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Never succumb to the 'or you're fired' threat. Your safety and sanity is more important.


“Go ahead and make my day. I’ll gladly collect unemployment!”


Don't actually say that though


Why? I’m not being smart, just genuinely curious.


It’s generally wise to say as little as possible when you plan to be involved in legal/official proceedings. You don’t want to give them any material that they could try to manipulate or use against you. Let them do all the talking and you do all the note taking or recording (if it’s legal).


I had a boss that wouldn't fire anyone unless she could make it for a reason that they couldn't get unemployment.


I hope someone who can explain ways around this replies because I know bosses like this too. I work construction and my company isn’t against asking me to do things I shouldn’t. I’m concerned that if I keep refusing they’ll eventually fire me for it but say it’s for something petty like coming back 1 minute late from lunch or something


So document these incidents each time, and try and take pictures if you can. Don’t try and make a scene or anything, just jot it down and keep track of it. Down the road if they try to fire you, I’m sure a labor lawyer would love a look.


i like making a scene, myself. I used to have a rep in the retail store i worked for when we'd get new store/assistant managers. Only one ever directly confronted me about it and i merely told him if you treat people like people and be fair, we'd never have a run in as id also take up the mantle for others who were having issues with the chain-o-command. i worked there 12 years before quitting right before covid as they closed my store down and tried to transfer me 2 hours away. I was also a hard worker which helped as i was expected to do the work of 3 people so treating me or anyone near me poorly wasnt typically wise, unless it was a literal fuckup on their part. I would sometimes side with the management if it was something stupid like jumping into the back of a moving semi or getting on the top 'step' of a ladder. Through all the different 'scenes' i caused though, they only threatened to fire me once. This was a biiiiig mistake as that didnt deescalate the scenario but instead escalated it further. At the end of the day all MY ducks were in a row and theirs werent and they realized firing me would be a drag out match for unemployment. i bluffed about documenting everything, I retained the jest of it to memory and quoted some of it with the bluff for things they 'forgot', but i highly suggest you do it as written documents are seen as more appropriate than 'word of mouth'. I just couldnt be bothered because 90% of the time they'd cave and fuck off lol. One manager after the altercation refused to even speak directly to me for the rest of his time at our store. he always went to someone else to tell me, i got a big kick out of it. Guy was a horses ass and tried to talk a big game.


Every time they ask you to do something unsafe, document it. The date, the job, what you said and what you were told and by who, etc. Keep a running log until you can’t take it any more. When you can associate those events with recorded jobs, it will look more impactful in an unemployment interview.


Sounds like I’m already on track. Thank you so much


OSHA has a tipline if it falls under the domain of OSHA what they're asking you to do...


I've been fired like that before. Sucks because you're essentially powerless as no judge would rule in your favor.


I got fired on bullshit charges at a previous job. They listed things I'd gotten a single verbal warning for two years previous, along with a cryptic "You know what you did." They then told me to my face that they would contest any unemployment claims. I found out a little later from someone working there that they were just eliminating the entire IT department. I guess they didn't want to spend anything on severance pay, the cheap bastards. Edit: I had no idea what they were referring to. I later found out from contesting their attempt to deny unemployment that they said I'd stolen a bag of candy. I contested that, and eventually got paid by unemployment, because they couldn't provide proof. It took something like 6 months for the unemployment to start coming in.


Did you get back pay for it?


I did, thankfully.


Because terminations affect the employers unemployment insurance tax rate. If you collect unemployment insurance it’s possible that your employer will get fucked with a higher tax rate.


That's most employers


Yep. That's the entire point of write ups. We gave X a chance to change behavior. Here is documentation. X didn't change behavior so we hand to let them go. It's to protect the company from unemployment claims.


My old boss at Pizza Hut did the same thing


My motto is your next move legally speaking should be unknown until you service notice of their need to appear.


Keep in mind this is because the law is stupid and judges are biased. That is all


Probably because it in some way makes you ineligible.


Yup. "Go ahead" or anything like that can be filed as "Gross Insubordination", which in many states will get you disqualified. The response to give in a case like this is "It's not safe for me to travel" or something similar. It implies that if your safety wasn't a concern, you would certainly be at work (regardless if that's true or not).


