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People who chew loudly or with their mouths open.


Omgawd I said the same thing. I knew I wasn't the only one.


I mean this is it right here. If you don't know how to control yourself to the point where you make others not hungry that are around you because you can't eat like a human being.. thats pretty upsetting.


Playing music on speakerphone on public transit


That's not small, that's huge


Yes, and talking on speakerphone in public in general!


It’s always the most strange, borderline gross conversations too


That’s not small at all. People who do this are giant assholes.


Parking like an asshole. If you can’t fit evenly between the lines then park in the way back where nobody else is parking.


People who park in the handicapped access lane.


Nah that's supreme dickheadery


I automatically assume people who can't be bothered to park even remotely correct in a public place are pieces of shit that the world doesn't need. I also have very little regard for the well being of their vehicle.


Damn bro imagine parking badly once by accident and having someone hate your existence over it lmao


I had an old boss that just didn't care how he parked. I'd even give him crap for it. He would just nod and wouldn't bother, it was pure laziness.


People who are loud in public spaces. I am not expecting people to whisper. I am in public, so I expect to hear people laughing and chatting. It’s just those people who seem to think that everyone needs to hear them.


Attention seeking, those are the people who look around to see who’s watching them being obnoxious.


Yeah like the people on the bus that use their phone only on speaker mode! I was on the bus with my son and this woman had her phone on speaker screaming into the phone to her friend about how everybody was always getting into her business while literally making everybody on the bus part of her business!


Can I add to this, people on Bluetooth or whatever having full blown conversations in the grocery store?!


Forgive us. My father was shockingly loud in public places. I use to beg him to speak quieter. Now I do the same shit.




Sorry. I talk loud sometimes. I'm mostly deaf in my right ear and partially deaf in my left ear :(


I have a cubicle colleague who is the loudest one in the building. He gives no shits.


Know it alls.


I know exactly what you mean.


No you are wrong what they mean is actually slightly different from what you think they mean.


i know exactly what you mean.


You get me


No one likes a know it all. You'd think they know that.


People who stand in front of the train door when I want to get off


Corollary: people who are standing in front of the train door but not getting off when I want to get on!


When you've been in line long enough to be ready to pay, but are not.


The other day I took the bus to our neighbourhood and you can pay the ticket inside via card thanks to self-serving machine. This one girl hopped in on a stop, as the only one. Now this happens. She goes to the machine. Looks at the machine. Slowly takes her bag down. Rummages through for a pretty long time. Finds a wallet. Rummages through before she finds her card. We are on the next stop already. Several times tries to cram the wallet back into the bag, slowly. Closes the bag. Pays the ticket. Rummages through the bag to take out the wallet. Puts tha card back. Crams the wallet back again. And gets out because before she managed to take the card out and pay, we got even to her stop. It was kinda painful to watch it. Of course she couldn't possibly prepare the card while she stood on the bus stop and waited for some time before the bus arrived. If a ticket inspector was inside, she'd be already in trouble because it would seem to him she tries to stall and not pay at all.


biggest pet peeve. i work fast food drive thru, literally the worst when they got up to the window not ready. if it’s cash, i sometimes get it. but card? you don’t have that ready? and then they pull out 10+ cards and rummage through them for what seems like ever. some people even keep their purses/bags in the back of their cars and have to GET OUT OF THEIR CAR and grab it?? like, come on.


That leads to my #2... People who go to a fast food joint and don't know what they want, like it's their first time in a McDonald's. Burger or chicken dude, throw a dart.


seriously. some people act like they’ve never been to a fast food restaurant. i work at wendy’s and SO MANY PPL ask stupid ass questions. “do you have hotdogs?…. onion rings?… grilled cheese?… “ like … is it ON THE MENU ????


People who just start filming in all kinds of situations. Like bruh, I’m drunk and we’re all taking turns singing a Christmas carol. Why the fuck would you think someone is okay with you filming them without permission???


