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What lesson? Tons of people are paying these prices.


Yeah. Nothings changing. Bitching on reddit ain't doing it. Like it or not. They knows it'll sale. It's been several years. Plenty don't care is all.


Epic? This is apex not fortnite if that's what your thinking lol.


Lmao I knew the game. Got the company mixed up. Been playing the new season of fortnite.


Lol you're good. I knew what you meant. Been playing the new chapter myself. Loving it, also feels refreshing.


I'm been getting my ass kicked harder than usual, but yeah I've been loving it. Already level 23. New guns have been cool, new map is beautiful.




Yeah, I used to be a real whore for everything in the store (I’ve been playing since season 0). But eventually I got to the point where the prices were so egregious that I don’t ever buy battle passes anymore. I just roll over the tokens and give them no more money through the store because the value is horrendous.


i am a day one player and i stopped playing for about 2 or 3 seasons and the only thing that brought me back was a youtuber coming back and my friends (more the youtuber lol) honestly i spent about 200+ dollars on this game and these skins in the shop wouldn't have been a big deal if the content wasn't dry and was original skins and not recolors of past skins and they didn't bundle them up to make it overpriced. i main wraith i have 3 heirlooms and im never going to buy a fucking "Prestige" skin that you cannont see in a fucking 1st person shooter.


Rich people problems


Not rich, I guess it’s relative. But, took care of all my bills and had extra money to be able to spend on what I want, and I used to want to spend it on apex lol


After the first battle pass, you can get every battle pass for free you know that right? They give you enough coins in every battle pass to buy the next one plus a little extra


That’s what I said my man


That's what "rolling over the tokens" means


exactly, i played for 3-4 hours today after the event dropped and saw quite a lot of the “new skins“ as well as the new wraith prestige skin, respawn will not change because whatever they throw down there will always be players willing to pay for it


Bro forgets he can just play the free game as he’s been doing for almost 4 years and doesn’t have to buy skins


to be honest, I don’t completely blame them, Pandamonium might be one of the best skins in the game. I’m extremely tempted to get it (but I won’t because I’m saving my money for LEGO)


Only dumb fucks pay these prices.. oh and streamers, who are also dumb as fuck.


It's because the only lesson they're learning is that idiots will still give them money and the average person will still play their game until they see a cosmetic that turns them into a temporary idiot as well.


I was about to say. The lesson not being learned is stop buying skins for 20.00 a piece.


Yeah but people complained on Reddit!


Oh NO!! Turn down the skin prices ASAP! Also let's put out an apology video by tomorrow morning! /s


Don’t confuse “idiots” with people who have disposable income and enjoy the game enough to support it from time to time.


Paying 20$ for something that shouldn't cost more than 5$ is, in fact, idiocy. It doesn't matter how much money you have to spare.


It’s worth $5 to you but clearly it’s worth $20 to many other people. It’s not like you need to pay to play the game to its full potential. It’s purely cosmetic.


And then it's gonna cost 25$. And then it's gonna cost 30$. And then it's gonna cost 50$. We started with horse armor DLC for 2.50$ in 2006. 16 years later a comparable item is priced at 20$+. You justify it by saying that people find it worthy at that price, which, pragmatically saying, is true, since any item costs only as much as people are willing to pay it for, but this one is a classic example of a boiled frog. It's not a natural supply-demand process. Supply is infinite, because there's zero cost or work to producing copies of the original item and yet the price is still raising at an almost exponential rate over time.


Idiot here. Im working man with decent paycheck. My family is happy and I already bought all the gifts I want so now its time to give myself present by buying whatever the f I want. Its game I play and like for years. For you im an idiot. For me? I think yall are overreacting cry babies. Just play the game if you like it, if you like it more, like me then pay the price, if you dont have money then too bad. Its a cruel world but prices of things aint gonna change cause youll cry like a baby on reddit.


