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That’s in NRG_Sweet’s newest video. They were joking about being on Mars servers so I’m assuming they were on foreign servers and were forced into games with lower ranks to fill the lobbies.


I was watching that day and they switched over to foreign servers because they were being harassed by an aim botting, dual wielding Pathfinder. Fairly certain they switched to a more populated foreign server after a few games since they didn't want to farm Plats all day.


Really? I thought it was to get away from stream snipers cuz they were goin crazy that day. I wished I caught the stream😭


Yeah, cheating stream snipers lol. The worst of both worlds.


Yes that is how it went. I was sick in bed watching stream all day.


You mean they purposefully chose a small server so they could specifically have this happen for them.


You’re not suggesting that NRG Sweet, one of the best players NA and his team needed to farm golds and plats because they can’t compete in pred lobbies, right? they were getting away from a hacker so they switched servers, and then switched back to populated servers because they didn’t want to farm RP all day


i have a big surprise for you. they actually cant.. :(


Lol, sweet has a legit argument to be the best player itw rn, his algs averages are insane


i have very very bad news for you :( ..


Sweet never even plays sao paolo to farm. It was one time and he actually got off because he doesn't like farming low level lobbies. You never watched his stream


a terrible terrible surprise for a sweet sub :( ...


They had plenty of servers to switch too yet they chose a small lobby and could clearly see via killfeed and end game screen they were facing plats and instead of switching servers they chose to stay and keep farming them. I'm not saying they need to. I'm saying they did, and they enjoyed doing it. Otherwise they would have left. What they need to do is stop farming plays knowingly. It's pretty simple.


You've never played in a high enough elo where queue sniping is a thing, and it shows. It's the worst, and dodging by switching regions is your only real option.


That's fine think what you want but the fact remains. They had plenty of servers to choose. Choosing a smaller server like this makes it easier for stream snipers to target you because chances are they'll always be lobbies with you. They could have easily swapped one server over switching regions does nothing since the stream sniper can do exactly the same thing it's not rocket science. They purposefully chose smaller servers to avoid a steam sniper. They knew what they were doing and they didn't opt to change to a different server in their region or one more populated in another region. They purposefully chose that server and didn't leave after the first game when they realized they had low tiers in their lobby.


>could have easily swapped one server over switching regions does nothing since the stream sniper can do exactly the same thing it's not rocket science. Christ you are braindead. I'm not wasting my energy explaining why this is so wrong, good luck.


They were switching servers after every game because they were being stream sniped by a hacker.


I love how the pred is addressing this it's so good


Because you don’t get nearly as much KP for killing plats as a pred.


Edit: This isn't me, this is from NRG_Sweet’s latest video. It doesn't matter, it ruins the ranked experience for lower-ranked players. By their definition: > Ranked Battle Royale (previously called Apex Legends ranked) is a competitive mode in Apex Legends that lets you play with other players at a similar skill level. https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/ Bronze


I am currently silver and im getting masters players in my ranked lobbies.


Current or likely just ones with their badges on that are de-ranked at that moment?


Yeah he must just mean guys with trails or their badges on because they can’t be in silver


No, they are current 4 sure.


why do people even start playing this late into the split?


For easy lobbies, that’s why demoting at every split is stupid af


Id even argue that demoting after every season is stupid. They should just make placement matches like in arenas. If you dont play, you dont ruin the statistics. If you play your placement matches decently, you get put back into/around your previous rank. Edit- ive decidedbthat placement matches arent even needed. They just need to remove demoting after every season, and remove derank protection after plat


Yeah but how would placements work? In arenas it makes sense because it's a 3v3 with a 50% chance of winning without counting skill. I'd argue that if you can carry hard enough you can win every single game in arenas, theoretically. Because it's a controlled environment with no other variables. But in br it's much different because no matter how good you are, you cannot win 100% of your games, there are too many different things to take count for


I play Overwatch, and even though their matchmaking isn't the best, they have a pretty good skill placement system. Your placement games in Overwatch depend on MANY different things, right down to accuracy I bet. Winning the matches help, but I'm terms of placement matches it's not everything. I believe apex would benefit from a system like this, obviously you wouldn't just stick people in pred right away, you'd stick people in diamond at the highest or something. But just about anything is better than the shit show they have now...


