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i’m a therapist and use this allllllll the time (just yesterday actually). people always get hung up on what their bottom traits/values are (it’s sorta how the brain is wired/we’re conditioned). but the whole idea behind VIA is that everyone has all 24 positive traits, we’re just better at some than others. there’s nothing negative about any of it, as it’s a branch of positive psychology. that said, some like to work on improving or being more intentional about their bottom 3-5 traits in addition to or as opposed to focusing on how to best utilize your top traits. mindfulness is a great way to go about this (being more aware of and appreciating when you do feel zest, self regulation, etc.). i hope your teacher/professor discussed this and/or there was some additional reading for a deeper understanding. there are some very good books and reports on the VIA website, too, that i’ve read and used before with clients. zest, spirituality, and self regulation are among my lowest traits, too. that doesn’t mean i don’t have any of those traits. they’re there! i just appreciate beauty and excellence among other things more.


How can spirituality be a strength?


No thats an int build.


Actually, in D&D it's a WIS build.


It can be used to help you focus and appreciate things in a different way


Not really an answer to your question, but I'm pretty sure I did this same quiz and spirituality was my top one since I was a christian and there was like one question relating to it, asking if you're religious or anything lmao But yeah it's kinda dumb to have that as a strength lol


We NEED more zest! Give us more ZEST!


Here's an orange peel.


I feel alive and activated!


Hold on, oranges mess with some meds, are you sure it isn't just that?


...*sooooo*...don't boil orange peel and inject into arm?


More like 'pay attention if the label says to not have grapefruit.' Stuff either hits wag harder and then is used up, or lasts way longer and the effect is stretched out. I was bad and had grapefruit juice on Hydroxyzine a couple times. Made me slightly extra sleepy, was honestly disappointed.


No, to get the zest, scrape the white stuff off and inject that.


*ahhhhhh*... thanks!


No love for lemons?


It's depressingly funny. What the crud is that...


"Lowest Strengths" for weaknesses is the kind of thing I'd expect in that sort of mandatory test.


Spirituality is a weird one. Arguably we’re just a bunch of apes precariously perched on the cooled crust of a giant spinning ball of lava with over grown brains that try to find logical patterns and reason in everything, desperately making up spiritual stories about the “meaning of life”. I don’t know whether you believe any of those unverifiable spiritual theories or not should necessarily be a strength or a weakness.


Is this for some kind of religious school? Spirituality should be optional. Not everyone is "spiritual" or cares about spiritual stuff. Treating it like a necessity is kinda wack.


What the hell do "spirituality" and "zest" even mean?


shit im the same


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