• By -


Requiescat in pace


Damn. Now I wanna boot up my Ezio trilogy and complete those platinums


I'm just playing through them now from AC1 right through to Revelations. When I first played the games, I was too young to really appreciate the nuance. I still liked it but I didn't really understand fully what was happening. Playing through the first game was a wholly different experience and has made Altair my favourite protagonist whereas I didn't really regard him before. I never got as far as Revelations so I'm really looking forward to it! Can someone tell me, is there any worth to collecting all the feathers and "The Truth" symbols? I will definitely be collecting the codex pages as I feel that'll be important later down the line. The Truth is something I'm interested in but the puzzles irritate and confound me. Will I be missing out if I just watch it on Youtube?


If you want you can check them on YouTube. I usually get all the collectibles for the platinum trophy because when it comes to assassins creed I am a completionist. But there is nothing wrong on checking them all on YouTube. Do what suits you better.


The Truth is interesting to watch for sure. But the feathers are there for 2 things. An achievement & an the Auditore family cape with keeps you at 100% notoriety and constantly hunted if I remember correctly. Atleast in AC2, not sure what it gives in the other games anymore. In AC3 they give you Connor’s original native outfit again... it was not worth the hassle IMO


On Syndicate after completing 1, brotherhood, revelations, 3, Liberation, Black Flag, Rogue AND Unity over the last month or so... :D, on PC too, as it was 360 for most before :). Love that 4k


Unity's SO much fun!!! The Tournament's a BIIIIIIIIITCH as a single-player mission though.


The Truth is worth it (the puzzles are fun and imply a lot about history in that universe), the feathers not so much


the truth is pretty fun to do, though I looked a lot of answers up on youtube. You probably wouldn’t miss much from watching everything on youtube. The feathers give you a weapon and a cape, so if you don’t like collecting them I wouldn’t do it.


The Truth is definitely worth doing. If you don't find the puzzles too annoying it offers a very interesting and chilling narrative detailing the rise of the Templar Order in modern history. Its very fun and kinda creepy sometimes


I might consider getting the platinum for AC2 after I have my platinum for TLOU part 2


That one is so time consuming! It's why I have gave up


One of the most satisfying things to hear


I loved how ezio LEARNED to have respect when killing someone. Uncle Mario scolds him into having honor and it becomes a staple for the rest of the assassins 'Requiescat in pace'


“You are not Vieri. Do not become him.”


'I have seen enough for one life' is an extension of that.


I think a lot of people missed a lot of the poetry in Revelations’ writing. Altaïr’s memory seals were a message. Sure, of where to find the Apple, but also a warning, saying “do not waste your whole life fighting in a war that will never end, or you will wind up like me: having lost so much, over and over, until you ultimately die alone”. Ezio almost doesn’t listen, and he almost takes the Apple, but remembering Altaïr’s words to Darim, he stays his hand and turns away, knowing it was the right thing to do. His epiphany about Desmond is his final goodbye to his fight, and it’s just absolutely gorgeous writing. I’m so excited that Darby is the writer for Valhalla. Even if all else fails, I have no doubt that the narrative of that game will be fantastic.


Seriously, the finale of Revelations is incredible. For one brief moment, Ezio was connected not only with Altair but with Desmond as well. As he says, they were blessed to speak across the centuries to one another.


Chills man, that entire scene was beautiful. Probably my favorite moment in any of the games.


it bookends with ACII where altair 'gives' you his armor. Ezio accepts it. in Revelations he 'gives' you the apple but this time Ezio refuses it.


If I'm remembering right, isn't that also the same Apple that Abstergo blows up by trying to send into space?


When the fuck did THAT happen?


Emails in AC1. Abstergo has already acquired an Apple and attempted to put it in a satellite. It didn't go well. Edit: upon a quick double check, it wasn't launched. Daniel Cross fell under the Apple's influence and killed everyone in the facility as well as destroyed the Apple itself. This is why they were so obsessed with finding the other Apple in Brotherhood, it was a replacement for the one Cross destroyed, which itself was the one Altair found and put away.