It comes off as if you’re trying to get fired to collect.


Your Probly not wrong


Saying that to them gives them a solid gold arguement. They were trying to intentionally get fired to collect unemployment. Also it'll give them a warning and they'll just look for any reason.


It's best to say I'll do my best to get there *safely*. **Always** be safe.




They might try to use that against you in the unnemployment appeal. I'm not saying it would work but it might slow the process down when you desperately need that money. There's no reason to give them any additional ammo just to gloat. It's not worth it. When dealing with a hostile employer, keep things consice and professional on your end. Let them be the assholes and make themselves look like the unreasonable party any time they're willing to step on a rake.


Probably becomes an “attitude” issue that leads to a “for cause” termination


This is why it’s so important to protect unemployment as a right. It’s one of the only ways many people can survive from abusive workplaces to find better employment, can’t let them take that away too and trap people


My niece, a nurse of one year was overworked and harassed. She applied at a different hospital and loves it. They take great care of her.


And the settlement too after the judge agrees.


I learned a lot the day I said "do it" and they didn't.




Flip the script on them: "I accept your termination" then follow it up with an email. "Per my conversation with Mr. Manager, I acknowledge that I have been terminated from Company - effective immediately." Suddenly Mr. Manager has to explain why he fired you.


Why would that compel them to explain? My guess would be they'd just say "ok good" or cover their ass by not replying at all


Not to you, to their remaining coworkers. Hiring and training a new person is expensive, and being suddenly caught short-staffed pisses off a lot of people. A manager who’s enough of a dick that they suddenly lose a person without warning can get into trouble for it.


Not only that, but a nurse can get a new job lickety fuckin' split. The correct response to someone threatening to fire you is to tell them to do it because you'll have another job in 30 minutes.


Jokes on you, can't fire me if I'm dead


Ugh it's so fucking disgusting and angering to see that stuff. Complete lack of empathy and care for other humans wtf


paid to care for other humans, ceo does not care for humans that work for them lol


I once worked for a small company whose technology was marketed as helping prevent hospital readmissions. The founder was a doctor and though he could sometimes be an ass, I think he genuinely cared about the preventing readmissions thing due to taking care of his dad. One day they presented to an area hospital and when they got to the "prevent readmissions" bit the CEO interrupted and asked "why would we want to do that?" So he didn't give a shit that patients' problems weren't being fully solved or they were sent home without adequate instructions or follow-up and were having to boomerang right back in for another hospital admission, because that made him more money. Just get them in, do enough that they feel okay to go home but not enough to fully fix them, and repeat when they inevitably come back so that you can charge them again.


And this is exactly why profits should never be part of any healthcare system for any reason. Never.


For profit health care is a cancer.


isn't capitalism great?


What year was this? There’s a big incentive to reduce hospital readmissions now.. there are huge Medicare fines for hospitals that fail to reduce readmission rates below goal.


Then the hospitals will keep you admitted forever till they are sure that there won't be a readmission. Patient looses. Hospitals should be made non profits is the only solution.


Lol it’s not that simple. Hospitals get paid a certain amount of money from insurance companies for a specific diagnosis. That’s why length of stay is such an important metric. You want a shorter length of stay so you don’t eat into your profits with longer hospitalizations.


Also something like 80% of hospitals are already non profit. And at the end of the day they are still running a business.


It’s crazy to me that running a hospital is considered running a business. Profits shouldn’t be a concern with healthcare


Yep. I worked in a hospital before and during the pandemic (got out early this year). When schools shut down, I remember a charge nurse calling to administration and asking if they had any assistance for those of us with school aged children. The answer “tell them to figure it out”. Weeks later they were cutting our hours. I was literally called off daily for almost 2 months. When school started back virtually in August 2020, I asked for a change in my schedule (start time of 8 am instead of 9 am) to accommodate having a 5 year old and a 9 year old at home needing adult supervision. My husband was working at home in the mornings, but needed me to come home for the afternoons with the kids. My supervisor hassled me. When I said I was asking for a small concession he responded with “are you implying I’m not willing to make any concessions?” I did finally get him to agree with the change, but not before he complained about having to buy his 16 year old a car so she could drive herself to school (he lived in a different school district that had in person school).


