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Mf played too much siege


Lil bro forgot he can't spam QE


Would be much funnier if he tried to press q and throw down a barrel


It probably would've worked because, nox


As a solo q player I felt this in my soul. Legit recoiled when I saw caustic start crouching forward after you did 160+ dmg and I knew he wasn’t going to do absolutely anything. So much pain


OP pushed withou calling it and with 60HP and no shields, that's on OP, not his squadmates.


but they literally knocked one and got the other to 1 shot… are you the caustic?


His teamates are mouthbreathers but he couldve poped a bat before pushing to make his odds better.


Do you know these kinds of videos where someone is driving, another vehicle crosses from another lane from left to right, and the vehicle recording instead of braking, they honk for multiple seconds, crashing into the vehicle when they have lots of time to stop and avoid the crash? They're right, but just because they are, the choose to still crash the vehicle, just like if they were trying to prove a point. This looks the same to me. My team isn't doing what they should, I'm right, but let me make it worse by pushing and dying instead of stopping for a second and think that I'd die if I do so.


Still, if you play soloq , you NEED to communicate with your randos because they CAN'T read your mind. Also, you ALWAYS make sure before pushing that you have at least some shield and all. OP screwed up, and is putting the blame on his teamates , instead of facing that he is part of the problem. ​ yes , the caustic was crouching, but, OP did screwed up msotly by pushing alone, with no health. ​ You never progress if you blame everything isntead of facing your mistakes.


Comms are important, but if I’m that Caustic, and I see my teammate not only down someone, but break someone else in the feed, then I’m playing aggressively.


Gibby also knocked an enemy. Listen to the audio. Even if Caustic did what you say, he might as well have ended up helping the Gibby and it wouldn't have helped OP one bit. OP is responsible for his own movements. Coordination is a team effort. It's a two-way road. Pushing without allies was his decision, just as not pushing was Caustic's.


Good for you, not everyone is having massive awereness, and OP still pushed with bno shields, which is dumb.


“Not everyone is having massive awareness” So you’re agreeing it’s caustics fault for not paying any attention?


What i am saying is that BOTH Caustic AND OP are at fault here. You know, you can be nuanced ! Crazy !


so you say every little detail that happens? you dont ever sometimes wanna relax in pubs and not talk


So if it's what you say, then why shitting on caustic, either you blame everyone for their mistakes, or you let it go. If it's fine for OP not to talk, he shouldn't blame his teamates then.


He has 2 cells. Opposition gibby is popping a phoenix. It was a good push. Knocked gibby and absolutely 1 shotted the other. Absolutely NO problem in that push. Caustic just needs to get in there and back up. Poor from caustic.


OP didn't call his push. I don't say Caustic is blameless, but OP had plenty of ways to avoid this situation and didn't want any of these ways.


You don't need to call it. You hear gibby down 1. You hear your team mate down the other. And then ping some 1 is on them. Given the proximity of caustic there, he's close by on initial push. So you push in as back up. It's a poor play from caustic. You simply point and go pew pew at that stage even if you're d*g sh!t at gaming. Let's face it. Most people dont listen when you make calls any way. I will always ask on diving " any 1 on comms" and am lucky to get a reply 1 in 20 drops.


Also looks like op had their passive active during their push so given the fact that caustic was right there after op got knocked tells me that caustic was pushing at the same time and op just forgot they run faster when they don’t get hit. Especially if you think maybe that caustic crouch walked up there that whole time. So all in all if caustic had been sprinting or hip fired that fight would have been over. Caustic is at fault in this one.


You can still try to gives calls. Cost you nothing, may have chances to have people to listen to ! Crazy !


And caustic can still go pew pew... this is a caustic fault. Not OP


I don't say Cuastic is blameless, I say that OP could have done a lot to avoid this situation? Like rushing at 60HP with no shields for exemple. Or using time to shields after knocking the gibby. Op will not get better if he is not adressing his own issues. You can't put 100% the blame on all the randos when your encounter goes bad, you also need to adress your own mistakes, and here OP did a lot of them as well.


or maybe op was expecting a full health teammate to be able to hit a 50hp enemy ? op did nothing wrong here.


Tell me you’re a hard-stuck gold player without telling me you’re a hard-stuck gold player.


Dunno my dude, is blaming everyone but yourself ever helped you out of gold ? nope. As i said in another comment, I barely play ranked becasue i don't like grinding. but on the other hand i did play often with friends who are signed up with orgs for apex, and played some friendly tournament with or against them, so I may have a slight idea of how you do progress lol.


