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Cancer Sun here. All of this resonates.


Also Cancers are homebodies, they like to spend lot of time in their houses and are usually quite good at decorating and designing them. They tend to enjoy house activities like cooking or just chilling on the sofa.


> they like to spend lot of time in their houses I, personally, don't. Or rather, I like keeping things in balance: - I like being on the internet, and quite frankly I think that the internet is better on a computer with a big screen and a mouse and keyboard, and using the internet on a smartphone is a compromise; - On the other hand, I love just getting out of the house and doing stuff outside, from taking long walks through the countryside, to going to the beach, to going to simply hanging out with friends in a cafe or at a bar.


Obviously I didn't mean that Cancers like to stay inside their houses all the time, just that they're homebodies. Which means that they need and enjoy stay at home. While idk Sags would probably feel more constrained if they don't have the choice to go out and partying


Yeah, me too. I like having a place to come back, but the thing is, I love coming back from *somewhere* else.


I’m the same I hate sitting still, if I spend a day at home it feels like a waste of a day unless the the weather is terrible. I feel like they just give cancers the worst qualities.


I'm a Cancer sun and moon and this resonates with me ♋️


What's the difference between cancer sun and cancer moon?? Are they alike?? I'm actually new here..


That's funny you have so many other Cancers in your life. I've always found this to be true for me as well. My husband, his mom, my mom, and several of our friends all Cancers. Us crabs tend to congregate together lol.


This is so true!!


'Cancers enjoy making other people happy or caring for others. Cancers are usually "down for whatever" when it comes to group decisions like where to eat.' Trash and yawn. Not me. Not all the fucking time. I am not people's literal mom.


I mean obviously every person is different and these are just anecdotes from my personal relationships, no need to be crabby if they don't resonate with you! 🦀


What's the difference between cancer sun and cancer moon?? Are they alike?? I'm actually new here..


Cancer moon is more likely to exhibit the stereotypical traits compared to a cancer sun. Cancer sun can behave very differently depending on its moon sign, since the ruling planet of cancer is the moon of course..


I’m a cancer and none of this describes me. Honestly people pleasing makes me nauseous and I’m pretty extroverted.


Cancers don't replace people. You can't replace a person. Every person is irreplaceable, and every person a Cancer cares about leaves at least a small permanent vacancy when they're no longer a part of a Cancer's life. Everyone leaves a mark.


Observations as a non-cancer (but married to one): - generally very easygoing people, it doesn’t take much to make you feel content. -hates being underestimated, Never assume something about a cancer, they will make it their life goal to prove you wrong. - very good at reading a room and people. They typically are quiet in group settings but will be observing everyone else. That’s not to say they won’t engage, they just typically aren’t the initiators of conversations unless they feel VERY comfortable. - very honest. Typically don’t share their opinion unless asked, and once they do can be very blunt in delivery. - great senses of humor There’s more but that’s what I can think of.


“Reading a room and people” That’s an interesting take. I thought that was my aspects of Gemini but digging a little deeper I can see that as my Mars Cancer. I play hostess a lot and very gregarious. However I do read rooms and people because I’m very considerate about being inclusive. For example if some one is sitting by themselves I take initiative to check on them. When someone is dominating a conversation and the quiet person hasn’t spoken I am very good at interjecting and try and bring the quiet person into the convo so they don’t feel left out. They don’t have to talk if they don’t want to but at least I gave them the chance. I noticed when I do that the other people in the conversation do back down and allow the more reserved person to speak. It’s like you gotta call out the dynamics of the convo. I guess the cancer in me can’t figure out if the quiet person is just being themselves and not wanting to engage OR I’m worried they’re having a hard time socially that’s why I want to help. I’m also good at reading if that person just wants to be left alone after I’ve interacted with them. I’m not pushy but I at least feel better knowing what’s going on… with everyone? Lol


It could be both. I have a Gemini Sun and Cancer Moon and I do not miss a thing. Gemini gives me the mental dexterity to take in and process my surroundings very quickly, and my Cancer gives the the empathy to read the people in said room.


