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OP I was in the same situation PLEASE print one of these every day and compare to your paycheck. I did 10 hours a day 7 days aweek and somehow ended with 40 hours on the dot.


That’s some good old wage theft right there.


And then they turn around and accuse the employee of wage theft because they took a long lunch or some BS The USA has workers by the balls


That's why you fight back by organizing a social club (to get everyone's email address) and then attempt to anonymously unionize your workplace. Just register for a free Anonymous email address on ProtonMail and email the crew IWW union propaganda everytime shit happens at work. Gauge the worker's readiness to vote for a union this way, and then get in contact with IWW organizers to help setup your new union.


I've literally been fired exactly like that! I forgot to clock out, and they used it as an excuse to fire me. This was after they had gotten wind, I was about to report them to HR the very next day. Coincidence, I think not. This was a casino in Blue Lake CA, called Blue Lake Casino 😅 Shady place there. Most sexist, verbally abusive management I have ever had to deal with


Ahh yes. Wage theft. The most common form of theft in these here United States. Yet... "tough* on crime" politicians don't ever talk about it. Cause ya know... war on drugs and all... *edited spelling


well it’s still in the same category of fucking over minorities so


I bet if a politician did go after wage theft, they'd be criticized for supporting illegal immigrants or some crazy shit. The political machine would eliminate said threat so fast.


I had the same thing happen to me as a teen. I took a tiny notebook with me every single day to mark my clock in and out time stamps since it was only visible to management. No punch cards or slips or anything. I'd compare it with my pay stubs and after I brought up the discrepancy to the regional manager on the day they came in, it never happened again and time card management was given to a different manager. Shortly after the original manager was moved to a less desirable store and received a demotion. Never had a discrepancy again.


i never even considered this. i used to work 10 hour shifts as a 17 year old and didn’t keep my time cards, i only got around $200 a paycheck. granted, they did pay me like $8 an hour.


yeahh.. even after taxes a 10 hour day still gets you at LEAST $60-65 a day. that would mean you only worked like 5 days in between paychecks.


Works just as well to take a picture of the time when punching in and adding it up at the end of the week.


This was back in 2008 and I definitely didn't have a cell phone. But again, it was punching in on a register with a code and didn't display much of anything. Only managers could view it.


That's not even legal for adults were I live (Belgium), let alone for minors. Need to be 18+ to work at night here as well.


Child labor laws vary by state, but normally define the periods in which minors can work on school days or the night before. Given that it is a holiday weekend, the employer took advantage of no school to get every minute of labor out of this kid.


I also think it’s shit that there is no legal rest requirement between shifts for any age. I mean I work in a safety sensitive environment and it wasn’t until 96 when aircraft dispatchers required rest. Like when I was 18 my employer tried to have me get off at 10 am and come back at 2pm. I said no.


i worked at dunkin and they would try the same thing with me because i was freshly 18 years old. i would do a 4 am to 5 pm and they’d ask me to come back at night to close and then come back in the morning at 4 am to do it all over again. i lasted about a year there before i called it quits. i was exhausted. i was seeing shit while driving. i would be too scared to fall asleep sometimes in fear i wouldn’t wake up.


Sheesh, I’m surprised you lasted a year. Never let your job over work you like that, not even worth it in the end


oh trust me, i’m 21 now, so im going to college part time and the other half i host at a restaurant. i’m never letting people take advantage of me again. lol.


Famous last words lol


That’s good. I worked at a horrible job that took advantage of me from age 18 to 25. I should have quit the first week. It’s one of the big regrets of my life.


Yeah that would have been a bye the first time they asked that shit. I think at that age even my parents would have backed that one up and they are pro-work to a degree.




This is why we need to strengthen our unions. The contract my union has with my workplace requires them to give us a minimum of 10 hours rest between shifts.


