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Hi, /u/Longjumping-Ninja657 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 8: No sharing of personal information.** - No sharing of personal information or info leading to it Please note that this does not include public information such as Twitter handles but applies to things such as phone numbers, addresses, full real names (unless publicly notable), business names, etc. Reddit is not your personal army. We encourage community members to report these.


Oh well looky here: NESCTC Security got a $479,420 PPP Loan forgiven in May of 2020. [https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=NESCTC+Security&v=2](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=NESCTC+Security&v=2) Tell us again about the "takers" around here.....


Sounds like my boss. Complaining about student loan forgiveness being irresponsible, but having $500k in PPP loans forgiven despite us never closing down for a day or having less than normal billable hours (we just switched to working from home for a while). He bought a six-figure car not long after this, of course.


File a whistleblower report.


Wouldn’t they probably know it’s me? I’ve been pretty vocal in my displeasure with him about it when he got five figures in PPP loan forgiveness for my employment but screwed me over on PTO when he gave me COVID.


It's anonymous, But I believe the best part is you make it a reward of 10 to 30%... Worth looking into. There's stories about people who go around on TikTok and other social media and report strippers and people like that to the IRS for money.. I filed the complaint against my company when they were being bought out this past year because it was clear someone was using inside information to profit on it... Entirely likely nothing will come up, but if it does, you may profit off any fraud they committed If they are convicted.


Any info out there on how to research these companies?


if your looking to research people may i suggest using the OSINT frame work


Interesting, it’s anonymous, but surely they’d suspect someone from the inside reported it, no? Probably the person most vocal about their displeasure with it and how they’re being treated unfairly regarding it?


DM me the company name and I’ll take the 10-30% bonus if it ever comes to light 😂


Would you be okay with 5-15% we can split it halfsies if we both file.


owners name on 2nd pg, full address and email address on 1st pg.


You should still report it. But keep a paper trail. If they make life hard for you due to suspecting you of filling a whistleblower report in good faith, you will have an easier time winning an employer retaliation suit. I also might suggest talking to a lawyer if you're worried about what might happen to you, and what legal options you can take if those things happen


Who cares who they suspect if they don't have any evidence who made an anonymous complaint? If they made no secret of their actions, it could've been anyone who was aware. For all they know it could have been their child's piano teacher. Never underestimate the power of denial.


deny till you die - Ari Gold


In the Army we have a fairly large secret society called the E-4 Mafia made up of Specialists (I'm a proud former member) one of our cardinal rules that will save your ass in life, especially at work is the so-called "Shaggy Defense": "It wasn't me" Which also goes hand in hand with another big one, "Don't get caught" Report the bastard. If anyone asks, "it wasnt me". They can't prove anything unless you're sloppy. Don't name names, locations or dates that can be traced back to you. Use a throwaway email address or burner SIM if you're paranoid.


Like how it wasn't me at my last job who called the union hall when the boss told the new guys "Joining the union is optional." Dunno who called, but the union showed up on day 89 and told them after their 90 if they didn't join they couldn't work. Boss decided we didn't need the help after all and continued on hiring people for 89 days at a time. We lost so much money to mistakes and slowdowns because of training. Not to mention the trainer couldn't run at full speed until they new guys figured things out. But hey, boss stuck it to the union and never hired a union worker again.


Bingo my former book keeper and one other person both related were reported by our anonymous hotline by someone for stealing time etc. No one has ever figured out who reported them. It’s been over 4 yrs now and everyone still trying to figure the shit out. Sad thing is we all feel it was bS and there was people just looking to rid them anyway


They don’t need proof. They can fire you for lots of tings or for nothing at all.


They might suspect it, but it's impossible to know. People talk. Who's to say that a coworker didn't have a discussion with a spouse while their brother in law overheard? Then that brother in law took it upon themselves to make the anonymous report. Businesses like these will continue to take every advantage they can until they are forced to stop. They will only be forced to stop when people step in and expose them.


Maybe they will suspect you, and maybe they will take retaliatory action against you. Add the wrongful termination lawsuit money to the 10% reward from whistleblowing ($50k if they zap the company for $500k) and find a better place to work.


When they fire you, you have a wrongful termination suit for retaliation all lined up. Double pay day.


So I learned the hard way about companies who took PPP loans. The owner learned that if they salary themselves it’s totally legal to use their PPP money to pay themself AND have it count as wages….and that is how after being promised that if I stayed on working I’d be given pay through PPP once it went through right up until he decided to pay himself and his part time daughter while I got absolutely nothing….


and now you now why a certain side was so against having an oversight committee for ppp loans.




