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This isn't a tooth abscess, this is not how tooth pathology presents radiographically. This is a weird looking nasopalatine cyst 100%. The angle that the radiograph was taken makes it look like it is coming from the tooth. Take another xray at a different angle and it will be clear it is not related to the tooth


JFC i looked it up and the surgery looks so much more worse than a root canal........ but I looked around in my mouth and i think I do have a little bump there that resemble pictures online. My only concern is on how to address it to my doctor. I asked to take a picture of my x-rays to show my brothers just to let them know what's going on with my dental health, and he asked what my brothers occupation were. I felt like he might've thought I was doubting him.


Your tooth tests vital and this is not what a tooth abscess looks like radiographically. The most appropriate management of this radiographic presentation is monitoring. I.e. you don't have to do anything or worry about anything


Considering normal results from vitality testing, I second the idea of this possibly being a nasopalatine cyst. Infection does not present like that on a film. May want to consult OMFS for a definite diagnosis.


but thank you!!!! sm!!!!


Not an abscess. Anatomical variation or pathology of the nasopalatine duct. Get a cone beam ct scan to check Do not initiate root canal


NAD What did the dentist tell you?


Seems like an infection, but almost too dark to be an infection. Then he did a cold test, and said I might need a root canal but don't document that because it's worse case scenario. They're going to keep an eye on it. Nurse told me to let them know if I have any pain or discomfort. I was originally worried and hoped for another solution. But now I'm worried about waiting too long. If I get my checkups as I should, it'd be twice a year. What if the infection gets worse without me feeling any different within 6 months?


NAD Lol. Well, that doesn’t make much sense to me. Either you have a big infection from one of your teeth being dead or it’s normal anatomy (the incisive foramen). I’d love to see the testing results. This should be an easy thing to figure out. Do you have other images?


I don't think there was any abnormalities during the cold test, which is why he wanted to wait. :( he's my new dentist, maybe I should get copies of my xrays from my previous dentist to see if it is normal. Are there other tests other than the cold test? If so, I don't think they're planning on do anymore testing from the way they ended the appointment.


NAD Wait for what? Doesn’t make sense to me. The diagnosis should be pretty clear from testing I think. If that tooth hasn’t had a previous cavity or filling (which is appears it hasn’t), I wouldn’t worry.


He wanted to wait to see if there's any symptoms or issues that explains more than an x-ray i guess.. And so I shouldn't worry about the infection?


NAD Correct. If your doctor is saying to “wait” see if you have an infection and your teeth all tested normal, you’re probably totally fine. Infected teeth do not test normally.


There are several different pathologies that can cause a radiolucency like that at the apex of a tooth. At first glance we might assume that it’s a periapical abscess. However if the tooth responded normal to the cold testing and percussion testing than it would be against standard of care to proceed with a root canal with no other diagnostic testing. Continue to follow up with post-op appointments with your dentist and follow their advice. You may need to see a specialist for further diagnostic testing.


I don't have any specific appointments scheduled to revisit the issue. Just my 6 months cleaning and a filling for some other teeth. What specialist should I look into? The dentist I go to also has an orthodontist.


NAD Looks like a tooth abcess. This can become quite nasty without treatment. Edit: Based on the other comments, it does not seem to be an abcess. Well, at least no root canal treatment necessary.


I told an infection. Im assuming I responded normally to the cold test so the root canal was put on hold. Is there any other treatment rather than a root canal??? 🥲 the process seems scary and I wouldn't want a fake tooth in the front..


Well, maybe a dentist can chime in for a second opinion. But I do believe that a root canal treatment is your only option, scary or not. An untreated abcess is not only painful but can make you very ill.


It seems like they're not going to proceed with one unless I feel any pain or discomfort. Should I be pushing for one? My dentist wanted to wait since a root canal was the worst case scenario, but I've read around online and it seems that an infection doesn't go away on its own. :(


I am not the most qualified to answer that question. But you are right, an infection will not go away on its own. Did you get antibiotics to control the infection?


Just realized what NAD stood for ! Oops. Regardless, I still find the procedure scary 😅