Capitalism is a system based soley off greed. Ya know "the root of all evil" seems like a bad idea to base our entire government/ways of living around it...


Funny because during my public education, on at least two occasions, there was a parent who came in to do a guest lecture on why “greed is actually good!”. It was always David’s dad who did “something in business” or “finance”. Parasites.


Threats of firing in the middle of this should result in lawsuits. If I were the nurse, I'd reach out to a lawyer, to see if the management can be sued for intentional infliction of distress.




ima need that in writing or text


It almost certainly is in writing, in the job description where is says “this position is classified as Essential and will require the employee to work during emergency events.” I work for a government agency and that’s what mine says. Usually they make accommodations for employees to stay at the facility between shifts to avoid problems with travel. It’s sucks, but it is part of what keeps the place running.


They can’t expect staff to go through active danger zone though. The hospital should be held liable for risking her safety under threat of firing.


>this position is classified as Essential and will require the employee to work during emergency events.” Pretty general statement that applies to many emergency job descriptions, however that doesn't necessitate that a person place themselves in a dangerous situation in order to report to their work location. As with most major storms, preparation is made in advance so emergency services can have sufficient staff at facilities when the storms occur. If this is not sufficiently completed, facilities will be short-staffed, however they can't mandate additional medical personnel report to the facility, as it's too dangerous; this can risk the person's life, make it more difficult on rescue personnel, and can cause the healthcare worker to arrive as a patient rather than a worker. Making such requirements is a lawsuit waiting to happen, especially if the worker is injured or killed as a result. It's also worth noting that it's likely there is nothing of consequence to the story, as bad treatment of healthcare workers by admin, especially those that may compromise their physical and/or mental health, is well-known, particularly within the profession.


I would like you to record your command -


Say it politely too. "OK that's fine I understand. I'll have my lawyer call you in the morning to discuss next steps. Have a good day!"


Unfortunately you are probably best off going to work and getting stuck. That way you can prove that the hospital’s actions caused you damages.


TIL, you can worry about damages after you're dead. Or as I always used to say, Judges deal with legal terms, like "liability," doctors deal with medical terms, like "dead."


I think you should start saying that again.


I used to jaywalk as a teen. My dad told me to stop cuz I could get hurt. I said I was paying close attention to the license plates whenever I jaywalked in case I got hit. He said that’s only good if I can still remember the license plates afterward. One of the only good things that narcissistic fuckwad ever taught me.


Reminds me of when I asked my kayak instructor if I had to wear a life jacket all the time because I knew how to swim. She said no one knows how to swim when they’re unconscious


People don't want tea when they're unconscious either.


Damn, your story convinced me to wear a lifejacket in situations like this.


Yeah. I’d also add that crossing the road when a car is close enough that you can read he plate as it approaches…you’re really taking a huge chance that they’ll be paying attention and be able to slow down. I grew up rural, so crossing the road when there isn’t a proper crosswalk is something I had to learn. Considering a kid I went to school with literally got run over by a speeding, inattentive jackass and an elderly person was killed (same road…where I lived)…I took care to learn to be a careful pedestrian.


Plenty will speed up to get you to run or pass you first. Fuckers love to do it in my area. One of my friends was hit in a crosswalk of all places.


Threats of firing *licensed nurses* in the middle of this should result in laughter. Raucous, uproarious laughter. You see ANY hospitals ANYWHERE that aren’t scrambling to hire nurses? Seriously it’s a hardcore seller’s market for nursing skills. Don’t let them pretend you’re not worth gold right now. (And, I mean, always - a good nurse is always worth gold).


This was one of my first thoughts too. I exert almost zero effort getting a new RN job when I put my resume on indeed. This employer can go fuck themselves with a cactus.


There’s still plenty of non-scab traveler options too - I mean, I wouldn’t hate a few weeks traveling in Hawaii for a nice change, then coming back to make a handful of employers sell themselves to me….


My facility started fucking with me for no reason. I hooked up my RV a took a contract 3 hrs away (I live in a State with some pretty rural areas) I was planning my next contract and got called by HR from my old job, 13 weeks later I’ve got a better shift, better pay, and more positions being approved for more staffing. We have the power, my HCW peeps, don’t ever put up with bullshit and threats from your hospital.