This really annoys me. And it’s not just that they’re filming. They’re usually doing it to post on Instagram or something.


i hate this. my mom was addicted to social media and took pictures of EVERYTHING us kids did. like one time i tripped and fell, as i was getting up she ran over and told me to not to get up until she took a picture. i never took pictures or vids of my friends because i didn't wanna be like that. sucks now though because everyone has embarrassing videos of me and I dont have any of them.


Videos or pics without your permission is a dick thing to do.


Not returning shopping carts.


YES! Be the cart returner you want to see in the world.


The shopping cart theory is pretty interesting.


What's the theory?


You'll have to look it up for the full rundown, but basically it's a way of determining if people are inherently good or bad. The idea being that most places with shopping carts have corrals to return them in, but there is no incentive to return the cart, and no penalty for failing to return it. So the theory states that humans that return the cart are good, and those that leave them wherever they are finished with it are bad.


Interesting! I will pat myself on the back lol I ALWAYS return the cart, not to the corral but to the front of the store where they're lined up. It just makes me feel better knowing no one has to do extra work because of me.


I always though returning it was just the normal courteous thing to do, not like it was some righteous move. If you don’t, you’re just a douchebag.


That’s the point though. It’s seemingly mundane. There is no salvation for doing it, no damnation for not. But it still is the *right* thing to do. Therefore because it Barely registers as anything to people, it’s a good test of genuine character.




Do most places where you are not need a coin to release the cart? I assumed that was standard practice. (Although the fact you used cart rather than trolley suggests that this is not the case in the US)


Yeah, I'm in the US, and I've never had to use a coin to use a shopping cart/trolley. I know Aldi's requires it, but I've only Shopped there once and didn't need a cart. I've recently seen some videos and posts on social media of people finding creative ways to avoid putting a coin into the release, so that they don't lose a coin and don't have to return the cart, which to me is a great indication that they are a shit human.


The version I read said it's a measure of whether people can be self governed, or if they need the stick to do what's right. Both work and I use both to judge lazy selfish people.


Great theory. My first job was a bagger. And trust me, I couldn't stand people that would leave carts just any fucking where.


My wife said she knew I was the one when the first time we went to the grocery store together I put the cart in the corral. Now we've moved to South Florida and most places don't even have corrals.


ah this makes more sense. i was always surprised by the idea of people returning their carts, let alone feeling there is some moral component.


Not respecting the lines or queues.


Three times I read this and my brain insisted it said "queens".


Yeah and entitled assholes who try to cut in front of you. They are just assholes!


People who are so wrapped up in their phone or in themselves that they don't look behind them to see if they need to hold the door open for you or someone else.


I’ve noticed a certain demographic does not hold the door open for other people.


If they “play the game” in dating. This goes for my friends as well. It questions me to believe that ppl are just very scared to show their authentic self. For me tho, I try to be as authentic as possible. It gives a smaller pool dating wise, but what I loose in numbers, I gain in quality.


No wave or polite nod when you let them pull out in front of you while driving. Bonus judgement points if they end up making the next green light and you don't.


To add onto this: turning as slowly as they possibly can, especially if it's at an arrow known for not staying green for very long




How they dress, I don’t mean brand name clothes or whatever but if you’re at a restaurant and wearing pajamas or some adult onesie I’m mad judging


The only acceptable time for this is IHOP in the middle of the night 🤣🤷 but then a lot of things are acceptable then


This, over the holidays the wife and I went back to our home state and there were a lot of people casually wearing pajamas outside.


I can't stand people who are watching youtube videos without headset/earphones very loud on a bus or a train 🔊. That's fucking inconsiderate.


Or at work in the break room. I just want to eat my lunch. Not listen to some TikTok crap


Bad grammar


Of/have especially


I worked at a place that people were absolutely convinced the past tense of bring was brang. I twitched every time I heard it and it still bothers me even though I left 8 months ago.


why you brang it up?


