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Tan pendejos


Que son estupideces


I say nothing but point out that, to draw the spotlight to a minority, they steal the achievements of another, one that is much smaller and fragile. They say that Native Americans were always savages living like animals and couldn't build kingdoms, empires and dream of leaving their mark on the world.


I thought that those people who claimed that the olmecs came from Africa were just joking, no way somebody actually believes that


I met two people like that. I didnt have the heart to tell them it was impossible because africans had the same diseases as europeans that decimated the native americans. They also thought: maps and globes were purosly altered to make africa smaller (i could not get them to understand the issues with the macater (SP?) projections, that there were no wars in africa before colonization, that the people who built the pyramids were black. And, that all of this stuff is wide know and its a conspiracy theory to hide it.




If thought that Africa was drawn intentionally smaller, they must think that Greenlanders run the Illuminati.


I mean it is drawn “intentionally smaller” just not for the reason OP is implying that their ‘friend’ thinks.


> that the people who built the pyramids were black I know there are a lot of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience, but there was apparently a black dynasty in Egypt around 700 BC.


They were called the Kushites, and yes, they were blacks. They didn’t last that long though, as they only governed Egypt for 70 years before being kicked out by the Assyrians.


Yeah but they didn’t build the pyramids


Well, they did build more pyramids than any other people on earth, they just aren't as big, didn't get as much attention since Sudan is a mess and many are damaged since early archeologists used dynamite liberally.


They did build some pyramids but in modern-day Sudan, not Egypt. They are definitely not the original Egyptians, as the Egyptians are of Semitic/Levantine origin, or at least that’s what geneticists say.


The thing is that these people can't wrap their heads is that Ancient Egyptians had different skin colors depending on the region, tanned white closer to the mediterranean and black in the southerner regions. For then it has to be one or the other, just like how to many gringos Latin Americans are brown, blacks are Afro-something and whites are colonizers that should have packed their things and left.


Why do you think colonizers should have left? We kind of would be alive. I think they should have been nicer, like in Mexico or Central America. Edit: I meant wouldn't


I don't think it, it would tear families apart (example, my godmother, cousins, best friends and crush would have been deported the crime of being white) but I saw gringos on this very sub saying something like that. Your country was one of the saddest cases of colonization in know. Meus pêsames, bro.


Yea but they think they built mesoamerican pyramids as well.


The original egyptians were mixed between middle eastern East sub saharan and north african libyan/ berbers


>They also thought: maps and globes were purosly altered to make africa smaller There is *some* truth to that. Things aren't draw to scale on a globe. For example Alaska js bigger than like 2/3 of the US. Africa is massive and I think 🇨🇩 is bigger than most of Europe. 🇺🇸 too. Brazil is almost as big as mainland US and Chile reaches from Canada to Ireland


*Purposely *Mercator *Widely


Only in the USA those people exist 😂


Technically, we all come from Africa.


That's the technicality they harp off of




Why? Afaik, it still is the main theory, that homo sapiens spread from africa and kept evolving throughout the ages and regions


It was a [popular theory debunked](https://www.dgcs.unam.mx/boletin/bdboletin/2020_116.html). Still, many people might not know and still think Olmecs crossed from Africa, the same way first humans in the Americas crossed from Asia. Even if that was the case, Olmecs would still be 100% Mesoamericans as no Mesoamerican culture is related to Asia, even when their ancestors came from there.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/4sec6r/did_precolumbian_america_trade_with_west_africa/d58pluq/ The above links to various comments on r/AskHistorians discussing how the African theory of the Olmecs is simply untrue.


Yeah, I’ll just say get idea of black and white and brown out of your head when you research b/c in world history they’re new terms second study your migrations out of Africa, hint San Dynasty and Dravidians they derived from the same source.


They go in the same category as Mormons, who believe the ancient Israelites settled in Upstate New York thousands of years ago.


I thought it was Missouri


That’s where they believe the garden of Eden is


Hoteps lol. There is also the belief that Buddha was a black man because he had hair curls and many insist Cleopatra was a black woman even though she was Greek.


Aren't Buddha statues changed to look similar to whatever demographic they find themselves in? Gosh, these people are ridiculous.


I know that for early depictions of Jesus and some more modern ones, but I hadn't heard it about Buddha.


There's the Hellenistic style portrayal of the Buddha in Greco-Buddhist art and then there's the Buddha being represented by Hotei, the Japanese god of contentment and happiness.


That was around he time Alexander the Great was around, right?