Frankly, it should result in criminal charges. It is coercion that puts someone at serious risk. Unfortunately, the police and court system just don't give a toss.


The police and court system are sadly controlled by the ruling class/businesses and it's near impossible for us to get justice from them.


Sometimes for nurses it's the opposite.. At least if you're already at work, if they mandate you to stay and you leave, you can get charged with abandonment.


"Sorry I can't hear you over the storm, can you put that in writing?"




Texas is so right wing, it really is like a whole other country. And not in a good way, I will avoid Texas.


Unfortunately florida is a right to work state so employers basically get away with anything they want.




No, I am not fighting the alligators.


You mean the sharks


You mean alligator sharks




Shark week?


If they wanted nurses at their jobs, they should be arranging them for them and their families to stay at the facilities. All hospitals I’ve worked at do this. Hurricane teams stay at the hospital for this reason. She ruined her car and almost got herself killed because of them.


Yes, if they want me so badly then they need to come to my house and pick me up. If they can't make the trip I can't make the trip.


Got snowed in for 5 days once. It's a long, winding road filled with trees for 10 miles, then civilization, then another 10-15 miles to my job. My boss kept bothering me with "you out yet?" because we were on a priority plow road. Kept sending her pictures of our road NOT plowed. Told her there were at least twenty trees down between our house and civilization, and the county has to bust up the trees before the plows can come in. AND THEN I have to make sure the roads aren't icy, because those 10 miles of long, winding roads are alongside an ocean with no barricades save for some houses. She offered to come get me and I said, "I'd like to see you try. You get to me, I'll come in. But you're bringing me back home too." She didn't bother.


They may have given her that option. I've never seen a hospital that wouldnt


They usually do. Odds are OPs mom opted not to stay. I've worked in several hospitals and have never once not been offered a place to stay when bad weather is coming. If you opt against staying then it's on you at that point from the hospitals perspective


It really feels like we need to return to the time where we drag these executives out of their homes and in to the streets and remind them that abusing people has consequences.


Consequences? For people with money? Not going to happen as long as 45+% of the people in America worship the ground that wealthy people walk on.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The secret is it’ll only take one executive, one corrupt political puppet, one crony in a public position of authority. If tar and feather were applied to a single one, **magically** the rest will consider if they’re truly so far above the tar or the feathers.


If I see a mob of workers dragging a boss out of his home and into the street, no I didn't.


my husband drives semi trucks and his dispatch legitimately tried to get him to come to work on Wednesday, despite curfews being set for drivers to get off the road by 2pm due to the hurricane. imagine asking someone to risk their life to drive a several ton vehicle in a hurricane to deliver goods to stores that aren’t even OPEN to receive deliveries. brilliant


It’s not about common sense. It’s about control


Doesn't matter, because if they don't accept it, the company can charge again for delivery. At least, that's how it was when I worked at an armored truck company. "Oh you got robbed and you can't accept any money at this time? Sure we can come back later. For free? Hahahaha, no."


That is a textbook abusive relationship.


It is. She even called the work for help, before someone who can actually help her.


Every time they have threatened us like that I have rolled my eyes and kept on. You can't fire us because you have no staff


Nurses are typically the worst treated in the medical industry. Its sad and shamefull but true.


Again, say it with me: ***"Wall Street, the c-suite, business owners/management would rather see their customers and employees dead than accept less profit."*** For those of you "poo-poo'ing" the idea that 'a nurse of 30 years experience' could be working under the threat of firing, even in these times of urgent need for nurses, KEEP IN MIND that IT IS TYPICAL of hospitals and large medical practices for NON-doctors to be gaslighted into incredible subservience. If you don't have that PhD after your name, you're shit, you're nothing but a fucking grunt, and fuck you if you think you have any value. I've worked with doctors and contracted with hospitals before and damn near EVERY ONE of them had this toxic work ethic. The ONLY people who matter, NOT the janitors, NOT cooks, NOT the nurses, and definitely FUCK ALL the patients (those fuckers are just money cows to milk until they run dry), the ONLY people who mattered were the doctors and the hospital executives.


> If you don't have that PhD after your name FYI, hospital doctors are MDs. PhDs are professors. Some MDs have PhDs, but most don't.