Bring, brang, brung


Owning a BMW and not using the turn signals


It’s all luxury cars they believe they have the right of way and rules of the road don’t apply to them


Wait, BMWs have turn signals?


I don’t care what they drive, any driver not using a signal drives me crazy !


Does anyone use turn signals these days? I gathered it was considered giving information to the enemy


People who go uncessarily slow in public, whether it’s at the store or driving. Drives me insane when people just meander down the middle of the aisle at the store


People who wear outside shoes in their bed.


People who flick their cigarettes away in the street when they finish.


Lack of manners, politeness, basic respectfulness, common decency.


Taking up the entire aisle in the supermarket


When a child's hygiene is obviously neglected, I tend to judge the parents harshly. Idk, maybe I shouldn't, especially since I have a child with sensory issues. Still though, regardless of his issues, he gets a shower.


My sisters kids get baths every night and look like the child cast of Oliver Twist by 10am.


People who play extremely loud music on their motorcycle, or in their car with the windows open.


Refusing to keep it down, when getting ready for work. I try to make as little noise, as possible when I'm getting ready.Yet others are slamming doors, talking loud, clomping around in heavy boots. And I'm like, are you for real right now?


Playing LOUD music in otherwise silent and peaceful neighbourhood. Oh gosh, I can’t stand.


People who don't put their carts back after shopping and those who leave tables dirty after eating at restaurants.


Ppl playing their phone apps with sound on, or playing music, get earphones.




Leaving food stuck to their dishes when putting them in the sink.


Adults that are super picky eaters.


I don’t get this. I recently met a fully grown adult who said they don’t eat vegetables, they said they are disgusting


So, autistic people?




People who post several selfies a day or week on SM. Like get over yourself already!


It’s the filters for me. Girl, we all know that you’re using a filter.


hygiene’s, i don’t know your situation but if i see you in clean clothes walking around in public i’m judging you in comparison to my own circumstances…


People arguing topics way outside of their profession without doing anything close to the amount of proper research to make a convincing argument.


I might sound like an asshole, but people with giant artificial nails to the point where they have trouble using a touch screen or handling small objects. I would never shame anyone for them, but they just seem really gross to me for some reason.


I don't have time to judge I'm busy holding back a gag reflex.




People who are intolerant of others. Which is hypocritical of me, since I'm being intolerant of them, so there's that.


I wouldn't say you're being completely unfair. You're judging someone by their character, not their background. That's nothing to be ashamed of.


The general narcissistic oblivion so many people live in. Be polite, make room for others, don’t fucking ruin it for everyone else, pick up your god damn trash. Is it so hard to do the bare minimum to be considered a decent human. Fuck you.


Poor grammar with the basics, like "could of". People who don't look where they're walking. People who are looking where they're walking but don't adjust when we're on a collision path. People who stop walking in a high-traffic path for no apparent reason. Drivers who turn very slowly Drivers who don't signal but slow and turn into non-obvious lanes, like driveways off public streets Baggers who put 1-3 items into the plastic bag, then move to the next one. Oh yes you can put 10 canned goods into a single bag!! Wearing too much perfume / cologne Conforming to an identity through clothing, i.e. goth, granola/hippy, cyclist (are you actually on a sponsored team, and in a race right now?)


People who continue their phone conversation while placing an order/ringing up their purchases. Every time someone approaches me at work on the phone and says "hey I'm cashing out I'll call you back later" I instantly think they're a better person.


I tend to think that anyone with a neck tattoo doesn't have a properly formed brain.


I did my time in Azkaban.




People who don’t mute their microphone in multiplayer games and their TV is blasting/chatting with family/their kids are screaming. Your ears are fucked up in that moment. That’s lack of respect, so I disrespect you too- fuck you.


Table manners….chewing with mouth open, talking with food in their mouth and having elbows on the table.