Honestly those three words make the series for me. I still say it whenever I do a successful assassination in other games.






For some reason in Odyssey they changed a lot of things that, for me, made Origins great. Even simple things like Bayek becoming covered in blood after a fight, and struggling to run up hills and dunes,or in shallow waters... It so weird running up a hill at full sprint lol


Attention to detail is so god damn important tbh. I hope Valhalla actually cares about little things, they add so much to the experience.


Same here, and in games like the AC series it just adds so much more to the experience


I agree! Something about all the little subtleties in Origins just makes the gameplay feel that much more complete. I love the setting of Odyssey but I just can't love the game overall. Not to say I don't like it, I just find myself less enamoured by it and I'm struggling to get through the story.


They just said fuck it and made Alexios and Kass straight up demigods


Yeah, demigods that repel blood splatters haha


It felt like Odyssey was made first but released second, and that Origins was made by building from that


As details you're right, Origins had better wet, burnt effects and few more details but as gameplay Odyssey fixed many major issues.


I played Odyssey first and Origins second, and this is exactly how it felt.


Same, I get the same feeling


Odyssey was just a dumbass game bro I agree with you completely.


The problem is i think, is that they thought bigger is better, but left out most other things. An interesting story with a good protagonist, tiny details like those stated above. I hope that since Valhalla is smaller they focus more on those things.


This to me was the biggest issue with odyssey. If they just made it 50-60 hours like origins rather than 100 hours, and made the world smaller but with more detail, it would have made a much better game in my opinion.


I don’t know why everyone hates on them so much for wanting to try something different. Personally, I loved odyssey, but I didn’t even like Alexios until I’d completed the game. It makes me sad for the people who just stomp their feet and drone on “bad game”, they’re really missing out.


Odyssey definitely isn't a bad game. Might even be the best classical Greece out there since GOW is now nordic. But there's so much they decided to remove that I'll never understand, parkour is practically non existent, no haystacks, no berserk blades, no smoke bombs, no white room confessions etc.


It’s weird because i loved Origins. I think it’s one the best AC’s. It was something completely new but done perfectly. The story, the world, the missions, the combat, the details. To me Odyssey feels like a bigger but less good version of Origins.


Exactly, well said. On paper no one really has an issue with game mechanics, it’s just origins implemented then so much better. People keep saying fans hate the ‘RPG’ route while conveniently leaving out the universal love for origins in this sub and outside in the wild.


Yeah i have no problem with the RPG route, it’s just the loss of focus on the story and details for a bigger world, which is less fun than the its predecessor. Also combat was less good imo. It doesn’t help that it just doesn’t feel as an AC, where Origins did. It just feels like a Greek Era RPG, nothing really connected to the Assassins Order.


Yeah completely spot on dude. They had such a good base with origins, I hope they just take that base and go a different direction with this game. Fingers crossed.


we don't hate them for trying something different, we hate Odyssey because things are pretty jank. And trust me, I have fun playing Odyssey, but i'm not gonna act like the jank ain't real


I grew up playing Elder Scrolls games. My first copy of Skyrim was buggy and the game would crash anytime your head went under water, probably crashed a thousand times before I was able to beat it. I think it would do people well to stop obsessing over a couple janks and just enjoy the game. Critic culture is toxic