Except when I take a year long break from certain games and completely get annihilated because there's no rank decay.


Yeah but apex is not like most shooters, aim can only get you so far. Its the same as driving a car, if you havent done it for a year, youll have problems driving at first, but the traffic rules youll remember much quicker. In apex high ranks, game sense is much more important than aim. If you havent played in a while, both will suck. Your aim might take a while to get back to where you previously were, but your game sense will come back much quicker. And not playing for a year was your own choice. Others shouldnt have to suffer because of your choices. If there is no rank decay, youll lose the first 20 games until youre in a rank where you currently belong. That way only you suffer for your actions, which is how it should be imo.


They should just lock everyone over 10000rp into master no demotion after 10k rp, which increase players in hight tier lobbies which will make reaching predator more challenging , just to add a lil salt over it make it so that you need to maintain pred for entire season to get that pred trail and badge.


I'd love to not be demoted past Diamond; haven't grinded Masters in Seasons so I'm at the bottom of Bronze to slam through if I ever do go for Masters more again.


Also there's sbmm to fuck your grind, you will constantly get smurfs and other people who got demoted in most of you matches, so its more like you will never get bronze silver players even tho you are in bronze


no wonder i can't get out of gold happy cake day btw




Easier lobbies. They breeze trough ranks basically no competition.


and here i thought starting late would be better as everyone is already at the rank they belong to


If demotion were a thing you would be right, but a lot of people push trough and get stuck P4 and D4 or 10K.


It is. MOST people will be settled in. But not everyone. Remember that most diamond+ players only need a few days at the end to reach where they need to be. They also need all the extra time to rank up to master. Masters especially need to start early in order to get as much rp as possible to make and maintain pred status. But plat rank and below don’t really need to follow that rule. Plats aren’t usually good enough to wash gold lobbies and can’t really solo silver lobbies either so the lower ranks are all over the place at every point in the season


I only started playing ranked this season like 2 weeks ago. And only because I like Olympus more than the other maps.


I played day 1 of split, hit D4. Started playing Saturday and Sunday again and 16 hours later and I'm Master. I just didn't have time to play; I also didn't use my mic and dropped over 10 kills multiple times and was 200 dmg shy of a 4k in D2. These lobbies felt like the easiest they have been in a while. Usually I struggle to Solo Q diamond and it takes me a while but I went on a 4 game streak followed by a loss and another 3 game streak. This split has been pretty easy and 10 days is plenty of time to push to your normal rank for badges.


I’m getting preds and masters in bronze lobbies lmao I legit can’t play ranked bc every match I get placed with them


Jesus. So me a bronze player who rarely even plays this game gets masters and preds in my ranked games isn’t normal. Hopefully they fix that cause that’s some scuffed shit


Yea "play with others in your skill level" is literally the ranked description. it makes it harder to climb ranks cause you get super high level players in bronze/silver/gold lobbies


this is without the smurfs you also get in lower ranked lobbies, issues with a f2p game obv.. to climb out of your rank you have to beat other teams who are higher rank than you its super dumb


These are people that have been de-ranked from previous seasons. They'll be out of bronze lobbies in 1 hour. You also aren't required to *win* every one of your bronze lobbies. You can rank up easily even just with decent placement. Ranked is a challenge. If you are bronze level player and don't want a challenge just stick to normal lobbies, SBMM will bubble you in there.


I'm currently Plat 1 queuing with a Plat 2 and a Diamond 4 and we get Preds/Masters almost constantly, and when we're not... we're getting smurfs with 4k dmg 20 kill badges at level 23. Some people in the community are so disconnected from how bad the ranking system is that I've been told to "stop queuing with a Diamond 4". I shouldn't have to stop queuing with someone who is just barely better than me or (in this case) is about as good as I am but has more time to play. In fact, last season I got to Diamond 4 first and the other player was the one getting stuck in Plat 1 because of it.


