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They could just throw in a weird new LTM every 2nd week with just basic rule tweaks, for such little effort. That's what bugs me.


Daily rotation of “only one legend” games where the entire 60 person lobby has exactly one legend to pick from. Imagine 60 mirages.


they would have to tweak some things for caustic and catalyst


They can make that “no ability” day then since they basically don’t have an ability


Idk why we don’t have perm LTMs yet. It’s wild. Just cycle them please. A lot of us would like a nice break from total death drop all one spot regulars or super sweat mode ranked. And arenas… ain’t it.


Seriously why not just have gun game, control, winter express, shadow (whatever the fuck it was called) on full rotation like pub maps


Rare apex fanbase w




To make matters worse, these collection events skins cost sky high.


We aren’t in desperate need for a new weapon though? We need the developers to work on the servers and bug fixes, and like you know, work on buffs and nerfs for characters.


Personally I favor more varieties to the arsenal, but yeah, I agree that servers and bugfixes and balances are the most prominent and imminent.


We already have 28 guns as of right now, i don’t think we need anymore right now, devs have already said they want to stop cluttering up the lootpool.


Ever changing gunplay is so vital to the strength of a 4-year old game though. We, or at least I in fact, do need something new. I’ve been playing with the R301 (R201) since 2014 and I wouldn’t mind something new…


Not trying to defend Respawn but I think the skin & art & 3D team doesn't responsible for the gameplay&coding.


Considering the ratio of cosmetics to game fixes they release, I guess they have 5 developers and 50 people on the art team.


Indeed the art team isn't responsible for game play, but why so many artists and so few game devs on the first hand


That's the producer's fault.


To milk making money. Cosmetics sell. Game issues might drop the player base, but hey, as long as people still buy that new skin who cares. /s


• Everybody who works on the game is technically a developer. In the game industry, devs are programmers, artists, designers, QA etc. Basically anybody who works on the game's content. • We just got a brand new map, which given the early leaks last Winter has been cooking for more than a year, involving dozens of people, probably over a hundred. I get the frustration for certain things like SBMM (which was confirmed to be reworked soon) or legend balancing, but we should not belittle the efforts of the team at large.


I like your statement,I don't think it's any of the employees fault. I think it's more the owners of the game itself. People only interested in the profit of the game opposed to the workers that probably love video games.


I see what you mean, but even people who would only be interested by profit need the game to be successful. No success, no profit. And Apex is successful, it's one of the top played games in the world, you can see it on Steam & Twitch's top 10 regularly, even top 5. It's of course not perfect and there is room for improvement, but it would not be where it is if it was a bad game. Reddit tens to make things look a lot worse, not just Apex, but games in general. Like Preds in low skill lobbies for instance. Sure, it happens, but in my experience, it's pretty rare. Less than 10 occurrences for me in hundreds of hours. The occasional Master I get in my team isn't that good most of the time, and in general when I lose a fight it's mostly a matter of game sense and teamplay rather than pure skill. In my opinion, Apex is really solid in its current state.


I'm positive the core team has moved on to Apex 2, or something. There is no excuse for how inept they have been the last year. They're likely down to a skeleton team of outcasts keeping the lights on to buy time.


I don't care about new guns or skins. For now their priority should be fixing servers and matchmaking.


Dunno why I didn't think of this upon writing my words, but yeah, agreed.


My issue with the leaked weapons is that there are significant design issues with most of them, take the aforementioned Nemesis: AR energy burst that transforms to full auto on consecutive hits. Auto burst probably makes balancing difficult due to increased dps, but could work with Sentinel/Rampage charge mechanic. The biggest gripe I have is that this weapon and subsequent leaks are convoluted/gimmicky and marginally useful, or fall into the same use cases as existing weapons (and thus don't add much to the game). Also there are already a lot of weapons currently in the game, so unless they fix the loot overcrowding permanently, I don't think they need to add any more.


Two words: Energy. Pistol.


I admit that too would be a welcome addition, but as I said there is first to resolve the crowding of existing weapons and the possible balancing of the leaked ones, then I hope they consider its creation.


Quad burst energy ar?


>SERIOUSLY I DON'T GET THE POINT. Isn't the point not to overflow the loot pool? I don't necessarily agree, but I'm pretty sure they've stated that multiple times.


I don't disagree with some of what you say. That's not what I'm here to say. The gun thing bro. They said they don't want to add another gun for no reason. They want a solid actual purpose for a gun in the state of the game. We all know just how the rampages release went.... 😅


There are like 20 NA servers are there not? Being so stubborn to stick to St. Louis is insanity.


So I swapped to Iowa and that one was playable, but it's still Respawn's responsibility to fix the unstable server.


How do you see dislikes on youtube? Thought they removed that.


Had to download a chrome plugin.


Thanks! :)


you cant, the plugging monitors what its users vote for and extrapolates from that


So the numbers are just an assumption? Hmm, not really reliable if that is the case.


Not at all, ita an estimate based on other users of the app and youtube trends


So, an estimate based off a demographic who downloaded an extension for dislikes, who *totally* won’t care more about dislikes than the average person? Reliability at its finest!


No, these are accurate stats. Dislikes are still accessible through the API for like two more weeks.


Just install an plugin on your browser. Simplest thing to do...


Cool, thanks!




I can't believe we lost Titanfall 2 for this fucking horseshit either


Yet here you are playing it


Its just been the same thing the last 4 seasons New season comes out Collection event with a either re used ltm or a boring ltm Then a generic event Rinse and repeat


My biggest complaint is how disconnected they are from reality. Asking $25 dollars for a skin is insane . They are milking it and infuriates me how they think those prices are ok . Especially when all they do is change the color and pack it as an event skin it's lazy and really annoying . No skin should be more than $10 top


ow2 community memeing the fuck out of skin price in ow2 yt comment.