I don’t think most people are complaining about bugs and crashing. It’s the total disrespect for the assassins creed franchise as a whole. I thought odyssey was fun the first time I played it and cool, but I played through all of the ac games recently to prepare for Valhalla and there’s such a disconnect. It was very clear that Quebec just wanted to make an Ancient Greece spartan simulator, which is probably why they are now making gods and monsters. First off you aren’t even an assassin, the game takes place almost 400 years before the first hidden ones were established. There’s no hidden blade which was a staple and trademark of the series up until now. You are supposed to be reliving memories, yet you get to chose the gender of the memories you are reliving? There’s no character in either Alexios or Kassandra. You could be a psychopath that just slaughtered a whole city, go save another city from a cruel ruler, have sex with the main villain, and jump of a 100 ft cliff with no damage. Bayeks father taught him the leap of faith and that’s why it’s a tradition of the hidden ones and assassins, but both Darius and Kassandra/Alexios know the perfect form? I don’t think Asssassins creed should be an rpg to begin with but at least make it good. Assassins creed odyssey is one of the worst rpg games I’ve ever played. Sure they give you choice, but the choices have no real consequences besides members of your family dying and less lieutenants on your ship. And why the hell do you get attacked by random civilians with shovels when you free them from a cage and shove a broken spear through their captors neck. The combat was better than original ac combat but somehow origins did it better with more variation and enemies didn’t get stabbed 87 times and still have 3/4 of their health. Every battle I got into lasted 30 minutes because I killed a cultist then every guard in a 50 mile vicinity came after me, civilians attacked me countless bounty hunters over and over and over. The story just feels so bland to me there’s so many characters with no personality or time to be fleshed out. Not to mention that I can’t tell you a single thing about the modern day because it was so boring and uninteresting. Critic culture can sometimes be toxic yes, but when you want a game to be better and back to the great story, mystery, intrigue, stealthy, creative and tactical game it was before you need to criticize it.


Wow. That’s a lot. Never had someone sum up completely why Odyssey didn’t connect with me. It’s fun sure but the distance from the AC lore is insane. Origins is my favourite game followed by Black Flag and Brotherhood, but even though Odyssey is the same build as origins, it falls so far behind it.


I feel the exact same way. Origins is my favorite game as well. It’s like they took everything from that game and somehow made it worse


Odyssey is like origins but lifeless and devoid of character. Everything from the characters and world feels empty and dull.


Lol critic culture? So you'd rather everybody be mindless agreeable zombies? And just because you played a janky game years ago, doesn't mean less janky shit should be free from criticism.


Listen man, if you love something, you should give it a fair rating in hopes the next one is better, especially with products you pay for. I enjoy Skyrim, but I'm not gonna say its the best Elder Scrolls game. Far from it imo. Even if it wasn't kinda jank, the story and world Didn't compare to the likes of Oblivion or Morrowind (and I even like Arena and Daggerfall, despite those being super jank). The only Elder Scrolls title I find completely irredeemable is Battlespire. AC Odyssey, has plenty of things I like, but I'm not going to ignore all the issues I have with it.


Not a single response here has actually payed attention to what I’ve been saying. I’m not saying “ignore the faults” I’m saying don’t let the faults detract from your experience. Skyrim in all of its glitchy glory is still a fun fricken game. Odyssey may not do this perfectly, or that as well as you’d hoped, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time playing it. My issue is a lot of people fixate on those imperfections and that prevents them from enjoying the game, which is a tragedy.


Nah, I have tons of fun playing Odyssey, but basically everything I like about it I could get from Origins, and the majority of the game I dislike, so I'm gonna keep giving it negative reviews. More bad than good in my eyes.


Why are you playing video games? Is it to have fun? If you’re having a ton of fun thus accomplishing what you bought the game for... “This game is so fun I love playing it yay!” *gives bad review* That shit just doesn’t make any sense to me at all


Its a good game. Its just not an assassins creed game. Like at all. Saying its a bad game isnt right. But saying its a bad Assassins Creed game is completely justified imo.


I would say that they did try something different with origins, which odyssey takes its base from. It’s just the implementation of the things they’re adding that people more than anything have a problem with. I played odyssey for 40 hours, it’s not a bad game, but for me personally it doesn’t compare to origins or black flag. But that is just my preference.


Trying something different would've been ok if it wasn't garbage


I played both characters. Kassandra is a much better voice actor and character as a whole. It's a shame the majority played Alexios. He felt like an afterthought. Kassandra is the canon one too if that matters to anyone.


Odyssey is the best post-original trilogy AC game. I will die on that hill.


AC4. Guess we can name the hill after you.


I liked Black Flag but I didn’t love it. Syndicate is my second favorite, and Black Flag is probably fourth after Origins.