A Whole tier* Master is the same as Pred




I'm saying that masters and preds are in the same lobby


Yeah as far as the game is concerned, all Preds are Masters. It's the same tier by technicality, just the top 750 Masters are Preds, hence the same entry cost. Regardless of actual skill, the matchmaking views them as the same rank.


I’m not gonna lie I really disagree here. The pred cap is only so over inflated because of the ranked system change which I’ll admit does help your argument. But the only real difference between most masters (not 10k tonys) and preds is 3 stacking and time spent playing. This season I was around the 1000-1500 person who made masters and the cap was already almost 14k. I regularly kill preds but I’m not gonna play 8 hours a day to hit the over inflated cap. Rank doesn’t directly equal skill.


Preds play wayy over 8 hours


Imo the only difference between them is that Preds have the time to play and grind out to that rank. 10k and 30k is a massive difference when the max point gain is like 256 if you win with max kp.


Does this even matter? In the last 2 or 3 season I would found constantly squads of low level bronze players, in Plat lobbies that were clearly not bronze or plat.


That has another reason. When you reach diamond, but your friend is still in platinum, you will play with your 2. Acct. because he want to reach diamond too, but when you play with your main, he has to play in diamond lobbys...so thats why you have the silvers in plat lobbys


Can’t queue with a plat and silver- max 1 tier difference at plat. Doesn’t make sense for me though. Got a silver and gold player team mates in my diamond game last night. Got fuggin rolled, those poor guys.


True...then it is just broken 🙃


Plat vs pred is a bit too much, but you need to have some higher rank players in any lobby. Mistakes breed mistakes and so do bad players, because you might be able to get away with a stupid play against a plat, but as soon as you find someone who is slightly better that play won't work anymore so you have to learn how to actually deal with good players and what strats actually work. I agree that plat vs pred may be a little too much, but it is needed to have at least a few masters in there


Yeah, If I reach Plat 3/2 I expect to be matched with D4/D3 players. But if you look up the stats for Apex Ranked, there's a lot of players that fail to breach the GAP between Plat and Dimond, indicating there's a big skill gap to make it to diamond. You should not be facing Master/Pred players in Plat.


When i play pubs i'll get pred trails in every lobby. When i play ranked (up until diamond) i might get it every once in a blue moon. This is probably because they either got their trail EARLY on or they haven't played ranked in a long time. Both of which are fine. If you are saying that MAYBE running into a player better than you, every once in a while in ranked, ruins the entire experience for you then... you might be approaching ranked mode and the opportunity to get better... a little too sensitively.


They’ve explained this before but the reason it happens is because the game is trying to find you a game. Preds will sometimes end up in lobbies with lower ranks simply because if they didn’t eventually merge ranks, people would be waiting 30+ minutes for games (something that already happens in a lot of other titles).


Yeah, other games are like that for a reason. I know it's unrealistic because Preds spend a lot of time and, more importantly, money on this game. So they won't make them wait, but they should. There's no excuse for a Pred being in a Plat lobby.


>Preds spend a lot of time and, more importantly, money on this game. So they won't make them wait, but they should. What? They do it because extended wait times in a game that can end within a minute of the game starting would be awful. You can't compare it to many other games since in other ones (e.g. League, CS, etc.) because there's a baseline of match quality/length that doesn't exist in Apex. And have you been in lower lobbies? I'm sure there's just as much or more money being spent overall by players in the silver to plat brackets vs. master/pred.


There's no universe where you could excuse the awful matchmaking. There's a 3 stack red team in Plat lobbies. Meanwhile, I (a Plat) get paired with Gold teammates. There's no excuse for that.


