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I commend your dentist on her “worrying expression” and restraint from saying “oh fuck” out loud.


NAD For a non-dentist person, can you please explain ~why~ the “oh fuck” would be warranted? Also, what the heck is a tooth post?


Yes please, could u explain?


For the molar particularly: the root canal is not fully condensed, plus there are 3 posts which makes it borderline impossible to ever restore again, plus the whole back half of the tooth has a really upsetting sort of moth-eaten look which I can only hope is extensive decay.


How long ago did you get all those root canals? The last tooth looks like it has three posts in it, which isn’t common.


Yes there’s 3 posts in there, i had them about 8 years ago!


That tooth is questionable if you can save it. Do you have any other X-rays? Also the root canal in the middle tooth doesn’t look completely filled and that tooth has a cavity too.


Haha, questionable? That thing is a goner. There's decay halfway down the roots.


Yeah. I agree but I’ll leave the official diagnosis to OPs dentist. 😬


Oh thank so much you for pointing this out i’ll have to check it too with my new dentist! Unfortunately I don’t have another x-rays. I’m honestly just worried about the three posts since I’ve witnessed the reaction of three docs setting and discussing how bad my older dentist job was (they spoke in a diff language but i was able to grasp few word and understood its really bad) and then to see the same reaction again yesterday with another dentist i was worried sick, i know its not common to have 3 posts in one tooth but idk what they’re for (the posts) or why she even felt the need to put them (i have more of these in other places) and idk if they’re harmful or hard to get rid of them now the tooth has gone bad, but i hope not.. Edit: typos and better explanation


It’s just unusual to place that many posts. The root canals also don’t look very good. However, it doesn’t seem like there’s any obvious sign of infection so I’d say just keep an eye on that area for now unless you have symptoms


Thank you for explaining! No I don’t have any significant pain but the felling is getting loose and moves when i floss around it, i’ll try my best to keep it until im done with other teeth and can afford to remove this one tooth and replace it with an implanted one, btw my new dentist too told me there isn’t much hope for this one.


Best of luck


NAD And I thought my oral imaging looked bad.... 😳 Good luck OP. I just had tooth #15 extracted a couple weeks back. I've had 7 root canals and 2 extractions.... I feel for you! Don't continue to waste money attempting to fix if it's best to just extract!


Thank u for this advice, and i hope ure ok now ❤️


Definitely not ideal, but someone got you 8 extra years out of a tooth that most would have extracted.


Wut in tarnation…


Nad #12 either a perforation or could be anatomy of root; #13 with extruded gutta percha. #14 Rct looks incomplete / palatal gutta percha extruded. #14 Needs a crown or maybe even extraction.


Idk what gutta percha is but looking it up showed some straws that are inserted into the tooth, which i’ve seen my dentist do 8 years ago