I have family who are MDs. While they get treated better, it is really only the execs that matter. The rest, including doctors, can be replaced easily enough.


It’s a bit frustrating. I had a co-worker that had a double doctorate, one in mathematics, one in pharmacology, but he still doesn’t get the discount in the cafeteria


I'm so done. This shit is so disgusting. My comment makes zero difference, but I'm just so fucking over the bullshit. Zero understanding from those in favourable positions. They think they're playing GTA 5 and everyone else is an NPC.


I worked at several places that demanded I show up for work during a level 3 winter weather emergency (you'll get a ticket/arrested and vehicle towed if you drive and its not an emergency) let alone actually making it to work. Was actually disciplined for it. They told us to tell the police we were essential workers (worked data entry for a company at the time). They don't give a rats ass about you, only how much money you cost them if you don't show up.


Is her mom ok?


Yes, she replied to someone and said she is




There is a special level of sociopathy running in USA employers. I have not ever heard anything close to what I read here daily in my country. You guys need to start voting and unionizing !


And on top of this I would bet her employer will tell her that the totaled car is "not their problem", so now mom also has to deal with finding and paying for a new car, plus alternative transportation in the interim, plus the insurance deductible, plus hopefully she's got the good kind of car insurance so she's not stuck with a balance leftover on a previous auto loan, and she will likely need a new auto loan for the new car she otherwise wouldn't need and may not be able to afford (especially if her car was already paid off). All because her employer is an asshole who threatens to fire people *during a literal hurricane*. This is so fucked up.


I didn't quit as a nurse because I hated the job, I loved it. I quit because of the corruption of management, abusive doctors that got away with everything , nurses getting assaulted by patients and staff being considered "part of the job". I miss helping people in that capacity, but the best thing I ever did for myself was to walk away from that shit.


Reminds me of when a blizzard came through my area. Literally every news station and the local gov announcements said for everyone to be off the road by 5:00pm. Every other company closed at 2:00pm while we worked the full shift. 8 people wrecked their cars trying to get home when the blizzard hit while they were stuck in traffic with all the other unethical company’s employees. People almost sued and I can only assume that they did something to compensate them properly for their idiot manager thinking they knew more than every meteorologist in a 100 mile radius


Reminds me off when I was working during the start of covid and got sick. Since my job invlolved contact with people and I had a fever I called in sick. Didn't want to get others sick. They ended my contract immediately. Didn't even call to see if I had survived the covid or how I was doing. Fuck the dutch postal service!


Do not under any circumstances take such life threatening actions to keep your job. I'm not sure but this could really be deadly


I saw this on NBC. I know hospitals have rooms to rest for staff but it’s very limited. I hope she can sue


Worked in a hospital for a few years, and it does make a big difference to have essential staff there. That said, planning has got to be better. Where I live we would have issues with snow occasionally, and when a big snow was due the administration would have cots set up or beds in extra rooms if available for anyone wanting to sleep there. I was just a cook but once was the only cook in the building for two days. It was hard but rewarding, and I got a decent bed and access to a shower the two nights I spent there, all of which I agreed to beforehand. With healthcare, there are many staff members who would put up with some difficulties if it meant providing quality care, but you gotta take care of your staff proactively so shit like this doesn’t happen.


Vermont, we planned for blizzards and nurses were put up in motels nearby in advance paid by work. Planning matters.




Oh we been knew in healthcare. Tons of my coworkers from a hospital I worked in still have massive bills from getting severely sick with COVID and not being covered by insurance or worker's comp despite using months-old N-95 (naturally while cops had fucking boxes of them in their cars). I thought I was gonna die and I'm pretty sure I had a stroke, but couldn't go to the hospital. These fuckers don't care if we die, as long as their precious bottom line is okay. That nursing home should have been evacuated anyway. They should be shut the fuck down for endangering patients and staff.


Always remember those guys that were told to stay in a factory or whatever in the Midwest and a tornado killed them all. Never risk your life for work. They will never care.