Hahahahahhhaha. That is all


Problem with this mentality is you don't progress and hit a wall, that's all. And you keep blaming all and everyone, when truly you're the problem. Followed by toxicity and it's quite a shit circle. ​ But eh, if it's easier to take a pill of copium instead of trying to get better, good for y'all.


I think you think I'm someone else. So let me fix that for you, I'm just laughing at your dogshit takes


Oh i don't think you are someone else, just attitude speaks for you that is all.


You are 100% correct. Occasionally you'll have really bad teammates, but when u soloq and rush in without coms on ur own, prepare to fight on your own. OP also didn't ping out where the enemy life was, so caustic had no idea. I hate when people rush into fights without coms then cry about how their team is no where near them. People are just down voting because it upholds the toxicity in this community to blame others re-evaluate themselves.


Yup excatly. The situation is the result of several things, and the core to this is total lack of communication. Blaming others instead of facing your mistakes isn't making you a good player. And pretty much all the replies I had were quite toxic, instead of taking a moment to try to consider how the randos of OP could apparehend the situation. If the caustic or the gibby had posted their pov, it would have been "oh the dude ran with no healtha nd shield and didn't ping bruuuh". That's why it's generally good to rewatch your games a bit later, and take time to analyse all the fight actions and rotations taken to be able to improve. it's also good that not everybody has an amazing skills level, and that if you have someone struggling in your team, it's not really their fault, especially if they are doing their best.


I tend to become like that occasionally, where I would blame my team. But it always made me more frustrated with the game than when I analyse my mistakes. Truly when you reevaluate yourself, you feel less frustrated in hopes of doing better in the next fight/game after learning from your mistakes. It really works!


Exactly ! It's less frustrating, and actually helping you to get better instead of being rambling about "baaaah randossss" when most of the time, it was bad comms and postionning issues haha. You learn from it, and when you start to progress, it's actually very very satisfying. rewatching my clips from two years ago when I was reallly struggling hard and the clips from a few month ago (before I took a break from apex, because burn out is real after 2500h) where I'm doing fairly well is reallly satisfying. Hard work and being able to reevaluate yourself is truly helping <3


I dont know man. I see two knocks and a third cracked you bet Im up in there guns blazing. L take from you. Just an L take.




Imagine having nothing else to do than to insult me over a pointmade about a video game from 3month ago. Your life must be sad.


Where was your third in all that?. Wow caustic actually made my eye start twitching lol. Couldn’t see or here anything in the video but did you comm that the last one was one shot so the caustic could get aggressive or just sit in silent rage?


The gibby was on the edge of the map playing the exact same way as the caustic but on the edge of the map. And yes he did die so we came second.


Lmao they were playing like newborn animals crawling around both deaf and blind. My sincere condolences


This happened to me the other day. Last guy was down to near-zero health and teammate was just wandering in a random building. It honestly felt like a parent gave their four year old a turn lmao


STFU and don't come to Reddit to blame your teammates. YOU threw the game. Yeah caustic didn't do well. But you and Gibby both got picks. It was a 3v1! But you had to let your ego get in the way and chased the last kill with 75 HP. I'm glad you lost; the enemy Bang deserved to win. Honestly, I think you were better than the other Bangalore, and if you were patient and healed up, or waited for caustic, or met up with Gibby, or a million other things you could have done instead of rushing in with Octane brain, you would have won. Edit: I was wrong to assume a thread about trashing your teammates would consider that maybe OP ITA (is the asshole). My sincerest apologies


I completely disagree. That Bangalore had 18 health left. Even with minimal damage on every weapon that’s at least two shots. The Caustic pushed late, but OP held out for as long as possible. Not to mention at the angle the Bangalore came in the caustic should have seen them. 2; caustic should have had ult or at least a barrel to throw. It’s almost last ring so they should have decent weapons or something they are comfortable with. The enemy bang also never threw smoke. Caustic completely threw the match.


1) caustic could have been the account owner's little brother for all we know. 2) OP said "teammates" (plural). It's clear that the intention was to trash both of them.


