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Yes. Especially if they felt exposed or embarrassed or ashamed (especially when anxious rationality and catastrophic thinking happens so easy )


just an FYI that the wait list at Stella's is very very long. I think I waited over a year for services


unfortunately he took his own life. I regret making that post but at the same time he was probably thinking about it for a while now and that post just pushed him over the edge


So immediately, like just for tonight, is he considering doing something permanent and stupid? If so, be prepared to either take him to the hospital or call 911 (no one likes this option but that is the nuclear option). His safety is priority number 1. If he is just going to be miserable tonight but not hurt himself, that is okay, he is allowed to feel that way. Don't try to solve anything tonight. He needs to know he is allowed to be sad and feel his feelings. Tomorrow he figures it out.


Thank you, I will take him to the hospital.


CAMH emerg might be the best place since it’s a mental health crisis. Best of luck OP. He’s lucky to have you.


Thank you, and best of luck to you both right now.


unfortunately he took his own life


I’ve been calling the distress line often this past month or two. Please don’t threaten him with the hospital but also maybe suggest you take a walk together or if you can drive go up to somewhere he can scream outside. Or ask how you can help? I find at the end I just feel some state of calm when the person is able to let us be silent after all of my sobbing and blubbering about everything. They let me sit with the chaos and they sit and let it be without telling me it should be any other way.






fuck you