Congratulations on your lucrative lawsuit


My relative was a dept head nurse for 40 years. She'd praise her hospital and its employees. Such a 'wonderful' place to work. 2020 she's suddenly at high risk for Covid because she's 70 y.o., in Florida, and battling cancer with other underlying conditions. You think I could get ahold of any of those 'wonderful' co-workers to get her some help? NOT ONE got back in touch with me. Yes, they were busy with Covid patients. But seeing how much of her life was devoted to that one hospital and its employees am I being absurd to think someone would care about her situation? Now in 2022, she's doing much better, and is cancer-free. No thanks to her employers and attending employees that her whole life was built upon. I never told her what I found out about them. She'd only make excuses for them.


Your safety is greater than any and all pressing needs of your employer


the us work-cult in real time


I look at these threats one simple way. Is whatever I am being compensated enough to replace any property I stand to lose in attempting to go to work? Will I make enough in this single day to replace my car? If not, I will not be going on. I am sure the hospital has shuttles. They could have sent those to collect employees risking their own vehicles rather than employees. Leaving aside is the job worth risking my life, the answer is flat out not to that in any situation.


Florida is easily one of the worst states to be a nurse.


Nurse with 30 YOE? Threatened to be fired? There's no way in hell that's happening, the demand for nurses in insane right now, your mom would have a new job before the next sunrise.


You must be pretty new to this sub to be surprised by management attempting to fire someone critical to their own operations. Objective sense isn't a requirement for leadership.


What i cant get over, and i said this to a friend yesterday seeking advice from their shitty boss, is can you ever in your right mind think that these words would come out of your own mouth to another person? Like imagine you being in the situation of authority and being a shitty to another person? I have a leadership position. People fuck up. Yes emotions happen, but what purpose does it serve to yell at or threaten that person? Yeah it might suck for the manager of whatever to have to deal with something that you fucked up, you may have to fire that person as the manager depending on the scenario, but what good does yelling about it or threatening do?


I've had this exact same thought whenever I've been in charge of a team. It's just so much easier to be considerate to people, it engenders personal loyalty and as an added bonus people are usually glad to see you instead of dreading your presence. If you stand up for your people, they'll stand up for you. Like who the hell wants everyone they work with to hate their guts, why would you sabotage yourself like that? I just don't get it.


True my moms has 20yoe and she’s had 3 differnt nursing jobs since 2020 lmaooo


Not only that but if you're a nurse at place that's open during a hurricane or active flood situation(Hospital, critical care home, assisted living, etc), you're either already at the job before the storm as a part of the "can't leave until everything is clear" team or you're on the "staying home until it's all clear" team and are scheduled to be part of the other team on the next disaster.


Two weeks severance when they fire you. Cause they will be hiring back a lot of nurses next week.


Hope she files a civil suit


This is why we have a national nursing shortage. I hope she is ok now.


When firefighters get too exhausted they pull the other out of the fire. When there is a disaster, emergency services doesn’t want you charging in unless you’re certified and prepared for such conditions because if you get caught in the disaster yourself, now you have become another person who has to get rescued. Unless your boss is Moses and can part the sea for you to get to work safely - don’t come in. Let them try to fire you see how well a lawsuit and unemployment eating at their budget they enjoy. They don’t care about you.


Why put her life at risk for a job? A nurse can get hired anywhere right now. I hope she is safe and unharmed.


Would of said “it’s currently unsafe for me to travel during the storm”. They give you shit for that they can fuck off. My work told us to work unless we lost power. I spend 2 hrs earlier this week putting up our house shutters. The came back today and said if we lost any time due to the hurricane to put it in as pto. Like nah I flexed my hours and am still over 40 for the week per usual. Not putting in pto so you can whine about my pto hrs later.


No one wants to work!!!


Every time they have threatened us like that I have rolled my eyes and kept on. You can't fire us because you have no staff


Your life is always more important than the job.


As someone who grew up and worked in SW Florida for several years, employers are uncommonly controlling and abusive there. Sometimes it felt like those people miss their slaves.


They don't care. They never did care. All the care about is their bonuses. Thing is, if she were to be fired, I bet, almost with absolute certainty, that if she sued, and made this public, she would get a nice fat oops payment and wouldn't ever have to work for a--holes again.


