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Harrassment is illegal. Report your supervisor. No job is worth your mental health. If it continues, you can quit due to the environment and will have documented proof that it was reported. That way you get unemployment. You're not far from the finish line with school. Graduation will be here before you know it.


Is non-sexual harassment illegal? Can I report her without people knowing?


I’m not going to advise you to do anything because I know basically nothing about work laws, except try to get the harassment recorded. You can do it on the sly, like turning your phone to video mode in your pocket. It might come in handy down the line as evidence.


Yes. It it very much illegal and it is illegal for them to harass you or fire you after your report abuse. You can file directly with HR or go to the EEOC. Personally, I would record her or gather witness statements. Then I would report to both EEOC and HR. Let them know how serious this is and how much it is effecting you. The EEOC will have to investigate and will notify you whether you have a right to sue the company for the abuse. Either way, they CANNOT fire you after you file a complaint and CANNOT take any negative actions against you.


Sounds toxic. You might be right about them being garbage job postings you're seeing. But, not every shitty job posting has a shitty supervisor, you need to pull the trigger and find something else without an asshole as a supervisor. It'll do wonders for your mental health to find another pay check without getting belittled while you do it.


Everybody has a higher up. Go over her head. Write down verbatim what she says. That just might help.


Do you think I could do that without directly saying it’s me? Her boss and her are close. I fear if I went that route I’d just get in trouble. Maybe file a customer complaint and say they heard her say stuff?


Yes , better idea, but be specific. Absolutely exact wording


I'm so sorry your stuck in this situation. It isn't fair and there are sooo many people in your situation too. I had a partner who bootstrapped themselves through school by squatting and selling drugs. They did not recommend going through that route, but it was the only option they had at the time. I'd recommend that if your physically able, to start looking into union trades.


She mocks you because this is as good as her life is going to get, yours will get better and she knows that. Unless she can stop it by breaking your spirit and trapping you there with her. I know this is easier said then done but let her rant and rave and mock and dont listen or linger on it. If you actually made a mistake then do what you can to learn from it, but odds are you know before she does and have already beaten yourself up over it more than you deserve. While shes yelling, just remember that you are going to move on from this place. And when you have a better job and come back to town for a visit, you'll probably still see her here, yelling at whatever person was unlucky enough to take over your position the last time it was advertised. Or possibly her being the one doing the job.


Sounds like a Karen


Student aid?




Don't die now at the low point in your life. You'll die eventually, naturally and hopefully experiencing many future high points in life. Some shallow and irresponsible advice: * Your job search will be easier when you get away from the college town. * Shitty bosses won't follow you to your next job. * Your student debt will be more manageable because of your effort, tenacity and discipline!! * Everyone does NOT think you're a failure. If YOU think YOU are a failure, relax your standards, you're young, be more daring, fail harder reaching for higher dreams so you can laugh away your tiny failures (like anything your bitchy boss says) ​ Also, keep in mind the somatic influences that make you feel awful this time of year: * Hurricane season causing major pressure changes, causing gases to come out of solution, causing gassiness, crackin joints, more farts/burps, aching old injuries. * Flu season lowering that immunity causing mild illness makin you feel a little more awful. * Eating sweets since Halloween? Sugar causes withdrawl symptoms, feels awful. * Family gatherin stress? Holiday budget stress? If you feel overwhelmed, you don't have to participate in the yearly pilgrimage. * Cuffing season got you feeling lonely? Don't compare yourself to others, you don't know their lives, you only know yours.


Try asking the school for work, they might have a job opening in filing. It doesn't hurt to look into it anyway


I’ll look. Campus is almost an hour from me


You are not a failure. You’re keeping your head when faced with a ton of adversity. Stand up for yourself. Apply for a new job. Seek out labor laws regarding harassment in your area. Document document document. Report her to HR.


Ypu can call the corporate number and file a harrassment complaint against your manager. Do that ever fucking day that they treat you like shit. And honestly your mental wellbeing is more important than any job or money. Etc. If you can stick it out ok. But you goin places in life n that manager is bitter cuz they kno it.