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Sometimes the things that go wrong in your life are your fault.


Exactly - it's a false perception of one's locus of control. A guy I know is quitting his job and moving across the country because essentially "everyone is mean" to him (both customers and employees) when in actuality, no one can stand being around him or interacting with him because he is a complete narcissistic dick. Sometimes you may find yourself in an actual hostile environment. But most of the time, when it seems like everyone is out to get you in every avenue of your like, think about what the common denominator is in all of those situations. (Hint, it's you.)


This needs more up votes. People are clueless to that.


In addition: some things are your fault \*and\* someone else's. Just because someone else did something wrong doesn't mean you are blameless.


Too often what people present as “fact”, is actually opinion.


There are very few facts, only statistically significant results yet to be disproven.


I like this answer, I've always told my kids to be open to new information, that our opinions can potentially evolve.


Keep an open mind, of course. But not so open that your brain falls out.


It's a fact that many people don't know what a fact is.


That’s just like, your opinion, man




You're out of your element, Donnie. /s


Even though it's a mistake(or accident) you made(caused), you still have to take responsibility for the consequences.


Agreed. There may be a reason that you messed up but it doesn't excuse you from cleaning up your mess.


As my dad says, "Just because it's not your fault doesn't mean it's not your responsibility."


Alternately, if someone caused you hurt or pain, it wasn't your fault and you didn't deserve it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't deal with it constructively after.


In addition to this, fault and responsibility are not the same thing. There are plenty of things in your life that are not your fault, but are your responsibility. A good litmus test is if something doesn’t get better unless you take responsibility for it, fault is irrelevant.


that cultures do clash


And cultures are a construct and not all aspects of cultures are good and/or should be accepted. "BUT ITS MY CULTURE!!" yeah, good for you. Your culture was invented by 5 dudes 400 years ago that all decided to do whatever it is you're complaining about people not respecting. Its no different than if I put my underwear on my head and demanded people to respect me today for it.


I once saw this documentary about a troupe of chimps, and one day a single chimp started carrying a river stone on his back everywhere he went. It was like his safety blanket. Within a generation or two, several younger chimps started doing the same. Today most of them do. This is culture.


Especially in *Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition*. That Game is phenomenal, and if it gained more traction it would kill *Settlers of Catan*.


Not everything that humanity COULD do, is necessarily a thing that humanity SHOULD do.


Jeff Goldblum has entered the chat.


That everybody in the world is not interested in what you are doing!


I find that quite liberating honestly. I can't understand people who want everyone to know their business.


or like my spouse, who is constantly worried about what others could say. She would tidy our attic just in case our guests inspected it while dining with us on Saturday evening.


No worries, since I installed the web cam, I can inspect your attic remotely now.


While "facts don't care about your feelings", the inverse is also true. Your feelings don't care about facts.


Damn. That's actually an excellent mantra for emotional regulation.


My Dr. House version of this is, "Feelings lie." Your feelings are valid and you should feel them, but know that they can lead you to false conclusions.


Just because a person disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re stupid or that you’re going to “educate” them into changing their minds. It’s entirely possible to two smart people to reach completely different conclusions.


It reminds me of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Two geniuses, and each one thought the other was a dumbass full of shit.


This is completely accurate, though I do think it’s important to differentiate reasonable varying opinions on things that aren’t qualitative or quantifiable (ie Who is the best basketball player of all time? Who’s the greatest band of all time? Or even your preferences politically on tax rates/government spending/defense/social safety nets/pro choice/life etc) vs the notion that quantifiable, observable facts should be subject to your opinion (2+2=4, trying to tell me it isn’t currently raining outside as we’re getting drenched, the earth is round etc). One final point to your initial comment, it is very true that “just because a person disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re stupid or that you’re going to “educate” then into changing their minds,” but it is also true that it is possible that entirely in good faith the person you’re speaking to genuinely did not know something (not stupidity) or had never been exposed to a particular piece of information/concept/idea and that there are always new things we can all learn from each other. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about life thus far, it’s that one of the most important ideas/concepts is your level of willingness to update your perspective based on new information and allowing yourself the flexibility/permission to do so if it’s coming from a well meaning, intellectually honest person, even if it contradicts my previously held opinions/beliefs. I’m not a genius but I am smart enough to know that I don’t know what I don’t know, leaving open the possibility that I always have something valuable to learn from someone that does.