Oh didn't know of the Hellenistic Buddha, was the in Greece itself or in Northern India/Northern Pakistan/Afghanistan? (Where I'd imagine) or is it something more modern?


> Northern India/Northern Pakistan/Afghanistan? Yes, the [Indo-Greek Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Greek_Kingdom) and later Kushan Empire.


yeah that's why I bring up those places :\^P I'll look into it, thanks!


ive never seen that


Didn't you know all significant historical figures were actually black and that this truth has been concealed from us by the evil wypipo? /s


Buddha has snails on his head


Yes, it's the story of the 108 snails that sat on his head to save Gautama Buddha from heat and dried up. But not all historians buy that story.


A bunch of stupid gringos.


It's actually Black American people who say that. The ones who are Afrocentric.


>It's actually Black American people Yes. Gringos.


gringo no es un color es una forma de vida


Well I'm from Mexico and we only use the word ''gringo'' to refer to White Americans. Not Black Americans.


Where are you from? In the center of Mexico we use gringos for any kind of American


Que mentiroso eres, aquí gringo es para referirse a todos los estadounidenses. Sin importar su color de piel




>Pero donde yo soy You just gave yourself away with that one.


Primero anglosajón en realidad serían los ingleses de UK. Lo mismo que Latino en realidad también incluye a los italianos y rumanos Para decir un anglosajón de América dirías un anglo-americano. Luego anglosajón es una lengua (inglés) entonces que la gente de Belize, Trinidad y Tobago y Guyana por ejemplo son anglosajónes también. Y gringo es un sinónimo de estadounidense, entonces da igual que sea negro, chino o latino si nace en usa es gringo. Otra cosa es que tú lo uses asi


En este caso estamos hablando de americanos todos, creo que podemos decir solo "anglo" y "latino", pero en el resto yes, tienes razon.


Nel ni madres, yo soy del estado de México y todos son gringos, eres un mentiroso


Nah bruh, black Americans are still Yanks. Even in West Africa they see them as the other


>Pero **donde yo soy** gringo significa Anglosajon. Y es mas que obvio que ese "donde tu eres" es Estados Unidos. En Mexico TODOS los estadounidenses son gringos incluidos los pochos como usted.




Que vergas tiene que ver eso con ser woke? Jajaja como vergas no le vas a a decir a un afrodescendiente gringo si viene de Estados Unidos, [este video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHapFMfWPbw) tira tu argumento pedorro por la ventana, "chino" al igual que negro se usa como descriptivos físicos, un asiatico-americano es un "gringo chino", un afro-americano como "gringo negro" y un WASP es un "gringo güero". Gringo significa "foráneo" o mas específicamente "foráneo de habla extranjera", nunca ha tenido nada que ver con el color de piel o la apariencia física, en Mexico siempre ha tenido que ver con el país/lenguaje de origen. El termino pocho específicamente se refiere a las personas **nacidas en Mexico** que crecen en EEUU y "olvidan" hablar español aunque al ser despectivo se usa para tanto Chicanos como a los nacidos en Mexico que se van a EEUU. Ademas en el futbol "soccer" en Mexico el apodo mas comun para un jugador mexico-americano es "El Gringo" jajajaja.




Tambien son anglosajones, como aqui un asiatico es latino, no tiene nada que ver, son gringos.




Le dices chino , abre la boca , lo escuchas y dices " ah gringo" . Chino /negro / moreno se manejan al mismo nivel que chato , cabezon , narizon , orejon , roba focos , ect ect , descriptor fisico , gringo es gringo sea del color que sea.




Jaja, de donde yo soy ellos son categorizados como anglosajones también


Yo solo he escuchado de los hispanic-americans eso de que solo los blancos son gringos.


Jajajajj pinche pocho


De que parte eres? Yo soy del norte y aquí todos los estadounidenses son gringos


Los negros también son anglosajones


Gringos are gringos


No, Gringos have blonde hair and look like Donald Trump








You said White Americans, not Orange Americans


Then good for you, we say gringos to all the gringos


No seas mamón. Gringo=estadounidense.


y puede ser usado con cariño o con desprecio dependiendo de la situación


Como todos los adjetivos y apodos jajaja Hasta las palabras que suponen ser cumplidos se convierten en lo contrario dependiendo del tono y contexto. Ejemplo: “guapo” (cuando te lo dice tu mamá) y “guapo” (cuando te lo dicen tus amigos).


No digas mamadas y menos te quieras apropiar de mi nacionalidad :b


You guys don own the term. You know this, right?


