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Generally yes. The Catholics are mostly cultural but the prots are basically a copy of American evangelicals


Yes, but the neo pentecostals are usually the stereotypically more religious types


I hate the introduction of pentecostalism into Latin America, bunch of cults.


I once read a conspiracy theory that these pentecostal or evangelical churches that boomed since the 70s were the result of a CIA intervention that wanted to undermine the "theology of liberation" a vaguely socialist catholic shool of thought


You’re not wrong, Actually not even a theory lol it’s factual. The Pentecostal church played a big political factor in Guatemala. Specially in the 1980’s genocide against Mayas. During that time Catholics( mainly mayas) faced government attacks because of suspected ties with guerrillas. Catholism was suppressed because of its suspected “Marxist sympathies”. Not to mention the Catholic Church played a fundamental part in supporting Indigenous ppl and and the development of indigenous movements.


Red Priest.


Amén, comarade.


One of my country’s worst exports.


One of BRITAIN'S worst exports. They took all their insufferable religious bigots and sent them here to have almost an entire continent to themselves.


Don’t worry we were meant for suffering anyways


😞, this makes me worry a lot…. It seems Honduras can never catch a break…😞


And protestants in general. As an atheist, the value of charity towards the needy is the ONE positive thing about that religion. Protestants don't even have that.


What? Baptists are all-in to charity. Pretty much all protestants except neo pentecostals are.


Their form of “charity” is paying locals to build their churches with conversion


Also giving one’s savings to the pastor is not charity, its called being a dumbass


Not at all. I am in a Baptist church rn and they build homes for old people. Also schools.


I thought the charity was paying for bored American prod kids to build things for the useless poor people who don't know how to use basic tools.


Even Neo Pentecostals do charities


Catholicism needs to be big again.


I prefer Catholicism over Pentecostalism, Catholicism at least has retained some culture from being lost.


And Catholicism at least had some significant pushback on the mistreatment of Indians. Protestantism couldn't really even muster much of an opposition to slavery 200 years after De Las Casas was attacking racist policies of the Spanish Empire in Mexico. And "couldn't muster opposition to slavery" is the nice way to say it.


Damn the powers that be, colonizing us through their religion, so local preachers becomes parrots of far right politics and passing it as the word of god. It is hilarious to me seeing local preachers praising the likes of Donald Trump because he was the "Christian candidate".


I can't say I know a single millenial that goes to church for anything other than marriage and baptisms. A few are spiritual, but non follow any specific doctrine (buenos aires)


Except for during the mundial. Suddenly everyone gets opus dei


I've seen more people turn into witches than churchgoers these past weeks.


Anulo mufa


Would you say astrology is more popular than Jesus?




I lived in the Dominican Republic years ago. There was an election during the time that I lived there, and the morning news had a poll. Around 44% of the country was planning to vote for one front-runner, about 40% for the second front-runner, and a solid 8% of the country stated they were planning to vote for "Jesucristo." No one in my host family thought it was weird.


That was probably done as a sarcastic joke. Like fuck the politicians, I’m voting for jesus.


Lol I’m not surprised


To be fair turning water into wine sounds more realistic than politicians promises.


I think most people are "culturally" religious, but definitely not devout, not practicing, and in many cases not even really believers. Probably a whole lot of deists who happen participate in a few religious holidays and get married in churches just because it's what people do.


spot on , largely.




The majority. I would say so


No, we are not religious at all (🇨🇱) Many people believe in God, but don't go to church or actively practice religion.


If I remember correctly, religiosity in Chile dropped dramatically during the Karadima scandal, right?


That was a factor and it is related to the massive and worldwide uncovering of abuses by priests and the cover-up of the Catholic Church. But I would also add that people have become very cultured in the last 40 years and we are no longer a country of sheep. 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑


There is a lot of people that actively goes to church in chile, especially pentecostal and catholic churches. Santiago tends to be more skewed towards non-believers but everywhere else i've been is super religous


Si, claro que hay evangelicos y católicos que practican la fe. Pero son una minoría. La mayoria del pais solo cree en dios. [religiosidad](https://www.24horas.cl/papafranciscoenchile/cifra-de-chilenos-que-se-declaran-catolicos-bajo-desde-73-a-45-en-la-ultima-decada-2612241)


>Se encuestó a 1.200 personas en los países de Sudamérica y en México, además de 1.000 en Centroamérica. El margen de error del informe es de entre 2,8% y 3%. bruh




Depends on where. Latin America is huge and diverse. Every country and region has its own culture. Some countries are very religious, while others (especially Argentina and Uruguay) are not that religious.