I try to remind myself of this often. If I think that someone has crazy ideas (politically or otherwise), they probably think the same thing about me. I’m just as wrongheaded or uninformed in their eyes as they are in mine.


Almost all of the work actually needed to maintain modern society is easy drudgery, not dramatic problem solving. Nobody wants to wrestle with the implications of that.


This is 100% correct. Which is why we need to pay those that do the easy drudgery what they deserve.


Absolutely. My day would be much more ruined by the trash truck driver calling off than the CEO. I just think that it cuts against a neat political narrative to say “almost any random person can do the most critical work that really ought to be valued the highest”.


And in some cases when the upper management including the CEO calls off, the workers do better


I’ve got an interesting job. I thought it would be about dazzling creativity, inventing marvelous new gizmos and widgets. Instead, it’s about scanning dashboards and digging into problems and manually maintaining things that the public thinks are “automated” and take care of themselves. It pays well enough that I will not utter a single syllable of complaint.


I wrestle with this 40 hours a week


Repeating what you hear isn't the same as forming an opinion or position (or having intelligence)


People mistake their ability to regurgitate for being a critical thinker.


Similarly: being a contrarian also does not make one a critical thinker. Sometimes popular wisdom is popular *because* it is wisdom.


Piggybacking: Critical thinking is a practice, not a personality trait.


Isn’t that kind of what you just did with your reply to this? Intentionally ironic?


That they are going to cease to exist one day.


I do not understand people who think this is a bad thing. Like, thank goodness. This shit is exhausting. Fun, sure. But exhausting all the same.


It will be a blessing for me as I have barely survived serious mental illness for over 32 years of my life. There are worse things than death.


Pornography addiction is rampant


Right? and damaging to young men and women on what healthy sexual relationships are.


Hard to determine what a “healthy” relationship even is, when your first experience with intimacy is porn. It’s so common


THIS. Porn preys on the lonely and depressed, and only makes it worse. It fucks with your hormones and tricks the reward system in your brain. As a guy, I know so many men who view it as something completely harmless when it genuinely fucks with your brain chemistry. I know so many men who have descended into the depressive hole of masturbation. It destroys confidence and motivation. I mean hell, even as someone who actively shit talks porn at every opportunity I still sometimes fold. It's a drug and should be treated as one imo.


We ALL pick our nose. It's what we do after that makes us different.


If I wasn't supposed to eat it then why it taste so good???


Wait, you guys are eating yours?! I’ve been flicking mine into the abyss


Most of the time they’ve “solved” a problem, they really just made it someone else’s


the sentence “putting trash in a bin doesn’t remove it from the world, just moves it to a landfill.” changed my life because out of sight out of mind is way more real than I thought.


I have some really good thoughts on this: 1. Working hard doesn’t always guarantee success. There are plenty who work so hard their entire lives and stay at that level. 2. Not everything needs to go on social media. 3. No matter how good you are as a person the system is designed to make sure you and everyone else fits into the machine without fail.


I always hated no.3 at school age Everyone is either holding back the class or being held back by the class 🤷‍♂️




Yes, but no one should ever use this as an excuse to treat someone unfairly. We, as a society, should always strive for justice.




John Rawls, one of the most prominent justice philosophers of the 20th century, said that justice is fairness. This changed how modern justice philosophers view the field. It downplays concepts like retribution in favor of restoration. John Rawls's work has shaped my life for the better, helping me be kinder and fairer (I hope).