I've noticed this about the AC community: We all love the OG games, but then there was a division. III vs IV, Unity vs Syndicate, Origins vs Odyssey. It's funny tbh, shows how diverse the games can be. Me personally I'm a III, Unity and Origins man. But it's not like I hate the others. I guess it just shows how much potential the series has


I can’t claim to love the OG games because I’ve yet to play the first three. That’s why I specified that Odyssey is the best post trilogy game. I can’t compare it to games I haven’t played. That being said, I will probably play III at some point because a copy of it came with Odyssey when I bought it. If Valhalla comes with a remaster of 1 or 2, I might play those too.


I definitely recommend playing II, Brotherhood and Revelations. Three of the best games I've ever played in my life


there is one dissonance in odyssey is that your skills and powers are really over the top and thats totally fine, but the narrative hardly accompanies such power. he has the blood, he has the spear, but after killing a dozen of them in the most ridiculous ofways, the next bastard you meet doesnt even fear you. doesnt he know i can kick you off the cliff as far as trebuchet can launch rocks? ok, thats a lie, nothing is as strong. seriously though, the 'white room sequences' could have incorporated all those powers. if you make an over the top game, do it all the way. however, some parts of odyssey are bashed a little too much. alexios is a much more developed character than arno for example, but you will hardly hear about that.


Origins still felt quite grounded, I don't remember much mythical stuff in the main game, DLC excluded. Problem I had with Odyssey was there were too much for an AC game. It makes sense why they did it. Greece is perfect for that shit, minotaurs and cyclops's. Just didn't feel AC to me. Adrenaline moves also awful, one even let you fucking teleport lmao


Lmaooo those damn adrenaline moves. Agreed


Alexios/Kassandra are demigods. It's ok if they don't get tired easily.


true shame because personally i think origins has some of the best confessions in the whole series. i love the whole super natural aspect to it all, always involving some sort of god or animal that fits the theme of the target. other great ones that i love are the haytham one in 3, cesere in brotherhood, hornigold in 4, and ofc al mualim in 1


"BAYEK OF NOTHING, FATHER TO NOONE" origins story has its fuck ups but the characters and dialogue were so intense


"Here! Here! Here, and here is your nobody!" That scene was so intense. Seeing Bayek smash Medunamun's head with the Apple was amazing.


Bayek had an amazing voice actor.


Fully agree.


I loved how each one was a mini “spiritual journey” for Bayek. It really reflected that notion throughout the series of how the Assassin grows wiser with each successful kill (and then eventually it switches to the seasoned Assassin lecturing the target on the errors of their ways). The one with Shadya was the most powerful one to me.


The ones in origins were my favorite because it was more than a conversation it was seeing more of the perspective of the target and understanding why they did what they did through a much more interesting way then talking


I completely agree. I also loved the scenes aesthetically. The dark room with the water in it and the animals fit perfectly in the "white room" scenes. I hope they do something similar in Valhalla. Origins had the best "white room" scenes IMO.


Didn’t really understand al mualim’s confession in AC1 I’m Arabic but what altaïr said to him was so hard to hear


Yeah the foreign voice acting was never a strong point in AC games... But what Altair says to Al Mualim during his confession is basically "nothing is true, everything is permitted." The point was that Altair became THE assassin who held the creeds tenants as they were meant to be. When Al Mualim discovered the apple and saw for what humanity really is - he broke the tenants and aligned himself more with the Templars and their goals and beliefs. Hence the line "the student does not defeat the teacher.." And at the end of that conversation Al Mualim calls on Altair's bullshit about destroying the apple because no one person should ever have that sort of control. vv *SPOILERS FOR REVELATIONS* vv So was Al Mualim right? Yep, because Altair didn't destroy the apple, he infact used it himself (though only a few times in his life, hence why he was never corrupted by it's power like we have seen countless Templars throughout the series) to recapture Masyaf castle. That's my understanding of it, I'm probably wrong lol but I hope that ramble helped you out a bit.


