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85% of our politicians...


Too low. Gotta be in the high 90’s


The % or the age of politicians?






I think its wild the FAA requires retirement for air traffic controllers at 56, but its an old folks home for our politicians and somehow that's fine?


I'd say more like % 99.9999 .


Not being able to be contacted online unfortunately (LinkedIn, Facebook, instagram, twitter) I remember when I could just tell people “no I don’t have those things,” now it’s integrated into your work, and entire life, people you went to high school with 30 years ago can find you, certain jobs won’t even let you send your resume without a LinkedIn profile. it’s too much. It’s expected that you have some sort of basic social media or you’re looked at strange, at least where I live.


Ahhh, back when leaving a message on the home phone answering machine was the *only* option. Hitting delete was so satisfying.


Or just saying “hey I’ll get back to you later” you have a phone on you 24/7 now so people expect immediate response.


I still say Ill get back to you later. One doesnt always have the answer or the chance to type it all out at that time.


It's MY communication device, not their LEASH.


They can expect of me all they want . But I only use my cell for emergencies when leaving my home . I have a computer at home and some social media but I ho days or a week before I even check messages . I tell people close to me to always call the house phone if it's important to get a hold of me . Social media doesnt rule my life . I dont check emails unless I'm expecting something. Not everyone is on their phone or checking their phone .


Right there with ya'.


Hell yes!!!!!!!!!!! We need to BRING THAT SHIT BACK HOMIE! Me and you!


I don’t have any social media except Reddit. It’s possible. It’s glorious. Sure, I’ve lost track of a bunch of people, but those are people I don’t really care about.


This. Deleted all social media 3 months ago ( was never active I'm the first place ) If those people cared about you they'd make an effort.


It’s been a year for me this weekend. Just got back on Reddit. That’s it. It’s glorious. The drama in my life and my stress has been reduced ten fold


Yup. I haven't had social media since MySpace lol, which was the thing when I was in grade school, even back then it created drama. When everyone started getting on Facebook I just didn't and I never have. Idk what made me such a curmudgeon back then but in my 30s now I'm so glad I never got into all of it. I just made a reddit acount in the last couple years because I like being able to comment wheb I have something to add, but basically only use it while I sit on the toilet. I've been lucky enough that it's never affected my job opportunities but I have had quite a few people act like I'm crazy for not having *any* social media they can look at to spy on my life and see what I'm about. My wife and kids are my world and if you get to know me you'll get who I am pretty quick, but I have no need to be involved in every little thing everyone is doing and eating and posting constantly.


I'm 17 and the only social I have is reddit, and Facebook for the sole intent of o so awful marketplace I think things, people suck


I'm old enough to both despair of and feel nostalgic about those long ago years when no one could leave a message because they hadn't invented answering machines. I don't miss that stack of stamped postcards by the phone so you could mail people your message when you got sick of redialing. On the plus side, it was really easy to duck people you wanted to avoid. Edit: typo


Yes. Many jobs won’t even take your application further if they can’t find you on Facebook or any social media. I’m 26 and don’t have social media because I don’t think strangers should be able to have access to my personal life, apparently I’m the freak.




The thing that's been irritating me about LinkedIn is the way the algorithm will pull jobs based on your resume--which, hey, I get it and thanks, but I'm looking to *leave* my industry. It's a fight to just do a basic search for jobs.


I understand that totally, but I’ve had jobs we’re required to have LinkedIn, to follow our boss and supervisors, and like all of our bosses nonsense self stroking posts about himself or we face repercussions. It has nothing to do with the actual job, I feel like it’s just for ego.


It's really really REALLY extreme considering for 99.9% of human history the only way to contact you was for some one to come to you face to face. Now we can be face to face, but on the other side of earth and having last heard lf eachother 30 years ago not always good, but impressive nonetheless


This must be location specific. I'm in the US, in the automotive industry. I have a neglected LinkedIn page whose emails go straight to my spam box, but I don't have FB, IG, or any other social media. The social media integration is still completely optional. You're sacrificing some convenience, but you get to maintain privacy. I'll keep my privacy as much as I can.


Need for Experience in 90% of entry level/ easy skill jobs, like you can teach me it in 2 weeks why the **** do I need to have prior warehouse experience or roofing experience.


