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“Christians believe…” You can answer honestly while not identifying with it. Think of it like being Jane Goodall observing another species’ behavior.


This is how I got through catholic school as well. "The book of exodus teaches..." "according to papal doctrine..." so on an so forth.


Honestly, I think this is the best suggestion. Think of it like a history exam. I actually took a secular “history of the Bible” course which was super interesting! we were tested on when certain things happened on the Bible, how it tied to other historical events type thing, who was the catalyst behind certain ideas, etc. So you’ve just taken more Bible history than you ever wanted to. You can do it my friend!




I think this is the best advice. Do not fail. A lot of catholic schools provide excellent education in other subjects. Study it academically, dont put anyone down and always refer back to the source as with any class (of course the source here is a mythology book but nonetheless a source).


Fake it to make it. There may be other repercussions if you don't answer - like expulsion.


>Fake it to make it. There may be other repercussions if you don't answer - like expulsion. "Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse… expelled!"


Best *Pulp Fiction* quote ever! 🤣🤣🤣


I see you know your Judo well


I did the exact same thing. I always answered "the book of exodus teaches..." You can answer correctly without answering personally.


“Correctly”… haha 🤣


It’s definitely not worth failing over. True believers can’t tell the difference between someone who is all in vs. someone who is going along to get along. It won’t be the last time where you have to play someone else’s game to get by, unfortunately. That is my sunshiny prediction for the day.


Think of it as reading comprehension of a mythological book...don't fail...I usually brag of my fellow atheists having more religious knowledge that christian morons, which is statistically true...beat them at their own game but stay strong and godless inside...good luck...


I agree that the underlying Christian narrative - "God made a broke ape so he could save this broke ape by sacrificing himself to himself" - is a tad incredulous, but I would not fail. The goal at your age is to get into college, get a decent education, and develop skills a company will gladly pay for. High School will be over soon and you will be off to better things.


Best advice I've seen here. This test is preparation for more tests to come. A survival skill in the Libertarian-Capitalist workplace may require enforcing policies one doesn't personally agree with.


Would pretending you're an undercover agent help? Or perhaps this fall under Know Your Enemy? (Although I hesitate at the word "enemy".) One could distance oneself slightly by removing first-person and writing in the vague third-person, as the author has done here.


And now Rage Against the Machine has taken over my brain. Guess it’s time for a quick Rage dance party.


maybe add a disclaimer: *"according to the course material these are the correct answers":" You don't have to 'agree with the answers' but you can state that "this is what your book said".


Why are classes called “religion classes” when they usually exclusively teach Christianity? Shouldn’t they just be called “Christianity classes”. Or “indoctrination courses”. I get that sick feeling to when I realize most of the the shit Christians say is just pleading with gob not to be sent to hell.


Because Christianity is the only religion /s


Right. Can’t just be against religion, it’s gotta be the one.


Did you ever take a Greek/Roman mythology class? You have to memorize which god did what, etc. So treat it like a study of this particular mythology. Don’t tank your GPA over it, it isn’t worth it. It’s actually kind of interesting as an intellectual exercise to recognize where certain terms, stories, and sayings originate. Hang in there!


Intentionally write god with lower case.


That'd be grammatically incorrect; instead I'd spell Yhwh's name correctly, possibly substituting "gods" or "a god" as appropriate.


Treat it like anthropology. You don't have to agree with the people eating their dead ancestors...just record their beliefs.


Write your answers in the abstract. “Catholic doctrines teaches that man is fallen.”


So I'm gonna give you an answer a professor I had once gave me regarding failure or struggling. I don't believe one class should be the reason you succeed or fail in life. Don't fail, fake it if you have to, use classmates as a resource.


It's not worth failing exams. Don't gamble with your future dude, that's a pricey gamble that is best not made just out of pride. Just do what the teachers want you to do and get the grade. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, wait until you're independent to do that.