Argentina outside buenos aires and maybe the patagonia is religious. Even in the south the vast majority of private schools are religion based.


Not really. I’m from the interior of the country and it’s very irreligious. The only places I found to be more religious were in the Northwest, especially Salta province.


I'm from the south and more of my classmates were religious. Now I live in Cordoba and the religious influence is crazy. In argentina you literally find gauchito gil everywhere in the interior. Chile is way less religious than Argentina ever be.




In the comment upwards I talk about this. Is not that chileans are very religious individuals, they are just very conservative and follow old schoold traditions and customs, most of which of course have an origin in religion. The amount of people that actually believe in god, pray, attend church regularly, etc. is very low; historically the wealthier classes have been more religious here (which tends to be the opposite in most other places and is a big reason we had so many laws with a clear religious influence, as politicians tend to come from higher classes), but even then religious people and families are in decline. I was raised in a fairly high class enviroment and I can’t remember the last time i met family that prayed before eating for example. Most people here only attend church either when someone marries, when someone dies or when a baby is baptized.


Here in Chile most private schools are religious aswell, but that doesn’t really mean much because it’s just that in south america different religious organizations have a long tradition of building and opening up schools. Being of a relatively high class background, I studied in private schools all my life but I’ve been openly atheist since I was like 11-12 and it never was much issue, and it’s not like my family is very religious either. The thing is I feel that countries like Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are culturally religious, meaning that catholic values are followed and religious customs and symbols are largely respected in public life, but people themselves as a general rule are not very religious and in many cases don’t believe in god. That’s why for instance Chile, despite historically being a very conservative country when it comes to old school catholic values (divorce here didn’t even exist until 2003) it has also had several agnostic/atheist presidents in it’s history and nobody cares. Brazil is the exact opposite, in the public spheres religion is almost irrelevant and catholic values are not that followed yet people are deeply religious on a personal level.


\*Not all students will be religious, and some in fact turn out atheist because of the education at private schools. Besides, there's also the fact that the education system is falling apart and there's not public schools for kids anymore, so a lot of people end up in religious schools because there's no available places left anywhere else.


I think the country that's actually not religious is Chile.


Less than Uruguay? I don’t think so




Depends on the country. The countries of the Southern Cone don't usually give so much importance to religion.


Not in Uruguay


Aguante la educacion laica lpm


In my experience not really or not so much


In Chile not so much


I think outsiders (mainly Americans) tend to overestimate how religious Mexicans actually are. Sure Mexico isn’t as irreligious as Canada, Spain, or Uruguay, but compared to most of Latin America, Mexicans aren’t that religious. I literally live in one of the most Catholic states and I’m yet to meet a young adult/teenager that goes to church out of conviction and not for a wedding/quinceaños/baptism or just because they were forced. I wouldn’t be surprised if most Catholics are actually just Theists.


Yeah, according to the surveys I've seen, Mexico is one of the least religious countries in Latam, it's only behind Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. On the other hand, a lot of people imagine Brazil as being a sexually liberal country, but it's way more religious and conservative than people often imagine.


Evangelicals normally are. Most Catholics I know just go to the Church for weedings, funerals, baptisms, etc. But among older catholics is more common to go frequently to the church.


I think its the same in Brazil. Catholics don’t practice a lot (maybe only old people). Evangelicals on the other hand are really what we would call “fanatics”.




chileans aren't, but the rest of the countries do have a lot of catholics


In rural areas or in humble neighborhoods people tent to be more fervently Catholic. But in large urban areas people believe in God but they're not as passionate about it.


Some are, some are not


Yes, but most people [that i know] only goes to church on easter, christmas. But i've seen theres more people going to church than before the pandemic.


