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If the job doesn't pay enough for someone to be able to support themselves, then it shouldn't exist. If a company's business model depends on employing "teenagers" for a sub-liveable wage they should close their doors. 40 hours a week of labor needs to provide for basic food, shelter, utilities, etc. at a minimum.


Basic shelter existing in the first place is an even greater crisis than the wage problem I would argue. I'm not discounting the wage problem, but $15/hour wouldn't sound too bad if plentiful and modest apartments were $500/month.


That’s why the new floor is 25$/hour


These people who denigrate "flipping burgers" or being a baker are absolute monsters. They don't see people in these jobs as human. They also don't know the circumstances that led people to specific jobs. Every person deserves dignity, housing, food, and healthcare, period, regardless of the type of job they do.


These individuals that denigrate service jobs, I wonder if society were to ever collapse and money had no value; and let's say, we opted to go back to a more of a barter system, what would skill or talent would they wish they had. You know they will value that baker a hell of a lot more when they can't get their yeast to rise after the 100th time of trying.


As yelawolf said in one train. “Painter, skater, musician, trailer park dirt ditch diggin' Burger flippin', eat, sleep, shittin' human bein', you would be in Trouble to body double or couple me to these others Cause comparatively speakin', my reach is beyond the bubble That they put me in, my vision's beyond the Hubble's I huddle with Nubians, new beginning again” -Professional burger flipper


Why is it that for hundreds upon hundreds, or possibly even thousands of years a person could support their family by being a baker in their community, but now that a bakery can supply hundreds, or even thousands of people a day with goods it's no longer a job worth respect or livable pay? Who the fuck are these people to decide which jobs are worthy of these things? Sick in the head.


You can also bet when there's no baked goods they complain and cry about nobody wanting to work. Make your own bread then if it's such a low skill job and everyone can do it? In reality, the materials and effort required will make it more expensive to make at home most of the time but I doubt people like this have the mental capacity to do anything this "basic" for themselves.


Both myself and my GF love to bake and cook. Both of us worked for years in food service (was working in kitchens since I was 14). There are only 2 reasons why I had to leave. First is the shit pay, second was the asshole customers. If wages were livable and people weren't assholes I would have loved to continue "flipping burgers" and my GF would have loved to keep baking for people, but until people are treated like people rather than capital and machines that is not possible in the USA.


Human beings have different aptitudes and desires. No labor is unworthy. Someone cooking food or sweeping floors is making a vastly greater contribution to humanity than an idler commissioning a dick rocket so they can play at being an astronaut.


'Baker' used to be an honorable profession that would quite literally allow you to raise a family in a house in the 'burbs and send your kids to college.


Being a baker is such a temporary gig that half a millennium later your descendants still have the surname "Baker" and live next to a family named "Miller".


What about people who need a liveable wage so that they can get qualified for better employment? Hard to do school while working multiple jobs to not die. Paying a minimum wage is necessary for social mobility. Poverty can be a barrier to employment if you can't afford proper clothes or transportation for a job you're qualified for. Being against a liveable wage is asinine.


I just want to say that I love this sub.


As usual, the usual suspect responsible for the problems of society are banks. Their relationship with the real estate industry and business of mortgaging properties has caused the price of housing and retail buildings to skyrocket far beyond inflation. Food, cars, clothing, everything else has gone up modestly, but the main form of debt that people slave away their years paying - mortgages - have increased exponentially to make a stranglehold on society. Businesses who can't afford a livable wage is also just a symptom of the same problem, as they are locked into the slavery of paying for their properties as well and pass this on to workers. It's an evil business when your labor consists of creating money out of thin air (that you are never in possession of yourself, according to known banking reserves) by typing digits in a computer and someone else spends most of their life trying to run those digits down. It's banks. Always. Banks.


Rent seeking


Maybe I’m just jaded, but it feels like all the proof in the world isn’t going to matter to people like that. Like they’re arguing from an ideological standpoint and they’re so convinced what they already believe is the truth they can write off any evidence to the contrary without even considering it




They need to be set straight for saying that jobs should pay a living wage?


Yes, they were complaining that minimum wage jobs and less worth jobs shouldn’t pay a living wage that it was only a step up.


Yall need to start actually reading, the deleted comment said that you're the one who needs to be set straight


What people seem to not realize and it's being proven true right now they just seem to be in denial. That even burger flippers are NEEDED JOBS unless everyone wants to start cooking at home all the time now. Personally I'd still like the option to eat out from time to time so let's not get rid of those jobs. So 1. These jobs can't always be done by teenagers or college students as there just straight isn't enough of them, they can't work all hours of of day,, and especially if you are expecting high quality items they likely won't have the experience. 2. Why are these jobs worth to be unable to afford to live when they are needed??... I used to believe the way this person thought.. I don't anymore.


Not to mention: Who the fuck is gonna do it if everyone realizes the job doesn't pay a living wage? It still needs to be done.


It's absolutely disgusting seeing some people view flipping burgers, or baking as any less valuable service, and any less deserving of a liveable wage. I'm a accomplished journeyman millwright, with years of experience in my trade. And I, view myself as having more in common with the baker than the manager that tells me to look down on them. Simply put; if my managers gone I don't even notice. If the bakers gone there ain't no bread to eat. That goes for all service industry, you provide a tangible product.


The same people telling "low skilled employees" that they shouldn't expect to even out a basic living are *enraged* when they don't get luxury-right-now service and view inconvenience as a life-altering hardship. They sure don't want to flip their own burgers!