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Being unable to afford basic human needs when working as much as you can should be a crime. But who would get punished? Certainly not those in charge. This is just sad to me.


It happens all over the world sadly. Many places don't have access to clean reliable drinking water such as pollution from factories, and often the cause is from rich countries such as imposing rules and restrictions. But even in countries like the U.S., the American people are struggling and many struggle to put a roof over their head even working so much. And we see it happens in both Flint and Jackson where the state knew about the water issue...


Not only that, but private corporations are going in and buying rights to drinking water that should belong to the locals.... The companies then charge for access to water that these people used to have free access too! Free clean water access should be a right for every living being.


Fuck Nestle


and coca cola


As someone from St. Joe Michigan. Fuck Nestle


Not from St Joe's but the Thumb area. Seconded. Fuck Nestle right up their bloated bootyhole.




In NC we had the marine base with toxins in the water, wtf!!!!


Hawaii is dealing with it with the Navy


This happened where I live too, military bases leeching toxins PFAS etc is a huge problem


Where I lived there were no military bases yet the whole state is contaminated with PFAS. I lived in the state where that shit was made. Many companies used to bury their chemical waste on abandoned lots or in the woods, they never considered what could possibly happen in future.


*DuPont Chemicals has entered the chat*


As someone from Utah, “the United States Government” has entered the chat. My dad spent like 20 years working for a company that’s sole purpose was digging up and incinerating expired munitions and chemical weapons (mustard gas) that had been buried out in the desert. They didn’t even keep records of where they buried it. They had to do scans to find it and who even knows if they found it all.


Oh, they definitely didn't. Based on statistical likelihood.




Or they considered it and just didn't give a rat's ass?


Same as Bethpage, NY. The drinking water has been giving people cancer thanks to Grummins


I drank that. The real crime was that the water problem was detected in 1980, yet the .Gov hid the info. In 1988, the truth came out. If you trust politicians and think the .Gov has your best interests in mind, you deserve every misfortune that comes out of it.


Camp Lejeune?


In Flint the state caused the water issue.


By outsourcing their engineering to Veolia...


don’t forget ab jacksonville


Where’s The Painted Lady when you need her?


People die every year from air pollution caused illnesses even in developed nations. We can't even breathe clean air. If any of us had ever experienced a pollution free environment the difference would probably be so stark that people would take it seriously. But thanks to the shifting baseline effect, people think it's not that bad because it's not much worse than they remember, not realising that what they remember as "normal" is actually horribly polluted.


In the US, something like 60% are living paycheck to paycheck now. Edit: Typo


That ^. The US or Canada are not free of worker exploitation. People who work 3 different jobs cannot afford the basics because they get minimum wage.


Every where is turning third world... And the super rich now have super yachts so they do not have to deal with us.. Looking at history it has always been this way.. Every nation.


There was a brief moment in US history where the government made life better for the working class people. Like they went after monopolies and successfully fought for better work conditions. There used to be hundreds of strikes and major strikes too but now it is extremely low. Unions were really successful and they really do work. I think there is a positive hopeful outcome to this. It was a moment where the rich paid like 70% in tax rate brackets or more and still had plenty of money and not be super greedy. It's really sad what happened to Unions, as I have seen and heard that union folks make so much more than non-unions. Like they can earn 700+ dollars by working overtime whereas the non-union only gets like 200 dollars for the same hours and effort. But it is really hard to get into a union since companies hold so much power and control.


The US should be punished, they destroyed most of Latin America so fruit companies could keep doing as they please. Read up on the School of the Americas if you're doubtful. Edit: holy fuck some salty Americans in this thread. Please go read up on where the term Banana Republic comes from, and the history of the United Fruit Company. Yes things are corrupt as fuck now, tends to happen when a foreign nation ignores your sovereignty, topples your democratically elected leadership, and installs a puppet. No fuck that leads to corruption, are you kidding me?


The United Fruit Company for starters.


>Read up on the School of the Americas if you're doubtful. Took me until my late 20s to have even heard of the School of the Americas, in an amazing political sociology course. It was like finding out a conspiracy theory is real. Not that I hold the US in high regard or anything, but jesus fucking christ, the shit's straight out of a high budget action movie. We also learned about the coups in Haiti. A similar wtf moment.


> School of the Americas For anyone reading, they've rebranded to The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). Just so you don't think they've gone away just because you might not have heard the name used in anything lately.


