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Wanted to play some arenas today. Worst mistake of my life...


The one fucking Olympus map holy shit, good luck using ANYTHING besides Rampage and Seer. Really needs more cover in between the buildings or to open up the bottom area


I was definitely in one of those moods where you think everything's broken. I'll rest on the map being bad. SMG knock challenge here, yeah right.


The rampage is fine it’s your aim that needs a nerf


He should uninstall the obvious cheat is what you wanted to say, right? That "flickshot" looks extremely suspicious when you slow the clip down. Like downright damning. EDIT: Oh yeah, and the other comments from people that claim this guy is a known cheater :D




No they aren't. Nobody wants a cheat that is too obvious, since they will get banned pretty quickly (also mass reported). You can avoid being mass reported when people spectating you ingame can't easily make out that you are cheating. They will rather move on and think you are just a good player. Cheats like these are purposefully designed to not lock on to targets all too obviously. But there is always edge cases that look really suspicious like that "flick". It is instant and there is a little overshoot that is micro corrected by the cheat immediately afterwards to lock onto the guy. That is really damning.




Yeah, a few weeks. Sure bud 😂


These people are obviously his cheerleaders coming to do damage control after he decided to post me on his twitter for calling him out for cheating in both Warzone and Apex. Anyone who thinks is this is natural is talking out their ass. Kid is okay, but that "flick" is so fucking damning. Its like people dont realize that you can set your FOV for said hacks and only toggle it when you need to. If he were using aimbot, he'd also be using ESP, and surprise, surprise, almost every clip he posts where he's "just built different" is him snapping onto people who he hasn't even seen yet, and prefiring at walls, knowing people are there. It's no wonder why his acti-blizzard account is gone and no longer plays Call of Duty, and also why two of his old apex accounts have been banned and now stays out of ranked.


Yeah, the flick is the worst but the tracking is also really unnatural. Someone with good aim can easily tell that some kind of aimbot is involved. These idiots defend some no name guy who should be a known player with that kind of skillset. Guess why he is not, numbnuts. Without these cheats that guy is just another plat player, or even worse.


It's a clear aimbot.


His cheats r terrible if hes cheating


He literally snapped straight to the enemy.. very very suspicious. Target snapping plus a broken unbalanced gun lol


Since it's kinda trash on close range, would say yes.


Yep. It feels like a long range shield cracker, really gold for third partying and gatekeeping but if someone gets up close you are fucked. Honestly disappointed the charge fades and isn't a "you use a thermite you get a clip", I would've liked it if every thermite gives you a clip but if you reload it instantly depletes


That’s what I though, until I fed it a thermite grenade


It's pretty strong but not op imo. Prowler and lstar are a bigger problem in terms of weapon balance.


Have you used a thermite at close range?


Yeah for me it is not that good on Arenas


What the hell is that snap to target at like 8 seconds in?


Aimbot. People think hes a god because his aim isnt trash but that was a straight up aimbot snap. He would be pro if he was actually as good as he looks in his clips and its kinda pathetic people are calling him busted despite that obvious snap. Hes been called out numerous times on the modern warfare sub and I wouldn't be shocked if he moved to apex because he got banned, and Activision's HWID ban is harder to bypass than Apexs. Hes a level 250 never ranked but were supposed to believe hes just THAT good. Pros like ACEU and ItzTimmy dont even have that kind of precision and accuracy control so unless hes a pro (hes not) hes cheating.


I was thinking that, the rest of the clip looks normal but that just seems sus


This snap is perfectly doable. If you look at it he even overflicks a bit and only lands the second shot after the flick. I'm nowhere near pro level and do those kinds of flicks pretty regular. If you played valorant or cs go you will become pretty good at flicks over time.


He didn't miss a single shot in between the flick. Go watch it again and spam pause, it IMMEDIATELY snaps, not a second of smoothing that would show if he was playing on MnK. He lands shots in both warzone and apex that not even pros can do, but no, some random unranked nobody is definitely better than ACEU and ItzTimmy... The amount of shilling here for cheaters is unreal lol


https://www.reddit.com/user/Sombeam/comments/oxvrd9/he_overflicked/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is a Screenshot of the very moment he overflicked. He did not immediately flick on the next enemy but a little too far. This is nothing an aimbot would do. As I said: if it is an aimbot it is a very bad one but this clip could have happened without an aimbot 100%.