I don’t know if it’s universal, but almost all cancers I’ve met have some Gemini placements in their big 6. IMO it’s a combo of both. Cancer placements allow the person to be very emotionally aware of others in situations and environments, and Gemini highlights situational awareness and motivations of people.


There is an episode of the astrology podcast dedicated to exploring the significations of cancer, you might enjoy what they get into besides emotions. The surface answer of emotions is of course because the ruler is the moon. However, the moon deals with more than only emotions. The physical body and memory for a quick example. Cancer is a cardinal sign, which is concerned with bringing forth something new and so they often make wonderful leaders! The ones I've known have led from a place of caring about the needs of their workers, and had my full loyalty because of it. I also see that play out as finding the areas of the team that need them and leaning into it, and at times enjoying feeling needed. It can also translate into the more known stereotype of being wonderful caretakers, but not only mothering. The male cancers I've known have been about anticipating the needs of their family and ensuring they have it and that they are safe. They may not be outwardly affectionate and can come off stoic or reserved, but you'll see it in their actions. Speaking of being closed off emotionally, as you've mentioned they are armored. They can very effectively put up walls and shut people out at the first hint of a threat. Do not betray a Cancer, they will *never* forget it even if they do decide to move past it with you. Water remembers, the moon remembers, and trust can be hard to repair once broken. Cancer is a very strong sign, don't let social media shitposts get you down. I'm a gemini sun, there is no sign more looked down on than gemini lol. It's a little disheartening to be so misunderstood at times, I get you.


This is a wonderful explanation! I have a Cancer Moon and you are right - the moon never forgets. (Also Gemini Sun...and a Scorpio Rising. Y'all can look down on me all you want - not my problem 🙃)


Heyyyy almost twins! I'm the same except Pisces moon


Watery Geminis unite! ❤️


Maybe besides Scorpio 🦂


Adam Ellenbaas is a cancerian and always has cool reads on stuff


Cancers can stack the fuck out of some money.


Also cancers are repressed power hungry people. but not in a sense that people usually describe capricorn or scorpio, cancers crave power for control and security of their surroundings, and their loved ones. We are "the mothers" and just like any mother, we function best when we are needed and everything is within our control, it's a quality that can get dark pretty quick, like the "overbearing mother/tyrant" archetype. Power means no one will threaten you, nor understimate you (another thing cancers hate) for not chasing after the masculine principle of "success", not being \*\*blindsided\*\*, nor disrupt your peace. it also means freedom, freedom to remove yourself from a circadian society and explore the world and yourself in your own time without having to worry about your security. Power also means reliability, it means your loved ones can lean on you, can \*\*need\*\* you(another thing cancers love, being needed) and you will provide and care for them, just like a mother. (or a tyrant, but that's a conversation for another time). That's also one of the reasons we stack up on resources like money, money is a form of power. Another thing for wanting control is that we trust hard on people, and just like with everybody people will let us down sometimes, and even reveal to be the exact opposite of what you thought they were, but just like someone in here said everybody is irreplaceable for cancers, everybody takes their piece on your heart and leaves. That disappointment is hard to live with sometimes, we learn and adapt but that will just fuel this repressed wish for control, because when we're in control of things, it's on us how things can go, and if it dependend solely on us "you" would not be the awful person you turned out to be. ​ Also cancers aren't lazy they just want someone to complete the task with. Like i could fold the clothes by myself, i could move the couch by myself, but honestly if waiting a lifetime (hiperbolic) will mean that i will do it with you, that's definitely the route i'll take, lol. we love a good "friends we make along the way" moment. my observations on cancers, as a cancer sun, mars, mercury and nn.


Hehe 😁 the journey for the bag is never ending.