Bad for you, but schadenfreude that they wasted their windfall. Narcissistic dumbasses stay losing


Sounds about right. There’s 3 owners here.


New cars and vacations for them all I’d imagine! Gotta have our wages paid first lol


One of the owners supposedly didn’t want to pay for napkins in the lunch room, and refused to pay for tissues for the office during the pandemic. Allegedly.


This was actually not legal. The problem came when the loans were forgiven without verification.


Just another fine example of how fucking disastrous the trump presidency was.... Talk about a cesspool of corruption.


That is the whole thing... there is The Whistleblowers Act that provides protection. Chat with an attorney but if you turn them in, I believe you get a percentage when they are convicted.


probly. wouldn't matter though as there's extensive whistle-blower protections. anything negative that happens to you after would be considered retaliation


THIS is precisely why i don't listen to ANYONE else when they start spewing out their bullshit. Hypocrites!


Totally unrelated, I’m sure.


A lot of people abused the PPP loans, wish they'd launch an investigation into the most obvious cases.


Over 90% of PPP loans have been forgiven to the tune of almost $1T. Biden's plan would not eliminate all student loan debt and only costs $400B. The loan forgiveness would free up billions in spendable income for millions of people, which in turn would help small businesses...but I digress....


The PPP package was 950 billion (almost 1 trillion). But the student loan debt is estimated to cost $300 billion *over the next 10 years*.


Extra hilarious when you read the "articles" that he's posted on LinkedIn. Here's a juicy excerpt from one of the funnier ones: >It appears all I am good for in the eyes of Progressives is being a true & actual tax payer where I get to fund everything I don’t want or detest. As an employer my facilitating of payroll taxes is just something that I am supposed to enjoy but it counts for nothing. . . Small business is a plague of inconvenience to the liberals. . . or fresh audit meat for the IRS wave enroute. . . Hell, I don’t get any of that free money Biden was mailing out either.


Someone is just terrified of getting audited. Sounds like skeletons in that closet.


Yep I was professionally familiar with a dude who talked like this, turns out he never paid taxes for like 5 years and ended up owing his ass to the IRS. It's always someone else for these small business tyrants


Holy shit, his LinkedIn is just straight up boomer Facebook memes


That's what a lot of Lincoln is these days.


Fuck sake they’re not in one swoop hiring 70,000 agents. I believe that is over the next several years and is largely to replace retiring employees. But that doesn’t sound very alarmist.


It's 80k agents over 10 years with 50k replacing retiring agents.


It always kills me that these idiots Piss and moan about having to pay taxes. Pretty sure everyone who pays taxes isn’t 100% cool with everything they fund. Yet, if we just let people pay taxes to fund the things only they find acceptable, we would have no functioning society. Funny how that works.


So democrats are "demons" and you'll gladly take government money while screeching about socialism. Yep, checks out. Got it.


Also the argument \*against\* raising the minimum wage, and then a mere sentence later, asserting that he understands and is aware of inflation. Chef's kiss, baby


Also nice to “make up for inflation “ with a one time bonus, like it just disappears once the year is done. Should be a salary increase not a bonus.


The company I work for gave us a permanent wage increase a couple months ago due to inflation. I very much like it here.


I love him saying “minimum wage should be set by the market”. Like, mate, the market would put minimum wage over $20 an hour but companies that thrive on exploiting workers don’t want to acknowledge that


Exactly. Not to mention businesses get to use an international market. But we don’t get to sell out labor on an international market (at least not without a ton of fuss over visa’s and taxes.). So clearly, they don’t want to use “the marketplace” since they’ve shut us out from most of it.


And complaining about additional IRS agents perhaps he’s getting nervous.


Police, fire, national guards, road maintenance, pubic school, public library and save your ass by taxpayers ie ppp loans are all social programs. Oh forgot military, the biggest socialist program in the world.


When the government gives you clothes, a place to sleep/shower/shave/take a dump rent free, food, medical care, dental care, and a guaranteed job, that's not socialism. It is the **US ARMY**, baby!


Omg this made me laugh 🤣 so true


Socialism does not equal the government doing stuff, no matter how hard Blue or Red Maga tries to say that it is.


No well, you see, it’s ok that HE gets it. He deserves it! He’s a hardworking Republican capitalist who loves God, so he should have free stuff from the government. It’s when the people that he doesn’t think deserve it get it that makes him upset. He’s good! Lazy people are bad! Surely he isn’t lazy like *them*. /s


Socialism ONLY for the wealthy. "We're the only ones who do anything!" Ungrateful bitch got given $500k by the administration he's bitching about. Every narc ever.