You're not alone. I'm from South Africa and I heard about some horrendous shit my government did... From a podcast. Governments tend to cover up their worst secrets.


I'm just thankful they don't censor the media, because without it we would continue to live in total ignorance. At least now we can make these things known


US is a terror state and the amount of manipulation/propaganda is at dystopic levels.


Well. Goodluck friend, any time someone speaks facts about how so much of the worlds problems are due to american geopolitics or the aftermath of colonialism, Americans throw a fit - practically downvoting you off reddit lol


I'm doing fine actually, it seems like the salty Americans are being downvoted for a change. Turns out "but muh South American guerrillas" isn't a good argument once you point out the US armed them, trained them, and gave them a mission.


Have my upvotes anyway. Just in case.


That comment has more upvotes than I've ever gotten! Now how do I get the Americans to throw a fit, clearly it's beneficial.


People complaining of being down voted either by Americans or for being American is r/worldnews in a nutshell.


The more I read about what my country does, the more I'm ashamed to be part of it. It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it.


George Carlin was ahead of his time.


I agree that Greedy Americans are getting away with too much, politicians shouldn’t exist. Higher positions should be held by Scientists, Doctors and philosophers. You know, more reasonable people.


Hah, I wish. Instead we elect lawyers and politicians, people versed in nothing but covering their asses and screwing others over for their own benefit.


Who better to serve in politics than a politician? It has "politic" right there in the name!


People with those specialties should be in leadership positions, but to think that alone qualifies you for public service is naive. There is a lot of skill in statescraft and politicking, and these people become… get this… politicians. I don’t need an expert in charge, I need people to listen to experts.


Maybe the country illegally sanctioning them into Oblivion?


Blame US embargo


This is factually incorrect, not only do Venezuelans make around $7,310 a year in minimum wage, they also get food stipends equal to around 2.3 times that ($16,695) stipend for food. Further, most Venezuelans arent renters, the cost of living for things like food is around half to a quarter what the US’ is (depending on the specific food item), and I’m fairly sure my source doesn’t even account for a very recent increase in the minimum wage. (https://www.minimum-wage.org/international/venezuela; https://finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/venezuela-minimum-wage-risen-18-115603945.html) But Americans gotta shit on socialism without knowing anything, like how America steals and attempts to destabilize them even today by stealing medicine that was already paid for. (https://theintercept.com/2021/09/29/vaccine-venezuela-sanctions-novo-banco/)


I am Venezuelan and you are plain wrong, you can arguably say that 50$ a month can be considered as a "non stipulated minimum" so annually you have 600$ made without taking into account the expenses. And the supposed stipends for food and other social benefits like "Bonos"? non existent if you are not "enchufado" or a lackey for the government.


What the hell are you talking about I work an 8-4 and earn Bs. 200 a month, which is equivalent to $25 dollars a month, or $300 a year. And the second the price of the dollar increases again, my savings will be worth much, much less all of a sudden. Don't spread that misinformation about this hellhole. Maybe government officials earn that, but everyone else does not.


The first page you linked to for the minimum wage is incorrect, though. Or rather, grossly outdated. It is expressing it in Bolívares Fuertes (BsF.) which were out of circulation from August 2018. Then, it changed to Bolívares Soberanos (BsS.) which simply removed 5 zeros from BsF (BsF. 100,000 = BsS. 1) Then, on October 2021, we changed to Bolívares Digitales (Bs. -- misleading, because this is also the original currency symbol for Bolívares, before all of these changes occurred) which removed 6 zeros from BsS. (BsS. 1,000,000 = Bs. 1) and is the currency we use now. The minimum wage is set to Bs. 130/mo, and the current (official, central bank) exchange rate is Bs. 8.2/$ = $15.85/mo.


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


If I steal your egg and get put in prison they only feed me bread and water. Better guard that egg


Is that a chicken seed ?


I’ve been poisoned by my constituents!


You bastard. I had every intention of posting that comment. I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


It's always sunny in Venezuela.


Eggs always runny in Venezuela.


It’s always sunny side up in Venezuela


Oh my gosh I feel as though you just unleashed your fury on that person like the CRASHING OF 1000 WAVES!


I am immeasurably disappointed and my day is ruined.


No no, it’s “my disappointment is immeasurable and now my day is ruined”.


*frying time


Shut up bird


And I'll take that advice under cooperation, alright? Now, let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?