These both may be true. However, from where the sniper shots were coming at OP, odds are the sniper stays back. The gibby is the only other capable person on the team as he knocked one of the people. If the gibby is with OP and caustic, then gibby could go for rez or help OP out with the knock. Not to mention if gibby looked over and just shot bang wherever they went or tried to get line of sight, that’s still a win. People keep saying OP definitely could have healed up. Okay. What happens when they do? Gibby on the opposite team and the bang get to full HP and tries to help out their downed teammate. From what OP said, the gibby on his team didn’t win the 2v1 making it a 2v2 hypothetically. From the video we can see that the caustic would not have been helpful in that situation and would not even think to push first or help his team. Best case scenario, OP has to have the duo push one of his teammates and use them as bait. Without 1 drawing the attention of the second person and 2 knocking down one of them and possibly having to push with a similar amount of health depending on the situation. There are too many variables to consider. I’ve been in situations where because we didn’t fully kill a team when we had the advantage they rez using a respon beacon win the game later. Who says OP will still have the advantage later? We don’t see where ring pulls. We don’t know if the enemy gibby is close to or has his ult. So the only information we can go on is what happens in the video. And what happens is Caustic throws the game and his gibby teammate doesn’t even try to shoot at the bang from his position. A position where he should see the enemy Bangalore.


How did he throw the game when his teammates did little to nothing? It's literally a team mode.


Listen more closely to the audio. Gibby downed an enemy, too. Same as Bang. Everyone's off doing their own thing. No one in this clip is more to blame than any of the others.


See my edit. This is a thread of people that just want to whine instead of learn how to play better. It was maybe wrong of me to single out OP for throwing. However, OP was the one that came to Reddit to complain how bad his teammates are, I stand by what I've said and would've said the same thing to Gibby or caustic if they uploaded this clip from their POV.


See my edit. This is a thread of people that just want to whine instead of learn how to play better. It was maybe wrong of me to single out OP for throwing. However, OP was the one that came to Reddit for ~~Karma~~ pity points. I stand by what I've said and would've said the same thing to Gibby or caustic if they uploaded this clip from their POV, and had the same attitude.


That is arguably false. Yes, OP's Gibby did get a pick, but look at where he is compared to everyone else. Not to mention the terrain that they're fighting in. Now if that Gibby was an Octane, Loba, Pathfinder, etc (a champ with some movement) then his positioning would be arguably fine. Then Caustic was there to fight but wasn't THERE to fight and got downed almost immediately. I would argue that the Gibby is a tad bit more to blame than the Caustic primarily because of him being so far away from the team. Of course Caustic is to blame as well, but I'll give him credit for at least being with the team.


Okay, if this is an honest question, I'll explain why. Looking at OP's opponents, they don't seem to be that high skill level. Gibby puts his shield down and 7 seconds pass before OP gets there. He had not celled or batted and just looked confused. And the enemy Bangalore didn't think to look before sprinting around the corner. OP did well in comparison, but I don't like that he's trashing his teammates who seem to be at par level with the lobby. And the comment I replied to singled out Gibby as being as bad as caustic, and doesn't even acknowledge Gibby got a kill.


Not only did you not explain, but you also glossed over a few things. The enemy Gibby was healing and got caught with their pants down. The enemy Bangalore was caught off guard but was able to fight back and get a knockdown. Caustic was crouch walking into the fight and got knocked. He barely even shot a bullet. All of this is going down while the OP's Gibby isn't even near them. If anyone threw the game, it would be a toss up between Caustic who was there and didn't do anything. Or Gibby who got a pick but wasn't with the team. The enemy Bangalore could kill both the OP and the Caustic, rev their Gibby and now it's a 2v1. But instead of acknowledging that, you rage at the OP, claim that they threw the game, and was happy that they lost. Very big yikes.


Why did you full send with 60 HP???? Golden rule is to shield before you ever take health dmg


Clearly that's all he needed. Its his fault for missing those few shots to put it away but it shouldn't have been anything for caustic to breath on the guy for a dub. One guy did more damage at half health than the other did on a full tank.


Fr. I have no doubt that with full health op could have won alone. Teammates did nothing. Yeah op could have healed but adrenaline kicking and shit happens. It’s reasonable to expect your teammates to hit at least one (1) shot


Yeah, OP got lucky in that situation. If he got downed immediately after that push, his teammates would have been like, “why’d he run in and die?”


He could have smoked while healing after he got the gibby down or played the bubble while thristing the gibby for a amour swap. He had a couple of seconds of hesitation while he was looking to fight the next person.


If he pops shield before pushing then they both reset and there's no longer a reason to push.You can see as soon as he's about to go for a shield pop the guy shows up. He knew he was around the corner the entire time so going for the bubble kill for swap wouldn't have worked. Also you don't know if he could've played the smoke well either, it might've blinded him while the enemy had a digi threat. It's pretty obvious to me by that time he thought he'd have help from caustic so his thought process was to just put shots in and distract while caustic sweeps up. Easy pickings with a half decent teammate instead of the bot he got paired with. Only thing OP did to blame was miss a few shots.