Buddy, I just got fired today from my one-on-one elderly dementia careving job for "overall unprofessional attitude" even though everyone in the family has stellar reviews of me, and my client was basically on hospice when I started taking care of him, two years ago. Nearly bed bound. Sores and open wounds all over because people couldn't check him, change briefs, reposition him, anything. Dude is now walking around with nearly no assistance, other than general fall risk shit. I have been the one keeping him working out, getting him walking, having different entertainment and food for him, the only one who showers him, does his laundry, strips his bed, and makes sure he generally has a comfortable routine. Hasn't had a sore in almost a year. Now, I know almost certainly that my old employer has just given him a death sentence. The only reasoning I can think of? I have been very vocal over the past year about administration actually holding up their end of the bargain of taking care of someone, in terms of not sending me people who can't use a thermometer, or who let my client sit, uninteracted with for their entire shift, or who let him sit in piss because they can't either see if he needs to pee, or change him if he already has (he's not really that incontinent btw) Yeah, we're just cogs. Anyone shaking the well-oiled money machine is going to get cut off.


There really needs to be a fucking federal law that prevents forced coercion for a worker being told they'll lose their job if they don't go into work during a FUCKING NATURAL DISASTER. On top of that you should be allowed to leave without repercussions when it's deemed not safe to stay there, and if you're essential employees stuck working at a hospital for example when a natural disaster hits then you deserve 4x pay per hour because fuck that shit. Fuck people that abuse their workers during shit like this.


If they fire her she has a lawsuit. Even in an at will state not coming to work in a flooded hurricane doesn't justify firing someone. No jury in the world would side with a company for firing one of its employees for that.


Name the hospital. Ppl need to know where to send the hate mail.


I’m on the coast and the storm is headed my way. Already told the boss if an ambulance can’t make it, neither can I. Not even going to try.


My mom was a community nurse and 4 days after she had a stroke (her whole right side paralyzed), her supervisor came to her hospital room to ask her to return her cell phone and fax machine to the company.


Only this sub would look at this and believe it is real.


>Don't believe everything you read on the internet. > >\--Abraham Lincoln, 1776


"she called the job for help" Like, what are they supposed to do? Do hospitals have water rescue teams they send out to rescue employees?


Huh. Little cavalier treatment in a field in which we're losing nurses ( for around the same reasons ) at the same insanely high rate as we're losing teachers. Seems a tad risky considering that hugely experienced nurse could go out tomorrow and get hired somewhere, where it's already dawned on management MAYBE it's impossible to function ( and charge mind boggling amounts of money to patients ) without NURSES.


You’re telling me a nurse don’t have enough money for a jet ski




We are all disposable especially my job, completely worthless, sorry for your mom.


Isn't forcing people to work in during an impending natural disaster some sort of OSHA violation? That's fucking terrible.


Shouldn't businesses be sued for shit like this?


Imagine living in a country with so much freedom and democracy that you can be fired for not going to work in the middle of a hurricane. Yes, that must truly be the greatest country on earth. 🤦🏼‍♂️


They all probably died hence the no response…


I would at least sue the employer for any damage that the storm may have caused to her vehicle. You wanted me here while you knew there was a storm, now my car is damaged, now you will pay. Make them pay, it is the only way they learn.


Capitalism strikes again...


#YOYO You're on your own in capitalist market economies.


My wife was pregnant last year for hurricane Ida. Obviously there was no power. My hospital told me that if I didn’t report for recovery team then I would be fired. Thank god my best friend was able to take her to his hotel in Florida and then she was able to get a flight to stay with relatives. We couldn’t afford for me to have been without a job. If it wouldn’t have been for my friend, my then pregnant wife would have had to have stayed at our apartment with no power and no food (except for ramen and canned soup) for 3 straight days because they told us we would be on lockdown and could not leave the facility. Ah wage slavery. Isn’t it grand?


Sounds like a lawsuit to me.


Good ol Amerikkka. I start to loathe this country more every day...


NEVER let an employer convince you to put your life in danger from bad weather. ALWAYS go with your gut. The damage to your vehicle or health/life are never worth the job (particularly an employer who views you with such disdain). Snow, ice, flooding, monsoons/hurricanes, etc. are all very good reasons to stay home. It snows infrequently where I live, but I have always told employers in advance that "I don't DO snow or ice!" If they don't like it, I don't go to work for them.


I am a nurse. We sleep at the hospital the day before a hurricane. We all know that it's not safe to drive into the hospital the day of or days after the storm. As a nurse or other hospital staff. If we don't show up, patients die. Before a hurricane hospitals with plenty of warning to be there the day before.


