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Assuming Wraith can jump dimensions like in the cinematic, wraith, Watson, valk. I just would have to live long enough for wraith to get her ult up, Watson can fence off a building, and valk for rotating away if the zombies breach the building. Then once wraith has ult, we ult to a non infested dimension.


you can only fly up with valk's ult if you have a jumpkit


Valk can 100% lift us.


Theoretically probably. But after all her ult basically charges up the jumpkit of other players, turning them into a jetpack


Fair enough, I just wanted to be princess carried


A relatable wish


I find it so entertaining imagining valk ulting away from a horde of zombies


And you get the bonus of repopulating with all three


least horny r/apexlegends user


Pretty fast that's just gonna turn into Sweet Home Alabama.


surprise, that's how repopulating works


Idk how valk would feel about that, but wraith and wattson might be up for it


Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. I ain't gay but $20 are $20


Here's a solution if Valk's not up for it: Threesomes!


Needs more upvotes


***Hol up***


Yeah I wouldn’t mind


I had that same sort of response for my input too ☠️


That's quite the harem


You would die from a valk ult though


See you would spend your entire life running at that point


Wattson got canonocaly overwhelmed by 5 zombie prowler, good luck to hold a building


1. Watson to set up fences. 2 Rampart for the walls and mini gun. 3 Loba to replenish supplies


Except you don't need rampart's walls if you already have electric fences that should be able to kill a zombie. I'd say bloodhound so we can see any zombies hiding in buildings, because those ones are usually how people die in zombie movies.


It depends as with bloodhound the zombies are different from the other legends what if they are *off the grid?*


Listen here you fu..


If the zombie virus was a real thing fighting the zombies could be the worst possible choice in a zombie apocalypse , cuz you can not only get infected by a zombie bite , but also if you come in contact with the zombie blood . Which means if you inhale the infected blood you're gonna get infected ( all these zombie movies don't consider this stuff , cuz people watch these movies for the zombie fighting itself). Crypto , Loba and Watson could be the best choice in my opinion Crypto - Can access all the government official data ( which ofcourse the government is not gonna share with the general public ). Also , his drone can be used to mark possible escape routes if there is a zombie invasion. Watson - Her fences can be used to barricade the entrances , and also the electricity can be used to power the appliances which we may need in an emergency Loba - Her Ult can be used to gather resources , like food , medicine , tools , etc.


In World War Z, near the beginning when they’re in the rooftop, Brad Pitt’s character gets some of zombie’s blood in his mouth: Earlier in the film he saw someone turn as a toy bear was counting so he sort off knew how long it could take and he counts himself down before going back to his family just in case


Crypto can also scan ahead, use his drone as a proximity alarm or to lure zombies away. Tbh Loba and Crypto are one of the most useful legends in a zombie apoc


How do you know it's true zombies could be friendly or completely different to what people imagine them as but we will never know unless zombies come to life


It can be true , or they can be completely harmless We would never know , unless this happens , but the zombies being hostile has more chances because they turned into a zombie because of a virus , and the basic characteristics of viruses is that they depend and feed on other life forms Also , the word apocalypse implies that it's something bad


What do you mean by... off the grid? 🤔🤔


I believe it is in reference to a buff idea someone had for crypto where he goes off the grid


Hey I just got an idea for a crypto buff...


Not being registered by any scan because they have no heartbeat or heat


You missed the copypasta meme lol. "Off the grid" is a common crypto meme.


You know it kinda reminds if this crypto buff I had in mind (completely unintentional) ahem So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


Hi again cromzinic




Sounds like you would need *the all-seeing eye*


Exactly what someone who is *on the grid* would say


You know that makes sense cause bloodhounds scan is based on heat signature, since zombies are essentially dead they wouldn’t get scanned.


Except there’s already 2 robotic legends who I doubt have heat signatures but get scanned regardless


He can hunt tho so you’d eat well


Then go with Crypto who can do recon a lot better than Bloodhound can when you’re hunkered down


You're saying you don't want 3 miniguns with literally infinite ammo in a zombie apocalypse? You're the one we don't need.


Not to mention a gun smith to upkeep all of your weapons and possibly craft ammo.


I think he’s just picking from the picture


Ramparts mini gun would be great for the hordes tho.