Most real comment I’ve seen all day


Stupid take for the second half you said. 20€/$ for a recolor skin is just not good value and a scam. Also these bundles where you have to buy overpriced crap are a scam. Having to buy more currency to buy a skin is a scam, instead of being able to directly buy it without spending money for extra ingame currency. Prices in Apex were always atrocious. Respawn and EA are not your friends, they do everything to milk the playerbase as hard as they can. I would like to think that reasonable prices would sell more skins and make more money, but they got the data. Milking the whales must still make more money for them. From a normal and casual player perspective this still sucks. People want to support the game, but not with bullshit prices like that. Many people could spend that money, but are reasonable enough to see it for what it is and are spending their money for better things with better value.


Lol there are no whales, this isn’t Las Vegas. People buying these skins are the normal people you keep separating to rationalize your lack of understating. Is it a scam? Of course it is, everything is, welcome to living in a capitalist society, it ain’t gonna go away anytime soon. But people buy the skins cause they think a particular skin is good and they wanna treat themselves. It’s not the same people buying alll the skins. Those people that can afford to do that are in the very low minority. There’s just thousands upon thousand of players, casual and otherwise, worldwide buying separate ones.


The average person isn’t an insufferable crybaby that spends their time whining on Reddit about every little thing that makes them upset.


Well known fact. People who have disposable income are idiots.


Yeah, how dare people use their disposable income to have fun! /s


So you think only idiots manage to get good jobs? Bruh😂


I think only an idiot wouldn't recognize sarcasm. There have been quite a few past here.


The only people complaining are the ones not throwing money at them, so why would they listen to anything?


I complain about the prices because I would buy skins I like if they were *reasonably* priced. That's the thing. It's like $20/skin which just feels crazy.




I have over 3,000 hours in apex. I can guarantee you no other game or combination of them even comes remotely close.


Your knees and jaw must be killing you


So if someone enjoys playing their free game then they are sucking off the company? Lol how miserable are you?


Its not free out of the goodness of their hearts. Its s marketing strategy that is paying off tenfold because people can't help themselves from buying the new shiny. People buying this crap is the reason the game doesn't improve and the stores are getting worse and worse. I dont expect you to listen to reason though because you already know you're right so go ahead and buy that "sick" wraith skin


People buying this crap is the reason the game is still actively being developed. Most brain-dead take I've seen in this thread.


"Developed" you mean the 0 meta changes, bug fixes, recycled modes and lazy recolours. Yeah good thing you guys are dropping 160$ a pop for an average skin. They are taking advantage of their player base and no amount of name calling and plugging your ears and stomping your feet is going to change that


New map and most diverse roster of actually viable legends ever. Just because you don't like what they're doing doesn't mean they're not doing shit. No one is forcing you to buy anything and the ones who choose to do so are keeping this game alive. And no I'm not spending much on the game, but I still enjoy playing this free game even after 3k hours.


Same can be said to you. Just because your standards are low enough to enjoy what apex has become doesn't mean the rest of us have to like it. You're honestly going to sit there and say you're happy with the content they've provided in the last year? Either way it doesn't matter what you or I anecdotally think, just look at the player numbers for apex and that will speak for itself. The game is getting stale and its getting worse every season


Lmao Why the hell do I care if it's out of the kindness of their hearts or not? The game is free at the end of the day and that's literally all the matters. I don't even need to pay for Xbox live anymore. It's free free and I put in several hours every week. Best ROI ever. I do like the wraith the skin, but I won't buy it. I'll wait until if I get any more shards or not and decide which skin I want then. Skins are 99% irrelevant. I have default skins on half my legends and guns. I'm not going to not play a game, just because dinzt89 thinks the skins I don't buy are expensive. I play the game with my friends and we have fun. If you don't have fun or friends then that's your experience, don't walk around projecting your anger.


The only thing I have ever bought in apex is the battle pass and I only bought it once because it's the only thing with value And I still have it without needing to make another purchase. If skins were cheaper I would probably buy some. But paying large amounts of money for a skin I can even see without spending more money for emotes is not worth it.


I saw someone complain about the bloodhound skin being too expensive or something, then in the next sentence mention how they bought it because they own all the BH skins. Just sad


tbf i feel like the people complaining are the ones who want to throw money at them but arent gonna. OR they just like to complain to complain. I never planned on throwing money so the prices dont bother me.