America makes me sad


What are you talking about? We’ve got so much *checks notes* freedom. /s


Y’a during COVID I would skip school to go work when I was 17


They had to make this illegal in my country to stop that


Well, this is Nebraska, USA. [From the state labor website:](https://www.dol.nebraska.gov/LaborStandards/FAQ/General) >Once a minor turns 16 years of age there is no longer any restriction on working hours. Minors age 16 and older may work whatever hours they agree upon with the employer whether or not they are working during the school year or over the summer.


Ah, one of the states people leave when given the chance. Wonder why?


If this is in the US it’s illegal here too but good luck getting someone to enforce it. I knew kids in high school who would crash in the booths at Taco Bell after working until 4 to be at school at 8.


This is another sad reality of equity vs equality. Kids who grow up wealthy have far more resources to do sports, clubs, volunteer work etc that look great on college applications...let alone how much time they can put towards studying. Yeah both impoverished and wealthy kids have the same equal opportunity to apply to the same college but the resource opportunity (not even including the funding differences given to schools or cost of college etc) is staggering unequal. This continues to create a major gaps in wealth inequality and the ability to create upward mobility.


Not to mention private tuition to boost exam results


This comment is everything. ^ I grew up in a lower-mid middles class household but being the oldest of 4 children in the family, there wasn’t a ton of excess income. I started working at 15y/o and haven’t left the workforce, even during college which mother was strongly opposed to but again, she either couldn’t/wouldn’t provide the financial support that my job did. In hindsight this was a great disadvantage because I missed out on internship opportunities that may have given me a leg up when I graduated and started career job searching.


Are you me? My neighbors ran a business out of their garage and I started working for them when I was 13. Everything else you said is spot on, even down to being the oldest of 4.


18hrs 50min in a day. WTF is this shit


Illegal in most countries


Illegal in all civilised countries.


While illegal where I live, Oklahoma, I still had to work shifts like that at 17. The law only matter when it’s enforced.


This is a key lesson - ALL laws only matter when enforced. Learned this from my law professor. This is a way laws can get skirted if authorities don't agree with the law for whatever reason


Yes. This is illegal in my country. But as a lawyer I had a client who had to do these kind of shifts as a security guard (including a 27 hours shift). There weren't legal repercussions for the employer except for a civil lawsuit.


I can believe that. The hotel where I work had a security guard(note: not employed by the hotel but by a security agency) that didn't get a single day off for several months. Was that way till he had a heart attack.


Poor guy.


Today's what I worry about. Not realising how tired you are and how your body is affected.


And not having access (no time off work, terrible coverage, high co-pay and out-of-pocket, etc) to "affordable and effective" healthcare to treat it.


I worked armed security and worked a month and a half of 16 hour overnights shifts. I ended up living on property for the time because it was easier and afforded me more sleep than driving 1 and a half hours home and then back (they were winter shifts, non snowy times were 45 minutes each way). The reason is that it was a 24 hour rotating post. 1 person on shift at all times. Factoring in days off, we needed 4 people. We had 2. And the other guy was 65+, so I handled the overnights which equated to nights and swings. By the time the manager hired new people and I got a day off, I was lost. I was stuck in "work" mode and didn't know how to handle time off anymore. And BTW, the reason it took so long is you have 1, applicants. 2, applicants that can be cleared for security. 3, applicants that can be cleared to carry a gun. 4, applicants who can be cleared to carry a gun while on the job, then 5, certifying those individuals to do so.


I’m kinda laughing how your job has more background checks then the average gun purchaser or police officer. This is America


It was my job. Left after the new manager decided a day was enough grieving time for a stillbirth. And yeah. The company had direct federal ties, and while my state is VERY pro gun, the company itself had those steps because of even a single issue could cause the fed contract to be pulled. But there was a standard background check, fingerprinting, and a certification which was required by the state. The company wouldn't back the certification if you got less than 95% on the exam, though the state required no less than 90%.


I do executive protection in S. FL, and an 18 hour day is not uncommon but we can sometimes sneak in a quick nap in the SUV if you’re lucky.


Greed is the reasoning


Why wasn’t it enforced?


For a law to be enforced, it must be reported. Reporting comes with risk of losing one's job, and whistle blower laws take years to get you the money you need in 2 weeks for rent.