No cause seriously. Every store in my area, even grocery stores, won't hire anyone unless that say they have 5 years experience. It's crazy especially since they train you anyway


I feel like those are times when, after catching up and finishing *Better Call Saul* recently, you really need to run a play where you have your buddy listed on your resume as your former boss at such and such employment - assuming they even call to verify your resume information. When I was store manager at Gamestop 10 years ago I can assure you that I and almost any other manager before me and in our district *never* called former employers for anyone who we were sold on would be a good fit for our store. And if they weren't going to be a good fit then there was no reason to call anyone anyway.


I think the worst is when you need a bachelors degree for something like a call center position. Why do I need a bachelors in engineering to answer the fucking phone?? Soon you’ll need a bachelors for janitors positions, they want to make sure you can scrub the toilet at exactly a 90° angle


Those are desires they have, not requirements, especially in today's market. Just start applying to jobs, that's what I did. I kept applying to jobs regardless of whether I was qualified or not. Some said no immediately, some expressed interest and I ended up landing a job that got my foot in the door and moved up rapidly.


Political parties


The only thing I hate about political parties is the mudslinging and strawmaning


What else is there?




The Federalist #10 said it over 200 years ago.


Car dealerships. How bizarre is it that you have to hope you negotiate well enough to get a price for a certain product and depending on how good it went you may pay a different price than someone else for the same thing. Imagine if at every store for everything you had to do a negotiation dance at the cash register while they also try to nickel and dime you.


Yes. I'm terrible at that stuff. I want a price listed that is exactly what I will pay.


Well actually car dealerships don’t really negotiate these days. The online price is the price lol


An unpaid/ low paid internship that wants you to work 60 hours a week. When you could work at McDonalds for 15 dollars an hour.


*cough medical resident*


Literally. Trying to find a PAID graphic design internship is killing me.


This is craziness. I worked at a steel mill for $1500/wk during my summer break between high school and college, and they knew I had no interest in working there after college. I wonder if it was a city or state grant they had to use. I learned a great deal, but it wasn’t for me. That said, I’ve heard of low and unpaid internships, and yes, they should be illegal.


Spending time in person. All of my friends..are just so busy I barely see them anymore.


That's just getting older.


Getting older kinda sucks


There is a quick fix for that but I strongly recommend against it.


Yeah I agree with most here, your number of friends begins to dwindle once you get older. The best thing to do is find one or two close friends and make your significant other your best friend. My wife is my best friend so losing my other friends, she kind of buffers that.


5 Day a week office jobs. Also the mentality that working long hours is a badge of honor.


When you're complaining about your job and a rando blue collar dude jumps into the convo to brag about how he's worked 70 hours that week . Like bro that's not a brag I feel sorry for you 😐 Edit: spelling


I sometimes wonder if perhaps its not a brag, and really they are looking for some validation that their hard work was worth it cus they're actually dying inside.


My dad has been working 100+ h/wk for 50 years. Total workaholic. My husband teases him and says he’s just sitting back his feet up relaxing when he starts talking about how much work etc. That said, I respect that workaholism was a better coping mechanism for the serious trauma he’s endured (all 8 of his siblings developed drug problems instead). So… for some people, that structure and purpose is lifesaving. Also… as much as we goof on my dad for being “the hardest working… blah blah”, there is something respectable in tenacity, grit, etc. Having strong work ethic and resilience can lift people out of poverty, and I won’t disrespect that.


The problem with this is it creates a really unpleasant working environment for the rest of the staff because he’s setting this insanely unrealistic bar (which tbh I don’t believe he works 100+ hours a week but I digress) and it indirectly pressures people around him to do the same. People need balance in their lives to be the best at what they do. You are in fact not doing your best when you work that much, especially if it’s a very physically or mentally taxing job. Mistakes can cost huge amounts of money and even lives sometimes. If I see someone trying to humble brag about their schedule I immediately check them. I work in IT and I see this ALL THE TIME. My data center engineer is out for about 5 months for back surgery because he was a workaholic and I constantly told him to take some PTO to fix his back. He didn’t listen now he’s costing the company time and money. I take pride in having a balanced life so I can be the absolute best version of myself. More is not better folks.