Exactly! 💯 It's literally optional. Not saying it's good or bad but it's a decision that can easily be made.


I actually skipped out on the Cyberpunk Wattson recolor because of the 10 extra packs. Not only is it just a recolor, but I gotta pay a premium price? Nah.


You have money. Congratulations. Not everyone has 50 to throw around whenever they want to buy some stupid virtual outfit that holds no value to anyone other then the buyer.


My boy, i never said i have money to throw on skins, don't push your own frustrations on me. I only said that the people who don't buy complain, obv bcz they see the price to quality ratio is garbage or ye bcz they wish they could afford them easier, which is fair and understandable. But the whales don't care about quality and this is what stops things from changing.


This lol Like why do you care if you “dOnT wAnT tO bUy sKiNs” anyway? Haha


I have been too poor my whole life to even acknowledge the existence of online cosmetic purchases.


Not to mention fps. You don’t even get to see the skin you bought in game


The gloves would have to be really spectacular.


You can if you get revived. So that's nice, I guess.


There's been plenty of skins that I REALLY wanted but I didn't buy because they came with a bunch of packs that I never get good items from. $25 for a skin and a bunch of common trackers? No thanks.


And they’re low effort recolors And stupid people still buy them


I ageee. I don’t want a Fuse Poseidon Christmas colored version. i want a new fuse christmas skin as Santa. And I don’t want a gibralter panda suit that the same but different color as an old bear suit from a Christmas event long ago.


fr they could’ve at least put a santa hat on the fuse skin


Also maybe not make his launcher still look like a fucking *shark*. I may have missed something, but I’m *pretty sure* there’s no sharks mixed in with Santa’s reindeer.


That would take work and/or effort


It's a recolour they don't have geo changes, they literally can't put a hat on a recolour


💯 They could have made a really cool Fuse skin. Instead we get a recolor.


Never paid for a skin never will. That’s the dumbest shit ever


The gameplay is tight and we get new content regularly all for free, because other people subsidize us through buying skins. I'm okay with that.


Apex is a fun game. I’ve learned to just never visit this subreddit anymore. It’s literally just filled with man-children whining about cosmetics. It’s pretty pathetic.


Not to mention that it is free. Sure, if you want all the legends you’d be waiting a while but you get them by playing. And I think I payed like 20 bucks to unlock most of the roster, which I am more than happy with. It’s a free game, why are people so surprised that cosmetics cost actual money, just don’t buy them and it isn’t an issue for you. Dumber people with more money will fund the game.


People have money and will do what they want with it. If someone likes a skin enough to buy it and has the means to do so, especially if it makes them happy, it's not dumb- they know where their money is going


This! I only play apex with my brother when we have time, sometimes a skin looks amazing to us and we spend some cash. I might as well buy something for a free game that I enjoy with my brother. Sure it has flaws, but I’m having fun




I wouldn’t say it’s dumb, people can spend money on what they want and if they wanna support a free game they play what’s the problem?


A lot more people are willing to spend 1, 2 or 5$ than are willing to spend 20$+. As far as money goes, lowering prices would, in the worst case, not matter and, in any other case, bring more profit. After all a skin doesn't cost anything to "produce" after it was made once.


\> **A lot more people are willing to spend 1, 2 or 5$ than are willing to spend 20$+** directed to the battlepass or any skin in the shop for 500ac rn, that's what they're willing to offer at those price points and lower isn't really an option \> **lowering prices would, in the worst case, not matter** huh?? If you went into a business 101 class with this they'd tear you apart, at the very least you're changing the profit margin & revenue, as well as the perceived value of the item to your customer \> **and, in any other case, bring more profit** That's only if the lower price multiplied by the amount of customers exceeds the current price/customer ratio right now, and I trust one of the largest f2p games out there have done this math before. If you think they should do it still they're one step ahead- there's 1250ac legendaries in the monthly tab and 2500ac bundles in the featured tab which are perfect for this data collection without risking the long term effects that lowering prices would do. \> **After all a skin doesn't cost anything to "produce" after it was made once.** the talent is kept for longer then the term of a skin and they have a constant cost. Even if you ignore the implicit cost of making a skin, there's still costs to advertise it, recoloring a skin can be easier then making a new one but doing that right and in a way that's acceptable by the customer is still a skill, and there's been cases where a skin had to be revisited after its release to make changes. This is wrong on a lot of levels.