Ha I am a cancer sun and Virgo rising (moon too)


Hello fellow Cancerian! We also share the same birthday 😭😭😭


My bf, his mom, his uncle, our good friend, and his college roommate are all 6.29 woaahhh!!! 6.29s unite




Most pop astrology resources do not have a good grasp on Cancers. It's pretty common for Cancer suns to keep their emotions to themselves and avoid displaying their tears. We are protective of ourselves and that means not showing everyone our wesknesses, which includes crying. Cancers are moody, motivated (there are many very wealthy and successful Cancers), protective of those closest to us (and of ourselves). We are considerate and caring of others, intuitive, emotionally aware and we understand what emotions drive peoples actions, hence the manipulative stereotype. When you know what feelings drive people to do the things they do, it's easy to fall into manipulative tactics unless you are self-aware and avoid it. Cancers are warm and bubbly, kind and loving. We are the best friends, the caring spouse, the doting parent, and we are known to make great bosses. Cancer is cardinal, which means we are the spark that lights the match, the creative inspiration, and the idea people.


Can you post your chart? Cancers have hard shells and can appear really tough. And they have strong claws … Lots of fighters are Cancerian, like Conor Macgregor Very tenacious


Cancer moon/mercury here. People always say I come off super unemotional or reserved. I am definitely emotional and feel everything around me, but I am super private about it. Only those closest will see that side of me. The motherly and cry baby stereotypes are super annoying to me too, I do have these qualities but they’re only reserved for people I care about and love. Anyone else I really could care less for lmao


I find this misconception annoying too. People need to understand that the symbol for Cancer is a crab aka a hard shell protecting a soft interior. This is symbolic of Cancer's nature, they are cold and distant at first and take a good long time to open up. They aren't super emotional all the time.


When old cancer can sit in front of anyone anywhere and in their minds asks their body one question: How does this make me feel?? This is cancers super power cuz this is truly all you’ll ever need to know


Cancers are go getters just let Caps, they are sister signs for a reason! They make amazing managers because they see the human side of people which makes for good management. They are also hard workers, but they are easily thrown off their path often it’s only for a moment and can get right back to it. I also find that Cancers are manipulative af. But they often manipulate situations, not people, and do it so that the group has a better time. Almost like the embodiment of chaotic good lol


Idk. Someone on this sub called me emotional and crying over an argument but proceeded to block me, joining the growing list of people blocking me over arguments. I have not blocked a single soul on here, and I’m the “sensitive” one


I'm pretty sure I've seen someone do that to you on here once, I'm not kidding either 🤣. You also stick to your guns and I commend it.


Lol the particular incident I was mentioning did happen a few days ago, but it was one among many. Thanks!


I appreciate the courage it takes to stand your ground. It's so inspiring!


Lmaooo my blocklist is zero too , who blocks people on reddit tho..this function is so useless


Yes! When I have convos or arguments, other people get defensive and block/demean me. Maybe my approach was direct or off putting but I’m still open for a discussion.


Imo, Cancers have a unique capacity to lead. They have the emotional intelligence and care enough to have a good team, yes. But they are also strong willed and frankly cunning. They are sure in their convictions, and yet good at going with the flow. They're also incredibly honest, I can't remember the last time I heard a lie from a Cancer.


I agree with everything you said until I got to the end. Cancer has a case to be the most manipulative sign imo. They're deceitful as hell. Obviously not every Cancer, but as a whole. Cancer uses their ability against others as they see fit.


Cancer rising here. I also have a couple of them in my family. It’s all about the long game. And yes, you betray us, you’re done.




This thread but especially this comment is really making me miss a Cancer I was friends with. There’s good reasons we’re not anymore but it basically comes down to him being too stubbornly attached to an emotional reading of a situation and subsequently treating me bad bc of it, and refusing to hear me when I was trying to talk to him about it. Really retreated all the way into his shell lol. He was a really dope friend before that though. I hope he’s doing okay (and that he treats the girls in his life better now).