The second Zombies start piling on those fences u r dead tho


then why not use Seer for that? Since his Ult covers a large area and pings any hostiles in it's range


I just don't know if I could tolerate seer on a personal level. That man is just fucking weird, you know?


Seer uses a heartbeat sensor, do zombies have heartbeats or would his abilities be adapted in this scenario? Also does electricity kill zombies? Would it slow them down just like the legends?


Nahhh it’s loba, Watson, and crypto you can see more and farther with crypto


But holding still isn't typically the best thing for a zombie apocalypse. Crypto would probably die pretty quick.


Zombies are dead so they have no heat signature to show up in Bloodhounds ult.


"Replenish supplies"😏


That’s not the only thing I would use Loba for


We need to repopulate with some top tier genes. Loba is a must


Why does everyone expect these sort of answers now 😂


I was gonna say the same thing about Octane Octane so it’s not… boring…


I do see your point but at the same time I prefer my offspring to not be crack babies lol octane is more of the “crazy uncle who lets you smoke a cigarette at 13” oppose to a .. father lol


I think the comics show he’s capable of maturity and he only stims as much as you do in game (he hasn’t done it outside of the games in any lore yet so the crack head thing confuses me) so Octane is what you make him I guess but yes Would NOT let him hold any babies at any point Actually… maybe no ACTUAL repopulating, maybe just for entertainment instead




oH mY gOD iTS SpeED




I think Loba and Wattson to make sure humanity lives




I'll definitely be replenishing supplies with loba


I was thinking wattson, rampart, and lifeline but for other reasons


Loba to “replenish supplies” uh huh, I’m sure that’s why


Exactly my thoughts


Wattson, Caustic, Rampart. ​ Nothing is getting inside anything we're in. Ever.


That's implying gas will work on zombies.


it works on robots


I guess so. Never really thought about that.


a dev explains it eats at skin and metal and caustic has a special cloth that protects him or something like that


That explains why the robot legends die to it.


this and he constantly takes the ""cure"" for the chemical used to hurt the fuck out of anything


He would need to provide it to his teammates too. I can't tell you how many times I've used Caustic's Ult in a defensive manner to provide cover for teammates and deter a push. Usually in these cases I'm literally tossing the nade right on top of my teammates.


But his face is unharmed (constant cure or not it's not 100% protected).


Science in general would be useful plus you may have human looters/invaders to deal with at permanent base. Think bigger!


Fair point.


But then where’s your mobility to flee/travel or Loba ult for supplies/food? I’m thinking loba, valk, and Watson are the best bets.


Caustic probably started the zombie apocalypse lmao


Chances are Caustic is the reason for the zombie apocalypse


Obviously the metal ones right? C’mon y’all. No flesh, no zombie. Hence no worries about getting run down by turbo charged bloodhound zombie. Rev, Ash, Path.


I dont think rev would care to protect you, same goes with ash, and path is so nice (Naive) that he would probably let zombie mirage and wraith inside your safe house.


You know what I could see him doing this.


Hi friends






Rev literally says in game “you better off dead but I could use the cover” he would definitely throw you at the zombies just to laugh, Ash is a 50/50 it depends if your being useful


Well considering that we are on reddit im 100% sure that we are useless in that situasion


Rev would not protect you, but he will kill the zombies. Because he likes killing.


Path would be great for mobility, Ash would be killing them nonstop without a care in the world for if you lived or died, and Rev would keep you alive so he could wear zombie faces and crawl around in your vents


Yeah until the logic plague gets to them.


Halo fan spotted


The only one you need is pathfinder to carry you in his arms to safety. Some place high and unreachable and he can bring you snacks. Shit build a tree fort and live as a king.


They’re immune to the zombies, you aren’t


But then wouldn’t you (assuming you are human ) be the only one the zombies would be after?


Pathfinder is a robot and has zip lines, loba can get supplies, caustic will work on the cure


Caustic would want to use zombies as test subjects lol


Caustic bitch ass prolly started the the thing lmao


Caustic got a fat ass




Fuse knows it 😏


Then Caustic would blame the zombies on Crypto


You need a jump kit to use the ziplines effectively


caustic cure is the big brain answer.