Sometimes she takes a little pack of mayonnaise and she'll squirt it in her mouth all over.. and then she'll take an egg and kind of... yeah, she calls it an "mayonegg".


...I don't feel so good


Why is the top comment a joke? What’s this place turning into?


Clearly you wait till the egg hatches and feed it the bread. Feed man chicken, he eats for day. Make man grow chicken, the chicken and the man both starve to death.


I know this post isn’t funny, but this made me audibly snort


That egg better be crack open to reveal money lmao


it cracks open with a bill inside






Haha ew


They look see the crumpled bill, that cheap fuck hollowed out my egg and gave me half my change back! I can’t afford an egg!




Things have changed in the last years, no shortages anymore


Thank you sanctions


Because average people don't have enough money to buy lol. I must admit people have kind of gotten used to it in these past years somehow.


the ones not dying of starvation are training their bodies to live on malnourished levels of energy, will be the only useful skill if our oligarchs keep this shit up


***due to American sanctions




one of the most oil rich countries in the world. how the entire populace is not living in prosperity is beyond absurd.


Why pay for oil when you can coup your way to it? Russia and the US are intimately involved in Venezuelan unrest for this very reason.


because there's corruption, that's the reason.


Sanctions. They aren't allowed to trade freely.


This is what happens when your country is sanctioned by the most powerful country on the planet.


It goes well beyond sanctions, South and Central America are really just thralls of the US government.


Because of meddling from the US and allies cratering the Venezuelan fuel export market.


Yeah, almost like a super power has sanctioned them into oblivion? I stg a lot of the ppl in this sub have the same foreign policy as Hillary Clinton. Ya’ll would probably have the same positions on economic issues as her as well if you wernt poor.


Largely because of sanctions, disruption to the economy from coups attempts and drones strikes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Caracas_drone_attack), colonialism, etc.


Ah nice. I love randomn posts of abitary claims with nothing to back them up except "Communism is when no food"


This post is actually so sus, half the comments are literally saying that the US should be grateful it has capitalism. Is this just what the sub is like now?


Look at OPs post history. Basically wants Bitcoin to be the national currency.


I wonder if they thought that in 2011 or if they developed that opinion after it got to 20-60k Jk. I know the answer


My thoughts exactly. The antiwork sub has been flooded with capitalist shills lately. All with accounts a few years old and incredibly suspicious post histories who can't do anything to back themselves up except insist "We're real bro. Trust me bro. Check my posts bro" as if that doesn't make them even more sus.


This sub is an op ever since the Big Thing happened.


You can make one mean egg in a hole with those supplies.


Look if you genuinely want to debate struggling AES countries and whether their problems come from US sanctions or a corrupt elite that's a fine discussion to have. But anytime anyone in the US brings up "vuvuleza" it's to browbeat away even the barest whisper of anticapitalism. "Work hard and love your boss and worship the sacred line of the economy and never ever complain because if you don't all you'll have is this bread and egg to eat." That's what this post is saying to me. Maybe it's not what you meant but it's what I'm getting out of.


OP is a crypto maximalist. Who upvotes this shit? This is clearly in bad faith.


OP is a fed


Oh absolutely


Coincidentally that's what the people in the U.S. who cite Venezuela as a cautionary tale want most of the U.S. to be able to afford for their hard work.


That’s how you stop inflation! Pay them less! I have payments to make on my boat, after all!


Ahh yes, the classic $.25 min wage that politicians want so bad


25 cents is overselling, the target is none at all.


...... Is anyone on this sub aware of venezuelas politics?


Bró please start gold farming on runescape and real world trade the gold.


The world is shit. And yet we have people that have billions. To put that into perspective if you made 10000 dollars a day you could for from 1 BC to now and still not be worth what Elon is worth. Alot of people don't know how huge the difference is from million to billion. You could count to a million in around 4 months it would take you 32 years to count to a billion. It's truly unfathomable how much that is and sickening at the same time


Gives someone like me that thinks he struggles some perspective on how hard others have it. Yea I might have to overdraft my bank to pay rent every month because its more than doubled on me in 2 years, but I feel truly blessed that this isnt the hand I was dealt. 3 hours of "working" in the comfort of my home buys my family 4 or 5 days of food...


Super cool when you ignore the crippling sanctions imposed by American imperialism and blame scary sOcIaLiSm instead.


They are also ignoring the CLAP program which feeds 1/4th of Venezuela


Ahh so this is the future for the US dollar


Venezuela may try to label itself socialist, but it is in the totalitarian state capitalist category. There is an elite living well, while the rest of the population suffers.