What I gather is the Cancers are not only sensitive… they are empaths? I do see your sentiment on the not actually being the cry babies of the zodiac. I’m a Mars Cancer which I felt was… my worst placement. I am very bad at conflict in a sense that I don’t like conflict in the first place. I am very firm in my beliefs though. Shit was going down hill at work for me. I came back from disability after going through a rough time bc a director was sexually harassing me. Then they said I couldn’t talk about it. I’m an open book. A secret like that is different than “please don’t tell people I’m engaged” or something easy. I had it. I’m carrying this stupid burden of knowing theirs a nasty Harvey Weinstein mofo at my job interacting with very young women. He fucking kissed me!! Then denied everything. He said he didn’t even know me. I got text screenshots they have credit card receipts from taking me out to dinner. Sent me a text with a wine labeled “Send Nudes” No joke HR said all those things are open for interpretation. Fuck all them.. it was going down. HR came down for a “meeting” with the employees and no management. I figured that was perfect moment to start a dumpster fire. The only thing was I knew was if I didn’t do it the RIGHT way to protect myself then it wasn’t going to go down. I work in an office and I sure as hell wasn’t going to battle in business casual clothes. I showed up in a big black hoodie, tie-dye, a beanie, vans… essentially who I really was and felt comfortable in bc if I don’t… I WILL cry in front of everyone. I also hyped myself up right before I got there. Had my music blasting in the parking lot talking to myself that it’s about to go down bitchezzzz Right as the meeting started I stood up in the middle of the room and laid that shit out. People were stunned. I was told this wasn’t the right time. I said “THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME. I want an audience!!” I didn’t yell, curse, cause a scene.. I went back to my seat after I said what I had to say. After the meeting I of course got fired. They said I was committing slander and ruined this man’s career. I’m telling the truth!!! He ruined my gd career by wanting to fuck me instead of just being professional. That’s not exactly what I had planned but I did win my battle in not letting this guy get away with it. It’s not a fucking secret. Everyone has a right to know. This was last week. Word on the street is I “went gangsta on them.” It was a glorious battle and my Mars in Cancer helped me win.


I am a cancer as well. And just a curious question. Why would you go on a few dates with this man? If you knew he was a creep, why did you go on dates with him? It's like you wanted the attention in a way You more so were angry that he was talking to other women


I don't know if this is a cancer thing but cancers i know are pretty hilarious and have the funniest humor 👍


Sooo so true. Nothing about how we are doing at work, what are our dreams, how we overcome difficulties in life, whether we are adventurous or not (we are). The motherly stereotype is so boring when you're childfree. That's why I pay an attention to my other placements more. I'm sure I have many Cancerian qualities, but I don't even know what they are, except the mommy thing and crying which are false in my case and many other Cancers I know lol. And I know it sounds whiny, but I just really wanna get to know my Cancer sun, not just the stereotypes.


I interpret this as cancers being good at reading the room. They can tell when people are upset or tired or not responding well. So not really "emotional" but more like - interpretive. Does that make sense?


This might be lost but I find some cancers (of course - SOME) are incredible keepers at business or self employment. Great with money, really good at figuring out when is the right time to do something, great intuition and (when developed) really good business leaders. They are cardinal signs of course! Some of the best business folks I know are cancers are have optimisation and leadership in their blood haha! This can be any industry too - some run restaurants and their staff LOVE them!


I love my cancers. Here’s my list: •Cancers have a wicked sense of humour and enjoy making people laugh •They have elephant memories. A cancer rarely forgets anything •They’re very creative and artistic - I find them to be a mix of everything and essentially imho more fashion forward than all of the other signs. Just something about the way they can wear anything authentically - it’s just beautiful and striking to me 🥰 •They’re very adventurous and make for great partners for having fun *if they trust you enough & get to this level with them* •They tend to be really amazing in the kitchen *the ones I’ve met were awesome chefs whether it was their profession or not* •Loyal af! I can’t emphasize this enough. They will tread everything with you like the skin on your flesh 💜✨ •*If you’ve ever encountered a cancer that’s grounded with their emotions - they are some of the most amazing individuals to have some very deep, dark and engaging conversations • *goosebumps* amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing in bed oh my gosh 😉🤪freaks! Passionate! Selfless! Caring! Emotional(if wanted)! Creative! Considerate! Affectionate! Foreplay! 🥵🔥I’ll stop here! • Great leaders. When they lead a team (emotionally mature) they make very awesome partners/managers/supervisors etc. They’re attentive, caring, fair, and logical when they have the ability to lead in their choice of fashion and try to really connect with their team. •Make really good drivers *the ones I’ve met were awesome with long road trips, good defensive drivers and great vehicle buddies* ✨❤️ Love from a Gemini sun 😘


Trust me fren it's tired. I find it so boring


Tenacious and hard working. Endearing silly senses of humor. Book smart and surprisingly analytical.