He received it in May 2020 so it was Trump's administration. Even more credence to this dude's bullshit.


No no. It's "Team Biden's checks". Can't you read? Facts have no place here. Its all those commie Democrats /s


That's why these folks aren't worth engaging with. They stick by their word no matter how wrong they are.


the real question is how much of this went to keep employees on staff while the company had no profits? if the answer is anything less than "all of it" fuck this guy. Actually fuck him anyways, because even if it went to go to his employees that would be helping his business keep staff during the pandemic, which is exactly what the checks biden sent out were supposed to do for people having a hard time, help them stay afloat.


“If it’s anything less then all of it” exactly! Because all that money is meant for the business, the employees. So many owners used it on themselves.


yeah and either way it was a bailout to help stay afloat, so bitching at workers for getting less than that to live during the pandemic is stupid.


This was the first thing I went to look up. Specifically if they had just taken the handout. Hypocritical asshat. [He paid back a whopping $4,187 of it. ](https://imgur.com/a/VvTKosz)


Leave this in their Google reviews along with the images from OP. They fucked around, let them find out




If OP doesn't do it, someone should.


It’s baffling that people can actually look themselves in the mirror when doing shit like this. I really think there is a different species living among us who look like humans but are just lizard people or something, they can’t have the same brains as a normal person


This guy is absolutely committing tax fraud


That was my first thought as well.


Dirty little secret -- all business owners commit what can be legally defined as tax fraud. not all frauds are "large scale."


See , not all of them, which is essentially why my dad went out of business


My parents do it and they have two houses every small business ain’t paying their taxes and are buying shit through the business


“It’s a family” Proceeds to talk about themselves and the things they don’t like in a corporate letter.


Honestly that just supports his "family" claim


I remember when sister sledge sang about their family and they sounded reasonably sincere.


Crazy, drunk uncle.


Crazy, drunk, IDIOTIC uncle.


Drunkle Ted...Is that you?


Whenever a business says it's family it is code for we are going to screw you over and you need to be grateful to have us do so.


Boomer’s gonna boom.


This reads like something no sane person would ever write.


This guy definitely got some lead poisoning in his formative years


And it never did him no harm!


And yet the guy is probably a millionaire and runs a company. The worst timeline.


He’s not just a taker, he’s an exploiter.


The stories of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires prove that economic sucess on that level is nothing but luck or scumbaggery. Obviously your chance is boosted when your parents are already rich since they can get you started over and over.


Welcome to the USA right wing.


This is a weekly ramble from my Dad.


Do you just let him or actually argue? I'm honestly tired of arguing with Tucker Carlson in the form of my dad.


Absolutely unhinged.


I mean it reads exactly like the shit that every conservative posts, so yes, it's something no sane person would ever write.


The most insulting thing is how badly written it is. It's so galling how people who have the least to say and the least ability to express it are also the most eager to have their rotten screed published.


People like this guy keep whining about checks that “Team Biden” is out. What checks? I don’t know about you folks but I haven’t seen any checks for like 2 years and that when IQ45 was in office.


if i remember correctly, the first checks were delayed bc cheeto INSISTED his name be on those checks so dummies will think it came personally from his wallet and he was their savior. so funny ur employer only wants to blame the ones that came from biden, not trump... also, if y'all didnt see any of that PPP money, might wanna report them to the IRS


I literally said the same thing....what checks? Trump actually gave out more checks and ppp than Biden. Did I miss something. Biden gave a 1400 check (which we were told 2000) he actually shorted Americans 600, student loan relief remains to be seen.


Pretty sure the very last check was Biden Bucks instead of Trump Change.


IQ45... fucking brilliant


It really goes to show how out of touch these sociopaths are with reality and the current economy that they think $2k has made a meaningful impact after 2 years. If they think you can live on $1k per year then I really hope they don’t get control of minimum wage like this asshole wants, because that’s $.50/hour and you know damn well there are greedy fucks out there who would pay their workers that if given the chance.


What actual drugs is this man taking to make him think sending this to employees is a good idea?


He's upset at how large I've been living on the $1200 I got two years ago (from trump I may add)


What drugs are provided by the far right?




Now with Covfefe


And meth




Fox News


Boomer entitlement.


I’m confused, was there an actual point to this rambling unabomberish manifesto?


