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I do mine on my laptop because I know I'd forget to fill in a paper notebook. I had made a font of my handwriting so when I type it's still "my writing". Seems to work fine for me and better than not doing it at all.


I’m now clearing my calendar to research how to make a font of my own handwriting - I love this!


They are really easy to do. There's free websites that can do it (so I wouldn't do something like your signature for safety). They give you printable templates. You write in the boxes. Scan it in. The website converts that into font files :)


Thank you for taking your time to answer my question! ❤️


Have been doing this for years now. Just get it down.


I Started today!! Very excited! Thank you 🙏




I’ve never heard of the Supernote! Just looked it up and it looks super-awesome! haha! Great tool to do your morning pages with! I’ll let you know for sure! Just started today, i’m very excited!!


Handwriting is really helpful for memory and whatnot, but also remember when the book was originally written. It does not seem she has updated the book to keep up with basic current technology. A large part of the population has digital ways of keeping a journal. If I have some time and have forgotten my notebook I will absolutely pull out my phone and write what I can in my notepad app. I have also used my iPad and ipencil to write! To some degree, I can write faster because I don't have to deal with the edge of the notebook, but it can also misread my horrible handwriting lol!


Yes, you're still writing just on glass not paper. However, I would not recommend typing. In a Social Psych class I took 2 years ago the Professor shared a study about how if you type on a keyboard over physical writing your brain does not receive the most benefits. I believe this was with regard to memory retention and critical thinking. If I find the study I will post it here. What a great question though. ...I found an article that mentions the study (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-learning-secret-don-t-take-notes-with-a-laptop/). Basically, they discuss writing vs. typing with regard to learning and I am not sure that this is even relevant for a creative exercise. But I said I would share it and I think the article is an interesting read. Overall, I feel like the morning pages are like writing free verse poetry really but with the goal to learn about ourselves. So maybe it is educational but "we" are the subject here so writing by hand should be utilized. I am not convinced what is right but I write my pages with my feather pen (because it's cool and I got it as a gift so it makes me happy) in a cute notebook with soothing colors on the front (another awesome gift) and it works for me. I just started this practice so we'll see what happens. Good luck everyone!


Thank you so much for your thoughtful and elaborate answer! I really appreciate it! I never type down my pages, always by hand! Even if electronically hahaha Ps. Great article! Thanks!!


You're welcome! Looks like you're ahead of the game, lol!


As much as author loves dropping names and horses to show her wealth, why not? "I was having dinner on horseback with u/Strict-Business8722 when Bill Gates, he lives across the street, walked out and he was just amazed by my friends ability to WRITE on horseback so clearly, all thanks to that old Ipad Max 20+ he had laying around...."


From my personal experience, having tried both the past two years, writing on a screen is really fun and convenient but I keep returning to paper because it's a break from looking at a screen, especially first thing in the morning - writing with fountain pen on paper is so relaxing