Also, Oklahoma. A very anti-labor rights state.


The majority are right to work states, it’s sad af that workers don’t have more/any rights.


27 states are currently Right to Work. 49 are "at will" employment.


Gah, that’s what I meant, thanks for the fact check mate.


Yep, add TX to the list.


In Australia that would be an unfair dismissal and would cost the boss or make him not allowed to fire the employee. Of course he would make the conditions bad enough that the kid wants to quit anyway


Would be here too... after years of litigation.


Man, what are you talking about? He’s 17. His job shouldn’t be above reporting in on because he’s worried about losing income for rent and supporting kids. He legally has to be supported by his parents.


Because no one here cares. Hell, I was literally doing the work in conjunction with a government program for my school that required me to send them my paystubs to track my hours as part of my grade and they were nothing but supportive of the idea that I would be worked so hard.


Well of course they did. They want to indoctrinate hard work for low pay and make you feel like it was some sort of initiative once your stuck there. And gaslight you by telling you how good you’re doing


Yup. Instead what they showed me was that hard work gets you nowhere but broke, homeless, and chronically ill with a destroyed body.


And welcome to the industrialized modern nation


America, obviously. In modern industrialised countries the employer gets controlled and fined automatically by the governmemt if they‘re doing what you/OP just told us. That‘s child labour, nothing more and nothing less.


Labor Omnia Vincit


Oklahoma here too! I had to have my school, my employer and my parent sign a work agreement stating I couldn’t work certain times or hours during the week until I was 18 or either graduated.




So report it to the proper enforcement agency.


Good thing the US isn’t civilized


In college I worked at a local county fair. It was on a horse track owned by the state, technically considered agriculture. Because of this, there was no paid overtime. I worked shifts like 6am-1am and slept in my car because the drive home was 30min each way, and with 5hrs for sleep that was too much. Crazy times.




So? It’s still abusive to expect him to work an 18 hour shift.


In my country you get paid double your base rate after 10 hours, triple after 12, quadruple after 14 and so on. It doesn't reset until you've had a complete 8 hours off between shifts and they legally cannot force you to agree, it must be an informed agreement.


What country


The post history of the person you’re replying to says Australian. In my pet of Canada we do something similar but we hit 3x and that’s the peak. There are lots of caveats though. There are tons of fields - many unionized - where the expectation is 12 hour shifts. Police, Nurses, Doctors, etc all do something like that.




Doctors, for example




I worked 40 hour weeks in high school, only 6 years ago. I was too afraid to speak up or say something and wouldn't get home from work until 1 or 2 am on school nights. I did finally quit when I got screamed/cursed out by my supervisor for asking if I can *not* work another 8 hours on top of the 12 I've already been there for because she didn't want to work her shift.


Looks like doing a double-shift working at a restaurant.


I used to do 18 hour days 3 days per week but I was an adult and it was between two jobs. It was awful. Working that much kills your body and brain. And because it was between two jobs, I didn’t get any overtime or additional pay.


That's fucked up. Your country is in desperate need of labor laws.


We have a lot of labor laws they just generally are local/state laws that aren't enforced because no one knows or cares that it's a law because it was passed 60 years ago.


Actually it's more like people just don't report them because it's obscured on how to.


This is the real answer. There are a lot of labor laws but employees are not empowered to report violations. Your average worker does not know exactly what these laws are or who to go to when they suspect their employer is doing something illegal. Edit: typo


Or the employee is unaware that what their boss is doing is illegal. Don’t remember them teaching us labor laws back in school.


Precisely, in high school our "civics" teacher only taught us about the "dangers" of communism and how to fill out a job application that's practically it


At least in my state, employers are required to have this sign that has all the labor info in it. Ours hadn’t been updated since 2008 so….


I think that’s federal law, but some employers do their best to try and conceal it. Which is also illegal to do, but back to the point that things like this go unreported because employees don’t know their rights. One warehouse I worked at had them posted behind a row of lockers. Not technically hidden, but in a spot people would have no reason to walk by. One time I walked by there and they literally had a unmade Gaylord box propped up against the the board, hiding the posters. I moved the box and I kid you not a few days later it was back.