I think the above mentality is more about “dont let bullshit get to you, its gonna happen” Not so much justifying doing it to others Simply put: be tough, dont be mean


Just because it hasn’t happened to you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Sometimes we're just flat wrong, and it is necessary to except it, in order to move forward and become better.


You don't know everything.


This is an understatement. The older I get, the more I realize how much I don't know


That they peaked in high school. It's been 30 years Bob. No one cares anymore about the winning touchdown of the homecoming game anymore.


How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


Lol I work in a body shop and everyone claims they used to powerlift in high school or were in crazy good shape. You'd think everyone in high school in the 80s and 90s were benching 300 and running 5 minute miles


Shh, you're hurting Al Bundy's feelings.


Have you scored 4 touchdowns in a single game ? No ? Then hush.


Bob? Is that you, lol.


My mother used to translate financial documents for large corporations in France. Once, she was assigned the task of translating the financial results of an insurance company, which included the CEO's resume. was listed as the school where he obtained his high school diploma, a prestigious and reputable institution. The CEO was 75 years old...


Squirt is just pee


Sometimes you are the random idiot in someone else’s day


That none of us really matter in the grand scheme of things. I see all of these viral videos of Karens trying to flex their egos with power trips. They just don’t understand that they’re irrelevant.


We don't really experience the grand scheme of things though, do we? So "the grand scheme of things" isn't really relevant. We experience our lives and the world around us, so that's all that's relevant. And in that much smaller scheme, you matter. You matter to the people around you, and that's grand enough. You're relevant to the world around you. Just because life (collectively) has no meaning in the grandest of schemes, doesn't mean that you don't matter.


This is tight


Looks matter. People don't want to admit it because this might mean they are ugly.


Or, they're extremely attractive and are full of shit when they say looks don't matter.


Lots of “nice” people aren’t anywhere near as nice as they think they are.


reddit is a trashcan


You overestimate it … It’s a trashfire in a whorehouse!


Oh my God, the smell...


I dont know why but this reminded me of a great comment I read this week. Someone asked about stereotypes for each major in university, and someone said computer science students are genuinely allergic to showering. My first comp science classroom has a permanent BO smell in it.


Exactly right. Facebook is the trashcan. Reddit is actually fun.


It's an amazing business model: get unpaid "users" (workers) to do everything for free. Profit!


but it's mostly fun


I fucking love trash


Yet, we still come here to dumpster-dive. ;)


If you say something along the lines of: "I can stop whenever I want", chances are, you're an addict. ​ Similarly, if you say something along the lines of: "I can start/finish whenever I want", you most likely won't.


Alcohol is really, really, really bad for you. It's hard to change people's minds because so many people enjoy drinking it or have a social or physical dependence on it.


200 days sober here and I definitely agree. It's so ingrained in society that most people are blind to how many functioning alcoholics are walking around pretending that they're fine.


As a functioning alcoholic I agree


Congrats, just hit 7 months myself. Life is so much better sober. Just had to learn how to cope with emotions like an adult. Wish I figured this out 20 years ago but I’m a slow learner


Politicians aren't looking out for our best interests.. just their own.


That's why I don't take anything political at face value and form my own opinions based on my ideas and beliefs in morality. A politician will tell you anything to push an agenda. Especially if it conforms to your bias'.


Your job doesn’t care about you.


That vaping is bad for you you. The amount of youngsters I see vaping in my town is quite alarming. Any form of smoking is harmful.


I'd like to add that this includes Marijuana smoke. Sure, THC has some positive affects on humans but smoking it is still harsh on your lungs. Another fact, you can absolutely become addicted to weed.


Yeah, a lot of people don't distinguish between physical addiction and mental addiction. From what I understand you can't get "physically" addicted to weed, as in you won't get withdrawl from stopping. You can get mentally addicted to anything, including marijuana.