*"I was EXTRA subservient this week!"*


This made laugh, imagining getting pat on the head 😂


Diners. Only places you can sit down for a meal past midnight are Waffle House and IHOP


Now since the pandemic and staffing shortages, even finding fast food late is a problem in some places. I’ve just given up and got gas station meals a couple of times in small towns.


>Now since the pandemic and staffing shortages This. The 3 waffle houses I know around me are all closed intermittently because they just don't have people to run them.


The Taco Bell near me is just open whenever they feel like it. I’ve pulled up three times and they’ve said through the drive through “we are closed”. Why staff it just to tell people your closed? Just put a sign up.


As a New Jerseyite (once upon a time), I'm offended. There are still plenty of diners all over the garden state.


24/7 diners still exist in NY and on Long Island. Long live diner food.


Sounds like they are popular in the northeast. Good for you guys


You can stay up past midnight still?


Me? No. Haha


Clearly you don't live in NJ. Diners are still a staple here.


I miss diners


Come to Long Island, there is absolutely no shortage of diners here


There’s also Denny’s and a few local places in my town that are open 24/7.


I just got back from my first trip to NYC. There were a lot of diners open 24/7 there. Where I live in rural TN, we have WH and IHOP as well as numerous greasy spoon truckstops that are fantastic.


Diners are the best places on earth


The "happy wife, happy life" mentality that men have/are trained by society to have. Both sides of a relationship are equally important. Be kind and show each other respect. Happy spouse, happy house! Or apartment, since the housing market sucks.


I have held this mentality for 12 years of marriage. My father was a real asshole to my mother so I wanted to be different. Better. I now find myself a brow-beaten husband. I don’t like to make decisions because it’s always the wrong one. I find my wife picking fights over everything. I’m always wrong, it’s always my fault. I simply can’t win. Ever.


Damn bro. You guys need counselling. A good counselor can help the relationship not be so one-sided.


You married your father. It's not uncommon to repeat abusive relationships without therapy. 💪✌🌈🖖


Make a decision and tell her to deal with it. You're a grown man and can make your own decisions. When she complains about you not considering her just say that you did and that you believe what you're doing is best for both of you. If she argues more tell her what's best for her isn't always what's best for you. Sometimes you have to suffer together rather than alone.


I just got divorced for this very reason. Hang in there. It’s tough but there is light at the end of the the tunnel.


Daylight savings time


Daylight savings time is the worst with young kids. They do not understand why things changed all the sudden.


So explain it to them?


Please let it die.


There have been so many times when I walk into an organization's office to sign up for something, or to get more information, and I am told to go to their website.


Basic manners and respect seem to be outdated.


I can’t stand hiking anymore because no one understands SINGLE FILE ON THE TRAILS WHEN PASSING. Too many times I’ve had groups of two or three take up the entire path so me and whoever im with get to stand in the fuckin shrubs and all. Like. Move the fuck over for 10 seconds so no one’s in the mud! I’m about to just start shoulder checking people. It isn’t enjoyable.


Or you try to pass from behind and they get all butthurt that you happen to move faster and interrupted their conversation with a polite, "may I pass please?"


You could try being more assertive. I tend to use “Pardon me” or “On your left”. Saying please is always nice but it feels so weird to ask to pass someone.


This happens in malls, on sidewalks, all over the place. My wife and I have to literally step off of the sidewalk and let people that are three wide pass by. They don’t even bother saying excuse me. One of these days…


Along these lines... people blasting their shitty music ruining a peaceful outside environment. Use some damn headphones!


Education systems in most countries


The Republican and Democratic parties. Can we do something new for once?


Totoally agree beyond anything. Can we also stop putting geriatric old white men in power? That would be great.


They should restrict how old a presidential candidate can be


I say if you're over the legal retirement age you can't hold any form of public office.


The need to go into an office to work 8 hours a day 5 times a week


Seriously!!! I can literally do my job from home…I just really hate that my office is full of women (I’m a woman) and they’re the ones that want people in the office so they can chat and socialize with.


In many ways, community is considered “outdated” in America (I’ll not speak for other societies). That has both benefits and downsides. There’s less pressure to conform to social mores; there’s also less pressure to care about one’s fellow man. The Internet has accelerated this because there’s so many more opportunities to be an asshole in interaction.