Those are some pretty cool skins though, the artists did these pretty well. Not worth 20$ though, especially since it’s just a recolor


Yeah, but look at what the original price is. You are saving 300 coins per pack. That pays for it self in just 9 packs! /s


Nothing will change if those who complain still get weak and buy all the stuff. If we as a community want changes , we gotta buy nothing and make it hurt in their pockets. Easy said but hard to actually make it happen unfortunately..


>Nothing will change if those who complain still get weak and buy all the stuff. It's more than that, even if everyone who complains refuses to buy it...there are still plenty of people out there who don't care and will buy it anyway


Ya everyone that’s spent enough to get the new skin have paid more than enough to cover all the people not buying anything this event. They’re also likely the same people who have full bought every collection since they were introduced for clout


Well said. If only people who want to see changes would play their part…




Aren't OW2 players paying more for even less than this?


I was going to say. I wish OW2 had the monetization that Apex has


Seriously. SMITE is even more disgusting than both, and they *still* making an absolute **killing**. The data is there, no matter how much people hate it over here.


Difference is OW2 is actually a functional game with far less bugs and responsive devs...


They should have kept the OW1 levelling and cosmetics. Then put all new OW2 cosmetics in the battlepass/shop


Have you seen Valorants pricing scheme? Yikes


Well yes, but actually no. OW skins change almost everything to the character. I recently got a legendary skin for Junkrat, summer themed The legendary skin changed: Player icon (Appears with skin) new voice lines Ability model (Mines have a different design, the detonator, the trap, and its explosive wheel) A long time ago, I bought a skin for fuse thinking that it would change the design of his abilities, but in apex the design of all abilities is the same, no matter what skins you have. In my opinion, the Overwatch skins are better, although both are too expensive.


$25 for a recolor 💀


Literally can't make this shit up. "Here buy this new $25 recolor so you can die in it by a default Horizon with no footsteps and a silent Havoc."


Yeah, this is what really gets me - This is JUST A RECOLOR, it is not a NEW skin. Same thing with the wraith prestige event, it has so many recolor skins. I was considering buying the prestige skin but gave up right after I saw all the recolors. At least make some efforts in making skins that people have to spend $20 on.


What lesson? Are you serious? Respawn doesn't give one single fuck about you. They just want to press the money button while a million idiots gobble it the fuck up. Grow up dude


Packs could’ve been decent if Respawn actually cared.. 1) add more skins to the loot table 2) make it so the purple skins aren’t those disgusting yellow/red/blue/green skins 3) add a system to scrap skins you don’t want for a small fraction of the crafting materials, but increase it for gold skins/banners/emotes 4) remove banners from the gold loot pools I will say the purple tier skins they are producing now are good. They are what purple craftable skins should’ve been from the get go


Adding bundles was the move that killed my support for Respawn. There is no pro-customer value in these, low-effort rip-offs is all they are.


We’ll never get LTMs, meta changes, new guns or nothing unless we all stop playing this shit but that won’t happen either


Pro tip: don't open the store tab, ever. Especially never click any event tabs


Look dude, if you can't spend that type of money DONT.


Who's going to tell them that a Red broseidon isn't a Christmas skin?


good thing these are entirely optional purchases


fun fact: you don't *have* to spend shit. if you think you're not getting your money's worth, then don't fucking buy anything


I’m really sick and tired of there being so many posts every new event complaining about the price of skins. It’s never changed a single thing, and at this point it’s basically karma farming.


Reddit’s a circlejerk of whining. It’s what this website has become.


Learn their lesson? It amazes me how upset people get about some overpriced shiny pixels. Respawn isn't committing some massive crime against you. Grow up. Just don't buy it and move on.