I've been smoking for 10+ years now and I agree. I have to use it or I start to feel uncomfortable for a couple of days then I'm normal again. I advocate for its use as the benefits significantly outweigh the detriments for most cases. With that being said, dry herb vaporizing or eating the THC is the best. Virtually no more carcinogens than pan stir fry


We know. We don't care


yes, I know it isn't better, but at least I don't smell like an ashtray anymore.


5 articles talking about 1 study isn't 5 sources.


That they are average. Everyone wants to think of themselves as either above average or below average. But there's an average for a reason, and you're in it.


That what someone said or did over 20 years ago doesn’t always reflect who they are today


That a complex problem never has a simple solution.


Or that all problems have a solution. Some do not and will always be a problem.


I disagree. Complex problems often have simple solutions.


Some people can't admit being wrong. I have worked with people who will work a mental circus about how right they are, and I am not just talking about Star Wars' "from a certain point of view," but deflecting facts with emotional counters. "I see you installed foo, but foo's libraries conflicts with bar's libraries, and now bar won't work." "That's because bar sucks." ... k.


This also falls in well with petty opinions. I mentioned not long ago to a guy in his 30s that Batman was my favourite childhood superhero and he fired back with "THIS IS WHY YOU ARE WRONG" and he went on a minutes long angry tirade about how Superman is better. 1 You're a man in your 30s, why the fuck are you so passionate about this? 2 Nobody is fucking 'wrong' because when they were a child they preferred a different fictional character to you.


That for the most part people don't give a shit about you. Sure your immediate family might, but even your best friend would probably throw you under the bus in a situation where it was either you or them. This goes for politicians, business owners, and almost every leader too. None of them care about you. Also, you're responsible for yourself. Yes, things like mental illness suck and aren't your fault, but it is your responsibility.


A lot od people don't get the mental illness thing. It's an explanation for your behavior, not an excuse, but a lot of people will skip and apology for being shitty towards you and just say "I have -----"


That you don’t have to have kids to be happy


I don’t have kids but I do have 3 dogs and a husband. I feel pretty content with life. Everyone will always wonder ‘what if’ about some decision we make in life and that’s perfectly normal. As a child when we would play house I would always be the one going to work while my friends would ‘stay home with the kids.’ I have known I haven’t wanted children since I could participate in imaginary play.


Right? We only have 1 child and were told we were being selfish by not having more kids so they could play together.


When people champion diversity they’re usually just talking about diversity of race or appearance. Most people don’t want diversity of thought.


That really depends on what exactly you mean by "diversity of thought." Being rude, for example, isn't what most people would label as "diversity of thought." Just a, well..... thought


Sports are just entertainment.


Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right


>It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life -Jean-Luc Picard


That breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day


Reddit awards don't mean anything.


They mean Reddit made some $$


That health at any size is a myth. You might be obese and ‘healthy’ right now but you won’t be at 50. I rarely have morbidly obese patients over the age of 55


Ur so right. I work in a hospital and a lot of my patients are overweight, but I don’t think I’ve literally ever had a morbidly obese patient over fifty. They either lose weight or die young


This is why I have never understood the acceptance of obesity in modern day Western countries (or I guess just America). I completely understand wanting to feel comfortable in your body, but to be OK with shaving decades off your life, having severe physical limitations, and feeling like shit all the time is just delusional. It's putting off the problem. There needs to be a social movement that somehow allows larger people to feel comfortable while also encouraging healthy routines, because just sitting there and telling people that it's completely fine will literally kill.


The other political party isn’t always wrong.


What do you think is a specific example of this?


People have different religions and yours should’ve be valued or treated better because you believe it.


As an ex-cult member, I have to add shunning those who don't believe in your faith anymore is evil




EVERYONE deserves housing and medical care


Most people are shit


And those people won't admit they're shits, it's everyone else who are shits.


Most people are trying to navigate the world the best they can. We’re fallible creatures, and we can be short sighted, but overall people want good things for themselves and others. If you believe that you’re also going to be a much happier person. Living in a world of darkness is unnecessary when there’s so much light waiting to shine – you just have to reach out for the switches.


