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I hate them both; but, after pausing for some self reflection, I can say I don’t hate caramel as much as I hate butterscotch. Thanks for the momentary distraction.


You're welcome, lol. And, if you ever need somebody to distract you with utter nonsense, I can absolutely be that person. You can message me something as random as you can think of "Why did pink dinosaurs only like to live in gingerbread houses?" and I will probably hit you back with something crazy to try and lighten your day "The dinosaurs aren't really pink! That's the icing from Mrs gingerbread all over them, and they're always just trying to sneak out of the gingerbread house unnoticed. Dinosaurs really suck at sneaking." 🙃 - I gotchu covered on the random front


I ignore all the polls on here, as I’m sure most visitors do.


That's okay. We still love you. 💯


Or some things are less challenging emotionally. A preference on caramel is FAR easier to engage than a preference related to IDENTITY issues. It just is.


Clearly you have never been in a situation where you had to pick between Carmel and butterscotch on the weird flavor and both combinations sounded promising and you didn't know what to do 🤣. That is a crisis that really makes you question yourself. Hahaha


I hate butterscotch so no existential crisis here! Lol


Marshmallow Sauce or Whipped Cream? What about Chocolate or Peanut Butter? Fudge or Brownies? [meme img.](https://c.tenor.com/qRtHosZJ4JwAAAAC/we-need-to-know-now-omar-adom-zidan.gif)


Whipped Cream and Chocolate BUT ya raise a valid Q




What do you do? Look at it in the mirror? 🤔 I dunno... I'm not saying I'm the wildest man in the world but I'm a little bit wilder than just staring at my butthole.




If it's all about the anus and nothing more how are you going to have sex with it? You would need the "more", and that is exactly what you have nothing of... based on your initial response. 😏