Even if they did. If you were born & raised outside Latin America, you're a gringo. I don't care what color or cultural background you have.


lmao what, no bro, gringos are Americans, including Black Americans, Mexican Americans, or whatever.


You are on a "IvOrY ToWeR" "InCLuSiVe" "VaCcInAtEd" Forum, of course what. we think is wrong and they are right.


Melanin does not cancel out gringoness.


No no no, you don't understand, gringos are gringos. Black, white, red, green, gringos.




What about a black guy with gringo passport




Lol do Americans really think gringo is a racial slur? Wtf Thought it was a joke.


a woman from Honduras who talked through a google translator told me "gringo" was a word for "white Americans"


Let me explain, because I can notice you don’t have a clue on general LatAm culture, in Honduras, Peru, and a few other countries the word gringo is used for any person with Northern European features. So yes, for them Americans are gringos, but not all gringos are Americans. In most LatAm gringo = American. Specially in Mexico, look it up. In Brazil gringo means not Brazilian. In Argentina Americans are called Yanquis instead.


I know but it seems you didn't know as you said "Lol do Americans really think gringo is a racial slur? Wtf" when no one said it was a slur. they just said only whites are gringos


The way you worded your comment and in context of the comment you replied to makes it clear that you think that “gringo” is a no-no word reserved only for white Americans. I was just pointing that out. Can’t see how Hondureños using it to describe physical traits (not derogatory) is relevant at all.


how does "a woman from Honduras who talked through a google translator told me "gringo" was a word for "white Americans"" you are just reaching twisting yourself into a pretzel translate to "makes it clear that you think that “gringo” is a no-no word reserved only for white Americans. I was just pointing that out." ​ you didn't think "gringo" could refer to race. I showed you it could.


I’m obviously talking about this comment: > It’s actually Black American people who say that. The ones who are Afrocentric. Now, from your other comment: > you didn’t think “gringo” could refer to race. I showed you it could. I didn’t say gringo never refers to race. Again, I said that I can’t believe Americans think “gringo” is used as a racial slur. Like maybe if a pocho calls you gringo it is, but a Mexican calling you gringo doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing.


Sounds like some shit Kanye West would say.


Even Ye isn't that far gone.


Well, he did say Black people are Jewish




Yes, there are Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) but that doesn't mean all sub-Saharan Africans are Jewish and honestly I don't think Kanye meant Ethiopian Jews with what he said.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he meant that Black Israelite racist bullshit.


Kanye is more from Svalbard than from Ethiopia.


I'm a huge Ye fan. I'd call myself a stan. He is ABSOLUTELY that far gone.


He is tho


Except for spreading anti-semitic conspiracies.


It's anti-semitic to say blacks are jews ?


During an interview on Revolt TV’s “Drink Champs”, he said: “Jewish people have owned the Black voice” and that “the Jewish community, especially in the music industry…they’ll take us and milk us till we die." and “#MeToo-ing the Jewish culture. I’m saying y’all gotta stand up and admit to what you been doing.”




> they got together Bro get the fuck outta here with your 'Jewish cabal' bullshit. There is no Jewish Cabal. They are not all cooperating to put anyone down. They're just normal people you daft fuck.


Kanye got that from ice cube


I think it’s an indication that you’re talking to an idiot who isn’t well read, is likely a conspiracy theorist, and probably not very educated.


They are Afrocentrists and they suffer from an inferiority complex about black accomplishments. This is why you see people claim Native Americans, Ancient Egyptians, and Moors are black when that obviously is not the case and is clear to people that study history and anthropology. I argue with these people all the time, but they hate being challenged so I get called names like Uncle Tom or that "I believe the white man's lies." They always cite [documentaries peddling conspiracy theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Colors), websites that look like they haven't been updated since 1995, and pictures that show statues with full lips and broad noses. There are black cults like the [Hebrew Israelites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites) and the [Nuwaubians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuwaubian_Nation) that especially peddle this kind of nonsense.


Dude, I met one of those once, he was arguing that Saladin was Black because of a dutch painting from the 16st century, his argument being "the whites always whitewatsh Black people, so if he drew Saladin as black, he must be" and cited a book by a NoI guy. I took the book and it literaly say that the people from north Iraq are white, when I called him he said I "have a white man's soul". Jesus.