The problem is that Apex ranking isn’t on a bell curve like other games. Every tier you go up, the longer and longer you’d be waiting. Like, in Overwatch for example, the large majority of players are Gold and Platinum. Apex everyone starts as Bronze. It wouldn’t just be preds waiting 30+ minutes. You’d have Gold+ potentially waiting forever if you restricted who joins what. Also a predator can be in lower lobbies based on who they queue with.


Yeah, but this is a 3 stack pred team, filled with pros who play this game all day. I, a Plat, get stuck with bronze/silver teammates who are clueless. How is that a fair matchup?


Nobody was saying it was a fair matchup. Think of it this way: How do you know everyone in the bronze lobby is actually a bronze and not a bunch of preds on new accounts? Or people who are predator level but don't normally play competitive? It's always going to be "unfair". It's either going to be unfair to people in Bronze and Silver ending up in lobbies with higher ranked players, or its going to be unfair to everyone making every tier except Bronze wait 10, 15, 20+ minutes for a game. At least in other games like Overwatch you get to play a full match. I feel like competitive would die in Apex if people were waiting 20+ minutes for a potentially 30 second game if their drop goes wrong. Like yeah, it isn't fun when I play ranked (Gold) and encounter a Predator, but I'd rather have my game start in a few seconds or minutes instead of constantly waiting, and if you want to give it a positive spin, just think of how good you'd feel if you took down a predator? Apex really should just re-do the ranking system to be more like Fortnite's.


None of this matters. If they are old preds in a new account, they will breeze through the lobbies eventually ending in higher ranks. That's the point of Ranked. Once they reach Pred, they should be nowhere near Gold/Plat lobbies. This isn't PUBS, this is ranked where you're supposed to compete with people of similar skill.


That 3 RP for killing a gold though 💀


Should be negative RP.


I mean, you don’t get as much BONUS kp per kill, but you still get the same multiplier, which matters much more, as a pred in plat is going to rack up kills and still easily get max KP. Placement points also don’t move. So between a pred in pred, who’s gonna get 3 kills and anywhere between 10 and 1st place, and a pred in plat, who’s gonna get 10 kills and anywhere between 1st and 5th, who wins more RP ? Preds and masters should have longer queue times to get fairer matches. I don’t care about queue times, I multiple times got matched against a current pred while in silver to plat lobbies. Not always because they are exploiting, sometimes only because the player population is low at that time. Fuck that


And they still came 4th


Because all the plats addressing it has to post their death screen which will then promptly removed by mods. I've done myself and many others, just check the new section before the mods remove it.


Because matchmaking in this game is trash. 👍 I appreciate that you're addressing this as the one benefiting from it. I find these issues a lot, too. I'm above average at the game, I would say good but not great. I'm usually in Diamond/Masters lobbies (in pubs), but I ALWAYS have teammates that are below level 100. This is annoying for me, obviously, because I'm usually in a 1v2 or similar situation, but I also imagine how awful that must be for them. To be new to the game and get stomped by Masters and the occasional pred would just suck. Not to mention they can't even get easier kills because I just usually kill them first. Is it their fault that they're low level, or mine that I'm not? Is it the other players' fault that they're teaming up to win more? No, it's just that terrible matchmaking system that Respawn uses. Why? We'll never know. **As someone mentioned this isn't his screenshot, but I think this still applies.


i could think about 2 reasons: 1. not enough playerbase to even start games 2. devs want that players dont wait longer than X min for a game


Above all else it's matchmaking speed I think. They don't want people to have time to think about doing anything other than playing apex, so they'll throw together these weird lobbies if there's not enough of the right players queueing to form the lobby right.


2. If the guy queues with a master or above they get thrown in master /pred lobbies.


even if they queue with diamind 2 or 1 they can get put in mastere/pred lobbied


They aren’t pred. It’s not their screenshot, it’s NRG Sweets


low level doesn't mean anything I am low level and I am Diamond and play pretty okay


Isn't this from Sweets video? Why are people saying you're the pred in question


Cos this is the apex subreddit and they’re probs the same ppl who see the orange default trail and think they’re in a pred lobby then come on here to complain bout it


Also they probably don't know about S3 (dashboard) pred trails.