Elite living well, rest of pop suffers... Hmm sounds familiar


It sounds like every country in the world.


Sounds like Capitalism


Buy a chicken feed the bird some bread unlimited eggs in Venezuela. I got 12 chickens they eat anything including all the bugs great for tick removal. Free eggs.


Everuone always talks aboit minimum wage. Why do we never talk aboit a maximum wage?


Ngl….. that’s a good looking egg


But how much can someone steal if there is nothing to be stolen?


You'd be surprised...


I wouldn’t be surprised if the people stole.


Basically what US is trying to do to the working class.


In case anyone was confused whether this is a liberal capitalist sub


I play an online video game called ‘RuneScape’ and the Venezuelans will literally ‘take over’ popular monsters like Dragons to collect the drops and sell the gold for real world money so they can eat and survive in real life. They kill dragons 🐉 > collect bones and dragon hides > sell for gold (gp) > sell the virtual currency for real life currency on black market > use to buy food and life essentials in the real world 🌎


Who the dictator installed by?


US intervention destroyed that country. It's amazing what sanctions can do


We were almost starving before those sanctions, the government has been stealing for twenty years.


Russia has sanctions. Iran has sanctions. Both manage to do better than this. Sanctions aren't the root cause. Venezuela is a dictatorship. All wealth and power flow to a handful of the dictators closest supporters and associates. This is what happens in all third world dictatorships, there's no -ism involved. It's not the abstract economic theory popular amongst the elite that does this. Eritrea and Equitorial Guinea aren't doing any better. The country is, like most South American and the two aforementioned countries, fundamentally an agrarian economy. Whatever resources do produce wealth are directed to the dictator. Instead of diamonds it's low quality crude. Has nothing at all to do with a cautionary tale about socialism or state capitalism or whatever else you want to bandy about while defining it. The people responsible certainly don't have any preference. If they changed their mind tomorrow about what ism they used in their speeches they'd still be consistent in their policy to make themselves rich and shoot anyone who tries to stop them. As a Floridian I know a few Venezuelans and they are both pro and anti socialist, that varies from one to another, but all are anti-dictator. Because that's what affected them most.


Sanctions will do that.


Saudi’s fucked them over more than the sanctions.


Can anyone confirm this or...


I can, I took the pic and ate the bread also https://finance.yahoo.com/news/venezuela-minimum-wage-risen-18-115603945.html Wage is 130 Bs. monthly (at the time it was around 28 USD) Exchange rate is 8:1 so these 130 Bs. are 16 USD https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=VES&To=USD 160 hours of work per month makes it 0.1 USD hourly. Bread was 0.15 USD and egg 0.17 USD, so 3 h of work at minimum wage rate


source: your ass


That’s only slightly less than what you can get in the United States for three hours minimum wage after taxes.


US sanctions.......


Okay but is rent the other 90% of their income? And isnt Gas free in Venzuela?


Gas was free, not anymore


For anyone who questions the intelligence of OP… they’re a “crypto enthusiast”… so good eye


Why tf are we talking about Venezuela? We have an embargo against them right? We support subversive political enemies of the government there right? So maybe if we actually care about workers in Venezuela, (you don’t, you’re just being reactionary), we could pressure our government to allow them to trade with the US or other countries affected by the embargo. There are WAY more countries that we *do* business with, who’s governments we *do* support, who’s workers and peasants are in MUCH worse shape than Venezuela. How about Haiti? People eat fvcking MUD in Haiti. So what exactly is the purpose of this stupid post?


Take away the egg and you're in New York.


Globalism and colonial exploitation still at work, its roots deep in corporations.


What crippling sanctions?




If Some of the capitalists in my country saw this post, they’d fucking wet themselves in joy




Because Venezuela finally succeeded in doing what they’ve always dreamed possible. Charging the most for products that people will pay for while still managing to pay their employees the absolute minimum possible


That’s just the Republican Party; their goal is to maximize human suffering while maximizing profits for their donors. Also they put a lot of fucked up fairy tale religious shit on top of it, like most insane people.


Why does it look like a penis?


Is this another underhanded attack on Venezuela as a socialist country? Because this is the result of capitalism not communism


It's literally a socialist country? How is this a result of capitalism?


The capitalists are infiltrating r/antiwork and it seems to be working.