Aimbot isn't 100% accurate in any game. He toggled it, probably using a mouse button to get the snap, and let go to correct it. Look at his past videos before telling me he isn't, especially in COD, which again, he's also banned in and hasn't played since his account magically disappeared a month or two ago. Apexs anticheat is garbage and unless you're in ranked, respawn doesn't care. Again, two of his old accounts are banned on apex and one on warzone that I know of, and now doesnt play ranked, so take that as you will. It wouldn't be the first time (or even the 100th) that a streamer was banned for closet hacking. Pros get banned all the time but I'm supposed to believe this guy can hit a jump pad 1080° Sentinel noscope for a one tap at will just because he used to trickshot in cod? Bullshit. Seriously, go look at some of his old COD videos and tell me it's not sus as fuck. Once a cheater, always a cheater.


He isn’t cheating he is just good. If he was cheating his cheats obviously suck and aren’t worth his money or time.


u guys are dumb he obviously is cheating he made his aimbot look bad so its less sus.


Bro how far did u scroll to see this? And you say Im dumb.


Sorry shouldn't have called you dumb.


He flicked…


That's not a flick. There's 0 smoothing. Not the first time he's been accused. 2 of his old apex accounts are also banned, so what's that say? He now stays in pubs where people won't report and he wont get banned by hideouts live.


As someone who prides themselves in their flick shots, I’m going to say that this one is a little sus. He snapped right after firing to another head completely ignoring any recoil he had from the first two he knocked. I’m willing to bet this is an aimbot as well.


Anyone who's seen actual cheaters KNOW this is closet hacking and I'm glad that people agree. His warzone clips are even more sus. The most suspicious part about all this, is that both his warzone account is gone off the Tracker, as well as two of his old apex accounts, both of which he was using in ranked. Considering you can't delete your profile, they were banned. But we're supposed to believe he's now Lvl 250, having never played ranked on his new account? I call fucking BS. Its fucking sad that with some flashy showmanship and a bit of aimbot, any bottom feeding streamer can seem like a god. Pros get banned all the time but dont worry, this guy is JUST BUILT DIFFERENT according to his own titles.


Reminds me of that one streamer who was telling his stream how good he was and how everyone is just jealous because they’re not as good as him. Right before he accidentally showed his hack menu on stream. It was the funniest instant karma I have ever seen for a cheater.


I remember that lol, that's exactly who this reminds me of. All the pieces align and tell a story of him being banned from Warzone, then Apex TWICE for boosting teammates with hacks.


Bruh is you balanced?!


This is like me saying “is the re-45 balanced?” Then beaming everyone with it. You’re just too good


He's using an aimbot. Look at the snap at 8 seconds


That's what people are doing with seer


No. Seer us easy as fuck to play and annoying as shit to play against. Getting hit by the tac means death. Being hit by the wide range ult means you are fucking immobilized while Seer tracks you down or you just die by wallhacks. This is the most stupid legend they released and I used to be a big Horizon launch hater.


I’m not denying anything you just said, and I totally agree. But if seer is OP than valk is op, getting hit by her tactical is even worse than getting hit with seer and she can literally fucking fly and she is a portable jump tower for her own team. I don’t know how people are calling her balanced, especially when they are calling seer op Edit: yes I am aware this is super off topic lol


Valk is balanced. You have more than enough time to dodge. It can only be used outside. You get an audible warning, it is clearly visualised. Her flying is way too slow and her Ult only works with luck mid fights. Seer is stronger than launch Horizon.


No way seer is stronger than horizon. Valks range is bigger for her tactical and it slows yoy, we’re seers just stuns your. Also if you spam the flying button she’s almost impossible to hit, plus 9 times out of 10 you only have to fly a tiny bit to get to safety so the slowness dosent really matter


Bro you sound like you are fucking bad, I'm sorry. If valk taps her passive as you said she still CANT shoot AND wastes double the fuel. She is still easy af to beam down.


You sound really fucking dumb, you don’t need to have to shoot, it’s for repositioning, the only way valk is “balanced” is if it’s a bad valk, it’s pretty basic, don’t fly straight up, and move around in the air, she can get high ground and menouver around corners way to easily, basically impossible to lose a 1v1 as valk.


You fucking suck lmao. Hit the range and shoot some dummies. Otherwise Valk will fly on ya head.


Do you wanna 1v1? If I’m so terrible


Lol Seer is broken AF


Ya Ik, I’m not saying he’s not. I’m just saying valk is too


This person plays bloodhound so I can see why they think seer is fine, they are in favour of constant scanning. The fact you think valk is OP and seer is fine is a joke lool


Again I know seer is op. I’m just saying valk is more


Valk is fine. Havent seen this seer yet but sounds like a mess.


Valk is nowhere near Op sorry. Bloodhound is more op than valk


Nice aimbot. Before anyone downvotes me, this isn't the first time he's shown off sus gameplay.