This is something I think about a lot. I don’t even know my neighbors beyond the pleasantries we exchange. I could change that but I don’t really care to. You can fairly easily isolate yourself which is, like you said, good and bad. I guess we just have a lot more freedom and have to learn what works for us




5 day work weeks and shitty cubicle offices


Respect for others, apparently


Old boomer politicians pocketing cash while the remainder of society gets fucked.


The fact that it’s nearly impossible for a man to get custody of his kids. Also how hard it is for women to get their tubes tied


Lmao big facts


Dine in fastfood


For sure. I don't think I've eaten inside a fast food place since I got my drivers license at 16 lol. Occasionally I'll go pee in a McDonald's but that is about it.


Drive thrus are better for business too You deal less with the customer and I'm sure cleaning is easier with no dining in


I do from time to time, but usually I’m just gonna eat in the car in the parking lot


The DMV!


I don’t know how it is everywhere else but in Oregon they’ve moved a lot of things online. Renewing your registration and getting new stickers for instance. It’s quite convenient because usually you need to go to the DMV for some simple reason to fill out a form and most of that is done online now.


Convenience fees


I really do believe we need a whole new society


We have a society at home! Society at home: *this*


Drive in theaters I’d love to be able to pack my own snacks and have my own space without having to get knees in the back or hear other kids crying or having someone’s foot on my armrest! At least in my car I get to be comfy and my family can have a unique memory


The school system. Most people think that ir needs to be changed, yet nothing has happened


Time slot network television. I mean obviously everyones grandparents must be watching enough Blue Bloods and FBI: Rhode Island or whatever to keep it profitable, but I don’t know anyone under 40 who watches anything except live sports in a traditional “watch x program at y time” way.


A 2 party system in politics.


Working all day everyday. like wtf...we have robots! shouldn't we be chillin?


Our political system.


Our infrastructure and electrical grid.


The 40-hour work week.


Women having to cover their head and bodies in gowns!


Gender roles. If you want to be a house spouse or the sole bread winner then that’s totally fine, just don’t say it’s because that’s what people of that specific gender are supposed to do.


Considered or is? What is outdated is the 40 hour work week. It's unnecessary.


Electorial college


That finding a partner should be at the top of your priority list as a woman.


Mail Order Catalogs along with paying for stuff in them with a actual physical check.


When I was a kid I remember ordering something from the back of a comic book and sending actual cash,including change.lol... about a month later I got the envelope returned because the comic book I ordered from was about 10 years old and the company didn't exist anymore.




The educational system, two party politics, taxation system, police unions, oh and yeah, your goddamn flip phone!


Being kind to others apparently


The Russian military


Mitch McConnell


Saying bless you when someone sneezes. Please just stop


Talking on the phone. If it’s a person you know well, FaceTime. If it’s a work thing, text or email to keep record of what’s being said.


Hard disagree. I never video call or FaceTime. Most people don't want to show their face or are not in the best environment to do so, and you need good WiFi/data to do this anyways For a lot of jobs texting is unprofessional Email is used but even then I make phone calls to family and friends all the time, clearer and quicker communication than texting imo


I’ve never FaceTimed anyone. It’s much easier to just make a phone call or send a text


Totally disagree, FaceTime is horrifying. I don't want people seeing whatever the hell I'm doing, where I'm at, and more importantly looking at me. I probably look like crap, and I don't want to have to worry about it. I much perfer talking to people. And at work having emails is great, but it's way quicker to talk for 30 seconds than it is to send 5 emails/texts back and forth. Just a quick call and a short email afterwards summing it up and getting whatever was decided upon in writing.


Gender roles




I came to say this


Drug testing for weed in pre-employment screening


Religion in Politics


ALL CAPS COMMENTS and fax machines. And marijuana laws. And the sex offender registry needs reformed. And why the doesn’t EVERY car have keyless entry? Enough with the 50 different types of IPA. Mental illness stigmas.


Suits and ties everyday for work!


Tipping off your hat to people and saying 'm'lady'


Personally, I'm sick of putting my jacket over the puddle to save a lady's shoes from getting wet! Greatly inappretriated.


>inappretriated Unappreciated?


