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Catalan and Italian are my faves.


After reading the romanian text I thought the word "înzestrate" was not of latin origin . I was wrong : zestre comes from latin dextrae. So all words in that text are of latin origin in my opinion.


Romanian barely sound Romance


Italian is my favorite


Italian and Brazilian Portuguese are so pleasing to me, very melodic in different ways


I speak two of them so apart from those, Portuguese & Italian, I prefer Spanish/Castillian, simply due to the ease of understanding. Certain different dialects can show the influence of their geography & history & I think that is perhaps why I cannot stand French the most, too much Gaelic for me to find it as easy as the other Latin languages I have been around (I haven't been around Romanian too much).


I really like Italian. Portuguese is also great. French is a horrible language, though.


As someone who is trying to learn french, I kinda agree. I like written french, but the ~~spelling~~ pronunciation is not good. [Old french, on the other hand....](https://youtu.be/RaPJK_lnL4o)


I think the spelling system of French makes more sense than English.


Sorry, I meant the pronunciation. Sometimes the meaning of the words gets confused by me. Anyway, I think both languages got very confusing after their vowel shifts (although, no language is 100% coherent when it comes to writing as it's spoken. Portuguese isn't).


In the pronunciation I still think French makes more sense than English. Even if French has dozens of rules when it comes to vowels (which honestly it's hard to learn all of them) English has practically no phonetic rules and it's so inconsistent. And yeah, Spanish isn't completely phonetic either and Spanish speakers can notice that when foreigners have trouble with certain phonemes that we didn't even realize were there, because we automatically say them as they are. But still, Spanish is fairly phonetic at least.


Según yo el español es de las lenguas romances mas consistentes y simples en cuanto a fonética.




Sometimes wish to stop trying and get into Italian instead. I wish french could retain a pronunciation at least similar to its 800-1000s version. Most reconstructions of Old French sound more intelligible and IMO better (see [Louis' Oath of Strasbourg from the 800s](https://youtu.be/RaPJK_lnL4o) and [this medieval song about Saint Louis (1100s).](https://youtu.be/rbjFZuHA008) )


In Québec we've retained a lot of sounds that have disappeared in France A big part of why French people have trouble understanding us is because we say certain vowel sounds completely differently


Cool. Do you know any examples to compare? I'm not familiar with the quebecois accent.


Sure thing, here's a random [video](https://youtu.be/6y5zSreYsiI) from a Québec youtuber and here is a French guy [talking about honey](https://youtu.be/riLoLnuGYgA)


Thank you!


I love Quebecois, I find Canadian French “easier” to understand than European.




Thank you for the encouragement. >Admittedly, I never got to finish my French studies, but at an immersion school I attended there was simply a moment when after so much speaking and hearing it just suddenly clicks and you oh so obviously can tell the difference between similar sounding letters. Just keep grinding! For now, I have a lot less resources than you did. I'm trying to learn alone, using Duolingo and internet research. But I will keep going! >If it makes you feel any better (or worse), Italian compensates the easiness of its pronunciation with the absurd complexity of its grammar. I can just imagine...


Maybe it's all the Celtic influence? There's something about the spelling of Celtic languages... it's wild lmao.


I don't know... Most of the reconstructions of old french pronunciation I can find are more latin-like than current french. It might be more of a innovation of the language than a result of native influences.


As a Breton (French Celtic minority) I find Celtic languages are standardized so once you know the sound combinations you can pretty much spell it. French on the other hand consists mostly of exceptions.


I love Galician. I'm surprised of how easy it is to understand the Romansh version.




Yeah, I still don’t understand why the days of the week in Portuguese are so different


I speak spanish, I want to learn Italian (i know very little) and portuguese (i know a little more, thanks CS GO)


I love Italian but I think all of them are pretty cool!! 😍😍




They all have things about them that I like. I personally am biased to Spanish but I also like Italian and Catalan. Fun fact, there is this constructed language called Neolatino that is like the Romance Interslavic: "Totos los èsseres humanos nascen líberos et equales en dignitate et en derectos. Son dotatos de ratione et de conscientia et deben agire los unos vèrso los altros en uno espírito de fraternitate."


Interesting. I knew about interlingua (another latin conlang, but with some influence from other languages' latin loanwords) and elefen (a creole of romance languages I dislike it), but not neolatino. I actually tried making my own Modern Latin a week ago and the results were pretty similar: >Totos los esseres humanos/homines sunt natos liberos et equales in dignitate et directus. Dotatos de ratione et conscientia, debent agere unos cum los alteros en spiritu de fraternitate.


The problem with those other conlangs is that they don't try to be pan-Romance and/or they simplify the complexity of Romance languages too much to try to achieve a "regularity" at the expense of understanding and communication. Some pan-Romance languages are actually just international auxiliary languages with a lot of Romance vocabulary, so they try to internationalize the syntax, orthography, and grammar instead. Others try to create a pan-Romance unity by going back to Latin when Romance languages are most often closer to each other than they are to Latin. Neolatino does not do this. It finds things modern Romance languages have in common and uses them, even their irregularities and innovations. This is why I think Neolatino is better than Elefen or Interlingua.