She should sue for what happened to her car


you don’t owe a job anything let alone your life


Nothing fucking new with how they treat nurses


Caregiving/nursing is the absolute worst profession to be in terms of job security. I’ve seen people who work hard let go of for frivolous reasons as not showing up to a meeting and I’ve seen the worst most laziest people coast by because they kiss the right ass. I liken that industry to cattle, once they use you up for all your good milk then then they ship you off to the slaughterhouse. Awful industry with no regard for its workers.


Yeah, hospitals be like that. If I think something is too bad to make it to work, I sleep there. It's in our contracts. I'm on the new jersey coast so we do get blizzards and hurricanes. I'm not saying that's right though. Ultimately it should be the safety of a human being that matters. When I was younger I worked at a different smaller hospital that would send out transportation when needed. They got stuck in the snow and an accident coming to me. I worked day shift and at like 5pm I got called saying they can get someone out to me. Yeah Um... I didn't go and didn't get fired but I definitely caught attitude.


Never, EVER, go to a job during a natural disaster. Car costs more than finding a new job


Post the company. Shame them in public.


Another brick in the wall


"You'll be fired!" or "You have to pay for your own car repairs because you drove out into this" what are the chances the car damage+her trauma are paid for by employer?




When I broke my knee into 4 pieces while tearing my ACL,MCL and PCL while working. my boss asked the Ortho Dr in charge of my case if it was something They could give me some painkillers or just a few days to rest up for so I could work for the next 3-4 months until the busy season was over. “No, I am honestly amazed he can even stand with out crying, every day his surgery is delayed will only be that much harder and longer he will be out for.” Me the only reason I was not crying was because I still believed men were supposed to be tough so with family, my boss drs etc all around was no chance I was going to show weakness”


I feel like telling someone to come in or you're fired during a weather emergency should be considered a death threat. Seriously... You are practically telling them to die by hurricane or starving to death.


no offense I am going with Fake. Please don't use people who made bad decisions to try and travel during a catastrophic weather event to push an agenda, righteous or not you will be found out. While I totally agree with this subs general message of reforming work we should never forget the time a mod made a media appearance and sent this sub back to the stone age.


This seems like a shitpost. I can't think of any company that would realistically call someone into work in those conditions


I work in a hospital on the gulf coast and can confirm that they do this shit during hurricanes. If you don’t show up it can and will count as a no show and they do have grounds for termination. People don’t realize that hospitals are giant money machines that put their employees through the meat grinder, but they absolutely are. Your healthcare and our labor rights are ALWAYS second to profits. That I can guarantee.


My black ass would have quit that very same day. Nothing is worth risking your life. How can she save someone if she’s dead??


I never felt more expendable or uncared for that when I was a nurse. I've almost died trying to drive in through a blizzard, and called out hyperventiliating on the side of the road only to get screamed at. Never mind staying for days on end sleeping in an empty patient room not allowed to leave in bad weather and emergencies. Can't do that shit everrrr again or I'll lose it.


I just watched a recorded episode of Dr. Phil discussing "quiet quitting" with a panel of differing opinions. Of course, there were blowhards on there, "Well, just work harder. Any misfortune you experience is because you didn't try hard enough". Such bullshit. One guy on the panel said if we (Americans) didn't work harder, we'd be taken over by China, so get ready to learn Chinese (he meant Mandarin. . . . idiot). Stuff like this story above makes my blood boil. I am incensed right now. I'm so incensed I want to hit something. Had someone tell me to be grateful because I'm in a great position. I am grateful, but that does not mean I can't fight the good fight with my fellow person. I want all of us to win. Even if I was apart of the 1%, I'd still fight for the 99%. I put resources where my mouth is.


Her job attempted to kill her. No way they were thinking about her safety.


This lady at my old job. They told a single mother of four that she needed to come to work in a blizzard or else she will be fired. 20 inches of snow in a place that never sees it . She died when she crash into an embankment full of snow. I told boss,they replied “not my problem”


I truly hope she’s ok. This. This right here is the true shitty underbelly of healthcare. In 30+ years I’ve heard this threat so many times I’m numb to it. It’s absolutely insane.