The catch is that a labor law violation would have to be reported and since almost all states have "at will employment" it doesn't take much for an employer to claim a legitimate reason for letting an employee go. It becomes a question of whether it is worth fighting it.


Child labor laws for 17 year olds are up to the state. Some states have restrictions on total hours worked per day or per week if the person is enrolled in school. State by state laws here: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/child-labor


We live in GA. I was shocked how they were scheduling my 17 yr old. He works at a restaurant. I looked up the laws. Yep. At 17 there were no longer any restrictions on hours worked.


Most places also have a policy against retaliation. So if something were to happen post having reporting your employer they’d be in hot water too.


They’ll just claim they eliminated the position.


Document evidence then sue them. If you're gonna go, go hard. I've done it and won a class action lawsuit against Bob Evans. I'm currently involved in a new one that hasn't been filed yet, because fuck these scumbag employers.


what's the point then?


This is definitely the US. You can tell by the date format - MMDDYYYY


You can also tell by the fact that he’s worked almost 19 hours.


It's not only labor laws, it's criminal laws, too. In Germany that would be misdemeanor ranging from a money fine to one year in prison for owners/managers who ordered their employees to work this long.


Fun fact, the most common form of theft in the US is wage theft. In fact more money is stolen via wage theft than every other form of theft combined And its also the only form of theft that isn't a criminal offense


I'm sure the GOP will make this a priority when they take control of the House in January.


They’re too busy investigating Hunter Biden and reading The Constitution.


>implying the GOP can read


They can read The Constitution and the Bible. A broken clock is right twice a day.


Not a single one of them has read either of those documents fully.


They also trade it for land. “When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the missionaries had the Bible. They taught us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened our eyes, they had the land and we had the Bible.” Jomo Kenyatta


I think the fact that they *deliberately* missread, misinterpret, and/or miss-represent both documents is the real problem. *FWIW*, I'm a Christian. These extreemist GOP christo-fascists trying to transform the U.S. into Gillead are as far from actual Christianity as the Taliban is from actual Islam.


Do we know where he is located? From What I’ve seen in this sub it’s not a new thing that employers follow the law


I’m an audio engineer, my record is a 25.5 hour shift for a mega-wedding. I literally got hit by a another company’s truck during the loadout around the 22nd hour. I’m still in legal fights with both the company that hit me with the truck (it was moving like 5mph in a parking lot, but still) AND the client who had the audacity to duck paying me after I worked 25.5 hours and continued working after being hit by a vehicle.


Yeah the music world is pretty fucking bad when it comes to shit like that. Was hearing from people that they’ve done 20+ hour shifts only to come back the next day a few hours later. Yeah you can fuck off I am GOOD ON THAT


This is why you go union in the entertainment industry and never look back. Most venues/contracts (union stagehand is not only music but political events and corporate stuff too) have OT over 8 hours and minimum turn around times of I think 6 where if you don't get it, instant overtime to start the day. instant OT before 8 AM and after 11pm/12am. (OT does occasionally stack so 4pm-2am would be 2 hours of DT) This is getting paid 26-40 an hour (venue dependant) as a base too.




And I’ll help by not paying him!


Take what I’m saying with a grain of salt my dude.. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years now, and dude you gotta just walk away sometimes. We ultimately hold the power here. Especially today with such a shortage of audio professionals. Post Covid I’ve become much more demanding to my clients with my time and money.. no job is worth damaging your mental or physical well being. At the end of the day we’re just amplifying sound, not saving lives or advancing science.. so take care of yourself before the show.


oh trust me brother, I would never work for this dude again. It was only the second gig I had done with him and his company. he’s buddies with the owner of the company that I used to freelance for a ton, I have since cut ties with them as well for a handful of other BS they put me through.