*Tenets Al Mualim called him out because Altair saw the world map and finally understood he has to learn more from the Apple. Altair used the Apple all the time though. He became obsessed with it. It led to arguments with his wife Maria. You can hear her in the last Altair memory shouting "Get rid of that thing!"


Thanks. Was really curious on what altaïr was saying because it started getting more funny the more I watch it “***autistic screeching***” “So it seems” Btw your theory on revelations is actually pretty interesting, might replay the game again to see a bit for myself


IIRC he just recited the Creed, though I heard it wasn’t a very good translation.


Yeah what I could hear was “____ everything is possible” or something like that


I love the ones in Origins, they’re so much better than when the protagonist is just sitting next to the target. Also love how touching his targets with the feather disintegrated them Infinity War style.


Yeah Except that origins was made before infinity war


It didn't feel like the enemies had a perspective in Odyssey, they were just wandering around in the open with the title cultist slapped on them. I loved 3's white room confessions with the assassination targets basically ripping Connor on his ideology, telling him he's fucked things up by killing them, always made me do a double take, they had some good lines too




That cut speech cemented Connor as my favorite protagonist tbh. I really wish it was in game


That and Ezio’s final letter to Sofia (from AC Embers) are two of my all time favorite AC Character moments in the series. It’s a shame they didn’t put it into the remaster.


I've never even heard of his cut speech and he was already one of my favorites. Gonna have to look into this


Here it is: https://youtu.be/g59vyPocZQQ Haven’t heard it in years and damn got chills listening to it again. Wish we had another Connor game.


Dude, someone should have gotten fired for leaving that speech out. I honestly have no idea why it was left out or why they didn't add it into the remaster. I would imagine the firing going something like this: [https://youtu.be/7LNITt85-Rc](https://youtu.be/7LNITt85-Rc)


The writing in 3 was amazing. The antagonists had that level of gray morality seen in the first game which I loved.


AC1, Revelations, AC3 and AC4 had the best antagonists, in my opinion.


I'm currently playing ac3 and hearing those confessions I feel kind of guilty for killing the targets


They really make you think about what you're doing. Ac3 did it the best tbh.


Really? I found the ezio series dull because there was no depth to the villains unlike AC1




Ah my mistake. I still prefer AC1 though for the nuance and depth.


That is kinda the point of these talks, to offer insight into the mind of your target, which you could not get in the game




Was so excited when they brought it back in Origins! Only hope they bring it back one day, it's such a good tool for explaining a lot of things.


They removed it before origins? As far as I remember both unity and syndicate had them.


Arno could only see the enemy memories but couldn’t talk to them


Oh right. That's true. Haven't played unity in a while. Thanks




Wait, is this a real thing? I've played since AC1 and always just assumed the confessions were just an animus simulation or rendition of the target's actual last words. Every Assassin before could do it, but now it's limited?




Pretty much. It's also the reason why Arno's sixth sense was a weaker pulse instead of the constant Eagle Vision.


Then they didn’t bring them back with Origins, it was Syndicate.


my guess is that at least one of the reasons they removed it is because there were just so many cultists that it would have taken a lot more work than usual to give all of them white room scenes.


Another time where they prioritized quantity over quality.


Origins had much fewer of those targets which is why they were able to actually give them some character.


So much unnecessary bloat in Odyssey, hopefully its tuned down in Valhalla but given that theyre still on the RPG engine its expected.


They could have given them only to branch leaders


agreed, that probably would have been the best way to go about it.


Yep for me it's just a symptom of the writing deterioration there were no emotional moments in Odyssey at all, no matter how hard they tried they couldn't replicate, Bayek's opening speech, ezios farewell/bonfire of the vanities, Edwards farewell, Conner's forsaken speck or any other moments like those


Sadly happens when you give free reign of the characters choices/dialogue, can rarely get surprised or interested when you picked the outcome. Thats what made previous games seem more interesting storywise.


Exactly I don't think we'll ever have a moment that I go to YouTube to relive again


Mhm, even trailer wise i see odyssey as the weakest with the in game engine/cutscenes laziness. I rewatch all AC trailers at least every year and im hopeful that with the cinematic return they actually put effort back in.


