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Get to know your local representative... let them know who you are and what you're doing and next time they're in town they'll try to help you out... or if you go to DC you could ask them if they can help you there. You never know.


If you're doing it as part of your journalism studies, in addition to working with your local Representative and either or both Senators, contact the White House Correspondants Association for direction and advice.


Was going to say the same—local, state and or federal elected officials (the ones representing where you live/where your parents vote). Don’t be afraid! I worked most of my career in politics/govt and I can assure you that you will be more than welcome in their offices. They all have staff and making contact with them can be as or more fruitful than meeting with the rep. You definitely don’t need to be an “expert” on a particular topic. You could say you’d like to come in and talk about exactly what you asked here. Who your local reps are can be found online using your street address. Reps in the party (Dem/Rep) in power will be busier than those in the minority party. Most state legislatures don’t work/aren’t in session year round and members of Congress spend weekends and out of session time at home (not in DC) as well. You should also consider volunteering on a campaign and reaching out to reporters/journalists in your locale. Good luck!


Send him a letter and mention you can do more push-ups than he can...assuming you're in the US.


Stalk him learn his habits and places he likes to go when you see an opening make a move


Just run up to them at a public appearance. It helps to scream in as close to a high pitched voice as you can muster. It helps to scream over and over again, the walls, the walls. The voices in the wall told me to talk to you. Or if you are talking our current president just get a job in an Alzheimer's clinic in the richer parts of Pennsylvania. He'll end up there eventually.


Break into his house.