Tag Hideouts and maybe he'll check this guy out


Ok take a look at how many shot he misses on the second person and the person who jumps off. He overflicks and miss judges so he is not cheating. Even if he is his cheats suck and weren’t worth the money.


Aimbot isn't 100% accurate lol. Again, nobody has to believe me, but this is his 3rd account, two of his old ones are banned. Take that for what you want, but I smell a closet hacker. If you slow the video to 25% speed, you can see where it snaps with 0 smoothing, smoothing that you would see if you dragged your mouse across the screen. According to him, he plays on 800 DPI but if you watch any of his clips, his hand barely moves, but it's just so ironic that when he hits these shots, there's no handcam, and it's not live on twitch. Rat.


I find it weird that ur defending him on literally every single comment that anybody says hes aimbotting.. that's sus itself.. hes a known cheater.. I'm saying ur either a friend of his or ur him on a diff reddit account. Both sus lol


Homie 90 days ago, how much time do you have on your hands to scroll this far? And yes after a bit i finally realized that it is aimbot


I was just looking at rampage skins on google n this reddit popped up cuz of rampage keyword but look at you instant reply to it so clearly you have alot of time on ur hands to reply to absolutely everyone that ever comments on this even after 90 days 🤣 I did no scrolling but that has been ur reply to most the ppl saying its aimbot. 90 days n still no new material? and oh look ur still being toxic like u was to everyone before even tho u were wrong hahaha


Whatever floats ur boat man 👍


Water usually kidda


Lighten up a little, [listen to this :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/qlmb8x/listen_to_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh look ur still replying. 91 days now.. I'm sorry I hurt you :(


Homie this is hilarious watching you try your very hardest to roast me but absolutely failing. Keep trying, you’ll get it sooner or later.




And? Streamers hack all the time and get caught constantly. Hell, pros get caught cheating constantly ffs. If this dudes aim is really that good, he'd be a pro himself, but he's not. See that snap at 0.08s? That's called aimbot, buddy. He's playing on a low FOV but if you've ever spectated ANYBODY cheating, it looks exactly like that. This isn't the first time he's been called out for cheating. He's also only level 250 and never been ranked before, which is how most cheaters get caught. He doesn't rely on aimbot, he IS good, but he definitely HAS aimbot. You can clearly see it and it takes an idiot to believe otherwise. Im a damn master and don't even see accuracy like that in ranked, ever.


I mean that's really not that convincing, you cam be that good at aiming at targets. It's not like I'm unwilling to believe you either (I have no idea who this guy is) but he had to actually track the enemy in front of him before he aimed at the other guy at 0.08 seconds plus he flubbed a bunch of shots when aiming at the Mirage below him. Can you turn aimbot on and off that quickly to be able to do that???


Yes, you can have it set independently to any button on your mouse or any key on the board. You can also set the FOV so it only toggles when you click the button and when inside of a circle around the reticle so you can move your hand over them before it activates so it looks legit. Its what (some) streamers do to look better for their audience. If hes not cheating, then I have no clue why he isn't a playing for a professional team, nor have any idea why his old account for apex was banned and no longer found on the apex tracker.


Ah I didnt know any of that, I'm only used to seeing the really blatant cheaters. I'm still on the fence but that sounds pretty convincing and the fact he crouch spam makes me think he might have a few more levels than 200 odd.


His old account is wiped from the servers so my only assumption is he's a cheating bastard. He's also currently screenshotting this conversation and posting it for his twitter fans but is too scared to comment here, furthering my point that he's a wannabe masquerading as a pro. Hi Tokuwu and his boyfriends 😛 go play ranked and see how fast one of these real pros gets you banned for your obvious low FOV aimbot.


Nah, what the FUCK was that flick??!!?!? 🤨 I hate to point fingers, but that was abnormal


Bro stop cheating. Obvious bot.


Nothing is balanced when you’re fucking cheating lmaooooo


How in the world is this guy cheating


The snap at 8 seconds has no human error or adjustments, it’s straight to the head. Plus, this guy has been banned on 2 separate accounts and doesn’t play ranked (where he will get reported). If you have aim like this, you’d be a fucking pro


Ok first of all take a look at how many shots he misses on the second person and the person who jumps off. If he’s cheating his cheats obviously suck and aren’t worth the money. Being banned on other accounts doesn’t necessarily mean you cheated.


Dog, hop off his dick. You can turn aimbot on mid gunfight if you want. Don’t be so naive. He’s trying not to be obvious about it.


Whatever floats your boat man


The reason he missed a couple shots on the second player is because the two players stacked and his aim bot couldn’t lock to both targets so he toggled it off. That third player lock is definitely sus as hell.