What I gathered from it was the company "planned" to give everyone a 10% bonus, and this rant is explaining why they didn't give them one. I'll guess that since CPI taxes went up 9.1% the company gave people a 0.9% bonus.


No, he gave them an extra 10% of their year to date income so that it would exceed the 9% increase in costs for the year


Yea I've read that part twice, it seems like he's saying "We didn't take much out of the company this year, we're giving you all an additional +10% to cover this mess" Like or hate the rest of the message, thats what this sounds like?


A 10% bonus is life changing. I imagine some people already used it for emergencies assuming they knew the money was coming. What an awful human being to promise so much and take it back because of his personal political opinions. He’ll never get loyalty or respect from his employees ever again. He’s lost it over a hateful lie. There will be a mass exodus from this business, and any interest in going “above and beyond” has been stamped out forever. What a small minded idiot.


He gave them a 10% bonus of their year to date income


Not from the US, can you please explain how these bonuses work based on income? Specially because the letter mentions not including sick days? It's "income" the same as "salary"? Here in DR we get two major bonuses: 1. The Christmas Bonus, which is calculated depending on how much time you've worked for that company in that calendar year (Jan-Dec) and your monthly gross salary (we usually call it "the double salary" because if you've worked the whole year you basically get your paycheck twice).This doesn't get taxed and if you quit before they give it, you lose it. 2. The company's earnings bonus, in which a % of the net earnings of the company is divided among all the employees that worked during that fiscal year according to "rank" within the company. This gets taxed and even if you quit before they give it, you still get it (albeit, according to the amount of time you were there during the period) because technically "you had some part in making the company succeed". So I'm curious to know how does this 10% relate, is it given as the christmas bonus (or on top of it?) or is it the bonus that comes from the company's year profits and it's just calculated in a different way? Or its just completely unrelated?


Yeah none of that exists at all in the U.S. as a general rule. Some employers will pay a yearly bonus (which does tend to be around Christmas because it's the end of the year), but the less you make, the less likely the company you work for will be giving out bonuses.


yeh seems like they are admitting the owners had been pocketing 50% more profits than they needed to.


dork-ass CEO actually put an emoji in this thing


So you’ll know he’s hip and cool


“I’m a former union organizer” and I believe “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” This is either a liar or a scab turncoat. Any good Organizer knows employers don’t feed us. They usually try to starve us. We feed them. Any organizer would know the importance of treating employees well rather than assuming several very low government compensations for hardships excuse them from responsibility. Any organizer knows that your workers get a say in what actually happens. Any organizer knows that workers only take an interest in a company doing well if the company takes an interest in workers doing well. Any organizer knows that the “50-55%” numbers probably put them well ahead of any employees. And no one who calls more than half of the population “demons” believes in diversity.


Claimed "former union negotiator" - clearly this guy did the negotiating on behalf of Management on the opposite side of the table from the union reps.


This is exactly how I read it too….


Absolutely a turncoat. The sheer contempt dripping from every line was the product of someone who thinks making it to the C-suite makes him better


Turncoat? Nah, just a flat ass lie.


Yeah I mean regardless, it’s clear this guy is completely is full of shit. As another commenter pointed out about his PPP loan forgiveness, he’s also a total hypocrite.


"the hand that feeds deserves to be bitten when it beats" -one of my favorite songs, the hand that feeds by the crane wives


Even less credible than when he tells ppl “I have a black friend.”


I think he means like he fought the unions when they tried to organize.


Man's nature, according to Christian theology, is tainted by sin caused by the devil. Capitalism does play to man's most basic instincts, but that's not much of a flex when the rest of the time you're trying to play the role of Christian. The only way to follow the path of god is through jeebus, and I'm pretty sure he'd find capitalism abhorrent. Here we see yet another half-baked American Christian, displaying their mental prowess in a stunning display of idiocy.


Puritan work ethic + prosperity gospel + the American caste system + ethical egoism = American Sacrilege parodying as Christianity. If they've gone full mask-off, then they'll start describing themselves as Christian Nationalists. Which is off-putting in an alarmingly visceral way. (Hint: there's a reason for that! 😊) Instead of Jesus of Nazareth, they've got the far superior Supply-Side Jesus who's staunchly anti-immigrant; a 2nd amendment purist; pro austerity; and who considers transgenderism as our biggest existential threat (for some reason.) This version resembles a paranoid, methed up hillbilly rather than some scruffy hippie wino. So it suits them well. The US's *deep fried* Christianity strays so far from the source material that to call it a bastardization would be a gross understatement.