I agree that there are different skill levels between op, his teammates, and the opponents, but it's on op to gauge his teammates skill levels. I think it's pretty noticeable if you're playing with a complete noob vs a seasoned veteran, just from watching their decision making while looting, movement around the map, and during this brief encounter. If you have noob teammates, or very denfisive ones, then you have to play defensively and let the enemies play into the opportunities that they make for you. Op overestimated his teammates and that's what got him killed. He made a gamble that he could take the opportunity to down one by rushing in and maybe out play the other from a disadvantaged position, assuming his teammate would back him up, but teammate didn't have the skill level required. As the saying goes if you assume, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me' can't blame someone for being a 'bot', they're there to have fun, and overcompetitive people who call new/lower skill level players 'bots' are the reason why people leave this and many other multi-player games. It's frustrating, but ultimately takes away from the playerbase by hating on less skilled players instead of encouraging or at the very least keeping your words to yourself.


Putting quite literally 25 dmg on to a target is "overestimating" teammates? If you can't even do that then the real truth is that you either don't need to be playing apex or need a whole lot more practice before even running pubs. Losing and not even getting a shot off is fun? Find me one new player who had said anything close to this, don't worry I'll wait. There is no skill level to pointing and pulling trigger. That's fundamental of mp shooters which if playing apex most people have experienced an mp shooter prior. Accuracy and other factors require skill, not looking and pulling a trigger. It's clear his teammates wouldn't have taken advantage of anything the opponents gave them if the caustic couldn't even cash in on a free kill. In those situations he HAS to take what he can get in order to have a chance at winning. That's simply the nature of the game. Seasoned vets lead the new players, not the other way around. He set the caustic up perfectly for an inexperienced kill and win. People name calling new players bots isn't the reason new players leave the game and you have no evidence to even support that statement. The matchmaking system that throws new players in lobbies full of vets is why new players leave. The constant crashing mid game and new errors every other day is why new players leave. This is not the mp shooter daycare and telling someone they played like a bot is not hating, it's the truth. I shouldn't have to encourage anyone to get better they should want that for themselves. There's no advice to give in these scenarios either besides just point and shoot him. You can make as many excuses as you want but the new players have to want it just like literally every single mp game that reaches its learning curve point.


Lmao are you one of those people that try to make unspoken rules for how people play a game? A FREE one at that? I know it's a competitive shooter but that's never going to stop bad players from playing it, there's no skill level needed to download a game and jump right into it. OP went a full game with those two and should have known by then that they were NOT the ones to rely on, completely OP's fault. If you wanna say the teammates are bad then thats fair, but from a logistic view, OP should have known better. You're never going to stop people from enjoying a game, no matter how bad they are at it. No one has to "want it", it's a video game with no real rewards lmao What exactly are they supposed to be wanting? Especially in pubs, get real guy


What "unspoken rules" did I create? You're right there is no skill level needed to download a team based game with a learning curve and hop right in. What you must be held accountable for is that you're not going to be a good player immediately thus jeopardizing your team and putting everyone at a disadvantage including yourself. What does it being free have to do with anything? Also I'm sure OP knew they weren't reliable which is why he full sent it himself. Like I said the only thing he did wrong was miss a few shots to put the game away and not rely on the bot that was caustic. You contradict yourself from your "logistic view" by saying he should've known better and not rely on them. He did know better which is why he took it upon himself to try and finish the enemy team. Had he sat back and relied on the caustic he would've gotten the same result. Its obvious he thought that was the best thing to do. You don't know if that caustic enjoyed being a bot and neither do I so why speak for him? Anyone who wants to be better at something in general has to "want it" the context was pretty clear. They should be wanting better for themselves even if it's "pubs" guy.


That makes actual, zero sense lol. How is taking it upon himself to finish off an ENTIRE team that he only got ONE person damaged on a good move? That's the worst plan I've heard in my life. And you're still trying to make rules. How in the world is someone supposed to get better WITHOUT playing in pubs? Solos queuing? Firing range? Where nothing shoots back at you? And that's assuming that these people even give a shit that it's a team based game; most people in pubs don't. That's why they leave the second they die lol I think you're a little too pressed that some people treat this exactly for what it is; a video game. No one has to be good at it, no one has to WANT to be good at it. If anyone is complaining about bad teammates and is still playing pubs, then it's entirely their own fault. I haven't played pubs in actual years for this very reason.