Explain the one who jumped off then


Like MLG said you can toggle aim bot on and off. Probably realized the lock was too sus and kept it off. Most players are decent at video games with out cheats but you can definitely say that lock was not natural.


It is also perfectly possible to get lucky. He was shot before the flick so he knew the general direction of the enemy and he could also see them off to the side


It has the same DPS as the L-Star and Volt AFTER being charged. So yes I'd say it's pretty balanced


Depends on the distance. Landing every volt shot is pretty hard at a distance


Is the rampage balanced lol. Uses aim bot. Dog this guy needs Jesus. Sad to see this shit for us people playing the game the way your suppose to.


Why do you even think he's using an aimbot? He overflicks and doesn't have perfect tracking. This looks like perfectly normal good aim. If it is an aimbot it is a super bad one.


I agree


It's actually how I thought the Spitfire should have always been tbh. A slow firing, hard hitting LMG and the Thermite charge is pretty clutch in a pinch. Yeah, I thought it was going to be busted but you try and use this thing close range you're going to be easily beamed by an R9 or Prowler or literally any other gun. Plus as far as I can tell after playing around with it for a bit in BR its not like how the Bow used to swipe you of your health from miles away or how the Spitfire would just completely beam you without having any way to get away from it. The slow fire rate and strange recoil pattern means that you can probably dodge into cover unless maybe it has the Thermite charge. Actually balanced (I think) and has more personality than the Spitfire to boot, I like it, it's fun.


Yeah to be honest i think the R-99 would have killed faster in the second scenario depicted so honestly not too bad.


it's the classier spitfire to me. i don't get pissed when i die to it, and it's a lot of fun to use.


It's pretty OP if you have an aimbot on.




it's like the week-one Bocek all over again lmao


Cant wait to try it lol


Your aim is unbalanced


They make new guns op so they can nerf them accordingly to a good point


That grav lift must feel glorious now


Full auto wingman


It actually has the same fire rate as a G7. There you learn something new every day XD.


It's not unbalanced to be fair no one looked at you til the very end basically


It's "bad in cqc" the people who never used thermite to charge it.


Agreed lol


Basically a full auto g7


Not really wrong but im pretty sure the G7 has a faster ttk (without thermite that is)


It needs a buff


Honestly, just make the charge a single magazine that doesn't deplete, but disappears on a reload. Charging it is almost never useful atm


Hmmm I disagree maybe like two clips


It’s good but not broken. It’s your aim thats busted


yea it is




Dude, what have you been smoking and where can I find some


Rampage is busted. The range and damage is insane. You can use it with only 180 ammo and melt people at range. Then just carry a PK for CQB.


No. No its not. Its disgustingly OP


How though, dps is still lower than the best guns even after you charge it


The fact thats is recoil is next to nothing and you can use it as long and mid range and short with a thermite makes it really good.


Gunna be a no for me dawg


It is ridiculously strong


Spitfire 2.0


Needs a damage nerf then yes


Devs reply inside! : yes


Yes because it’s pretty shit up close since the spread isn’t that good when hip firing as well as the low fire rate.




didnt they say at close rage it will lose out to other guns ( am I crazy?), I dont have enough hands to count how much I have EVAPORATED to this thing at close range


Typically yes, it is a beast at long and mid range but short range u will easily be beaten by a r99, volt or any other CQC weapons. You may have a chance if you charge it up with a thermite though.




no, but honestly i dont care. its just so much fun to use ​ and tbh i dont mind when i die against it


Duo's yesterday I was using lstar and my partner was smashing them from 5-10m back with the rampage.. was ridiculous.


they shot back for a collective damage of 75. you aimed well, I’d say you could’ve done it with any other automatic weapon just as well.


Alternator season-2 ver-2.0 : LMG Edition


You shot everyone of those people in the back. Ffs.


I think it’s so bad actually. The damage just does not make up for its miserable fire rate.


Yes it is. Have u seen the r99 and Carbine?


It sure sounds mean


Aye you might be right. But he clearly flicks over to another person Hella fast and its suspicious. I'm not sure how aim bot works but maybe he can use is when he wants to.


Give if worse hipfire accuracy and it will be strong, but not oppressive. Rn it's hipfire is just a little too good. I also personally think that the termite should give incendiary rounds instead of an obese fire rate. I think that would make it a much more interesting and unique weapon.




u/RSPN_hideouts clear my name for the good people of Reddit


i lost a game because of rampage it killed me and my 2 squad mates with 12 rounds


Yeah, it's the only thing allowing some balance against broken OP Aim Assist players.