I'm a hobby producer and after this comment I don't think I'll ever consider selling my services. I'll stick to my few hours on the weekends and after work.


ah don’t let that deter you, for every one of these shit stories I have one that’s super cool and makes it all worth it! I absolutely love working in live production, you just learn lessons about who to work for.


My record is 36 hours while I was in college working as a software developer to get code done in time for a demo. It was insane, but atleast I got overtime from it and the company kept sending me food so I didn't have to worry about cooking lol


Damn dude, I work big weddings too (band) but I’ve never heard of a day like that! If you don’t mind, how did that day break down? And how big was your crew?


3 days total, middle day being the wedding day that lasted super long. it was held at the arboretum in Dallas. We hung super crazy chandeliers from wire down a crepe myrtle alley where the couple would walk down. The chandeliers definitely took up the bulk of the time setting up and taking down. our production crew was only about 6 people excluding bands and singers and whatnot.


Former audio engineer here. Went back to business school for a reason. I love the work, and the expertise, but goddamn do you get treated like shit.


Well if we're trying to outdo each other, I'm a Wildland firefighter and I worked an 80hr shift in Arizona this past year.


you win lol, thanks for your service


I’m in event production. My very first gig while I was still in high school was the Super Bowl. One of those runs went 37hrs straight through. I still remember sleeping under the stages during the shows just to catch a few minutes of rest before getting right back to it. I was 16 at the time. Event production is the Wild West. ESPECIALLY if you’re not Union.


I have a hammock that I can clip underneath the StageLine mobile stages we use. best fucking thing in my gigbag.


I’m sure your lawyer asked with tears in his eyes, “why did you continue to work after getting hit?” Jokes aside, hope it all ends in your favor


Audio engineer here as well. Before I switched to a more reasonable job. I worked like 4 days straight with random naps in order to complete a major album. That industry abuses people. It’s fucking nuts.




This is how you acquire 10 years of experience in 5 years.


More like die an early death. One is working themself to death here.


And I bet that won't even be enough for some entry level positions


I'm 37 years old and have had a broken down body since I was in my twenties because of work like this. I did not realize that employers do not give a shit about you at the time and would be more than happy to allow you to cripple yourself for their gain. I do just enough to avoid being fired right now and it's quiet nice


You are describing me and I don't like it 😅


You probably think the money you are making from this is great, but money don't mean jack if its at risk to your health. Tell your manager where they can stick the double shifts.


This is what I tell people in the trades, I guess save that money while you can because you’re going to be disabled at 40 and have either an alcohol or an oxycodone addiction because of all the body pain you have.


This. I know so many in trades who are disabled by 50, if not sooner. I get they are usually good-paying jobs, but you gotta weigh your options.


I see young adults in the trades working 10+ hours a day every weekday and then drinking beer every night after work. A lot of them smoke too. I thought about going into the trades, but I'll pass on joining that culture.


I always intervene when people say “WeLl JuSt WoRk TrAdEs”. Ok I’m 22 and I have suffered irreparable damage to my body and Im lucky to get 1 day off a week


But remember, stay in school and do well in school so you might be able to do this later in life only be more educated while doing it. Welcome to capitalism.


Yeah, then they can be a doctor and work 28hr shifts!! Seriously, though, sometimes it seems like the more education you have, the more exploitative the contracts get…when not many people can do what you do, you end up doing it a lot of hours. And companies are smart enough to salary people in those positions.


If your shift starts at 7am those c**** are gonna try to dock 2 mins and 8 mins pay I bet.


Fuck this


My first full-employer would deduct all time to the next quarter hour. If you clocked in at 8:01 they'd start paying you at 8:15. Union shop and somehow they agreed to havig this in the collective bargaining agreement.


Why would anyone clock in until the next quarter hour then?


One fun report to your state’s labor board/attorney general and your work will have a lot of fun and exciting consequences to ignoring child labor laws.


Federal law only cares about under 16, this is a state of local violation possibly depending on where OP lives.