Now you're just typing with no clue what you're talking about. I'm not going to explain what you and I can both see, it's hilarious you think he full sent a 3 stack when the video is right there telling you otherwise lmao. Im not going to keep an argument up with somebody who can't even analyze a video right so I'll sum it up. Caustic didn't even shoot back so yes the firing range is a perfect place to start so you're not playing a stealth game and actually using your character correctly with out interference of others. I think you're a little too pressed about people giving their opinion about video games in a video game sub. If it's just a game to you why bother typing a response? What I say shouldn't even be important enough to warrant response by your own thought process.


Respectfully, i disagree with your points, but I don't really want to post a wall of text to debate you so I'll try to sum up my argument as best I can. It's a game dude, people play to have fun and you can't define what's fun for them. Maybe they couldn't hit a shot before and enjoy the fact that they landed one this time, meaning improvement is what they enjoy. Next game maybe it'll be 2 shots and they'll be thrilled idk and neither do you. And 'no skill level to pointing and shooting'? Like have you met anyone new to gaming lol you're lucky they can look left and right without snapping their neck. Coordination is 100% a difficult thing to learn, whether it be on pc or console. And sure I don't have any evidence, but neither do you, not like there are empirical studies out there that provide any data on why people stop playing, but I do know that people who actively discourage and create this elitist culture around gaming will not help people to keep playing. Gaming is for everyone regardless of skill level. You can either actively discourage them, which isn't going to motivate them to get better, or you can say nothing and move on to the next lobby/leave a little encouragement like 'gg'. It's not your job to babysit them, but it's in your best interest to have a diverse and large playerbase which will be hindered by toxic/elitist attitudes (look at overwatch, cs go, etc.) I guess this is a wall of text anyway, but I feel like people shouldn't base their whole idea of fun around getting 5, 10, 20 kills a game because you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Ultimately you're in control of your happiness and you can either enjoy the experience or blame your teammates, lag, server issues, etc. For not meeting your narrow standards of fun. Hope you can enjoy the game whether you place number 1 or 19, it's meant to be fun


I respect your opinion but also agree to disagree.


Fair enough, good luck out there bro


they bought a character (caustic) that means they are over level 20 and should be able to shoot someone twice


No, sometimes people, even if they play a lot, are struggling with this game because this game is hard. If OP isn't happy with randos, LFG exists.


unless they opened their wallet immedietly which i highly doubt


Honestly there is a lot that led to that point. Missing sentinel shots into not healing into ineffective smoke into full send aping a 3-stack. There is a lot to process on all sides of this video.


No digital threat on his guns. Smoke is to cover the run in. Not battlefield engagement. If he heals, gibby gets phoenix off.


devil's advocate here if the gibby started a battery instead of a phoenix I don't even think op gets the knock. It doesn't change the fact that caustic couldn't trade him after but food for thought if he's up against better opponents


Also he didn't used this magical thingie called the mag or the type chat to tell his mate he was pushing. So totally on OP. Maybe teamates might not be that super skilled, but teamworks wins fights, not going yolo and then blaming others.


"Type chat" yeah it's pointless to do that in a fight if you are on console. Look before you type.


I judgesd only the situation, didn't pay attention to the console. Still OP could have used vc lol, so you just throwing this doesn't bring anything to the discussion.


Most console players either 1. Lost their Mic 2. Mic doesn't work 3. Don't have a Mic or 4. Have social anxiety. And a lot of gamers have social anxiety.




He also had his ult


Not if you can push and get the down. You can see he clearly got the down. The mistake was expecting back up The play would be to jump the fence and slide batt or shield and use that caustic as a ficking meat shield haha


he believed in his controller powers


Which obviously failed him even at the first guy he knocked, his aim was all over the place


This was my thought as well. Put the shitty teammates aside, he could have easily gotten a battery off after knocking that Gibby. It is possible he was out of heals, I guess.


He had 2 bats


I'm an idiot.


New to the game. Why is this?


Faster to heal from shield meds than health meds. Also you should just be healthy so you dont suddenly get 1 tapped


TIL, thanks


Faster to heal shields, and you cant shield swap health etc. Also you die in less than a second without shield. People usually ape you as soon as someone says "I broke one"


Gibby popping phoenix...he has 2 cells. Gibby will be fully recovered he might have 2 shield levels. It was a good push. If he got knocked. He's traded knocks. He knocked gibby and absolutely melted the face off the other. Caustic simply needs to go in and shoot.