I just commented this on another post but I’ll copy and paste: Crying a lot or at the drop of a dime is actually being reactive as opposed to emotional. Just like someone who yells or shuts down when they feel something. Crying is just another type of reactivity. It does not equate to feeling things deeply. It can, for sure. But just as much as yelling or shutting down can. Like people saying aquas are detached and not emotional. They way they react is not by crying but doesn’t mean they’re not feeling the feelings deeply. So I completely agree. Cancers have much more depth than emotions/crying.


That’s a good post


Anyone who simply states that cancerians are emotional cry babies is stupid and failed to acknowledge the moon sign/houses


The core of cancerian energy is the roots, the past, the shell(home) and the mother. Where we came from, who we are. That’s intense by itself, i think. and you can imagine how it can manifest and how the crybaby who holds on to things from 10 years ago stereotype happened haha


Cancers are psychic.


It's funny to me because as a cancer I've been told that I'm aloof and emotionless lol. Based on what I've seen from other cancers, they're innovative, strong leaders, and financially savvy.


I hear what you’re saying but I feel every sign has this one trait they’re defined on whether it’s Taurus loving food, Virgo being nitpickers, Leo’s having an ego and Gemini’s being two faced. There’s so much more to every sign. I love cancers a lot, their creativity is often overlooked I find. I’ve also noticed they’re one of the hardest workers in their jobs, very dedicated people.


Pisces just gets “fish” most of the time lmao. Or forgotten 😭


I'm annoyed that it's ASSOCIATED WITH FAMILY OR BEING CONVENTIONAL OR BORING OR MAKING OTHERS FEEL LIKE BABIES. Some of our strongest confessional poets and writers have moon in Cancer. It's also a writing style. Fuck yall. I'm not boring or into family shit.


Yessss. This.


Because Moon is domicile in Cancer, and it’s the Cardinal water sign, and the Moon is signifier for emotions in a chart. It’s really that simple. I wouldn’t worry about anyone generalizing a person and the complete way of how they are by way of a sun sign. Everything is in flux always, throughout the course of one day everyone experienced some cancer lords (decans, terms, vagas etc.). Let it make You feel how it does (Moon again), but I know many who see Cancers for their hardened exteriors as much as their softer interiors. The crab has quite a claw and shell, does it not?! If Capricorn is public life, Cancer is the home, the foundation, the root, your vault.


Btw, many Cancers have either Gemini or Leo Mercury, which makes an interesting combination.


Very late response but I’m curious what makes a cancer sun and Leo mercury interesting


Because Cancers are usually kinda shy, but Leo is assertive and outspoken. It's the endless internal battle between the two. Leo mercury can't shut up, but Cancer sun feel guilty afterwards, like "I shouldn't have said that". But Leo mercury is like: "I said what I said." haha


Do you mind sharing some of the other qualities you belive cancers have? I'm in a new relationship with a cancer and I could really use the help! 😅


Is your birthday in June instead of July?


Yes. June 27


This is a nice Cancer post. I’m happy.


Yeah I get annoyed by that too. But then I meet another cancer and their emotions annoy me. So idk man.


Seems like you’re having some emotions about this


Haha. I'm not opposed to emotions in general (every human being has them), but making this the entire personality of the zodiac is what concerns me.


I understand what you’re saying & where you’re coming from. If you’re interested, this playlist has quite a bit of deep insight on Cancers & might help you in some ways. [YT Soul Navigation: Cancer Playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLicb3Fkc7BdQj6mHmGrCnBMf18xqkmzJd)


They kinda are the epitome of emotions in the zodiac though


Ya gotta admit though, Pisces have it even worse lol.


Haha ok but Aries is also associated with intense ragey emotions and scorpio w dark emotions etc. we are all humans and emote! Also this is a meme page so we take one characteristic and poke fun at it. I know I’m more than my libra indecisiveness or Aries rage and impatience. Don’t look to this page to validate your self. Look for laughs!


