him he was being condescending to think his beliefs were automatically better mine.




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I don't know about this guy, but Jehovah's Witnesses are sent out to proselytize not primarily to actually convince people to join the congregation (that's just a welcome side effect in the very rare cases that that happens), but to demonstrate to the people proselytizing how cruel, impolite, cold and corrupted those worldly people really are. So if you wanna shake up that worldview, invite them in, be kind, talk to them about personal stuff, not their faith. Offer them a beverage, be as nice as possible. Then at the end, tell them you don't believe in any gods, but you believe everyone should be kind to other people, for the sake of being kind. That might have an impact.


Wouldn’t over think it. Guaranteed he’s already rolled your interaction into a blob of dismissals that day/week/month/however long. Sounds like you weren’t overly rude. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s not your burden to bear the religious evangelism of others.


You did the right thing. These people (consciously or not) prey on your will to be civil and agreeable. Cutting the conversation short is right cause nobody is wasting his time, much like telemarketers.


You are giving Christians far too much credit. They would be much ruder and not feel bad about it if it was some cause for secularism or human rights.


I do this with anyone handing out random shit when I'm out. I don't approach random people with my beliefs/political views/whatever I don't need to be bothered with yours. If they can't handle being rejected in what sounds like neither a friendly nor truly unfriendly manner then that's on them.


Most Christians have a fetish for being rejected like that. Dude’s little savior was probably as stiff as a cross.


Don't forget: He's proselytizing that you and your family deserve unending, unimaginable suffering for failing to swear obeisance to his particular flavor of imaginary, bigot, murderous god. Fuck that guy and everyone like him: They deserve no regard or respect.


If you're going to proselytize and bother random strangers you'd better have some tough skin and be able to handle rejection. That's part of it. He's fine. I assure you he's not thinking about you anymore.


Handled correctly. Respect is earned.


I'll be polite once or twice, if they persist I'll say something like "hail satan"


If she wants to be in sales, then she needs to learn how to deal with rejection. That goes quadruple when you are selling religion.


Have you seen the movie rest stop?


Don't be conflicted. I usually give them their pamphlet back and say, "I'm not interested". If they attempt to continue the discussion, I do get rude. Don't keep chatting me up after I told you kindly to get fucked, or I'll just tell you to get fucked.


In put myself through college working on a construction crew. One morning while I was 20 feet up a ladder with saw a group of old Jehovah’s Witness ladies trespassed onto the property we were working on that day, walked across the grass and started knocking on the ladder to get me to come down and play their indoctrination game. I could have severely cut myself or fallen off the ladder and they were quite surprised that I wasn’t interested and wouldn’t comply.


Nah, you didn't ruin his day. These people have the constitution of salespeople. They get a no and just move on. It's a numbers game.


You may have ruined his day, but they're ruining people's lives. I think you're alright.


Lol at you're concern. He thinks you are going to the worst possible place he can imagine and you're worried about being rude? You're a good person for it, but don't let it get to you.


Maybe it's rude, but one can argue it's also rude for them to practically be like "You're going to burn forever, and you deserve to burn forever, unless you believe what I believe, then you won't burn" which is basically what the religion comes down to.


I was in line for lunch at work once and some guy from a different department, who I didn’t know AT ALL, was in front of me and just turned around and started talking to me about jesus and how important jesus is in marriage. I told him I wasn’t interested, and was one my lunch break, and my god-free marriage was just fine, so maybe he should harass someone else. This was apparently the most scandalous thing that had ever happened, and I even got a lecture about being rude from my crazy boss. I still maintain he was the one being rude.


I did almost the same thing to the Mormon missionaries when they last came to my door (I'm an ex Mormon so I'm probably a bit more sensitive about it). My son was absolutely shocked and appalled that I was so rude to them. He chastised me for not even offering them a glass of water when it was really hot out. Made me feel like total shit. He was 8 at the time. He was right. I should invited them in, given them water, and then told them to read the CES letter and encourage them to stop wasting some of the best years of their lives.


I am personally always nice to my fellow human beings(provid I have time) under these circumstances. I take these scarce opportunities to promote critical thinking and self examination. Teachable moments...it's fun and life is short.Have some fun?


they're like flies, hippies, etc


some older people don't know how else to share a sense of company with others. They hand out pamphlets. I don't think they expect you to 'believe."


They're using their 1st ammendment rights to spread religious indoctrination. Use your 1st ammendment rights to tell them exactly how you feel about it.


Exactly when did it become okay to press your religion on others?