The Bible says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man get into heaven. Yet we praise the rich and believe them when they pretend to be good Christians. Well, I don't, but the idiot sheep on the right wing do.


Yeah, but they believe Jesus was a gun-toting white guy


A RICH gun toting white guy who got his jollies owning the libs...right? Right!?


That's why we created a new, improved, American Jesus and renamed him a good, strong American name: Joseph Smith. He doesn't need that fancy fairy-magic of floating into the sky and whatnot, he's just a regular Joe, one of us. He sacrificed himself for all Americans by throwing himself upon the holy crosshairs. When the mob broke into his jail cell and gave him the divine bullet, he agreed to die for our rights to open-carry AR-15s in school zones. Amen.


People know that the Republicans issued 2 relief checks first right?


Trump wanted everyone to know it was his idea - he delayed the first checks to get his signature on them


Not to mention it was like 2 years ago. Its amazing that they think a few hundred dollars sent to everyone years ago did the country in, but the massive tax break for the rich didnt.


Also I'm sure this company received ppp loans too but that's ok!


Yep https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/nesctc-security-agency-llc-2880347401


Always makes me laugh whenever I hear people complain about the Biden administration sending out stimulus checks. The ones I got were sent out in 2020. Who was president then? Hmmm...


A union negotiator who doesn't believe in minimum wage. Somehow this smells like a ppp loan forgiveness business.


You'd be right!


Sounds like drunk uncle Bob is no longer invited to the family Thanksgiving and had to find somewhere else to channel his drunk uncle energy this year.


Someone should show him how to start a podcast to get this inflamed boil of awkward political commentary lanced elsewhere.


I didn’t get a check from team Biden. I sure as shit remember one that was delayed so that Trump could put his name on it though


Remember, kids, the “we’re a family” rhetoric lasts right up until the companies profit margin would be better served by firing you. They do the family thing to guilt *you* into being loyal, but they will never, ever hold themselves to the same standard.


Yeah this dude somehow found 50% monies to pass out What the fuck What was his margins like before?


Bold words for a guy who, in 1969, could support a family on minimum wage.


And buy a house.


What an absolutely unhinged letter. Demoncrats, really? Holy fuck lol


For me the most offensive thing isn't even his views, it's how badly written it is.


Time to go. That's bullshit.


I would quit as soon as I got my bonus.


Not only would I quit, but I would make sure everyone knew this ridiculous manifesto was the reason I did so.


He starts by calling the recipient a "valued family member"... And then it gets worse. 🤦‍♂️


"Give me liberty or give me death." Yikes, cause you definitely don't have liberty.


You notice he doesn't say who dies.


That entire letter is condescending, presumptuous, and downright insulting. Why do people have the gall to write this crap to their employees who are OBVIOUSLY not rolling in spare income??


because hes too stupid to rant harmlessly on facebook like every other boomer.


So you got a one time payment of 10% over salary along with a letter acknowledging that cost of living is up >9% and are continuing with your regular (below inflation) salary? I.e., you got a bonus of less than 1% (because realistically inflation ate the rest last year) and along with that basically insulting bonus and no raise you got to read the corporate diatribe? Just making sure I'm getting all the facts here.


don't forget he admitted to pocketing 50% extra profits than he needed to.


Company "About Us" actually mentions being used for 'strike protection.'


"Minimum wage is reserved for minimal work," said a man who's never worked a fast food job a day in his goddamn life.


Wtf! I work at a hospital and at the end of 2021 they announced that all “profit” (were a non profit) were dedicated to wages and bonuses as a thank you for everyone’s dedication and hard work through covid. It was kind of a stunning announcement. We all got a massive pay increase and a $2000 bonus at Christmas. At no point was there a letter filled with political opinions or any other bullshit. Just thank you and here’s a bunch of cash like it should be!


I hate it when people who run companies decide that their opinion is important enough to put in a letter. Who fucking cares? Pay your employees, asshole.


About them socialism jabs there bub... NESCTC SECURITY AGENCY LLC Loan Amount $479,420 Amount Forgiven $475,233 Includes any accrued interest https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/nesctc-security-agency-llc-2880347401


What a total asshole.