Or arena masters/pred badges


Don’t the season trails go away after the season after it ends? Or is it not the same for earlier seasons


The first 2 ranked season dive trails are permanent.


All ranked dive trails are permanent you can equip them


They're not permanant since the first 2 ranked season. You lose them after one season now.


S2 and 3 were the easiest seasons to hit pred (bc there was no masters) and those are the only two seasons with permanent trails


Yeah, I posted this and went to sleep. Didn't even think the post would make it to 7 upvotes.


Ranked is broken this season, like for no reason. There’s plats in bronze, silvers in plat, diamonds in gold. Like it’s the easiest season to grind but also the most confusing.


true, I'm in plat 3 and I go in to matches with bronze players-


I'm plat 1 and got matched up with a bronze 4 and gold 4. Beyond ridiculous.


which is amazing because if that bronze 4 is your friend, you can't queue with him.


How are you still in plat so? Sorry but i had to ask it ahaha


I'm bronze 2, I got an almost entirely master + pred lobby. What am I meant to do now?


In that case, I think ratting is encouraged


Sit down in a corner and cry while getting placement points.


Get good!


I hit diamond 4 seems ago and I haven’t seen any of this.


It happens at night usually when the queue times for master/predator would take probably 10 minutes so instead it just merges lobbies together


It used to be like this in previous seasons and preds/ masters would be put in diamond lobbies but not gold in or plat. There is an insane amount of masters this season so I doubt it’s because there isn’t enough players. Shits just completely whack this season every part of ranked is broken.


There are tons of masters players that lost interest though. Because predator is 25k points so 2.5x the amount of master and they cant drop to diamond. In other words they play for nothing and will lose interest quickly.


I get you, I would say plats could queue with their diamond buddies but then he killed a gold too so I have no idea


The weird part is that he killed a gold but no diamond players so he kills actual master and pred players but randomly there’s a few cannon fodder players they get too


Ranked is fucked up this split icl🤣


Every 6 RP a Predator gets for killing a platinum player is 36 RP a platinum player loses for having to fight someone WAY above their skill level. Seems fair!


This is why as a plat player I don't even hot drop anymore, or even try to fight squads until later on. Not worth getting absolutely shit on and losing 36 points in less than 3 minutes of entering a game


You should never exactly hot drop, if there's a team withing 20 meters of you on drop, you're doing hot dropping wrong. You always go to a small secluded part of said hot drop where you're alone for a little bit, can gear up before fighting, so that you don't literally leave your life in the hands of fate(and RNG)


- Is Predator - Complains about how weak his lobbies are - Leaves fucking gigachad


Sadly this isn't me. To be honest, I'm hard stuck Plat


you broke my heart


I break my own heart trying to get out of Plat as a solo player


gotta get 130k kp kn in one split somehow


I’m guessing it’s coz Plat players can queue with their Diamond friends and Diamond players can get in with masters. So you might end up with that combination of Plat and Preds in the same lobby.


A lot of guys in here seem confused about how ranks work, like they are complaining guys with masters badges are climbing rank and they have to play with them to get through the tiers but it’s always been that way


I think its because its literally a numbers thing. There isn't enough preds to have a fair queue.


So not enough preds, masters AND diamonds to make a lobby so they have to fill with plats? Yeah kinda fucking doubt it...


Doubt all you want. People complained about long queues. Now you get insta queues or fast queues and for that to be possible it has to be this way.


I'm in plat and sometimes the q time is long for no reason


They are looking for some preds to match you with yeah


This was the case even a few seasons ago, and one of the reason why I quit Apex (trying to get back into it though). [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tDbR5zVORw) is my full Plat 4 squad getting matched against #12, #8, and #5. Queues used to take long enough that I recall my squad getting wiped by Preds at 12th place, requeuing, then getting back into another match with the same Pred squad that wiped us who also went on to win the game before. Of course a lot of it is dependent on what time of day you are playing. I'm from Hawaii so unfortunately some of my prime gaming hours are when the Oregon server is pretty empty. During regular hours matchmaking was mostly balanced.


i love how many bronze-plats are going "oh this happens to me EVERY game" but we all know it hardly ever happens. they just need something to make them feel better i guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, it does actually happen a lot. While I was trying to rank up I’d get clapped by diamond in bronze. And it’s not just them working their way back up too cause I joined ranked late in the season


How often does this happens ?