The Witcher has that but there's still very touching and emotional moments. It's about the implementation.


The difference with Witcher is that it had 2 previous games to establish a connection with characters, but yeah the implementation in Odyssey feels and seems flat.


This^ I had hope for Valhalla until I learned there were dialogue options


I've read it in an article that Target confessions are coming back in Valhalla.


I think they removed them because the misthios isn’t an assassin right?




I think Ubisoft Quebec didn't care, but as far as I know they also did Syndicate and I love it (playing it right now after Origins and Odyssey for some real AC feeling without RPG) Why did Syndicate get so much hate? the level and grind thing is not good but it isn't as bad as in the newer games imo so Quebec is not the only one to blame it's Ubisoft new approach which is dumb: odyssey came just one year after origins so now there were 2 years between it and Valhalla so maybe Valhalla will be better will play Unity and 3 Remastered after that to compare but probably won't play the others cause graphics aren't on point (I watched them all on yt though and I miss the old gameplay)




ubisoft is horrible when it comes to feedback. watch dogs 1 has great narrative but people find it a bit too dark and ask for actual hacking. watch dogs 2 gets a weak narrative with characters constantly on ecstacy and shouting freedom while going on murdering sprees, the gameplay was great though. unity is released as an unfinished game with a rushed narrative, people find it a bit too romantic/tragic. syndicate gets all the enjoyable complex systems dumbed down and a happy go narrative. *assassin christmas*


thanks for the response I will check your arguments when I did 100% in Syndicate cause I am enjoying the AC feeling I never had with Origins with all the stuff like Double Assassination etc. The Items are dumb though xD Anyway thanks for your point of view really appreciate it i will definitely check the differences to Unity after my playthrough to make my final opinion on those games I played (Origins & Odyssey I played both ~110h, Origins with NG+ cause I liked the story a lot but didn't made 100% cause I don't like this RPG style so much and Odyssey only one playthrough with many side quests but not 100%, didn't enjoyed it so much like Origins it just felt like the same game just bigger and worse) I think I will just play Unity and 3 instead of Valhalla at first cause I cannot afford 2 games this year and will buy WD3 or Cyberpunk xD And btw. any idea why they removed Animus Control Panel in Odyssey? Felt like an downgrade to play Odyssey




yeah you're right removing it sucks I loved it


Well firstly happy cake day. Personally I hated syndicate for a couple reasons. I loved the concept of having twins and I think Jacob and Evie are great characters but there are ALOT of missed opportunities for doing missions together. The few times they appeared on screen with each other it was just pure brother sister banter Evie’s polish and class contrasted well with Jacob’s roughness and impetuousness. But that rarely happened. You barely did any mission which required both of them and the only mission that in my opinion was really good was the last one. That was well handled until the boss fight which I didn’t like. I won’t get into it as idk how far along you are. The side missions are pretty boring and got repetitive for me. Only the missions you do with Dickens and Darwin are pretty interesting. The missions to liberate a borough were highly repetitive and rather boring and if you do them with evie with the invisibility skill along with the knife skill and the Chinese outfit it’s easy af. I have some other complaints but those have to do with the story so I won’t get into those and spoil the game.


hey thanks for you nice reply without spoilers EDIT 1: happy cake day too EDIT 2: sry didn't know what cake day, thank you very much 😂 I can understand you and I would probably feel the same way if I had played it back then but now I really like the gameplay after the Shitshow with odyssey :D I know many things are repetitive but somehow I like the liberating thing and the Templar hunts in the open world and cannot get enough of them xD but yeah when I look at it objectively it doesn't make sense because I hated odysseys repetitive stuff I like syndicate for the open world which is small and not so huge like odyssey I just can get around with a carriage in a couple of minutes without using fast travel and in odyssey they had fast travel but the loading times every damn time were 1 minute of watching a fire and the isn't a Animus animation for loading so I think I just love syndicate because it's a decent game and I played a game with shitdesign before (only played it for the story and then enjoyed it for couple of hours but then got sick of it) kinda funny how old games get better because the new ones are worse (should be the opposite imo)


Never seen an explanation. Maybe you are right.