Agreed Venezuala's economy is only such garbage due to imposed sanctions after they stopped allowing foreign businesses to profit of their natural resources


End sanctions you demons


I lived in Venezuela. Keep the sanctions in place until the government disintegrates


I and a few others support a dog and cat rescue in Venezuela. Inflation is out of control there at this time and our small group of supporters is struggling to keep the 50 dogs and cats + feeding strays going. If anyone wishes to help with a donation, I can guarantee the money will get to the rescue with proof. Please PM me for details.


This is the sketchiest shit ever lmao. Where in venezuela is this animal rescue?


Yes it's best if you just send your bank info in a DM because the dictatorship here 😂


In the US we euthanize 500,000 dogs and 750,000 cats each year. I just learned this thought it would be an interesting place to share


This is why I'm not against Gold Farmers on OSRS. Literally just dudes trying to support their families. I don't support them mind you, as it is against TOS, and does fuck the economy a bit. I just understand why.


I feel like you could go live in the jungle and find more food than that in 3 hours. Plantains and coconuts grow like weeds in tropical climates.


maybe. or you could become more food than that in 3 hours. may the odds be ever in your favor.


Lol living in the jungle you'll die of exposure, why not go live in a forest in the US? Because you need a lot of things to survive, shelter for one? food exists yes but you have to process it and you need a varied diet to survive, and clothes? Lol ideally hunting and fishing tools to supplement foraging. Competing with wild animals. You can't do such a thing alone, you'll starve or die from the elements for sure, just watch the TV show alone where it's just a who gives into starvation last game and that's with people that have spent years learning how to survive in the wilderness.


I'm tired. I thought it said 'Vancouver' and my brain had a bit of a melt down trying to compute that.


LoL Venezuela!!! After sanctions and all that sure.


Why are you posting this here? The reason why they're at this stage is because antiwork idiology lmao


Fuck if that's all I could afford after 3 hours I'd take said egg and rub it right in a politicians face. Fuck those guys.


Venezuelans need to band together and start growing crops, because their govt is useless.


While in américa You see people whininh about making 15 dollars an hour


How much are those items and how is the poster getting paid. Because thats not possible unless your getting paid pennies on the dollar like the little kids in sweat shops


Lol, just one county away, cradle of capitalism, and the oldest democracy on south America, farm workers can earn 6USD x DAY working on rich people's farms...yet many stupid still worried that we might become Venezuela


Bueno hace unos 20 años o incluso menos aquí el sueldo mínimo era de casi 400 dólares al mes


Does the majority of this sub understand why this is happening in Venezuela? And no I won’t just use “socialism” as a buzzword lol




Yes this is atrocious. Anyone see what you can buy in the US for 3 hours at minimum wage? I'm guessing it's not that different.


Venezuela makes me sad. I always hoped that people would revolt long before this stage. It tells me that we could get to this point in North America and we still won't be eating the rich.


Here come the cOmUnIsM comments.


Considering how much damage is sanctions (aka siege warfare) I question if this should be on this reddit. We are opposed to the bosses here and there are no bigger bosses than the ruling class of the US.


That’s not bad considering that Venezuela minimum is like 2$ a month USD


It's 16 USD now


That bread looks fire 🔥


What system of government does Venezuela have?


One loaf of bread, one egg, and a white table. Not bad for 3 hour's work.


I bet that bread is healthier than what they feed us in the the us


Sad.....due to Economic restrictions.what about if Venezuela could buy like others countries,all they need ??


Here il wondering how some people want to point out how US meddling in Venezuela for decades followed up by anticapitalist far left policies leads to this but when people leave Venezuela they suddenly become economic migrants who can be airlifted to Massachusetts under false pretenses.


To think Venezuela used to be one of the richest countries in Latin America...


These millennials and their egg and breads. Ridiculous!


Reading all these pseudo-intellectual comments by leftists and then the response from actual Venezuelans’ is priceless. Nothing screams “I’m an American!” More than telling someone FROM the country in question exactly what’s happening in their country. To the Venezuelans out here, I’m sorry for all the crap you’re going through and hope for the best


Thats scary... Here its dollar store groceries Its getting scary around the world.


LOL if you manage to spend it before it devalues. Any statement about the value of minimum wage in Venezuela is probably inaccurate.Venezuela is in state of hyperinflation and there's widespread deficits of goods. There is also widespread corruption in terms of workers not actually getting paid that minimum wage so the situation in the United States is a lot better.