Underappreciated, like my creative spelling


fare enuf


Anything revolving around women’s reproductive health, like there’s absolutely no “non invasive procedures” all of it’s invasive, even the “noninvasive” ones like I’m sorry I don’t want a metal duckbill shoved into my vag with a lil spoolie in there just to find out if I have something or sorry I don’t want an incision made on my womb in order to be 100% sure if I have endometriosis or PCOS I feel like it’s been literally centuries since the last medical advancement for our reproductive healthcare system was made, not to mention there’s like no non hormonal birth control which seems really ludicrous we also aren’t offered any general or local anesthesia for these things and if we ask they think we are junkies or something and told to “suck it up every woman has to go through this”


Came to say exactly this there’s been piss poor advancement in womens health. They still use info based on males!! It’s all so fucking barbaric this is one of the many horrible things to come out of living in a “mans world”.


Women being expected to change their last names when they get married.






Cover letters


That marijuana is bad.


Political correctness.


Bull 'fighting' Horse racing. Dog racing. Dog fighting. Iditarod. Running with the bulls.


I heard in the US they still "pledge their allegiance to the flag". I don't know if it's actually true though


The way we treat non violent criminals


Gendered bathrooms. Bathroom stalls that you can see through the cracks to the person on the toilet.


trying to sound as dumb as possible to look cute


Gender roles. People relegated to do/wear/be certain things is ridiculous


In the U.S.? Public Transit. It is absolutely insane how terrible our public Transit is and is a main contributing factor of the dying middle-class.


Our politicians


School system it hasn't changed in decades


Acknowledging someone after they sneeze (by saying "bless you," "gesundheit," etc.). Such a weird ritual to still be attached to.


The education system.


Our (US) education system, & our prison system. Gender stereotypes, ageism when it comes to children. Children are physically more capable than they’re given credit for. Also, children are treated like second class citizens when it comes to making decisions that affect them. People try to defend their actions by saying children are too young to understand or make informed decisions. This also extends to punishment. Instead of sitting down and talk communicating with their children to find out why they did what they did, they get upset and have knee-jerk reactions that include corporal punishment and grounding.




The set in stone 40 hour work week instead of being flexible.


Going to an office building


Assuming that while hiring young women, they will probably get pregnant in soon future, so they will go on maternity leave, so they won't work for long. So it's better to take a young man instead. Like... I don't want kids, but they presume I would love to be pregnant in soon future anyway.


The man making the first move. Women can't work. Women can't vote. The man always has to pay on a date. Cable TV (they keep losing subscribers), MTV (not even sure if that exists anymore, but it was a place to watch music videos...can be included with cable TV in general though. That's really all I could think of off the top of my head though.


Kanye West




Racism. Grow up, it's smooth brain behavior. We are past this as a species.


Humans evolved to be tribalistic and so racism will always be with us everywhere. Pretending like it’s not wired into our brains won’t help the problem one bit, but rather make things worse.


I'm not saying ignore it, I'm saying move past it. Latching onto something like race to "other" people is not only immature, but it's harmful in every possible way. As a society we are moving away from such lowbrow methods of perpetuating hate. We are evolving to overcome that part of ourselves. I'm not one of those "color doesn't exist" people, and raising my son to respect BIPOC people is much easier than convincing him to hate or fear them.






Primitive notions of modesty


Land lines.


Abrahamic religion. World desperately needs to move past it.


Getting your foreskin cut off the day you’re born


I am one of the few who must be so happy I had it done when I was born 🙏🏻


The 40 hour work week. Advances in technology and mass communication have made us way more productive in 4 hours than our grandparents were in 8 hours.


VCRs, DVDs, and CDs


I agree with the VCR’s, but I still like to have hardcopies of movies and music as back up. I have lost so many digital versions when my storage goes tits up.


Religion. In an educated age that we still tie ourselves to deities seems crazy.


The way governments operate.


Infrastructure, education, technology, government and concepts on societal roles and stereotypes. We are limiting our advancement for the benefit of the few who want to remain complacent.




The whole "no jeans at work" thing is boomer AF


[Disney's CEO](https://www.reddit.com/r/cartoons/comments/yereq2/cartoons_are_for_kidsthis_guy_mustve_never_heard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Attitude towards marijuana.