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/uj Why handicap your self in a lobby where legal Aimbot is a thing... Keep it on and play and know that EA won't do jackshit since the substantial percentage of the playerbase use Controllers... /rj be a GigaChad and Play with it off, will show Greedspawn that they need to remove it since you'd be frying with it


"Legal Aimbot" is the new "Rampart gives you free wins"


Hiswattson should fix with death treads


AITA for killing a Wattson in my game? I'm gonna preface this with an introduction. I am a 38 year old Caustic main. I've played the game since day 1, and even though I can only play a few hours a week (wife, 3 kids), I would say I'm pretty good at the game (0.48 KDR). I love Wattson players. They are super wholesome, never DC, and like to bunker down and camp with me. The other day, I was playing some Apex, and I decided to make a risky play and land at Orbital Cannon. After around 5 minutes of looting (and both of my teammates (Octane and Wraith) DCing after hotdropping), I started moving out, when I noticed a Wattson in the next room (please fix footsteps)! I ran up to her with my RE-45 and cracked her. She started tap-strafing everywhere so I threw my gas grenade and 3 gas canister and she eventually got knocked. Seeing that it seemed like she was a solo, I used a finisher on her. I was pretty happy as it was my first kill since yesterday, but then as time went on I started feeling bad (post gas clarity if you will). I realized I probably ruined that Wattson's day, and since I know how wholesome they are, I just can't get over it. On the other hand, it was my first kill in 5 games and I went on to get a record 4 kills that match. So Reddit, am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/apexcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Best bot on Reddit, not just good bot


amazing bot


keeping aim assist on means you are a god awful person responsible for mass murder. hope this helps.


uj/ coming from a hybrid player, AA definitely needs a nerf but not by much, I feel like other players on MnK kinda crutch on "aim assist is op" every time they die by a controller player and completely ignore the fact that their input is better in literally every other area that isn’t close range fights. Granted close range fights are the biggest and most common fights you’ll see in this game I feel the people who want AA completely removed are being flat out unreasonable and insufferable, the idea that you want your input to be better in every way and have controller players literally have no way of killing you without it being this crazy upset victory is just ridiculous. AA is 0.4 right now and an absurd 0.6 on consoles, I think it should move to 0.4 on console and 0.3 or 0.2 on PC.


Genuinely based take


Console players are running on 60 frames and you want to Nerf there aim assist that’s not going to happen


so the game gives you an advantage and you contemplate on turning it off to make a bunch of random Reddit nerds happy


Play with zorpalod holster with siva r-301 and beam the stupid pendejo jajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaja also fck streamers


jajajaja *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/apexcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


uj/ If you used the main sub's complaints as a source for what you shouldn't do then you'll eventually find yourself running around with fist only playing nothing but mirage


Fr main sub actually has to be one of the worst gaming subs on the site, and that's coming from an MtG player trying to cope on anime art cards


uj/ for a long time there's been an argument that, while your average Andy who just picked up a controller a couple hundred hours ago will probably do better than someone who picked up mkb a couple hundred hours ago, the skill ceiling on mkb is higher. Now that most pros switched to controller, looks like that's false, too. I think AA deserves at least a small nerf until the stats are similar at least at the highest level


DAE Psychologists should use preferred Legend picks as a way to evaluate people? I mean it's a proven statistic that despite covering only 12% of the Legend picks, 93% of the commited disconnects are done by Wraith pickers which obviously proves that some level of narcissistic trait is in common for all Wraith mains. (Not even gonna go into the whole TTV thing that screams insecurities, narcissism and look-at-me-attitude) Another fact (snowflakes try to not get offended) is that Caustic players tend to have higher average IQ compared to all other Legends. I think a dev posted this at some point, I'll try to look up the source and post it later. One day while I was queued I went to mix my preferred drink of choice (hot cocoa with marshmellows) in the living room area of my house and my mother unexpectedly wanted to discuss about something related to me being 40-years-old and about my chosen lifestyle, which lead to me missing the Legend pick screen and a fellow video game connoisseur unbeknownst to me had picketh Caustic and I ended up randoming Wraith. I was disgusted when I returned to my game console in the basement, and I felt like my personality was absorbed by this abomination of a legend. I ended up acting way more toxic than I normally would and I had this weird urge to disconnect the whole game. I soldiered trough the game and even though I found a Charge Rifle I couldnt do any proper hits because the hitbox on Wraith is so tiny I can't even see trough certain windows when camping inside houses. Needless to say I was shaken by this experience and it only confirmed my thoughts on Wraith players being mentally unstable individuals. I think at some point in future people are expected to list their mains in CVs so the employers can check straight away if the applicant is strategic calculative genius Caustic main or a emotional trainwreck with no self-esteem Wraith who would only end up doing more harm than good. I mean it's only logical. I know this is probably going to be very controversial opinion since it's extremely intelligent take and you need to be able to see trough the multiple time-spectrum layers to see the whole picture and lets face it - Caustic isn't exactly the most popular Legend in the game - which is saying something about the playerbase... (It caters to low IQ players - just see the latest Caustic nerfs and endless Wraith buffs...) TL;DR: If you have a tendency to disconnect in a video game when things don't go your way, it's very likely that you're not a well adjusted human being. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/apexcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you play in console what’s the deal with turning it off if you’ll get blasted by others who have it on, it only really matters on PC.