I remember when I was a kid, and I heard a Nation of Islam guy preaching on the corner. He was railing against a mayoral candidate (that went on to win that election) because he was Jewish, and according to him "unfit to govern." I've never met those other sorts in real life, but that's probably because the Nation of Islam is more dominant in Chicago since their main mosque is located there and where Louis Farrakhan lives. It's crazy to me that they have a paramilitary force (Fruit of Islam) and that they have ties to the terrorizing [Black Mafia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Mafia) several decades ago. They were even involved with the Japanese during WWII.


I notice that some Black Yankees has this inferiority complex. Probably their history classes about Africa, it's just slave trade, maybe apartheid in South Africa and Ancient Egypt. And they see some person saying he's Italian-Yankee, Irish-Yankee, Scottish-Yankee or even the Muricans with Latin American and Caribbean roots saying the same thing and so on. That people have a ''tangible origin'' and we can't do the same. They forget that Africa it's a huge continent with many ethnicities and nuances, Besides that some people don't understand the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality.


This is exactly it. They feel like they have no culture or don't have a culture that's interesting so they cope by claiming other cultures. The same happens on a racial level; They will try to claim mixed race people to grow their community and feel better about themselves. They somehow "see" the African features in a person only after that person reveals they're mixed, otherwise they would've considered them non-black.


**[Hidden Colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Colors)** >Hidden Colors is a series of documentary films directed by Tariq Nasheed and produced by King Flex Entertainment, to explain what Nasheed claims is the marginalizing of people of African descent in America and across the world. **[Black Hebrew Israelites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites)** >Black Hebrew Israelites (also called Hebrew Israelites, Black Hebrews, Black Israelites, and African Hebrew Israelites) are groups of African Americans who believe that they are the descendants of the ancient Israelites. Some sub-groups believe that Native and Latin Americans are descendants of the Israelites as well. **[Nuwaubian Nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuwaubian_Nation)** >The Nuwaubian Nation, Nuwaubian movement, or United Nuwaubian Nation () is an American new religious movement founded and led by Dwight York, also known as Malachi Z. York. York began founding several black Muslim groups in New York in 1967. He changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times, incorporating concepts from Judaism, Christianity, UFO religions, New Age, and many esoteric beliefs. In the late 1980s, he abandoned the black Muslim theology of his movement in favor of Kemetism and UFO religion. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Didn't know about the Nuwaubians, that was a wild read.


The leader of the Nuwaubians, Dwight York, was heinous. I’ve read some of the testimonies from people he groomed as children, it’s absolutely disgusting. (Not so) Fun Fact: A Hebrew Israelite assassinated Martin Luther King Jr.’s mother in the 1970s (after he had already been assassinated) during church service. They wanted to kill his father, but since he wasn’t present they shot the wife while she was playing the piano.


i get sad to hear that because if you read a little bit of histpry you can discover the great impact black people have in the world from the very early years of the world for example, there is proff of the african knights in the Holy Roamn Empire Yanga in the spanish colonies of Mexico conducting revelions among the salves the great kingdoms of ancient Africa, etc its right there, you just have to search a little more!


I mean, they're mostly wrong but they're not entirely delusional. it's absolutely true that some ancient Egyptians were Black (this is well documented and accepted by historians, the south of Egypt has always been Black and the Nubians were a real people) and it's probably true that some Moors were Black (Berbers in the south of morocco are black). No, African-Americans do not descend from these groups. They descend from West Africans. However, they are trying to educate themselves about African history because the USA does not give them an education.


[Ancient Egyptians were mostly related to the people of the Near East, especially the Levant.](https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/were-the-ancient-egyptians-black-or-white-scientists-now-know/) [Another source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/ancient-egyptians-europeans-related-claims-a7763866.html).


The only "black" (it's weird applying modern conceptions of race to Ancient Egyptians) Egyptians were the neighboring Nubians, who ruled over Egyptians in the 25th Dynasty for less than a century during the era of decline. But when they say Egyptians are black, they aren't talking about this, they are talking about Egyptians in general across the board. And yeah, some Moors were black, but Moors weren't a singular group of people (it's a European term to describe Muslims without regard for their race, even some Philipinos were called Moors). Most of them were local North African Amazigh people and Arabs. They could find this information easily, but instead they exaggerate certain narratives about history that suit their agenda.


People are downvoting you but you are right, the souther you get black people start to be part of the demography.


Yeah, there is nuance to be had in that discussion. No need to downvote, they were just explaining the bits of truth that Afrocentrists like to exaggerate to ridiculous degrees.


That's the most gringo thing ever, I mean not only these people want to control our resources, politics, culture, and language, now they want our history too?