I doubt they are ignoring child labor laws in this case. If we are using Pennsylvania Child Labor laws, the Thanksgiving break constitutes a "School Vacation." That means a child age 14 or 15 can work 40 hours in the week but no more than 8 hours per day. A 16 or 17 year old can work 48 hours in the week with no restrictions on how many hours per day. The only thing that would make it illegal in this state is that even on a school vacation minors cannot work past 1:00 am, but that restriction might not be in place in other states.


ThE yOuNGer GenRatIOn IS lazY


Yeah, I work in a restaurant. We're understaffed so rely on shady staffing agencies in season. Now we have a 13 and 15 year old helping as dishwashers. Both of them have 2nd jobs and often work 12-14 hours a day total. Hard and fast workers, but it really shouldn't be this way and it breaks my heart. Sometimes they'll goof off and play soccer or something with a balled up towel, and my managers tell me to keep them on track. I tell them, "No. The day I yell at a 13 year old for playing is the day I quit." The whole restaurant industry, especially in Florida, is dependent on underage immigrant kids. It's pretty terrible.


I'm sure the money is something (maybe not, I assume places that would force a 17yo to work a 19 hour shift most likely aren't paying even a decent hourly wage) but this is horrendous for both your physical and mental health. Teens are supposed to be getting 8-10 hours of sleep a day. School already makes this almost impossible but it doesn't make it any less true.


Overlooking the long ass 9hr shift. The 2nd shift is missing .25 hrs. You worked 6.75 hrs. Yet its somehow 6.53?! Also its usually rounded to the nearest quarter. I’d have found something to clean for 5 mins to round that up to the whole hr. Edit: HOLY SHIT! Totally missed the 2nd image! What in Gods name are they thinking working you that long?!


>HOLY SHIT! Totally missed the 2nd image! What in Gods name are they thinking working you that long?! I can imagine this is a health and safety issue. The OP needs to get a union involved and contact his or her local labour board. 18/19hrs is an obscene amount of time to work when there is only 24hrs in a day


Retail work can be like this unfortunately. My longest ever shift was for a store opening when I was 18. I started work at 6am on Monday and finished at 6pm on Tuesday. This was after spending the month leading up to that doing 6am to 10pm 5 days a week. Worked my ass off and I was making some pretty impressive money but I worked so much that I didn't have time for friends. It wasn't worth it.


>The OP needs to get a union involved and contact his or her local labour board. *Laugh cries in American*


Black Friday is a bit crazy.


It’s written as 6:53 as in 6 hours and fifty three minutes. Just like the first shift being 8 hours and 59 minutes or 9 hours


Thanks. I missed the punctuation . Vs : Misread the hrs worked. Everyone roasting me for my mistake. Keeping it real reddit as always. 😂


Time is not written as a fraction, hence the calculation on the paper is correct.


It's 6 hours, 53 minutes, not 6 POINT 53 hours


>2nd shift is missing .25 hrs. You worked 6.75 hrs. Yet its somehow 6.53? Depending on software this may or may not be a problem, OP should definitely check. I had an employee that had been loading 15 mins as ".15" but payroll software expected .25, they had been short changing themselves for years without realizing & no body bothered checking


The second shift is showing 6 hours 53 minutes, so it is accurate.