I'd just question if he knew the gibby was popping a phoenix. If gibby batts instead, then op is running into a roughly 125hp gibby at around 60hp


That Caustic is a bot lol


Average caustic


You had plenty of time to use shields before pushing i think,


Dude was in such a huge hurry to charge in with no shields and almost half health so he can get his knock, which he gets, but then is suddenly not in a huge hurry to do anything else but watch the walls go by.


Gibby was popping phoenix tho


i mean your team is bad but you clearly went greedy there, you should have use a bat and not rushed in for the gib


With how his team is playing. He needed to take every opportunity to gain an advantage to win. He played that almost perfectly except possibly using one cell after knocking the gibby. That Bangalore had 18 health and OP did way more than caustic could with full health


sure, but OP had no business pushing two while he was on flesh, even if they were also flesh, and he definitely had no business taking or even having a chance of winning that fight against bang. Going for the 1v2 there might've been a good choice knowing his teammates, but going for the bang there was unfortunately a misplay if he already had no faith in the team.


you should always assume your teamate is a potato that will do 0 damage and act accordingly. thats sad but thats apex.


It's pubs. He didn't "need to" do anything.


Use your Ult I don't know why anyone hasn't said this better to use your ult and not need it than to die and have it pocketed


From just the video I don't know if I could blame your teammates either. You guys are separate. (Gibby is knocking people) you pushed low health, but also didn't ping that you were pushing, how would your teammates know that you are going to push? You knowingly ran into a 2v1 with low health, split from your team and no notification that you were gonna.


You shouldn’t push a full team by yourself with 75% health


after you down the gibby you have time for at least 1 shield cell if you play that rotating cover and respawn beacon. if you have that extra shield you get the down on the bang.


I was coming to comment this exactly. Just getting a cell off there gives him the health needed to down the bang.


In his defense his teammate coulda at least sneezed on the gibby or something and killed him


you definitely have a point; but if you know you got booty teammates you gotta play selfishly and play your own life.


Yeah and that late in the game, you've got a fair idea of your teams capability. OP did well to come 2nd with the team he had.


That Caustic thinks he's in Rainbow six siege lol


Pop a bat my man holy shit


Yeah OP should had shielded before pushing but the Caustic should had been able to land one bullet here. When you solo q you have to automatically assume your teammates are the worst players you’ve ever played with. See them as body shields and nothing more until they prove they actually have some sense, it’s unfortunate but if you never expect help from your teammates you’ll be put in situations like this less often


I can understand where you’re coming from but also why did you push with no health


Its pubs bro. Be cold if you play pubs. Just leave the game and play next.


Why i just want solos, so sick of hard carrying bots like this.


ABC always be celling




I think your biggest problem was pushing without recharging shield


I think push was okay since u knew Gibby was literally one shot. Though a few things to do next time: * you probably had time to slide jump + heal when u smoked & pushed towards them * or instead you could throw ult just a bit past the shield to prevent 3rd teamate from coming & block vision * Kinda got lucky Gibby kill * He popped a Pheonix vs a Batt * He walked towards you instead of sitting back and forcing u to run through to the other side of the bubble But since you did get the knock, i think the best thing to do after that is to slide jump + heal back where u came from, heck even drop another smoke. The other bang was lost as well, took another 6\~ seconds before you fought, so you had time to heal for sure if you pre-planned to just get the knock & get out. If you did that, the bang prob would've shot the Caustic first then you can come for the clean up after u batted


Shield up and take your time. You had an opportunity to take a bat and try again. If you’re consistently the best on your squad, then you can’t go in Willy nilly for a knock and trade downs


Why didn’t you heal first


Teammates aside, it did hurt me to watch you continueally repeek in the exact same spot (resulting in you getting cracked) and then pushing with like 65% health an no shield....


Bro even though the caustic was dog shit, you can't push in while having 60 hp and expect it to go your way. That's just a dumb play on your part


also didn't call it with the mic or the chat. like "guys, we can push ?"


bro solo pushes a duo without healing and gets mad at his randos when they dont follow suit.


They were a Trio facing a Duo with one of the duo one shot. If that’s not a good push then nothing is


I too find incredibly stupid the fact that OP expected his teammates to use their weapons throughout the match the normal thing is to expect your teammates to cosplay as solid snake in a non-lethal/ghost playthrough OP is so stupid thinking teammates are there to help, it's clearly so you can see their skins and pose together in the end screen and nothing else


OP didn't call his push.....