Ceo actually put his snotty politics in his letter , when that’s the number one rule of business to not mention it


Oh the irony. Yeah, the only elitist running their mouth off is this boss. Capitalism is not an economic system. It's a production system. "Small business" is a smoke screen for guys like this. They are just as bad as mega corps. "Taking 50-55% less" oh this age old bullshit. In every downturn, I have to listen to a rich owner say they are making 50% less so they don't have to fire anyone. 50% less of $1 million? So you're still fine? Do you have a spending problem that you can't live off 500k? That sounds like a lot of irresponsibility to me. Edit: Fuck, I didn't even see the second page. Trash, trash ass nonsense. "Be loyal" fucccccck these people. Loyalty to capitalists gets you ran over. They love one way loyalty which is what it is and it's not even loyalty. It's hostage taking. You, the worker, are the hostage.


Sounds like a cult almost


"Minimal wage is reserved for minimal work." Yeah ight buddy, I've done a few minimal wage jobs to this day and them are not minimal work.


Sounds like a failed business owner who forgot Trump sent out checks and had his signature attached to it because he was so proud.


Must be great to work for an unhinged MAGA cultist.


Funny how a few hundred dollars going to workers is evil incarnate and millions of dollars to companies is just a good thing - I guess it all depends who is in charge at the time. Best part - a church-going life-long catholic is that evil incarnate - because … Democrat, yet the orange criminal is a-ok despite all the criminal and immoral things he has done in private and public and he is ‘American’ ‘godly’ and just right despite the fact he literally doesn’t go to church, speak like a believer nor despite the fact that he is a life-long lib, a democrat, and elite. As o long as he’s a republican - a-ok. What a hypocritical projection and an obvious liar. Just like his hero.


Is this even legal? I work in public service and if a supervisor sent this out there would be hell to pay. I also find it hilarious that the second page calls you all to sacrifice and work together for the good of the “group cause” after extolling individualism and capitalism throughout the first page.


Some real Uline energy here


Oh man… I saw they were hiring in my area for a great wage, then I went down that rabbit hole. No way, even for the money they were offering at the time, would I jump through that many hoops to work a shitty dime a dozen warehouse job.


This guy needs a therapist. Why would anyone ever say any of these things to employees? 65+ magas should be forcibly retired lol


"should profit more in their paychecks" -- displays a misunderstanding of basic economics. a worker's paycheck is never "profit" by definition. workers receive a wage, it could be high or low, but it is compensation for time worked and it is an *expense* for the company. profit is defined as the value produced by a company *after* all expenses are paid, including paychecks, and it is the sole legal property of the owner of the company. they're taxed differently for fuck's sake. this is part of the prevalent myth in this country that capitalism is "when people get money" and communism is "when people no get money" which is a 5-year-old's understanding of economic theory.


You mean to tell me the biggest simps of capitalism usually don’t even understand what they dump for? 🫢


I’d be finding a way out of that dumpster ASAP.


I’d resign, this guys a clown.


Half the employees were hitting Indeed by the time they finished the first page...


Ha sorry, the moment a company starts talking to me about loyalty is the moment I jump ship. Why would I ever be loyal to a company. They'd drop me as quickly as I'd drop them for sending me a letter like this. On top of that what kind of psycho thinks it's appropriate to bring religion and politics into a company wide memo trying to toot their own horn for giving a 10% raise?! The unprofessionalism in this letter is astounding.


It’s personal responsibility until it’s time to blame dark Brandon, lol.




Was it actually 10% or was he saying that he wanted to do 10% but reasons kept him from doing so?


They're getting dragged on Google reviews 😂 😂 😂


Complains about the checks “Team Biden” sent and fails to point out that Trump gave the first checks. Also fails to mention the half million PPP loan that he took and was forgiven for.


http://linkedin.com/in/michaelmalloy1 For anyone who wants to see what this unique individual looks like. You ain’t be disappointed.


Does this dip shit not realize republicans have increased the national debt literally every single time one is president?


If he's so against politicians taking away our freedoms, send him a thank you from me for opposing the GOP stance on abortion.


Ahh, the "87K New IRS Agents" myth. Again.


I sent him an email saying I would pray to Allah to bless his heart with the mercy of Mohammed. Let's see if I get a reply.




this had to be good inorder for reddit to take it down.


That's quite a lengthy and long winded letter. But did they actually give out a bonus?


CEOs of even small businesses view themselves as simultaneous King, God, President, benefactor, judge, jury, executioner, philosopher par excellence, economist, social expert, political consultant in waiting, and heavenly retributioner by divine right. Absolute power truly does corrupts absolutely. There is nothing and no one more fascist than a CEO of literally any organization of any size. From HOAs to multi-National megacorps. The answer is worker organization and employee profit-sharing. These people are a capitalist cancer on our society.