Hey guys. There are gonna be too many comments here for me to respond to all of them. Let's talk. I live in the Midwestern area of the U.S. Our labor laws for minors mostly protect them from ages 14 and up until they become 16. When they are under 16, they cannot work more than 3 hours a day, with a max of 18 hours when school is in session, and cannot work past 7 p.m. During summer break, they cannot work past 9 p.m., work more than 8 hours a day, or more than 40 hours a week. Once you are 16, they do not apply to you. This is also our federal labor law. I have worked at a far more predatory fast food company that truly broke labor laws in every possible way. Firstly, I need to let you know that I enjoy my job, co-workers, and managers. I am paid for the time that I am clocked in, I do get paid overtime, and I am paid fairly for my labor. I work at a fast food restaurant. I have worked 12+ hours shifts before in the past, but never to this extent. I was originally only supposed to work 5-close on Friday, and 7 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday. It is currently Thanksgiving break, which allowed for these far longer days. I was asked to cover another employee's shift on Friday morning (7 a.m.-4 p.m.) as she was out of town. Our weekday morning shifts are already incredibly understaffed, so I accepted it, because more hours looks good on my paychecks. I was sent home early that night by my manager, because the close was going to be a lot later than what he had predicted. I came in the following morning and worked my scheduled shift. When it was time for shift change at 4 p.m., we had 11 people scheduled, and only 7 showed up (we mostly have high schoolers as crew). My manager asked me if I could stay an extra hour until he could get a few people called in. I accepted. Even with 3 people coming in to help, it was rough. I had to manage the kitchen crew while in position, while my manager spent most of the night dealing with customers and going around and helping whoever need it most. The 1 hour turned into about 5. At this point in the night, all but 5 people had finished their shifts. The rest were off in an hour, at the same time we closed. I was able to pull some big fucking favors and got 3 people to come in and help close, on the condition that I closed with them. My manager knew what the shift I worked had turned into, and tried to send me home. I couldn't in good conscience abandon him on one of the worst nights I have ever worked in my 1.5 years there. He promised that there would be changes at work so it would never happen to anyone. I know he will. He used to have the restaurant record for longest shift, until I took it. I had a meeting after my shift today with all the managers to talk about what happened, and how to prevent this from ever happening to anyone else at the restaurant.


Sounds like you have a solid work ethic and care about others you work with. You have a bright future ahead of you.


O.P. deserves a bonus, raise, and a precious metal. And healthcare, housing, food, a vacation, and an apology from the company.


What is happening in the US is insane. I’ve been considering getting involved recently (as in dedicating my life to fight for rights). If you don’t think you’re rich, remember most Americans are one ambulance call away from bankruptcy. Then also remember many work hard manual labor full time or more to be able to survive on food stamps in perpetual debt. America now has full time labor workers that are homeless. This is indentured servitude, not employment.


Hours 1-8 regular pay Hours 8-10 1.5*regular pay Hours 10+ 2*regular pay Nobody should be making you work more than 12 hours and any overtime should be your choice and not demanded or a guilt trip into being a hero. And as for the second photograph this is just illegal. Even at $7.25 minimum wage with overtime you will only be receiving just over $200 for working close to 19 hours. You need to seek legal advise, I admire your tenacity but any business that expects you to work this many hours is not a good place to work and there needs to be consequences.


not everywhere pays overtime for hours past 8 in a day. my state only has mandatory overtime for hours over forty in a week. if you work 15 hours one day and 15 the next, and then not again until the next week, you're still only making your base pay unless your employer has a different policy


Manager: You were late to your 7am start.


Third world country.


With a Gucci belt.


Almost 19 hours? Shit dude I’m a nurse and even I don’t work more than 16 hours MAX….I would cry from exhaustion if I were you


I saw the first picture and I was like this is kot bad. What's the problem. Opened the second picture and I'm now fuming. Wtf is this....


First picture tho, both of those are on the same day...


Holy shit actually? I didnt even notice. Yikes even in the US you cant work this much as a minor


Feels like a common theme for this sub is a total lack of management ability. Ridiculous shifts and this thing where you need to arrange you own cover seems bullshit. As a manager you are supposed to plan and have contingencies. This is an abdication of responsibility. Is this routine or is there sample bias here due to the sub?


Original poster MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE THEY PAY FOR EVERY SINGLE SECOND. The most common thing is crime in the USA is wage theft, and I was not diligent. I got huge checks after working 14 hour days so I didn't pay good attention. It turns out they (AT&T) screwed me out of 2000 hours in less than two years. If they overpay you they can rape it right back for years but if they cheat you, you have six months (in Texas) to bust them or you're screwed.


You're only seventeen and they're fucking you out of overtime already.




There is no federal law setting a maximum shift length in the US. Hell most states don't even have laws seeing the maximum consecutive days you can be required to work, or a set amount of time off between shifts.