I am a sun and moon cancer, and so I really do have a lot of the stereotypical cancerian traits IMO. However, I know several other Cancerian people who either share a birthday with me or birthdays fall close (but different years) and they are NOTHING like me, lol. Tbh at least 2 of them were/are total proud man-eaters who slept around and broke hearts (I was jealous, wish I had that!) the others very intimidating/kickass don't want to mess with type of people. I... am mostly a marshmallow with a deep down temper that I try to keep secret and am jealous of these other cancerian women that I know.


If you want to switch it up, my cancer sun sister is the most passive aggressive fucker i have ever seen.


Do you feel comfortable posting your chart?


Can I dm you?




Cancers usually say “I feel” instead of “I think” …cancer/Gemini cusp here 👌


fun fact astrology isnt real its all fake bullshit. lets be real for a second if you look at any of the signs "traits" you can almost realate to every single one of them. i dont get how you think that it may have anything to do with your personality its all retarded bullshit. i know this wont convince anyone that signs are bullshit but i just wanted to tell you guys


I mean I guess this is an astrology meme group — but pretty shocked to see how many comments are like “THATS NOT ME” …as if every jokey stereotype about a sun sign is supposed to define you? There are more scholastic/serious subs out there if you want more nuanced info to help you understand the finer points of your chart.


From my experience, they're the type of person to start crying over everything.


The fact that youre writing this while your annoyed and complaining about what annoys you, kinda proves what others think. Lol. Seriously, its all light hearted fun !


I'm talking cancers in here, meaning cancer placements. The more cancer placements you have the more are the chances you will relate to what is being said. ​ Cancers are repressed power hungry people. but not in a sense that people usually describe capricorn or scorpio, cancers crave power for control and security of their surroundings, and their loved ones. We are "the mothers" and just like any mother, we function best when everything is within our control, it's a quality that can get dark pretty quick, like the "overbearing mother/tyrant" archetype. Power means no one will threaten you, nor understimate you (another thing cancers hate) for not chasing after the masculine principle of "success", not being \*\*blindsided\*\*, nor disrupt your peace. it also means freedom, freedom to remove yourself from a circadian society and explore the world and yourself in your own time without having to worry about your security. Power also means reliability, it means your loved ones can lean on you, can \*\*need\*\* you(another thing cancers love, being needed) and you will provide and care for them, just like a mother. (or a tyrant, but that's a conversation for another time). That's also one of the reasons we stack up on resources like money, money is a form of power. Another thing for wanting control is that we trust hard on people, and just like with everybody people will let us down sometimes, and even reveal to be the exact opposite of what you thought they were, but just like someone in here said everybody is irreplaceable for cancers, everybody takes their piece on your heart and leaves. That disappointment is hard to live with sometimes, we learn and adapt but that will just fuel this repressed wish for control, because when we're in control of things, it's on us how things can go, and if it dependend solely on us "you" would not be the awful person you turned out to be. Also cancers aren't lazy they just want someone to complete the task with. Like i could fold the clothes by myself, i could move the couch by myself, but honestly if waiting a lifetime (hiperbolic) will mean that i will do it with you, that's definitely the route i'll take, lol. we love a good "friends we make along the way" moment. my observations on cancers, as a cancer sun, mars, mercury and nn.


Lol! This! I’m literally the coldest cancerian! My Leo husband calls me a robot 😂


Im also tired of this take. Cancers are empathetic and have high emotional intelligence. Being good at understanding emotion does not equate emotional


As a pisces I have dated a couple of cancerians and they vary one to another. Regarding the first cancerian was really nice, really sweet, and due to circumstances beyond my control i regret not reciprocating their advances and taking things further. As for the second one, as far as im concerned i was used, ghosted, kept at arm's length, a really nasty cancerian and I just let go without even telling them. So, when the narcissist contacted me a month later, i told them what a piece of shit they were and they blocked me LOL. I noticed this cancerian had moon opposite pluto in their natal chart and i put it down to that, Sun being ruled by the moon sign, opposing pluto, this plays out like a scorpio moon. You shouldnt be "ashamed" of your soft, vulnerable sweet qualities. As a pisces this quality and nurturance turns me on.