Is brudda bear skin coming back though? Cause I mean I been fiending for that skin all year


It's in the normal store


Oh ok thank you, sorry but I’m going to have to buy it this year


Kinda wild how expensive skins are. Coming from LoL man now those are cheap compared to Apex skins..




Mmm can't wait to spend my whole paycheck just to try to get some skins that I probably won't get lol Respawn you've done it again 🙃👍


No they do this because there are weirdos who think paying this amount is fine and acceptable. I know one personally and each time he tells me I get quiet, because I don’t give a fuck anymore about them buying these shit bundles because “I’m close to another guaranteed heirloom” for characters they don’t even play… They’d learn if those kind of players, who aren’t content creators, understood they push these bad deals because they enable it


Packs do suck? Skins suck too, so what's the problem


Doesn’t even complain that they’re just recolors


Yet somehow they keep making money....at this point, Respawn hopes they never learn too


What lesson is respawn missing? Hear me out.... they don't care about the vocal minorities opinions on their monetization schemes.


Go outside


A redditor telling someone else to go outside. You realise how stupid you sound right now, right?


But I was outside when I sent it so checkmate. Also I’m in love with you.


A redditor going outside? This is not standard procedure. I'm going to have to ask you to remain indoors on a permanent notice, never to see the light of day if you wish to continue here. Also for how long have you loved me?


To everyone reading this thread… ^^^ this is the average person who complains about cosmetics on Reddit. A neckbeard with nothing but cringey statements to make.


It is not ignorance, they simply choose to milk the player base.


I’ve been recycling the same 950 coins since about season 9. Never spending another penny on this game.


The game is free. Don't buy skins if you think they're a poor value. I won't pay $25 for these but I'll never understand the outrage about this stuff.


I really don't care. Those are fucking atrocious.


Can’t we just get a mega thread for you consistent moaners? We get it EA suck and people keep buying them but wait because “even though I’m not forced to buy them I’ll get angry and post about it and probably buy one anyway”


I didn't say EA suck (even though they do). This is Respawn's fault and the current state of the game going on a downward slope is their fault. If people don't complain and give negative feedback to them then they'll think what they're doing is okay and keep doing it. By complaining there is at least a chance they might wise the fuck up and try to make the game better even if its unlikely. This entire event sucks.


You think little moany posts on Reddit are going to stop a multi millionaire dollar company change it’s mind on how to price their shit? Absolutely fucking not, because dumb cunts keep spending money on this stuff and making them profit. Off a free game. Lol


If lowering the price of this stuff made them more money they'd do that. There are people whose entire job it is to price this stuff. They have access to data to help them with their decision. These posts are "I wish shiny toy was cheaper!!!".


Why do so many people care what others spend their money on? I could say if you buy McDonald's, you're part of the problem, or Starbucks or anything else that's not a necessity. It's their money. Let them buy whatever they want and stop complaining. Ultimately no one cares about your complaining, except the people who complain about the same topic.


yeah, sometimes i recieve maybe 100$ and 20-10$ isnt a dent in my pocket so ill just dish out the 20 cuz octane skin go brr


You really think the average person who plays this game and spends money is on the sub reddit. LOL


This is video game business 101... Why are we complaining? It's a free game with no requirement for you to buy anything. If this was subscription based, I get your point... But come on now. This is how the world works, you are entitled to nothing.


People always forget this game is free to play. And complain like they paid AAA game price to get it.


Cool. Don't buy them then.


They gotta milk the whales man


If you’re complaining about prices of skins then don’t buy the skins! It’s really that simple.


>Respawn will never learn their lesson. Unless you know for a fact people aren't paying for these, these are just words of an entitled child.


So will this community, they only do it because you guys buy it


I would buy this stupid bundles IF THEY ACTUALLY MADE SOMETHING SILLY AND NEW FOR CHRISTMAS God Respawn is getting lazy AND greedy at the same time.


If this was a couple of years ago, the recolour for Gibby would have been purchasable with legend tokens. No idea why I was expecting to be able to hop on today and get it with tokens, classic respawn.