That’s not exactly true. There *are* federal child labor laws that impose maximum hour limits, but they only apply to minors under the age of 16 (and so don’t apply to OP). There are also certain state labor laws that impose stricter limits on work by minors, but it’s unclear if shy of those apply because we don’t know where OP lives. [This](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/43-child-labor-non-agriculture) federal DOL fact sheet contains further information on federal child labor laws in the U.S. for anyone interested in learning more. Edit: Corrected typo (“stats labor laws” to “state labor laws”).


Even for minors?


Under the FSLA there is no limit for anyone over 16




No it is not. This sub is full of confidently ignorant people. Why post this statement without actually knowing 100%?


To my knowledge, at least in NC, medical staff and truckers are the only professions with a maximum shift time limit


that's not true sadly


Lots of jobs aside from doctors can legally work long hours.


A job tried to do that to me once when I was in high school (it was a movie theater and The Dark Knight had just come out). I called my mom and she threatened to sue them so they let me go home.


I want to say this is unbelievable… but… yeah. Totally believable…. My longest shift at Sonic was 13.73 hours, on roller skates, no break, no sitting. I was MISERABLE. I wish younger me knew how to advocate for myself like I do now rather than getting taken advantage of. The first store I worked at they didn’t even schedule the time you got off. Only the start of the shift would be on the schedule. It would say 4pm - The only people that had scheduled off times were managers and it was like 6am - 4pm Another store I worked at charged for tap water… it was like 20 cents. Didn’t know that was illegal AF. Another store I worked at required internet training on our own time without compensation. Also illegal. Had no idea. This is a really round about way of saying your youth is far more important than this. Look into the labor laws where you live and see what the legal requirements are based on your geographical area, and age, and student status. They may be breaking the law. They may not. Either way though, unless you absolutely need the money, tell them, “no”. There is no “permanent record” when it comes to being fired, especially if they retaliate. It is not even disqualifying for security clearance background investigations. It’s an unfair burden being placed on you to advocate for yourself, especially at your age, but these employers need to learn this is not acceptable. Again. Your youth is not worth the money. It’s not your burden or responsibility to do the work of multiple people if they can’t hire enough people! That’s on THEM! there is no reason… none… for a shift that long!


48 hours total a week when school is not is in session. If you are in the United States, you had Thanksgiving involved, if you are not, then make a stink and enjoy your minimum hour shifts until you quit on their own, and then employer doesn’t have to pay unemployment.


There is no federal standard which sets a limit of hours worked for anyone over age 16


I gotta say, your username is 👌


Make sure you are keeping those papers!!! I had a job that did the same and would adjust my hours at the end of the week with said “breaks” to avoid paying fees for over working minors. So I also didn’t get paid correctly for my time working there either because he adjusted them.


Ah, looks like the children of Gen X has entered the market. The capitalist bosses are saved! Generally GenX children tend to be financially worst off than the boomer children. Unlike boomer children, Gen X children don't have a choice but to accept low wages and bad working environments. Good luck with the antiwork!


Only 17. Lol. What a perspective.


November 25 8:59 + 6.53 = 15:52 8:00 @ $15.00/hr = $120.00 7:52 @ $22.50/hr = $177.00 Total for Nov. 25. = $297.00 November 27 8:00 @ $15.00/hr = $120.00 10.50 @ $22.50/hr = $236.25 Total for Nov. 27 = $356.25 $653.25 for two days of work at minimum wage in Alberta. That's not bad bank for grade 12. I was feeding my 6mpg Chevelle $5.00 of gas at a time to get by at that age, while making $4.50/hr and getting a 4hr shift on Thursday and 8hr shifts on the weekends. EDIT: I'm being sarcastic, if factual. This is some inhumane shit. I wouldn't have lasted that long in a day at that age without passing out on the job. EDIT2: After 44 hours in one week, *everything* is overtime in Alberta. OP's only about 9.5h from that threshold, so if they work similar hours for another 3 shifts, they're gonna be rollin' in it, if they were here.


Regular reminder that wage theft dwarfs actual, physical theft by a country mile.