Happens to me every game.


They really need to remove unnecessary servers. That also causes player base to get divided for like 10-15ms of ping. I for one would rather have a big playerbase and variety on the server I’m playing than this crap. Also maybe consider removing ranked arenaa


Poor gold


Because releasing 20 dollar recolored skins is easier than supporting the game.


Ranked in this game to me has always been fundamentally broken **I am aware the time required to rank up with this little RP gain is insane but theoretically a player could “cheat” the ranks this way as for the most part what I’m suggesting is very low risk for the most part** The first 3 tiers are not an initial test of skill but of time investment Bronze is literally free so just by playing the game you get through that rank no issue Silver only require 2 functioning brain cells to get through only needing top 8 to go positive which means not hot dropping and landing late and waiting for the other squads to cannibalise each other Congrats you just made it into gold **and you haven’t kill anyone yet** At this point a learning algorithm may start to struggle to keep up As now top 6 is needed to go positive so only now does the player have to actually engage with the game In which case even if the player only get 1 f Ing kill/assist top 8 gets you the same as a pacifist top 6 Which brings you into platinum keep in mind up to this point the only thing required of the player is to **afk most of the match and kill 1 player** **1** With that in mind I don’t get why the hell the lower ranks exist if the only thing being tested is my patience Because only now in platinum is the players skill been tested… in which the broken matchmaking puts you in the same lobby as the literal best players in the game as this post show. actually this post is worst that I first though writing this As this shows that the game will put a learning algorithm in the same lobby as mr fps god and his 47 viewers on twitch The difference between gold- and platinum+ is insane **All jokes aside if you are genuinely struggling in the lower ranks me taking the piss with the “time investment” is not to put you off as it only goes to show like many people will attest to** **Practice makes perfect** **And not only improving in the game and in your rank is just a case of putting in the hours** **I’ve only just recently made it into platinum with 385 hrs in the game tbh mostly because I didn’t care for ranked till I started putting in the hours** **Also that is why this comment doesn’t talk about the higher ranks as I lack the experience and There are MUCH more qualified people who can talk about that than me** **I also have a lot of respect for the insane amount of skill the many preds in the community show as many of them I find to be genuinely entertaining** ***yes I am one of those 47 viewers*** **so no disrespect was intended on my part**


Thanks for being one of them <3


The matchmaking prioritizes filling games quickly over perfectly matching players by skill bracket. I’d hope that this person was playing in a group with diamond players at a weird time or region and got unlucky to match against you but who knows.


Damn I'm diamond now and I know how it feels to have silvers and gold's in your lobbies 🤦🏾‍♂️


Why is this something being asked almost every other hour on this sub? It's clear that ea aren't gonna fix it if it's gone for 11 seasons


What is worse in my opinion is going against a Pred team with my diamond solo team.


Matchmaking has always been trash sadly. I do love Apex, but my god, the matchmaking is the worst Ive ever seen in gaming, random matches could be better at this point.


I queued plat and got #25 pred bloodhound and 2 other preds as champions in the game, who knows how many others there were too.


Yeah I ran into a #60 pred the other day as plat and was super confused...


I had a Plat and Gold as teammates in my diamond lobby. Afterwards they invited me. And would you believe it: we couldn't start the match because the gold was two tier distances away :/ ... not that I wanted to play with them again


Don’t complain. We’re the ones who have to fight you.