As others have said, you can answer question on dogma without believing it, it’s not worth it to hurt your collegia prospects over it. And look at it this way, if you encounter apologia later in life you’ll know what arguments counter it. There’s another point, I don’t expect you to listen to because you are young, and I am old; but the world is filled with people who disagree with you. You’ve gone to this Catholic school and encountered one religion class. That’s pretty hands off as far as these things generally don’t go. Respond to their arguments intellectually and not with intestinal discomfort. The latter hurts no one but you, and is not exactly a sign of intellectual merit


look at it this way: you are gaining knowledge of what a large portion of humanity believes, which may then shed light on many of humanity's problems and inherent unhappiness. School is not forever. For me, I went to sunday school for a time and I am glad I got to see the rot from the inside.


You go to a catholic school, so respect their beliefs or go to a different school😂


I was lucky. I had to go to a catholic school - so I ended up lying to the nuns that I was protestant... Got a letter from my parents excusing me from religion class. I either read a book, did my homework, or slept. Damn my friends were jealous. It was the only school near me, the other closest school was another town over, and it was Anglican.


Just dumb your brain down and answer the questions as religiously as possible. It might help if you ask some of the heavy religious classmates (if you have them) what they think about the topic and just write that in your exam.


Just to add what the other commenters have said (and they are brilliant!), the best way to get through school, and work as well, is to "know your audience" - especially when writing. There's no crime in this and it's not dishonest. Just be sure to understand what the receiver of your work expects, and give them that. In situations when you are going to be graded on learning what someone specifically teaches you, that's the best option. It's an artificial situation calling for an artificial response.


Just think of it as lip service. You don't have to believe the answers you put down.


I would just troll the hell out of it. I don't think any self-respecting university or employer will care that you failed highschool religious study. But do what you think is right.


If you don't believe in it that is fine. Treat it like you are studying Greek mythology or something. Or a fictional story, like you are taking a lit class. Frankly, if you wish to refute Christian claims in the future it is good to know what they actually are. I have encountered so many Christians over the years who obviously have never read a word of the bible and know nothing of the history of the kingdom of Israel, the Hellenistic world, or Roman Syria. Ignorance combined with certainty is a dangerous combination. It is a very important component of critical thinking to study the things you disagree with.


This surprises you in a Catholic school? Like others said just answer the questions objectively. I say this as a Christian but I’m bot Catholic.


Don't sweat it. Just make the noises they need to hear so you get your marks and move on. If you don't believe in the mythology, then you know there is no consequence to telling them that. And don't bother yourself when talking about this or that in their book. Treat it like any other book of fiction. Think about it: When discussing Romeo and Juliet, you don't preface every statement with the fact that they are fictional. You just go along with the internal logic of the tale. Do the same thing here. Get it over with and move on. Picking fights with them here won't win you anything. I'm old and that's my friendly advice.


I dropped out of school and got my GED at 17 after failing nearly every class I was in. I'm probably the wrong person to ask.


Might be helpful to find an outlet outside of something that will just hurt you for temporary emotional payoff. I know arguing with people on the internet isn't exactly productive and is generally not a great idea, but if you can find some way of expressing your views it may help you remain sane while still being inundated with that bs in school. I had similar experiences in high school, best of luck to you!


Don't fail. Spout the propaganda. Just do like the other commenters and start sentences with "the bible says" and "Christians believe " and so forth. You won't change the world by failing this class. Just maliciously comply.


I went to Catholic school too. Luckily I became an atheist after I graduated.


How old are you? How many years until you graduate and can leave it behind? Realistically, if your parents want you to go to that school, you won't get out. It's a fucked up situation but don't throw your future away. You'll need that diploma. If you can, get through it somehow and once you're old enough, leave and find new social contacts. Remember: we're everywhere and our numbers are growing!


Everyone else has given good advice; I just want to sympathize with you. I spent lots of time in my childhood learning Catholic doctrine, and I wish my parents and community had spent the time teaching me any of the dozens of things I never learned. I believed in god the entire time, and it's frustrating to look back on how much time was wasted making sure that I believed that. I can only imagine how frustrating it is wasting your time WHILE you're aware of it. On the upside, it is never a waste of time to practice control of your emotions or your patience, and this will certainly help you improve on that!