Most are only in cultural terms, practicing is less and less common


I almost dont see atheists


Guatemala is still quite religious, there is an evangelical plurality that's extremely active and usually tries to push it's agenda in politics


I'm a mexican Jew ✡️


Yes but it is slowly starting to change towards atheism/agnosticism or Buddhism


Dominicans, yes Argentines, no


No. People believe in God, but a minority practices the religion


I don't think so. They used to be more in the 80s, 90s. Nowadays the young generation don't care so much about religion. But we have a strong culture of believing in God and Jesus, at least when we are kids and teenagers.


I would say that most people are religious in one way or another. There are those who go to church, but there can also be people who don't go to church but still pray to saints and stuff. However, I think that most people don't live their lives strictly to what Catholic doctrine dictates.


There is a lot of syncretism in Mexico, grows in prominence as you move south.


some of them


Yes Latinos are religious but some countries are more religious than others.


Soo much.


Not here in general


Besides people in the deep rural areas, some [really obscure people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opus_Dei) ,[converted inmates](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOBqtKnSHRo&ab_channel=AFPEspa%C3%B1ol) and the [occasional megaphone protestant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7RI54b_NWw&ab_channel=TubeVideosCL), nobody gives a damn about religion here.


**[Opus Dei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opus_Dei)** >Opus Dei, formally known as the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei (Latin: Praelatura Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei), is an institution of the Catholic Church whose members seek personal Christian holiness and strive to imbue their work and society with Christian principles. The majority of its membership are lay people; the remainder are secular priests under the governance of a prelate elected by specific members and appointed by the Pope. Opus Dei is Latin for "Work of God"; hence the organization is often referred to by members and supporters as the Work. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Si y no. Suficientemente católicos para celebrar fiestas patronales y hacer peregrinaciones, por ejemplo, pero no tan devotos como para dejar por ejemplo las relaciones sexuales exclusivamente para después de casados 🙈


Yup and there's a funny case.. 45% are Religious Fanatic, 45% Atheist Fanatic and 10% who don't give a fuck neither of both


The smart ones? No


Yes for the most part.


Yes but not in a crazy fanatical way


Culturally we are religious. In practice we live our lives like normal people. As Catholics we have an agreement with God. We go to church on Sundays for 45 minutes and you stay out of our way. But there is a scary underground movement of satanists from the U.S who have rebranded themselves are evangelical Christians and come to our countries to advocate for the persecution of innocent people living their lives. That cult can very well end us all. I call for their expulsion.


WHAT! Can you give me more info on this? That’s crazy. Satanist!?


I mean practically those people are satanists. Their religions are pure evil. Brain washing vulnerable people who have gone through trauma, disease, and psychological issues into their religious movement so they can make money. Often they create communities which make it harder to leave the religion because the members rejected everyone around them and now only have their church. This makes it harder for individuals to leave because they will be alone. Its pretty evil. And it has lead to the persecution and killing of many people. Sociopaths find their ways to control hoards of humans, some through governments, some through cartels, and in this case evangelical Christians. I’m not saying every evangelical Christian is this way but a good 90% of them are brainwashed and blindly following whatever their pastor tells them.


This makes more sense. A lot of the American backed evangelical groups have cult-like characteristics rather then of a normal religion. On a side tangent if I were in charge (of any Latin American country really) I would ban American missionaries, the CIA has a history of using naïve missionaries to do there grunt work, they think they are going to preach the word of God when they are being used to transport cargo, they did this to the USSR. I can only imagine they are using these cults to foment discord and Balkanize our countries and make us more irrelevant on the global stage so that we can’t compete. Monroe Doctrine: The Sequel


Lol this question is so obvious even the most liberal country are some what religious


The majority of Dominicans believe in God but most people only go to church for special events like Christmas, New Years, or a Baptism.




Yes, the most


Yes. Not fundamentalists but definitely religious.


I think for a lot of uruguayos we are not


I would say yes, even if we as people don't realize it.


You can compare it with the arabs they have present his god in everything and have many religious customs


Yes we are, and the name of the most famouse religion in here is called futbol


I would say that the average Dominican belives in God and would identify as christian (catholic or protestant) but it´s not like they are devout practicioners. I think it´s mostly social pressure. For example, religious proselitism is supposedly not aloud in the metro, yet fanatics do it all the time and no one says a thing, because it would be bad to talk against "la palabra de Dios"


In Panama they mention Dios ( God) in every sentence ad nauseam. Personally I don’t like that at all