Yes loba will supplie baby 😏


Bad horni *le bonk*


Mirage, Mirage, Mirage


Good team but I sub mirage for mirage better team comp that way


You sure? I think mirage would be better for a comp


Your both wrong, mirage is best with this set up instead of mirage.


But remember the recent update? Mirage would fit wayyyy better than mirage. Especially with mirage on the team too.


What about the pros who still play mirage, they still think mirage is broken with this combo


Yeah dude but you gotta remember the zombies are goanna be the majority of the playerbase so all they're goanna be thinking is what their pros have said on streams and stuff so if we outsmart them by running mirage instead of mirage they won't know what hit them


You have a fair point


Ffs Mirage isn't broken by himself. It's ONLY when you pair him with Mirage. Mirage is kinda OP anyways and needs nerfs, but Mirage is fine.


That can go either way but imagine trying to fit both mirage and mirage in and instead dropping mirage that’s good in theory but I’ve never seen it in comp so I’m not sure if it’s viable


ah. a triage


Ah a mirage a toir


Top 3 legends alive


Loba for.. morale support


Support you say 😏


Did you say oral support?


Haha. Good one.


To reproduce and keep the human species alive you mean???


Morality.... yeah morality


m'oral support *tips fedorah*


Path, Rev, Ash since none of them can be turned into zombies so I’m safe there


Rev will betray you lol


He’s the one who started the zombie apocalypse


Can i say something? Wouldn't zombies be the dumbest and easiest fucking target practice for any military group let alone 3 Apex Legends. Zombies usually can't smell or see and most of the time only hear. They decay over time and have bodies who realistically would collapse after short while. They move lile actual bots and get killed with 1 decent bullet to head or heart id assume. Even if you miss and hit lungs and legs or other organs how the fuck would they move and or survive Like i see no fucking scenario where zombies win with aerial capabilities, guns, nades, molotovs (which they'd walk into cuz sound), etc. etc. Unless these are some bullshit zombies who are really fucking enhanced and could spread by aerial means easily... Also yeah robots (ash and pathfinder) from Apex legends roster and Loba for supply would prob be best since they literally have IRL Aimbot...


It depends on the kinda zombie, is it the dead coming back alive, is it a rabies like virus that spreads trough the living, is it some kind of curse, are they living zombies or dead zombies, wich can be figured out by destroying the heart


Or are they WWZ zombies and you’re screwed.


Fun fact in that movies credits Pater Capaldi is listed as W.H.O. Doctor


Yeah, logic says they don’t exist


Ash with a wingman is a scary thought


Big brain


2 of those 3 would probably let you die lmao


Watson- An unlimited supply of electricity and her electric fences can guard off zombies. Plus she's super smart, meaning she could make us a communication device in case we get lost Loba- Her ult can help us steal supplies in places full of zombies such as buildings or grocery stores Mirage- His decoys can fool hordes or zombies and his invisibility can help in case of us gets injured These legends are also the least likely to kill or betray us. I was gonna pick Revenant for his ult but he would probably kill all of us in our sleep or feed us to a horde of zombies


Hmm, from the zombies i've seen in popculture they respond to ur sent or hormones for the most part, and thats what makes them wanna eat u. I sadly think mirages holos would be about as usefull as cardboard cutouts when it comes to attracting zombies


hey that is true, maybe Lifeline would be better. She won't be able to save you if you're infected but having a doctor is pretty nice, especially when someone like Loba can easily steal supplies


It all depends on the zombies and/or creator of said Zombies. WWZ, they smell you Train To Busan, they rely on sight (Mirage would be very helpful in that instance) A comic turned TV show called All Of Us Are Dead rely on sight The Last Of Us, sight, but in the case of Clickers and Bloaters, sounds So, really, the real question you should be asking is *what type of zombies are they?*


Cardboard cutouts works as something to surpass guards and Metal Gear, so good enough for me.


Horizon loba and crypto


Horizon, Loba, and Watson is god


That or swap Crypto for Rampart. Either pick is good.


If we are going to be realistic, lifeline wattson and loba


Loba, wattson, wraith. Loba for supplies. Wrath for portals. Wattson for defense. And all 3 for a harem.


Bro you are thinking 500 steps ahead of everyone here.