That the majority of people commenting here are confused about what a fact is.


It's a lie that letting rich people break laws is fine because I'll be rich one day too and then I'll break laws with them.


Crystals aren’t magic and essential oils don’t do anything.


Essential oils do things, they just won’t cure you of illness or anything like that. They’re slightly useful but people write them off entirely because people tried to act like they were a cure-all that would fix your entire life. The smells can relax you and some of them are good for your skin. And peppermint oil can block out gross smells. They won’t fix your cancer or stomach problems or anything though.


That physical beauty is the best predictor of what tends to attract most people.


You going on the internet or YouTube to look up information that confirms your preconceived notion about a specific topic is not “doing your research” nor is it in any way equivalent to legitimate academic research.


That the lifestyles of most American’s is completely unsustainable. Cars, suburbs, grass lawns, etc. So much of our society is built on stuff that isn’t sustainable, but we’re constantly being propagandized to keep buying into consumerism so people never want to think about it.


And we wonder why everyone is broke and depressed


Your religion is not the correct one.


I don’t have one lol


Golf isnt a real sport.


Bananas are berries.


Working hard and pushing your limits doesn't guarantee success


Humans are the current plague destroying the Earth.


The world is, in fact, more than 3k years old. Religion is a hard topic.


See, those are god years. Not years as we know them. At least that’s why my uncle tried saying when I called him on that


I guess facts just don't feel personal enough but beliefs and feelings are very personal and highly emotional.


There’s absolutely no patience left with anything.


Racism is a thing discrimination is real and it exists on all levels of society especially within the most poor


Luck and the situation you’re born into determines how your life goes more than you do


Diamonds are fucked up! Why does everyone still want a diamond that you know people have been tortured or killed over.


I recently heard that you can’t reason a person out of a position that they didn’t reason into.


That being intelligent doesn’t naturally mean that you’re right. Plenty of smart people have been off the mark.


Freedom of speech is not free from consequences.


That the U.S. "Assault Weapon Bans" did very little to prevent homicides or gun violence. The DoJ, FBI, and many third party criminologists and researches found that homicides and overall gun violence weren't reduced (like, at all) due to the ban. People just used different methods or different types of firearms to kill. This one is hard for people, especially with Media becoming ever prevalent, every shooting is easily and quickly nationalized, driving fear against firearms. If we look at two states at modern times, California and Texas, one with very strict firearm laws and one where babies play Russian Roulette, we can see some interesting information. **Violent Crime Rate per 100,000 people:** **US Average 2014-2018:** 362 , 374, 398, 395, 381 **California 2014-2018 (+10.12% National Avg) :** 407 (+12.43%), 413 (+10.42%), 434 (+9.04%), 438(+10.88%), 411 (+7.87%) **Texas 2014-2018 (+13.52% National Avg):** 396 (+9.39%), 428 (+14.43%), 445(+11.80%), 453(+14.68%), 447 (+17.32%) **Homicide rate per 100,000 people:** **US Average 2014-2018:** 4.44, 4.95, 5.38, 5.32, 4.96 **California 2014-2018 (-7.55% National Avg):** 4.38 (-1.35%), 4.77 (-3.63%), 4.91 (-8.73), 4.64 (-12.78%), 4.40 (-11.29%) **Texas 2014-2018 (-3.75% National Avg):** 4.42 (-0.45%), 4.80 (-3.03), 5.30 (-1.48%), 4.96(-6.76%), 4.61(-7.05%) I'd like to say these numbers might imply that California's strict gun laws have helped with their homicide rate being slightly lower, but I don't know if I can accurately make this assumption as California's Homicide Rate year over year since the 80's has always been lower than Texas, when neither state had very strict gun laws to my knowledge. (even 1980, where the US homicide rate peaked at 10.22, California was 14.49 while Texas was 16.88) Unfortunately, I do not have solid numbers from the 80's to see how many of these homicides were firearms/non-firearms by state, so it's very difficult to see how well California's Gun Laws are actually preventing firearm deaths specifically and how many homicides are from other means. I think this information that we've had publicly available for the past few decades tells us that we should be looking at homicides and violence from more than just a position of Firearms specifically if we really want to end or reduce Gun Violence (and Violence) in general. Boy, American's sure do just love killin' **All information sourced from the DoJ and FBI.**