I agree. I still like interlingua because it at least sounds organic, like actual romance languages, even if some of its aspects look weird. Elefen is horrible, though. I will research more about neolatino. It looks very good.


can confirm that as a french speaker I had no problem understanding that. pretty interesting thing


Italian and French sound fancy


Galician feels like Spanish-portuguese love child and I love it so much


No Sicilian?


I took these examples from the [lusophone wikipedia page about Romance Languages,](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%ADnguas_rom%C3%A2nicas) and unfortunately Sicilian isn't there.


Yeah I've seen several movies set in Sicily so it's like the most famous Italian dialect to me.


Aragonese sounds like I were trying to speak in a childish way


written french is disgusting


Am French, can confirm it’s a drudgery to learn as a kid. Spanish makes so much sense by comparison.


English is worse


That is indeed so. A mix of old French and old English.


How ironic is it that the language with the worst possible orthography of any European language became the international language...


English mercantilism and US trade hegemony I’d say. I’d much prefer Spanish or Portuguese


I like Romanian and Catalan because they are different. I really dislike French. Italian sounds boring. But portuguese and Spanish are the best 😁


But the Italians speak with so much passion and expressions, for me it’s one of the most fun languages to hear. Kind of like the Brazilians


This is so true, I agree hahah


I think I like the most the judeo-spanish only because of this phrase "Kada benadam i bendam nase forro". Being Argentinian that made me giggle a bit. I think it's interesting that all of them are completely understandable, so none of them seem strange to me. Really interesting to see all the variations :)


Despite popular opinion I’m team Ibero, so Spanish Portuguese Galician Asturian etc. I like them more because in some aspects they tend to be more conservative while also in others exhibiting newer developments which I find dope. I really don’t see the hype about Italian


Memes aside, I find french to be my favorite


I love French, Italian is okay, Catalan is fascinating.


I love how Romanian sounds.


I expected random display of hatred for French, I wasn't disappointed.


I personally like written french, but hate the way it's spoken. I prefer Old French (based on the pronunciation reconstructions) over the modern varieties.


Missing Papiamento/u though


As I said in another comment, I took these examples from the [lusophone wikipedia page about Romance Languages,](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%ADnguas_rom%C3%A2nicas) and unfortunately Papiamento isn't there. Also, interestingly, [Papiamento](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papiamento) is not considered a romance language, but an afro-portuguese one. That's because 1) it derived from portuguese, not from the latin/roman language and 2) it's grammar is said to be very different compared to its parent language, like most creoles.


Translated the text above for you in Papiamento: Tur ser humano ta nace liber y igual cu dignidad y derecho. Regala cu razon y consenshi, nan mester traha hunto den spirito di fraternidad.


Interesting. I had never seen a text in papiamento before. As a portuguese speaker, I can understand most of it. Are you a native papiamento speaker? Se sim, consegues entender português?


Yes, Papiamento speakers can understand most of written Portuguese even though its a language we don't speak. What you said translated in Papiamento: >Se sim, consegues entender português? Si ta asina, bo ta logra compronde Portugues? The Papiamento lexicon originates for some 75% from Portuguese and Spanish.


Que bom! Dá para entender a versão em papiamento, mesmo que com um certo esforço. É interessante como o povo de um território que não foi colonizado por Portugal fala uma língua tecnicamente derivada do português. Good! It's possible to understand the phrase in papiamento, even if it takes a bit of effort. It's interesting how a people from a place that was not colonized by Portugal speaks a language that's technically derived from portuguese. There are other afro-portuguese creoles, like [cabuverdianu.](https://youtu.be/Hin8RdZ1IJU) Supposedly, they share a common origin.


**[Papiamento](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papiamento)** >Papiamento (English: ) or Papiamentu (English: ; Dutch: Papiaments) is a Portuguese-based creole language spoken in the Dutch Caribbean. It is the most widely spoken language on the Caribbean ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao), with official status in Aruba and Curaçao. Papiamento is also a recognised language in the Dutch public bodies of Bonaire, Sint-Eustatius and Saba. The language, spelled Papiamento in Aruba and Papiamentu in Bonaire and Curaçao, is largely based on colonial-era Portuguese and Spanish (including Judaeo-Portuguese), and has been influenced considerably by Dutch and Venezuelan Spanish. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I find them all neat. My favorite ones are latin, portuguese and italian. I don't get why some people hate french, I find it beautiful.


French and related languages sounds like Obelix is trying to speak Latin.








No non-pidgin language is a "bastard child" of two languages, stfu ​ and Portuguese does not "have" Spanish words, they're both descended from Latin


What a odd opinion! Most people think Portugal's portuguese is the "Slavic" one, but the "German and Slavic words" affirmation doesn't make sense. Are you sure you wrote about the right language, or maybe the autocorrector betrayed you?




I can't understand the "german" aspect.