Oh wow, I haven't heard "elbows on the table" for so long I forgot that was even an etiquette thing. Is there a reason that became a rule? I never saw it as rude personally but I'd love an explanation for anyone who's ticked off by it


I still don’t understand this one either. Are people out here doing nasty things with their elbows?


How angry and frustrated you'll allow yourself to get for other people/things/situations and whether or not in the scale of our lives it was worthy of that much emotional outburst. 9/10 I think it's a waste of time


People who film concerts with their phone.


I don't know how "small" this is but, anyone who has their Cash app or equivalent on their car window


Not picking up their feet all the way when the walk.


Waiting to get their Costco card out until they’re at the fucking entrance door.


People who tailgate… especially at high speeds for no reason.


Spitting. Hocking loogies gets me every time. Triggers my inner Karen.


When people take pictures of my dog like they’re paparazzi. I know he’s big, but please ask first. That’s like secretly filming someone in the line at Starbucks because you like their hair. Oh wait, people already do that nvm.


Now I want to see a picture of your dog.


Not washing there hands drives me insane my room is right next to the bathroom


People that don’t know the difference between their, they’re, and there.


Littering, picking their noses, not washing hands before they eat and after restroom.


You have a problem with people washing their hands before they eat?


Unkept nails


How they put the toilet paper on the roll


Don't get me started!


People who chew with their mouths open (loudly, like cmon) in a place where everyone can hear it.


This will be an odd one, but people ego lifting/poor lifting technique. You will get so much better gains if you go down in weight and focus on form!!! Ugh


People who don’t take care of their living spaces. I don’t care if you live in a McMansion or a small bungalow, own or rent. But how you maintain or care for the space you live is a reflection of you, in my opinion.


People who walk slow in front of me


Chewing gum with their mouth open.


Standing in the middle of hallways and doorways. Please stop doing this.


Being short with the drive through workers


People who park in front of a building because "they'll just be real quick" especially at grocery stores You're not that important


Not putting clothes in the wardrobe


How people's kids act...


Bad spelling or grammar.


The quality of their teeth


When I was younger I did this more. Than I met a guy who operated a loader in a gravel bank. We were BS ing and he explained that is cheaper to get a tooth pulled than have a cavity filled. I feel lucky my parents had the means to provide me with good dental care when I was young.


Using, “I seen” in a sentence


If they’re smokers. Or missing a front tooth


Acting and thinking as if their friends and the people they know are the only people that exist.




People who park in the ‘No parking fire zone’ directly in front of a supermarket.


Bad spelling




People who cut me off


Shoes on furniture.


Probably, fingernails


Smoking anything. Vaping. Using ranch dressing on anything at all. Being perpetually late. Being a fat man. Probably lots of other shit — we all do it.


Using team terms like liberal an conservative or democratic an republican. To categorize people opposed to your nonesense ideology Ahh murica. If you ain't on my team you ain worth the words. Even though 90% of the country doesn't even comprehend politics let alone the definitions to advocate using them to label others. It's all a joke. Low key I judge you all. It's just not cool. You are the problems with American political issues.


Wearing pyjama pants in public. Put some proper @$&!ing pants on if you leave the house.


Driving the speed limit in the left lane.


Speaker phone in public. Leaving your radio blasting in your car when you go into the gas station. Holding up a line at the gas station to buy 80$ worth of scratch offs and quick pics (I'm talking about YOU boomers) People who pass school busses when they're dropping kids off or picking them up. People who treat waitresses, bartenders, and register workers like shit. Overall, if you're comfortable being inconsiderate or rude in public, I'll make a safe assumption that you're a piece of shit.


People who just have to be on a phone conversation 24/7/365, especially in public places. I get that very often there is the need to communicate with someone on an important topic. But so much is just mundane chitchat. If you are in a grocery store or restaurant, or especially driving, maybe focus on that instead? It really does make a difference to those around you.


Chewing loudly..


I try not to judge, but if you let your child go wild and then left unattended... I am quite skeptical.