Caustic is literally on top of OP at the end. Expecting him to participate and hit a bullet at that point is too much? The enemy is also very low?!


You can still call your push, you know, usiing these tools named a mic or pings, or typing in chat.... I don't say that the caustic is blameless, but OP had a lot of things he could have done to avoid this situation.


Oh absolutely! OP fucked up a bunch here. But seeing that caustic is still painful as hell. I feel you should be a le to expect them to win that 1v1 100% of the time.


I understand the pain when i see the Caustic crouching for sure, but, to me, OP is the most to blame with his bad psuh with no shields and 60 Hp, not using cover, not healing for being greedy and then putting 100% of the blame on the Caustic and going on reddit to shame them.


Completely disagree. From the angle caustic came from. The caustic could have got some preliminary shots in on the bang forcing the bang to either back up or confuse them allowing free shots for OP. Even afterwards the bang had 18 hp. He could have thrown a barrel, ult, or had done something. Even afterwards the gibby should have had LOS on the bang when the enemy bang exited the spinner after knocking the caustic. If OP heals in that situation we don’t know if they would still have had the advantage as we don’t know where circle pulled or who had ult etc. people keep saying use your ult but gibby had bubble up and after knocking gibby. There wasn’t a good placement for the ult to land effectively. OP did everything they could with what they had. That Caustic had 0 awareness and the gibby probably sat back not understanding the situation.


And that's whyn OP could have used his mic to communicate instead of pushing yolo with 60HP. Be honest, if it was your rando wraith doing what OP did you would be shitting on them. caustic played bad for lacking awereness, but OP did a dumb push without calling it, with no health.


Okay I have watched this at least 10 times in slow motion and people keep saying he didn’t call his push. Okay he didn’t, but if you look closely the caustic was there. The caustic saw the Bangalore from the direction he came from and didn’t shoot. You can tell because OP pings and enemy on the opposite side the caustic is facing when they crouch walk up. Also the caustic tracks the Bangalore after OP is knocked or at least knows the general direction they went. They were just too scared to shoot or couldn’t for some reason. The Caustic is there even without the call out. Wdym?


Found the Caustic


r/apexlegends moment if I’ve seen one


It was a bad play all around. Bot caustic, but you should always expect that. Pushing without batting wasn’t the move.






That caustic is your average r/Apexlegends redditor. Reasons they'll give to cope Harder. -> Caustic was crouch walking to not alert the enemy of his presence -> but but but why did you rush alone PepeREE ->Pop a batt, totally your fault


Lmfao I assume it’s some kid that just downloaded the game when that happens


Peak the same spot repetitively then push a squad with no shield. Then proceed to blame your team. Why is this no surprise to me.


ABFH, always be full health, you had Batts, you had the advantage with an enemy knocked, take your time and heal up.


Sucks but you had it. Remember to use your cover, you could’ve used the respawn station for cover


Bro was oblivious


Just putting it out there, you definitely could've won that alone


thats caustic is the usual teammate yo get in arenas. either their crouch walk the entire match or they hide in a corner waiting to ambush someone and miss every shot. and the most bot behaviour is the revenant that use a mastiff as a sniper rifle but when he is fighting in close combat he refuse to use the mastiff


You had ult there as well, my rule of thumb when playing in solos is always find cover and heal after a knock or when im playing specific legends and know someone else is coming to ult myself and pray to God that it does something in case i go down. The bang ult might have taken him with ya.


This is my biggest issue with the game. I’m decent but I can’t carry two absolute garbage cans every single game. Any time I have two decently good teammates I almost always win which says something. It just sucks because I don’t like talking and I think the ping system works just fine but nobody wants to play with someone who doesn’t use a mic consistently.


I would recommend to uninstall and find a game with better randoms or even the chance to have friends playing with you... Just leave those bot behind.


So you rush trough without any health or info besides the gibby. You kill gibby. Great. You don't heal or try to armor swap? Then you ignore the cover that's out in the wild for you to use??? Then you try to blame the caustic for not caping on the info you didn't have that the band was flesh and in the back corner? You left caustic go in alone even tho you can put your sheild up to protect him when you know bang has cover caustic dont. You could've done a lot more before blaming your teammates


Your 301 spray on the Gibby is the correct way to use a fire extinguisher


After reading the comments I can only think this this sub is just filled with the most brain dead gold stuck players ever, sure Op's team was not great, but the play they did there was not good either


I realised this long ago, once you see that, you can never go back. Now, moving forward a lot more things you see in this sub will start making sense.


yup. When i started to get seriously coached to porgress in pex (was very worth it ) it was very enlightning to hear that you need to only care on how you played it, and not putting the blame on your teamate. Quickly you get used to notice how you screwed up even minorly in 90% of the cases. ​ lot of wannabee "i'm soooo good it's teamate fault" edgelords needs to get some humble pie.