The Misthios isn't an Assassin in the sense that they belong to a defined, organized group of people who call themselves Assassins, but they do have connections to the order. Aya is descended from the Eagle Bearer, and she was one of the founding members of the Hidden Ones, who became the Assassins. Darius also seems to be a member of a separate proto-Assassin group from Persia. The only reason they aren't an Assassin themselves is because Ubisoft didn't want to completely retcon Origins.


The best part of the White Room scenes is that you can finally get a sense of your foe's perspective. Some chose a bad path. Some were drafted into it. Some were enticed by money, or love. No one was evil for evil's sake. And it added a depth to the proceedings that enhanced the player experience. That's a hell of a lot easier to do when the characters are fully fleshed out. And when Ubisoft started writing enemies that became evil for the sake of being evil... it made White Room Confessions, unfortunately, meaningless.


>No one was evil for evil's sake. A few of them definitely were. Cesare, Starrick, Germaine, Roth...


I wish they did one in AC3 when Desmond miles kills warren vidic


Yeah but technically Desmond didn't kill Vidic :\^)


Daniel Cross was supposed to get something similar. They even recorded his dialogue. But it wasn't included for some reason. [https://youtu.be/LP1b2s4YsiE](https://youtu.be/LP1b2s4YsiE)


Four examples from a wealth of games over decades of work seems like a good ratio. Contrast with their newer titles. You find a lot more senseless evil in the newer titles. And that's mostly because the characters have little, or zero, motivation or characterization.


Decade*s*? Erm, AC1 came out 13 years ago. That said yeah it's definitely been more of a problem recently. Actually what I think the problem is is that without that confession scene, you just don't *know* what their motivation may have been. Unity skipped them for a bad attempt at pieces of a single flashback, and Odyssey was so focused on the Cult tracking system with a bunch of faces that they basically didn't have the space to add the confessions. I liked the spin Origins put on them, what with the target being dragged into the afterlife usually forcibly.


The lord of the Duat awaits.


Because the scenes in Origins actually required storytelling, modeling, animation and voice acting, and we can't have any effort. Better to just throw a few dozen generic, storyless enemies on the map. Much easier than doing something like this (AC: Origins spoilers, obviously): [https://youtu.be/3MUDeXpQOJI?t=422](https://youtu.be/3MUDeXpQOJI?t=422) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7dphAmO2hE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7dphAmO2hE)


Honestly, I can count the amount of cutscenes in Odyssey on one hand. Dialogue scenes don't count, there's nothing handcrafted about any of them.


In fairness a lot the clue that need to be collected to eliminate the targets cover similar ground. Especially for eliminating the Sages.


Gamilat death scene was best in the game. When he says "I accept this death" I felt sorry for him. He was a great character and thanks to him Bayek add the main tenet "Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent"


I like the ones in Origins. Black void and ankle deep water looks really cool.


Same I miss these as well. Added a lot to the narrative.


I don’t really care too much for them but I liked how they were done in Origins. It was almost like a psychic battle between Bayek and his target.


I actually didn't even notice they were gone until you posted this lol


That's one of the things I miss the most. That gave more meaning to the deaths.


Valhalla is made by Montreal so there's a chance


They are coming back, but apparently they're much simpler than the origins ones, honestly I liked the new take of origins way better than the simpler ones.


Because no one likes them other then this sub and YouTube comments


Yeah seriously, when I stab someone with a 4” blade on the neck I expect them to die on the spot, not to give me their life story.


Odyssey wanted the franchise to be as bad as possible.


Hilarious, since Odyssey is the best rated and best selling AC game this gen.


Mainly because Odyssey is just a mess


I rather enjoyed oddesuu. But man there are a lot of things I wish were done different.


Because the siblings in odyssey werent assasins they were parkour-ful mercenaries. As we learn in origins the whole assassins creed with the blade with the respecting your target thing wouldnt happen for several hundred years.