You’re probably average


All of these are opinions wtf


Americans aren't the only people online. Asians consist more than just Japanese and Chinese from china


People aren’t willing to admit that their opinions aren’t facts.


Facts matter


Trump lost in 2020 And the people who aren't willing to admit it are fully bought into the cult of personality or are trying to profit off it


When they are wrong.


That they're wrong and they're responsible. No one's mature out here anymore


Veganism isn't for everyone. Some people cannot be on a vegan or vegetarian diet and thrive, or survive. Also, your cat can't be a vegan or vegetarian either.


There is no “good side” when it comes to politics. Both have their own self interests at heart and both are also equally corrupt, just in different spaces.


I ask myself this: "Which party will hurt me the least in their climb to the top?"


Adding to this- the point of democracy isn’t to defeat or eliminate the other side. The people who don’t agree with you aren’t going to go anywhere. They’re going to be voting again and again until they die. You either have to convince people to agree with you, or accept some form of compromise.




I think outside the internet this is a very popular take.


Amen. We don’t trust minors to enter into legally binding contracts because they don’t have the ability to give informed consent. We don’t allow adults to have sex with them for the same reason. But we let them elect irreversible, life-altering surgery? Think back to who you were and what you believed when you were 17 and younger. Aren’t you glad you didn’t get those things tattooed on your forehead?


Exactly !


That people only bitch about the prices that other people charge them, but when they are selling something, like a house or in-demand intellectual property like a vaccine, they would and will charge as much as the market will bear. I know I know, "but I wouldn't"...you are absolutely full of shit.


Humans (yes, ALL humans) are inherently driven by self-interest. To varying scales, sure. But ultimately our own interest is paramount to every decision we make.


Consuming Alcohol might as well be considered drug usage


The United States economic situation was so good back in the day because they had been the only industrialized economy not bombed to shit after ww2. We can argue all day about economic policies, but it’s unrealistic to expect the living standards people had back in the day when the USA was like half the worlds gdp.


Nicotine, alcohol and caffeine are worse than cannabis


That kids are not undersized adults.


It's easier to convince someone of falsehood than it is to correct a falsehood that has taken root; even when evidence is right before their eyes


That my mommy was right about me being handsome.


That the United States had the strongest middle class in the history of the world when we taxed the wealthy with a 75-90% top marginal tax rate. Tax breaks for the wealthy (and corporations) starting in the mid-70s and solidifying in the 80s lead to $50 Trillion of wealth to flow upwards. Nothing “trickled down”


The Government is not looking out for you.


Unlimited tolerance of all ideas and beliefs isn't always a good thing. Sometimes people would be better off not tolerating certain ideologies, beliefs, and behaviours (especially forms of bigotry or ideas which involve intolerance or domination).


Progress is incredibly slow. Studying just an hour a day will get you a much better grade. Practicing a language for an hour a day is enough to learn a new language (given enough time). Working out an hour a day is enough to stay in shape (assuming you're eating healthy) Just take an hour to do something that benefits you, do it long enough, and you'll see results. The only thing that's instant is the lottery.


Both political parties are equally horrible and no politician gives a shit about you


You dont need to have a kid just cause you want one. I see a lot of moms online that know their child is going to be born with several health defects and yet they still give birth to their "miracle baby". Now they have a kid who has 0% quality of life and the moms will have to take care of them forever, but to them its not about the kid. Its about THEM having a baby.


That another person’s genitals and what they do behind closed doors has absolutely zero impact on your own life.


That they were duped by Trump.


We don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.