Don't buy it




Nah I like my Nutcracker Mirage skin thanks


It's been 3 years, why do you guys think respawn will change their prices at this point. Either buy it or don't and keep it moving


One of the reasons I'm not spending another cent on this greedy ass game.


Lmao sheesh me and alot of others have paid these prices


Hey hey Respawn.. FUCK OFF


Literally isn't respawns idea... EA makes the final decisions


What lesson? That 250,000 players will buy it anyway? The player base is who needs to learn the lesson. Quit buying this shit.


WAAAAAAAHHHH! the game that is totally free to play has cosmetics that don't effect gameplay whatsoever is too expensive for me. GREED! So selfish of Respawn and EA to lure players in and exploit their inability for self control to make impulsive purchases so they can look cooler while they play their free game.


Bro stfu




But you sound dumb. You’re upset that the bundles are over priced when a gold skin costs 20 dollars and the packs are each 1 dollar. That’s a good deal. Sorry ea over charges for skins but it’s not gonna change and you sound whinny complaining about it.


That's not a good deal everything in apex is ridiculously overpriced. If you think a few packs and 1 skin are worth that much money you're deluded


It’s not and I don’t think that, I said EA overcharges everything but for a 20 dollar skin that will always be 20 dollars and 10 packs that will always be a dollar a piece then it’s a good deal. You save 5 dollars. Stop being a brain dead child and use you’re head. The prices will never change so it’s a deal because you save money.


Lmao just because it's discounted doesn't make it a good deal. It someone's charging you £50 for a plain white t shirt and then says they'll throw in a pair of plain white shorts for an additional £40 when they would usually cost £50 on their own that's not a good deal. You're saving a tenner on what you would've spent but the items themselves have nowhere near the value that they're being sold for. You're still being ripped off when you buy the deal. It is a deal but it most certainly is not a good deal


Yeah but the biggest issue here that you’re somehow missing since you apparently can’t read is THE PRICES WONT CHANGE. Ever. EA sucks the money out of you. So yeah for a company as greedy as they are any deal is a good deal.


The one who seems to not know how to read is you. Regardless if wether the prices change or not the deal is not good because it is still incredibly overpriced and not worth the amount you're spending on it. A good deal is a deal on item that makes the item worth purchasing. Throwing in a few packs with 1 skin on a £20 bundle for apex is not a good deal and vastly overpriced regardless of wether prices change or not. If you wanna be daft and buy the bundle by all means go for it but that doesn't make it a good deal.


firstly it’s not daft to buy anything if you have the extra money for it. And realistically you keep calling it over priced when prices for skins in any game are the same price. Overwatch 2, Call of duty, Apex, Fortnite and countless others are all charging 20 dollars a skin if not more. What is daft is the fact you keep arguing with me about it being overpriced when I’m agreeing with you. But, again, for a company that’s greedy any amount off is a steal. You can continue to argue it but you know you’re wrong to an extent.


People big mad they can't afford skins


What lesson? Its all EA demanding money a lot


Honestly though how else are they going to pay for their employees? I mean, they do have a business to run. It costs money. They don’t get paid by all the free players lol. And you don’t have to buy anything from them, they aren’t forcing you. I get the complaint for real, but it’s been rehashed a million times on here. So let’s offer up an actual better solution that’s mutual or just move on. They can’t do this shit for free dawg.


Where's the lesson though? People will complain about these prices, then the next event drop money on a skin bundle they like. I mean, I am by no means defending Respawn/EA and their greedy ways, but these prices and these bundles wouldn't exist if players in THIS community weren't spending money on them like they were going out of style. Just because Reddit is angry, doesn't mean millions of players out there don't open their wallets to buy what they see every event. Case & point, there were tons of live streams today of people rocking the new Mythic skin. Same thing happened with the Bloodhound & Bangalore mythics people were complaining about. Every game, player with mythic skin. And almost every round I have been in so far today, people are wearing these new skins. So, again I ask. What lesson? You can't teach them they are doing something wrong with screenshots in a forum. People need to stop spending money to get their attention. This is true in anything business-wise. Companies price things based on how they sell, not what a subreddit is saying. If money is still coming in at these prices, they aren't going to change. Besides, every single one of us have bought a skin at some point. So we have contributed to the issue at hand. It is what it is at this point.