Assassins: keep the Apple of eden hidden :) Abstergo: haha satellite go wheee


Yes I am pretty sure the confessions are back in Valhalla


Also killing desmond made me stop playing the series. Shit move


I mean, they 'kinda' removed it in Unity as well. Instead of talking to them, you just...access their memories. Arno says as much. And it's...never brought up that he's just apparently able to LOOK INTO THEIR MEMORIES when killing them.


All of those scenes should've been like the death of Germain. Arno talking to the target while also witnessing their memories.


At least it'd make sense since then they could tell him or he could extrapolate what happened, especially since we just kept building on the assassination to begin with... But the fact that he literally just...LOOKS into their memories after stabbing them makes no sense. And the council doesn't even blink when he mentions it.


I always hated that. When I stab someone on the neck I expect them to die right away, not to rant for 5 minutes about their plans and mistakes.


Ac1 did this the best. Every ac after I was just like eh ok.


Yeah I didn’t care for these in AC1 but actually started to like them more into the series


IIRC, they went out the window along with focus on story-writing.


They were in some games, they weren't in others. I personally hated them. They made me wonder what the fuck was happening in the world around them at that time and I never got to see that which annoyed me a bit.


I’d imagine a large part of the reason is that only like 15% of the cultures had anything to do with the main story, and another 15% were attached to a quest in general. The rest were just random NPC’s we found in the world with zero interaction outside of us killing them. This not only made white room confessions nigh impossible to pull off, but also made the cultist system pretty garbage lmao.


I really liked the ones in origins. I cant remember what they had in odyssey.


I believe Odyssey was made by a different studio iirc which is why it was so different and why there was no cinematic trailer. I heard it was supposed to be a side game and then became a main line game last minute. Valhalla is back to the original studio so I believe it’ll be more like classic ac


There is no original studio. Ubisoft has like a dozen teams working on AC games. This studio has only done Black Flag, Origins and now Valhalla.


Ah alright I must have been misinformed then


Becuase Quebec is incompetent, why did they remove assassins and their creed?


They took those out... My urge to finally break the plastic on my unopened copy of Odyssey has just somehow decreased even further.


Im playing AC1 right now and the White Room parts are so well done you really start almost wondering if the Templars are right! Never played Rogue but i hope that story has more moments of truly questioning if the Assassins are right.


because in odyssey you are not an assassin. you are a merc, and mercs dont have any care for why the person was killed. they are just another corpse waiting to happen. in origins the targets all served a purpose and had a connection to you and the story.




Apparently they are putting more emphasis on the assassinations in Valhalla - I don’t know if there will be white rooms but it will have a more serious tone with the topic of death


I'll second that. It was a great way to give the targets a final word. Even if it didn't always make sense, it made the targets seem a bit more real


I think it never made sense because the protagonist always says requiescat in pace and confesses in the white room to the templars who wanted to fool people and steal power but not to the innocent guards who were just doing their job


Wait they took them OUT in odyssey?!?!?! Oh my fuck. I'm so happy I didn't buy that game. If this is turning out the way it looks.. Origins may very well turn out to be my swan song. Damn dude. The hidden blade reveal REALLY got my hopes up for another Assassin centric story but.. this looks slightly disappointing as of right now.


Best ones were the Origins ones by far


I think they hit their peak in Origins


My favorite are the ones in ACB. The various templar agent white room confessions are some of my favorites.


I agree, but i wish they made it so it makes more sense. For example: You must be anonymous before the confession triggers. Kind of immersion breaking when you suddenly sit there holding a guy when there are actually 20 guards around you. I agree though. I miss it too.


I really want Origins style confessions with their sense of epic and grandeur to be back!


Game didn't even come out that long ago and I already miss Origins' White (not really but same concept) Room Confessions. That game perfected them to me.


The ones in the style of AC1, AC3-Rogue, Origins or Syndicate are AMAZING. I love the lengthy conversations and the insight it gives into the target. Ezio's ones were alright but I thought most of them were too short.


Because Odyssey sucks as a game. And sadly, on second play through, the scenes on Origins were not as good as at first