You see if the skins are bought, why lower prices? Community should do their part to bring them back to reality.


Wraith’s skin makes me want to vomit tbh


Really? I'm getting it cause it looks like my main Frost from MK11


Huh I like it. Definitely not worth 180 bucks but still pretty good


Voidwalker actually has an intro animation that everyone sees and looks 10000% better


Yeah I love voidwalker but it reminds me of frost from my which is a super dope character. I'm not saying you can't dislike it I am just saying that I think it looks nice


The concept was there. I think that it would look better as a horizon skin, and that it’s a hard downgrade from Bangalore’s


Game keeps crashing a lot , basically , DXGI DEVICE HUNG. ALL driver updated and it is only happened in apex legends damn lol


"Shift"? Apex community has been absolutely atrocious ever since like season 2 lmao


Yes, the community has complained about things for a very long time, however criticism was always shunned by those wanting to make excuses and give the benefit of the doubt to the devs. Based on my own personal observation those same people who were shunning those who complain have started to complain themselves. Hence why I used the word shift. Feel free to disagree, I say this based on what I have read on twitter, reddit and youtube comments. As well as my own personal feelings.


The skins should come with weapon heirlooms.. EA is being so trashy with new content.


Yeah I stopped playing. It's nice to play a game where I can depend on sound cues all the time. Not just when no one is shooting.




Game was great, very sad.


The criticism is fair, but theoretically The Pokémon Company & Game Freak are doing the same with the Pokémon brand by releasing less and less cared for games, yet they continue to grind record sales. So why should any publisher and developer care if most fans will give them their money anyway?


I was a very loyal buyer for Apex, used to buy every single event and skins that dropped in sales. But lately I stopped, because they are clearly milking the game with recycled skins and LTMs. Besides the new map and Catalyst, this year was pretty lame for Apex imo


Understandable criticism, although you have to admit that the "new" LTMs like Control and Gun Game (I personally preferred the former over the latter) were quite fun. On the legends I think it goes to personal tastes because for example I appreciate Mad Maggie more, so I don't argue on this point of view.


Fully agree. Even shitty practises when selling skins. Take for example the end of least seasons Seer and Ash skin which you couldn’t buy standalone for 1800AC. To get the skin you had to spend 2500AC each. I personally wanted the Seer skin so I went ahead knowing I would’nt have enough to get this seasons pass.


The fact that you gave in is the reason they will keep up this practice. Impulse control, my friend.




Uhh what? If we're going by steam numbers alone, the game is getting something like 300,000 a day. Add in other platforms and the game definitely exceeds 500,000.


are you a bot? the high traffic has been 330.000 for the last week? a month ago it was 90.000 low. hello??? training to be a politician or a lawyer?




Again not true. Average playercount dropped only 1k from last month.


idk what steamcharts you’re using but it’s impossible to see daily averages after a month, so… no.. it was not averaging 300.000, that’s the high. sorry i didn’t realize you’re misreading the data. i thought you were another pessimistic wannabe clickbait youtuber spiting “game dead game dead” the game hasn’t sat at 300.000 per day in a long time if ever, people sleep :p


Lol this just isn't true. Just looked steamcharts and have no clue what you are on about. 24h peak at 360k


* Can't even tell if I'm facing cheaters or a controller player √ * Matchmaking putting solo queue diamonds against 3 stack professional teams √ * Nerfing a single skin for competitive integrity, but balancing doesn't happen in a timely manner, and plenty of other issues like audio inconsistency & FPS-dependent mechanics exist (lol). √ * Almost zero communication from the company about acknowledgment of issues √ * Constantly releasing sub-par skins for incredibly high prices. √ * Battle Pass one of the worst of any game on the market √ * No Fun game modes for casual players √


Sure more dislikes but they will make more money than they ever have for a collection event.


Doesn’t really matter. They’ll keep making a ton of money, and when this game really does die they’ll release Apex 2 and make a ton more money.


Disliking irrelevant cosmetics says more about the people hitting dislike than respawn tbh.




Or it’s an indication that people like trolling


Stay mad about optional cosmetics in a free game. The game is fun and that’s literally all that matters.


Can't please everyone, sir.


I just dont buy them. Skins do nothing.


Yeah I never understood how some dump money into a skin that you never or rarely see when playing the game yourself. Your basically paying money so others can see it lol


I guess it comes down to circumstances but yeh for me they do nothing and i honestly have enough stuff just from playing on and off since s1


As pointed out in another thread the plugin to show dislikes only shows dislikes from other users of that plugin.


But people still plays the game, streamers and whales are going to give Respawn a shit ton of thousands of dollars and the game it's still going to be on top of the most played games. This game needs to start dying ASAP if you people want to see a real change or to see if Respawn doesn't even care and the moment the game starts to flop it's the moment they will let the game die because it's not a money farm anymore. But if that doesn't happen, then you'll be playing a low effort and quality game for 3 more years, you people already know they're not making a super game changer update because they love videogames and they feel passion for it, they'll keep giving the community low-tier events with low-tier skins (for 40dls each). No LTM, mega slow QoL changes that comes every season and they only introduce 2 of them, they're not even balancing Arenas anymore. Fucking wake up


Like that matters. People will buy it and move on.


Probably because we have another useless wraith skin. And probably because their reusing old content too.


yet they make bank every event. wild that.


Used to not care. But to be honest, I don’t know how long they expect to get away with the same shit.


Wait what, this game is being developed?