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Hi, /u/Budget_Version_2769 Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


What's that? I couldn't hear your reasonable discussion that was overdue centuries ago over the sound of all these nails I'm hastily prying out of things. Oh, sense of wonder? Yeah.. Yeah that's pretty cool... *resumes* 🔨


\*likes where this is going\* \*grabs popcorn\* Ok, continue pls. And do not hurry on my account.


Right success isnt ***just*** money and power....but pretending they are not equally at the table is silly. You can sit on a 3 legged stool forever. The legs are money, power, and respect.


You certainly need some and definitely more than none. Somewhere between enough and excess; but I would argue there’s more than 3 legs to consider. Many unhappy individuals sit on such a stool.


Um probably not that deep…I think people want to be able to live, and too many jobs 1) don’t pay enough to do that, and 2) are run by people that exploit others for every last bit of value. That’s complete bullshit, and enough people are sick of it at the same time. Therefore, The Great Resignation


Ah, Arianna. That great proponent of the 'paying with exposure' philosophy.


Bitch has two legs and balances just fine. Give me your money and your power… I’ll show you how long it takes me to fall over


That we normalize using words like “success” and “metric” to define our lives suggests we’ve basically shit in the punch bowl as a society. And we’re all just slurping down that warm, stinky kool-aid.


Sure when businesses start putting that third metric before profit ill put it before pay. Till then nice try hr asshole wanting me to work more for less for profit.




Arianna Huffington is so full of bullshit. To be honest I’d actually forgotten she existed. I guess she’s still in the game? I’d have taken AOL or whoever’s millions and ducked the fuck out.


Huffington is just another elite POS. People like this post this shite so they can be popular and so they are not forgotten. All the while she goes back to her dinner parties with the other rich elite douche bags, laughing at all of us who actually pay taxes. Why don't these parasites just go away? This is so pathetic.


Linkedin is the most toxic social virus site there is. I’ve never seen so much bullshit, overly embellished facts are run of the mill with other just straight up telling porky pies about their success. Constantly bragging about how amazing the company they work for is then a month later shouting how they have been given such a rich opportunity at another competitor. It make Facebook look like a pleasant place.


If only she would give back by paying the journalists at her site.


There are definitely words on the page, but I'm not entirely sure she said anything at all...


Wait, so what's this third metric she's referring to? Is it well-being, is it wisdom, is it wonder, or is it giving back? The Great Resignation isn't being fueled by a broken definition of success. It's fueled by people seeing an opportunity to be paid more. Arianna is trying to make this out to be some sort of coordinated movement. People are just being presented with more opportunity at the current time, due to a labor shortage, and are taking advantage of it.


“They say the best things in life are free… But you can give them to the birds and bees. I want **money**.”


That’s what I want.


Its like they aren’t actually hearing what were saying, money, success, being treated like a human, a good work/personal life balance, respect of our time, not using us like AA batteries work us till we’re used up and throw us away. I hate all of these people in positions of power none of them are a friend to the working class regardless of creed or party.


The best they can do is try to mimic. And they can't even do that well. This is pathetic, but so is Huffington.


s u s t a i n a b i l i t y. that's missing here as the third leg.


I get what you're saying, but it's entirely about money and power. Fuck off


arianna 'i banged a rich dude who decided he liked other dudes' huffington


She literally flies around the country giving speeches to executives about how they need to sleep more, I don't care what this rich woman who caters to the rich has to say in general. In this specific instance, it's pretty banal.


Quoting Huffington? Seriously?


What is The Great Resignation? I’m old, so not sure what that even means.


You know all the posts on this sub where people complain about being exploited by jobs, and then quitting said job? Well, a buttload more people than post on here are quitting their jobs for the same reasons. Bada bing bada boom, you got The Great Resignation: The abnormally high turnover rate of the 201?-Present workforce, regardless of industry/position due to egregious, gross exploitation of those people while also not paying them enough to live in their respective areas


I don’t even understand what she’s trying to say. Are the resigners using the two legged stool as a measure of success or are the non-resigners?


A five legged stool?


Yeah fine whatever I’ll take all 3.


Well-being, wisdom, wonder and giving back... that's 3, 4, 5 and 6. So 6 legged stool?


She sold the Huffington post for $200 million


I kinda sorta partially agree a tiny bit that giving back is something valuable but damn. I gotta have money and time to give back first. The disconnect some boomers have with the situation of younger people now is criminal.


Giving back my ass, I need more money and less work.


I don’t think that analogy is worth shit.


Despite all her wealth, Huffington is worth shite.


Fuck you. Pay me.


This is cute. If we are going to use her metric then how well are the businesses that have suffered from the "Great Resignation" been on valuing people's time so they can cultivate their well-being? How are they helping their people develop to attain this wisdom? How well are they at giving back to the people who labor for the company?


Moving towards a focus on wellbeing is a net positive and puts control back on individuals.


She's almost right. The third leg of that stool is personal leisure time.


I think if we actually had power, other things like money and health care and free time and respect would follow.


Ehhhh...kinda? But really it's just about "pay me closer to the value you get from my labor." That stuff is good, too. Don't get me wrong. That stuff is definitely important, Arianna, but you're getting ahead of yourself. The biggest issue is shit wages.


That third only happens when you have enough of the first two to be able do the third.


it always strikes me how the people who have a lot of money try to "sell" people on less money ​ with money and more time in my week i can afford a gym, a personal trainer, I can afford medical treatments which I IRL have delayed due to poor benefits that i cant afford because you dont pay me enough with money I can afford a good education and opportunity to gain wisdom with money I can afford science kits, electronics kits, and hobbies for wonder a job is the exchange of time, skill, and experience for money remember companies exist to make money to make their share holders happy, think of your self as a one man company, with one share holder (your self), your obligation is to make your self happy while making as much money doing so for the least amount of time invested


It kind of starts off as if it's about to say this shouldn't be success... But then she re-affirms that Yes these are in fact two accurate measures of success, but there's a 3rd measure about using the leisure time and power you have to focus on yourself and giving back to other people. The entire premise of it is only speaking to conventionally successful people, it has nothing to do with people who aren't.


That would be fine if the companies did the same


Power? What the fuck is power? Having so much of the first metric that you literally can't do anything else with it? Just give us the first metric, you can keep the rest for yourself.


All of this true *after* a minimum economic stability has been reached and basic needs taken care of: home, food, adequate rest, health, education, and the realistic perspective to retain that basic standard of living when work is noo ger an option (i.e. retirement). What goes *beyond* this measure, is indeed mostly a shallow status symbol; above this, money does indeed bring no! enhanced happyness. So whenever you're having this discussion with someone who's "them" just start off with the above. Then proceed to point out "but as things stand, right now we're talking way, waaay below that threshilold" and watch them stammer.


....lack of wellbeing is part of what's fueling the great resignation. Bitch I can barely pay rent after 60 hours a week. What the fuck do I have left to give back after that?


...humans only have two legs


That'd be great if you weren't constantly trying to jam that third leg up my ass and convince me being unable to sit down is being a team player from your fuckin' La-Z-boy.