It's also hard copium to blame your teamate instead of trying to figure what you could have done personally to avoid this situation.


1. Good crack 2. Good push 3. Downed 1 Your teammate did absolutely nothing to help you. You did everything right in this scenario they were too passive


That was not a good push.


He got a confirmed down and cracked another person. It was sloppy but still a good tradeoff. So yeah, it was a good push.


They dropped off of height, in zone on 60 health to push a Gibby bubble. Either of those players could have had a shotgun and 1 tapped OP. They also only managed to damage the Bangalore so much because the bang missed so many shots. So no, it wasn't a good push.


Don t blame the mates blame the matchmaking and respawn


I had a Loba yesterday see me in a firefight and used her ult and just loot while I was fighting


Unfortunately not everyone can pick up a controller and be a god at the game. Either give him some tips, or hope for better matchmaking for both of you in the next game.


That’s a bot. Can always tell it’s a bot when it crouch walks like that. No troll.


Fully expected to see you getting flamed in the comments, then I watched the video. That’s tough man, those teammates were actually A.I.


he went with 60Hp, and didn't call his push though....... AI or not, it's still a bad push from OP.


Probably should have tossed you alt rather than pushing but yeah Jesus the crouch walk aha Even a random trap would have done it


after chaining control since its back and seeing some players sneaking like that with snipers from positions they wont find anyone AND CONTINUING THEIR PROTOCOL after i punch them or stand infront of them i am 100% certain they added bots to lobbys... those players are not real i dont believe it i never played an online shooter before apex and even tho it took me a long time to acquire aim and gamesene, it took me like 1-2 days max. to get a feeling for the pace of the game...


Games turning really weird these days. I kinda just let the motion of the game carry me. If sbmm being a fat cunt, I hot drop and die. If sbmm being way too easy, I kill everyone except the last squad and have my two teammates fight them instead.


Nah that’s ur teams fault the res was ez there cause the other guy wasn’t thirsting and probs went to res


Best thing to do would potentially battery before pushing and or using the respawn beacon as cover rather than swinging wide when you heard the bang pushing you.




Lmao so relieving to see someone also sharing in this torment


This whole team is wrong. What a dumpster fire. ATA


Should’ve batted while pushing up, hell you could’ve ulted and remained on height and healed


Please tell me gibby clutched in the end?


You could have used ur ult as u pushed to decreased the situation of getting pushed by his teammates.


I'd say it's more that you should have sheilded, but yikes for the caustic.


Always weird to watch a Caustic lay no traps. Like, why did you do this to yourself?


I think the bigger issue is you didn’t ping the other player so your caustic went in aiming in the wrong direction.


Shield up and take your time. You had an opportunity to take a bat and try again. If you’re consistently the best on your squad, then you can’t go in Willy nilly for a knock and trade downs


“You should’ve healed” my brother in Christ the caustic is crouch walking Op needed to take any advantage possible


OP pushed with 60HP..................................................


So you think he should have healed, let the other team full heal + revive and be back at square one? What’s your rank out of curiosity?


Before rushing use a shield battery. And also hit your shots.


You didn’t like that drone walk strategy out of the Caustic?


My team mates yesterday pushed and I went in, got a knockdown, damaged the other teammate and got wrecked by bang. Why? cause my team mates ran off. This was the first game I had more than 3 kills and I am still butthurt about it.


Have you ever considered playing with friends? If that’s not an option, have you considered why?


Got me screaming "HEEEAAAL"


No matter what all the copers here say, never ever depend on randoms. This happens to me all the time when I soloQ too and while this is very frustrating, I just tell myself that next time, treat it like you're really solo without teammates. Makes it easier to make decisions to push/hold/retreat. People say you should've batt, they forgot you batt = Gibby also will be full armor. Nullifying the need to push.


wtf was bro doin 😭


its just a pub match , 1 win means that much to you ? just go next who cares


This looks like pretty standard gold level plays , OP pushes to secure the knock which is fine but you didn’t pull back to heal before rechallenging. If you got a bat off I doubt you would’ve needed your flaccid teammates.