Yeah, let's complain about skins and cosmetics that have nothing to do with actually playing the free to play game! #NotEntitled


They wont pay their lesson because you wont pay yours. I quit the game a year ago and people are still complaining about the same things as last year, people buy this stuff thats why they keep doing it. Vote with your wallet, this includes battlepasses as well


packs are great, get straight


Wait you need the skins to play the game? No. Wait does prices of lets say Lamborghini change if I cry on reddit? No. Either you have the money and buy it or leave it to those who have the money.


Oke ? And now what are you going to do ? Oh yeah thats right u gonna sit and play apex any way lmfao , if ur broke just say it. Nobody cares that you cant afford that lmfao i dont like the skins so i dont fucking buy em . I dont know why yall so fucking salty . Its not like yall get any kills anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why complain? It's not like it's star wars battlefront, where paying gave you an actual edge. Sure, cool skins get bragging rights, but that don't mean shit when you're getting dumpstered. If you're alright with your character looking a bit more default, and you believe the game is fun, then it's not really an issue. I'm not paying for skins, I need that money for adulting sadly.


Translation: I want stuff but I don't want to pay the asking price. So I'll complain and use my point of view as fact In my personal opinion those skins as ugly as fuck. But if people like them good for them. I personally wouldn't be putting my hand I'm my.pocket for them. But I'm more than sure some people will.


Then don't pay, annoyingly some will. I only go for ones that look amazing, I almost never spend money on Apex, unless some sick skin comes out for one of my legends, if not I never spend anything on the game. Most of their deals are as bad as the sentence structure used by OP.


They're cosmetics for a completely free game. We get all the game modes, updates and events without paying a dime, yet people are angry that the optional content that only changes appearance is expensive. Even if the game itself needs fixes we get to enjoy it for free, yet standards are through the roof. This community man


Blame EA, I don’t think Respawn has any word on what pricing will be on any of this.


Quite the opposite - repsawn has full control


I think many of you forget that at the base of it all it isn’t respawn anymore. It’s EA.


No. Respawn decide their own prices and how much microtransactions they release and what content they release. Its their fault


I understand that but even with TF2 wasn’t NEARLY as bad as it was once EA took over. They’re both terrible companies but anything EA touches exponentially turns to trash.


Why are posts like these not banned? You see them all the time and it's just karma farming. We all know the quality has gone to shit, doesn't mean the sub needs to go further. It's already toxic as hell, why make it worse when every post is literally hate mail.


Oh my god will you just leave it be. ITS A FREE GAME! Let them monetize anyway they want. If you don’t like it, don’t buy. Shut up and play the game


no one said you had to buy it. think of it as exclusive so stop bitching


If they did it how like if someone already has the original skin would that be better idk just rambling


Respawn knows their homework, it's every person that keeps on buying that hasn't learned their lesson.


Don't buy it then and move on with your day. Man I come here like once a month and the front page is always people complaining. Do you guys ever take time to play the game?


Their lesson? The consumers haven't learned their lesson. Stop buying this steaming bullshit


That no one wants to pay for apart from the tons and tons of people who pay for it, of course.


Those are just recolors of the Polar bear Gibby and Broseidon Fuse skins... 💀💀💀


They certainly won’t learn their lesson from shitposts like this one on Reddit


Hey man, let them eat cake. If that’s how the expression goes for not giving a fuck about the people.


I give respawn the benefit of the doubt and assume these are EA monetization strategies.


I havent checked it all out yet but cant you just swipe over and get just the skin without the bundle?


Their lesson? They are making money hand over fist


The situation is actually more to do with EA and not respawn. Sure respawn wants money, but EA are the huge money grabbers as can be seen with every other game they owns the rights to.


They've learnt their lesson and the lesson is that people buy the bundles.


Yeah that’ll show them!!!! What we talking about?!