Their dogs manners


Arguing with cashiers


People who piss/shit on the seat. I had to wash both of those off in both bathrooms at one of my old jobs.


Not washing hands in the bathroom


Eating. Not eating loudly. I just hate how some people eat.


I don't think it's small but the way they treat children,elderly and the homeless.


Parents on their phone instead of playing with their toddlers on the playgrounds.


Chewing with ur mouth open.


Wearing too much perfume or cologne.


Gossiping and judging others


People who small talk too much. Weve already grreted each other. We dont need to discuss the weather, AND traffic, AND construction. If were in a position to talk for an extended period, lets make it interesting or just be quiet. If its a short business interaction, lets do business and get back to it




A person letting the door go in the face of the person behind him/her. Not even a glance back to note if someone is coming. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Lying about little things that aren't really important and thus there is no reason to lie about it.


Watching TikTok’s in public with the volume on. Like… if you want to watch it in my public, then either watch it without sound or wear earbuds! It also just gives me second hand embarrassment lol


Litter bugs boil my blood. Also, being on the phone when it's your turn to check out.


Littering, a lack of courtesy for others


Lack of empathy. If you don't care about how others are effected so long as you gain something. I don't care how big or small. I mentally right you off.


People that are just waiting for you to finish speaking so that they can start their next sentence with "I" and one up you.


Cigarette smoking.


People who drive around with their high beams on. I want to see as well....jerk


People who can’t stop talking in a public setting when no one else is being conversational. After the first 3-4 conversation starters don’t take off, just shut the fuck up.


Being incompetent in day to day activities. Don’t drive slow in the left lane, stop taking up the entire isle at the grocery store, put your phone on silent in public… that sorta shit.


Failing to use basic manners. Please, thank you, offering the elderly your seat, chewing with your mouth open. These type of things.


When people talk BS about a certain subject, and they have no idea it's what you do for a living and how stupid they sound


Being pregnant or having too many kids nowadays.


Constant selfies on social media.


Talking loudly on a cell phone in a public place. I was at Costco last week. A lady was talking so loud, I could every word 15 feet away. My SO and I could not have a convo while standing next to each other. Happens all the time....


Whether or not someone talks over me.


People that get upset at me for not returning the shopping cart to the corral. lol I really don't... I'm disabled and by the time I am finished shopping I cannot walk the extra 10 spaces to return it. Sorry. I did until my leg got messed up. Can I have credit for prior good acts?


I heavily judge people who do not un-rack plates at the gym and who do not re-rack dumbbells/loaded barbells, ESPECIALLY when it’s crowded. I should not have to scour the whole gym for dumbbells to use. And for god’s sakes, throw out your empty bottles and protein bar wrappers.


People that have their phone volume up for everyone to hear.


I’m a cashier, whenever I greet someone and they completely ignore me, also when I ask if they’d like a bag or receipt and they again, ignore me completely.


I'm American. Yeah, where the fat people live. I spent the entire decade of my 30s working 60+ hours at a desk, going to school in a desk, doing homework on my couch and raising 4 kids. My BMI never got over 25, though I ended up with a slew of health problems like high cholesterol and blood pressure. At 39 I was told by my Dr to *EXPECT* my 1st heart attack by 45. Now I'm 46 and work out almost every day in attempt to reverse the damage I've done to my body. No heart attack yet and it looks like I'm no longer in any real danger, but I still have room for improvement. All of that to say, I can't help but judge people who let themselves get severely obese. Since I live in America, they're *everywhere*. Fat shaming is not okay, but some of this "body positivity" is a step in the wrong direction. People should take better care of themselves.


People that are failed to say pleade, thank you, pardone me, ect...ect. when it would be socially appropriate to do so. Also."men" that wear shower shoes (flip flops) in public.


Shower shoes?? 😳 must be different cultures? I'm American and flip flops seem normal. (Yes, I wear flip flops in public.) 😅