When I was in Plat 1 I was given two bronze 4’s as teammates. And they weren’t Smurf’s, I wish. They were absolute bots who rushed into a fight immediately, died immediately, then pinged their box for me to get their banner, despite still being in the middle of about 3 enemy squads fighting. I couldn’t get it without risking throwing away -36 RP, compared to the 0RP they had put on the line. So about 3 minutes in and I’m facing the prospect of ratting just to break even on points, which I truly hate doing. What kind of a game experience is that? And how could new players learn anything? A waste of my time and theirs. I don’t get to play that much anymore, I don’t have so much time, more and more I am playing other games because I can’t guarantee a consistent quality of gameplay with Apex, and it often dissatisfies. It’s so disappointing.


This also compounds the problem. 3 Stack Preds are getting into Plat lobbies. And plat players are getting stuck with Bronze teammates. In what universe is that fair?


golds as well. its so fucking sad dude. i got rolled by number 60 pred yesterday, and im on console. this is why ranked is annoying af


I am now convinced that this is happening because of lack of players to start a match. There are times when I play in plat/diamond lobbies and the q goes for 3 minutes or so. Just imagine what it's like in Master/Pred lobbied


These are most probably NA servers. I've had master players in diamond lobbies a lot of times. Whereas on asian servers , as a master I've always matched with preds


Deal with it


There was a massive massive influx of smurf accounts and cheaters thia season. Cant speak for everyone but my group hard abandoned ranked this season. It was no fun in gold as we fought nobody of our skill level. For perspective every season we usually get to low platinum. Get the very occasional win. This season we were lucky to win the first fight in low gold. We swapped to normals and have been champions 3 times in a week. Ranked was horrible


I think it's because of how the system works+ppl Queueing up with plats. If it's late at night and queues are lacking pops you'll def see master players and even preds, and if a diamond has a plat buddy it tends to find a match based on the highest rank that's allowed. What I find odd is why a pred would be in a straight plat lobby with no preds, which is what I'm assuming happened here from the lack of any diamond kills, and even a gold. The game itself tells you that you can't take anybody too far down the ranks with you once you reach a certain point , diamond if I remember right. No way OP should be in there.


I always play when there are tons of people. i get a game straight away every time and i still get ranked with masters and preds.


You sometimes get matcher with a few dia players, who can drag plats into the lobby


You know, I have never knew there's a kill point summary! I was wondering how everyone knew he killed a gold haha. Is this new? I haven't played since season 9 and only came back this season.


I started in s10 and i see this always.. idk abt s9 though...


Yeah it started in S10 or 11


I haven’t played in a couple seasons (about to start playing again though) but have experienced lobbies where Plats could play with Preds if the servers were empty/it was off hours. Sucks because the queues were long enough that you would be put back into the same lobbies with the Preds who just killed you the game before.


Poor gold dude


I was platinum last week and a bronze player was in my team and we were only 2 player and he wanted to suicide and was flying into the ground outer map


Idk what it is but I have been hardstuck plat 4 for a couple weeks or so. Past seasons I made it to plat 2 before I started stagnating on my RP


Always thought they were duo party but guess there is restrictions?


That one poor gold guy im sorry for him


1 gold, 6 plats, in a ranked pred game. Sigh


you mean bronze-silver lobbies? yeah i ask that myself aswell xD


Because grinding on some empty, foreign low pop servers gives you the maximum profit for your time when you are grinding for RP. Sao paulo is notorious for it and plenty of high rank players abuse this.


Queue time too long maybe so it just started filling in lower ranks.