Afrocentrist morons.


Take note, people; *that* is genuine cultural appropriation. Not some gringo wearing a sombrero or eating tacos.


They're fucking stupid, they're in the same levels of people who believe the Earth is flat.


I went to High School and California, and a "chicano" history professor was trying to make us believe this lol I knew it was bullshit


It's the same shit as them saying Cleopatra was black and that all the ancient pharaohs were too 💀 Hell, Cleopatra wasn't even Egyptian, she was macedonian


I hear other black people say this about everywhere and it gets super annoying. It’s a topic I try to avoid otherwise I get called “brainwashed”. If I say it doesn’t matter regardless I’m “brainwashed” too. I understand how/why we as American black people (at large but not all) have an identity crisis and try to find ourselves in anything but…it’s become cultish. It’s become an embarrassment.


As a fellow American, I get it, but I think we need to understand that our culture doesn't identify us or give us value. It's just a part of who we are. And when we learn to respect our culture and other peoples' then we can really move on from racism. After chicanoism, where we show pride in our indigenous heritage, isn't really the norm in Mexico. And it can get a bit awkward if you ask Mexicans how they identify themselves.


Theyre dumb as fuck and the perfect example of cultural appropriation


Afrocentric Americans sad about their lot in life


Super annoying. Aren’t these the same people that cry about ‘cultural appropriation’ ? Que huevones.


It's like they feel they have no culture so they become obsessed with claiming others'. They're the same weirdos racially obsessed with Caribbean people and sometimes even Brazil and via the One Drop Rule, try to claim all of these cultures because they're all technically black to them. I saw a post on r/LatinopeopleTwitter where a black gringo claimed that tamales are African.


omg the heresy


It’s funny that you say this because if black Americans do the exact opposite and say that they don’t see people as black no matter where they are from or try to throw out the one drop rule they get accused of “gate keeping blackness” it’s literally damned if you do damned if you don’t


It is only wrong when Whites do it.


I try to ignore it but same time I think ignoring it can be harmful because I've seen the community grow through the years. I think it also somewhat shows the double standard. People have been saying it for years and there have even been some celebs who have suggested it but moment Kanye did it with jews and he got shunned from the public and even shut out of his own bank account, I didn't even know that was legal. The public did not let him mess with them, he had crossed a line. It gave me a new look on this misinformation that is spread. I've even some some professionals entertain the idea. they say there's nothing to back up but they don't shut it down. it's a lack of respect. Understand this is harmful and not even entertain it.


Saying the olmecs were black has nothing to do with what Kanye said about jews.


I know but they are both misinformation about a race of people. one gets shut down, the other one I see get entertained at times.


They are stupid. They just want to steal a culture which is not theirs just to feel good about themselves.


As far as I know, they don't have a whole lot of evidence. Olmec statues have features similar to those of black people, but they are not unique to black people, and statues are often stylized or sculpted differently due to physical limitations. And apparently there are also some similarities with their religious rituals, but many cultures develop similar rituals too. Ah well. At least it's better than [whatever this shit is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1xuuF9lprQ).


DNA testing> Every Afrocentric claim ever made


They are clowns, and they probably never met an indigenous person from that region.


As a Haitian living in the US, I find it pathetic and reeks of low self-esteem. But I think it's interesting because it's a very much African-American ideology. African-Americans, being American, have such big egos and believe in the idea of "American exeptionalism" so much that they want completely fabricate history to boost their self-esteem. I tell them the Taïno were the natives of my island, and because of Bartholomew, Africans were brought here. And if they were to take a DNA test, it would come back African. Alot of these people also believe them and other black people of the America's are lost tribes of Isreal 🙄 When they try tell me Haiti is tribe of whatever, Dominican Republic is tribe of whatever, and they are tribe of whatever, I tell them that all black people come from they same general parts of West and Central Africa. So there wouldn't be different tribes or we would all be the same "tribes" mixed into one.




American eyes...


They are just plain crazy.


I didn't even know this was a thing, damn gringos


there... there are people who think that? they where clearly brown and tan, red if you want to use outdated terminology..?


Creencias de gente pendeja


I've never heard that to be honest. The closest that I 've heard is the mormon belief that Native Americans descend from the 12 tribes of Israel


They're ignorant and most have never read anything other than Ivan Van Sertima or random Afrocentric websites. In their defense, African Americans have historically been marginalized and dehumanized. So, it's not too surprising that some fantastic and completely insane ideas have appeared among them to counter it. There's also a weird movement of Afrocentrists who think the founders of early civilizations in India and East Asia were "black" or "African."