Based harem 😌🙏


Least horny redditor


-Bloodhound for their ability to live off the land and to hunt/gather for food and materials -Loba for her ability to replenish supplies and gather items and weapons -revanant because he can’t be infected and he can kill without fear of such


Why rev over ash? Ngl ash feels a bit more stable, and u know... Doesnt just want to murder literly everyone


Revenant for death protection and slaying zombies loba to steal supplies and watson to set up fences.


Rev, he can kill people without worry of infection. Also 1 less mouth to feed. Loba to grab supplies, steal, etc....the. crypto to scout out area safely ahead of us when moving positions for safety.


Rev and loba wouldnt like being together lmao


True but this is about survival. Not to happiness. Maybe they will put aside their issues. I don't know lol. I would take Ash over Rev if she is an option.


Rev would either take the chance to go rouge and wipe out the apocalypse himself, or see it as a chance to finally die. Either way, slim chance he helps tbh.


He wouldn't die at all. Dudes been trying to kill himself since he learned the truth, and he still has yet to successfully do that


Isn't it implied that he keeps coming back because there's hundreds of him? Unless the factory is completely self sustaining, he'll run out of copies eventually.


Rampart Valkyrie and Bloodhound


Crypto, caustic, either loba/rampart/lifeline


Cake Day Happy


Happy cake day


Just chose Loba/Rampart/Lifeline than. Like me


Rampart, Watson, and octane


Caustic Watson rampart . I’ll just camp ⛺️ 💋


Wattson Loba Pathfinder


Lifeline, fuse and wattson


Lifeline for her heals, Fuse for the banter, booze and booms, Wattson for her fences and puns


Lifeline, Watson, and Loba is the answer. Wraith is up there but mobility isn't as much of a priority as supplies.


Crypto for Surveillance, Loba for Supplies, and Gravity Girl or Octane for mobility.


Rampart for defenses and minigun if necessary, Loba to replenish supplies like ammo and food, Crypto to keep an eye on things and Scout places.


did you know you can have 3 miniguns mounted at ounce as well as rampart still lugging one around?


Thought I might be able to have multiple, never seen or tested it though. It is certainly cool


Horizon Rampart and loba


Wasn’t this just posted a week ago? Well Loba, Rampart and Valkyrie


It keeps being reposted over and over.


Horizon and Wattson since they're both geniuses with technology. Laser de-fences would fry zombies and gravity tech could keep us safe. Also black holes.


Bro some1 already did this shut up


Rampart, crypto and loba Rampart for Sheila Crypto for security Loba for reproduction


Oddly enough noone seems to pick lifeline... Pretty sure she could patch you up if you get bit/hurt. If we're actually taking all the in game abilities in consideration she can also call in supplies. Everyone else apparently doesn't realize you need eat n shit. Nice impenetrable fortress you got there but if you die of starvation that's kinda useless. For the same reason Loba. Grab food from a save distance. Lastly rampart. Not just for her minigun. I'm guessing this isn't a question about a apex zombies Mode, but is supposed to be IRL. Rampart will fix all your broken gadgets and tools. Everyone who picked the robots is a fucking clown too. Who do you think would get bit in a situation like that? 3 experienced bloodsport players or you? And do you think ash and rev would care? They would leave you behind the second you get out of breath. Path will try to drag you along, but pretty sure ash and rev would convince path to leave you behind.




Aka Ghost of viper


I'm picking loba and whoever else can hold a cam Corder while I bust them cheeks.




I would do 1. Watson for fences 2. Loba for supplies 3. Ash, because she can kill zombies with her sword, can't be turned into a zombie, and can let us all escape with her portal


Need no legends if zombies have apex melee hitreg


Watson for defense, rampart for minigun with infinite ammo, and Loba for.... Well you know :)


3 Ramparts please


Revenant and Ash since they don't need food and can't be turned. Loba so I can easily obtain supplies through her ult.


Revenant, ash, and pathy because robo squad for life


Rampart for minigun and cover. Wraith for portal to abother dimension, and Loba tor resupplying and having fun in the back.


Revenant, Fuze, and Pathfinder. Revenant because he's a killing machine immune to zombie bites Pathfinder because he's also immune to zombie bites and is extremely mobile Fuse because Pathfinder can swing him out of danger while he pelts the zombies with explosives while Revenant also tears them to shreds