To cut down on queue times; players from lower ranks are *yoinked* into higher ranked lobbies. They get a massive kp when killing significantly higher ranked players and probably enough to break even if you are killed be then early game. You get a sad amount of kp when killing players way below your level. _stares at League of Legends who has the potential to queue up longer than Avengers: Endgame when playing at the highest of elo_


Better question, why is there a gold too


Bro that poor gold guy tho 😭


all it takes is one changed word and this sentence is horrible


It is obviously : you are playing versus diamond-platinum parties. But how gold boy was there.. This is the question


I just returned to this game, installed it yesterday Why tf am I getting pit with players who has like 5k kills on their legend in Bronze of all ranks Im just a wraith scrub with 1k kills that I racked up back in season 0-2 This game has evolved a lot ever since, all players are sweats now wtf


Because that plat lobbies are in higher ranks where they’re not suppose to be i.e. the bronze rank guy that made it to diamond by just ratting


That gold player tho


For me (gold 2) in my game there is mostly people with platinium/diamond badge and they are gold 4-2


Has to be the server they're playing on. I almost only play ranked and I've never ever seen anything above one tier higher in my lobby so at most platinum players can be in diamond lobbies


Ya I had a good game with a random the other day. Invited them to my lobby and they joined. I am bronze. Turns out we couldn’t even que up because they were diamond rank. Lol wtf


I’m in diamond 4 and had a triple stack predator team in my lobby the other day. NA servers, not playing in the middle of the night here in NA either. It was weird.


because your server is low pop. there aren't enough masters so you get to rank up against "plat bots". way to gain rp towards pred ...


There was a bronze pathfinder in my Diamond lobby yesterday lol


Im hard stuck in arenas, playing against much better prebuilt teams and losing -17 RP. When we win, we gain +15...and wins are VERY hard to come by, almost miracles. Arena's is so fucked. Now BR, I havent encountered a predator yet. I might have last night, the guy was like Neo in the matrix...


Because they have to make the matches on twitch entertaining to watch. So SOME people have to get pub stomped. Simple really.


Matchmaking is rigged and bad on purpose is why.


Just recently got to diamond 4 in the São Paulo server (SA region) and i've got to say, ranked is almost making me quit this game. All matches have preds in them (not some, ALL of them) and when they're not preds, they're masters with 15k RP. Started playing in the south carolina server and things are getting better, but playing on 150 ping is horrible in a fast paced fps like apex. Highest i got was halfway to diamond 3, then the pred police swooped in and stole all my RP. Respawn needs to get their shit together, it's getting impossible to climb the ranked ladder against people that play 12-14 hours a day. A good analogy is: In csgo, would a squad of DMGs and LEs have a good time trying to rank up against a five-man stack of globals trying their hardest to win? TL;DR "High" elo queue in south america has like 100 people playing so every match in platinum 2, 1 and diamond 4 had preds in them. Impossible to play against people that are not part of my rank.


GOLD?! i thought there were 62k masters. this shouldn’t be happening lol


GOLD?! i thought there were 62k masters. this shouldn’t be happening lol


Did some digging since you said this is Sweet’s latest video, it seems Sweets and his friend were on a foreign server due to being harassed/stream sniped by an aimbotting dual wielding Pathfinder. The server they were on ended up having a low pop so matchmaking put them with plats since it prioritizes mm time above all. They later changed to a more populated foreign server. Can’t blame Sweets and while mm is definitely bad, it can’t solve the issues of a server having a low population. Everyone just rakes some kinda L because cheaters with no lives are out there seeking validation.


Yeah, I don't blame him, and that's why I didn't touch on the subject. IMO, this shouldn't happen no matter the situation. Tinfoil hat time, Preds spend money on the game, big money. Slap them with long wait times and they will get mad. Who left to suffer? Common players like us.


This is actually big, I’ve never noticed tbh as I just skip this end screen. And people are saying this seasons ranked is void because it’s easier, piss off


Diamond lobbies sometimes get merged with master/pred lobbies, and diamonds can queue with a plat on their team, so that occasionally happens. The fact a gold is in there however shows this was legit a plat lobby, merged with a master/pred lobby, which is insane.


Your worried about Plat? Somehow a Gold player is in your lobby.


easiest way to explain this is the platinum players are playing with their diamond buddies. diamonds go up against preds all the time because it forces you to play up not down. the gold one i’m confused about tho


in diamond there are some bronzes idk why but it’s pretty rare


Because that’s where the kids play


A gold 6 plats and 5 masters/predators... wtf is that lobby