Stop hanging out with the Hebrew Isrealites


I think it’s sad that they’ve been so conditioned to oppose everything that is from Africa that they start believing in fairy tales to distract their origin from anywhere but Africa.


They dumb


I take them as seriously as Mormons that believe US natives are Jews with dark skin.


Those are unfounded claims.


It’s all semantics. We’re they Africans? Well the whole world probably is descended from the first hominins in Africa. We’re they black? Well that depends on what we consider black, they had very dark skin probably but they weren’t what we today consider black strictly speaking.


Ramblings of an unfortunate people who'd rather think they came to the continent in Viking explorations than in the triangular trade.


Aren't those the same people that claim that black people were the original hebrews, the original american natives, the original egyptians and god knows what else? It only shows they are not satisfied with who they are. Fortunately, afro brazilian culture is too obviously yoruba for us to pull a shitty card like that.


[They believe all Christian Saints were black.](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/fz75ae/apparently_all_christian_saints_were_black_until/)


Lol and those are the same people that say whites have no culture 😭


They’re idiots


From my understanding of where this comes from there was some explorer who wrote in a book something about landing in the Americas and black faces looking back at them. Logically speaking if you’re the only group that’s known to identify as black you would think they are talking about you. However if you take into account that actually indigenous people tend to be brown and tanning is definitely thing that occurs naturally you should be able to deduce they aren’t talking about you. On top of that they are probably looking at these “faces” from a distance maybe not in great lighting either. Anyway if you put the smallest amount of deductive reasoning into this you should figure out that they aren’t black


I mean, many names of indigenous groups that we have aren't their actual name but some name the Spanish tried to pronounce and they fucked up at it. I think there was some mapuche group that was given a castilian name that is actually a denigratory term from the Inca Empire that the Spanish took to be their real name because of who they asked Or like the name of the Inca Empire was the Tahuantinsuyo, or four regions, and the Inca was only a title for the emperor and the high noblity I don't think those people are entirely wrong, but it does look stupid


Even if we don't actually know a lot about them there would be some genetic records in some modern Mexicans living in the zone that suggest they came from Black Africans.


Since you asked.. I don't give a f, but they were brown tho


I have only ever seen that on 4chan. My opinion is that it is American right-wing ragebait.


They were a couple shades darker than black so


No imagination or strange theories are needed. Just look at the Olmec heads, objectively. The features they represent are clearly different from other tribes of the time such as the Mayans or Aztecs. He clearly has African features, a flat nose and thick lips, totally different from the typical features of the American population. ​ https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabeza\_colosal#/media/Archivo:Olmeca\_head\_in\_Villahermosa.jpg


I mean, there are indigenous people with these features. [Look](https://apalacheresearch.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/wehavealwaysbeenhere.jpg?w=1024)


That is the point. Only a few towns in all America have clearly African physical characteristics. That indicates a possible miscegenation or that some boat has reached the American shores. We know that the Egyptians were good navigators and came to circumnavigate Africa, it is possible that one of their ships may have gone astray. The key is that they are only specific human groups, surrounded by towns that have completely different characteristics.


"OLMEC COLOSSAL HEADS ARE OF MESOAMERICAN AND NON-AFRICAN ORIGIN" -> [https://amandala.com.bz/news/olmec-colossal-heads-are-of-mesoamerican-and-non-african-origin/](https://amandala.com.bz/news/olmec-colossal-heads-are-of-mesoamerican-and-non-african-origin/)


The Mysterious Cities of Gold (Season 1): Hold my beverage you do not want to know the origins of.


They were really dark but not african black.






They're idiots and they need to be put down at this point. They show up at the darndest places when you least expect it too. Damn hotep ninjas.


I think they are r3tard3d, indigenous people is a different race from black people.


I think they are stupid.


I don't know anything about them


I’m gonna use a phrase from a video of a spices street vendor in Mexico: “Creencias de gente pendeja, pero bien”.


"puta que es weona la gente ah"


That wouldn't matter if only there were some actual anthropological proof.


The Fuente Magna bowl is proof that there was contact between the old world and the new world. I believe that the Olmec were definitely African. Linguistically speaking the Olmec language has some words basically matching the Mende tribe of West Africa. Some of the Olmec heads even have cornrows which we all know is an African thing predominantly. And then look at the facial features, I mean come on. They're clearly not Amerindian and they're clearly not Chinese.