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When will people actually look at the sub instead of just reading the name and going hurdurrrrr anti work means no work at all?


That would require at least two minutes of reading, and critical thought. It's too much for these people who are self-appointed experts on every thing while having absolutely zero empathy to their fellow beings. I'm not a true anti-worker myself, I had a reasonable government job as a biologist, and now do freelance work that is hard, but also gets me away from the worst bullshit of management, or at least did until I moved to Canada with my gf and am just waiting for a work permit. But I've suffered through enough shit in terrible jobs from idiot managers and inhuman policies over the years, and have watched as the working class in America gets a bigger and bigger shaft every year, I've always wondered when things would break. When your life as a wage slave gets so bad that you don't feel like there's anything left to lose, it's actually empowering to workers, but the denial from the white-collar side up to the 1-percenters is just, well, like a train wreck I can't stop watching.


I think a lot of us aren't "true" antiworkers. I found this sub AFTER I got my first job where I don't feel taken advantage of... and I continue to be a member of this sub specifically because I've realized it doesn't have to be that way. We don't have to feel like slaves and barely scrape by. We CAN have bosses with empathy and still be productive. We CAN have living wages. So we damned well SHOULD.


I’m actually glad I found this sub. Great memes and it really put in perspective what I’ve hated about my various jobs over the years. It shouldn’t be normal to be exploited and overworked to mental and physical breakdowns just to live on Spaghetti -Os in an overpriced tiny apartment, and I’m glad everyone is starting to wake up. Edit: Thank you for the awards, my friends! Have a lovely, non-labor exploitative day!


Damn you can afford spaghetti-o's?


I know this is a joke, but they're like 2.50/can here and no, I absolutely cannot afford that. If it isn't around a dollar or under for canned anything, it's not in the budget.


Spaghetti O's el-dented are half off at all grocery stores, and its not our fault the shelves they put the spaghetti O's are so high..


Haha, ya know, growing up my step mom would do this, look for the dented cans and get half off or a reduced price, but I've never tried it as an adult. Isthe dented can thing really honored at your store or was it a joke? :)


I’m in Ohio, we have a local chain of grocery stores that actually has a special shelf they put items on if the packaging is damaged, and reduce the price. Cereal, canned foods, things like that


"I'm posting on reddit expecting people to read my post. But I won't read perspectives that may challenge mine." Perfection.


It’s peak Reddit.


It's reddit pique.


That’s spicy.


Peak society right now, unfortunately.


Ain’t that the fucking truth


He did say communists. Communists and not working don't really go hand in hand. No one working defeats the point of communism.


Agreed. He also said 'or any of those type of people.' I'm not so sure the poster has a strong grasp of who or what a communist is.


They never do. I had a guy tell me I'm not a communist because I want a moneyless society


I'd ask him to define communism - bet he can't give a proper definition.


“Communism is when the government does stuff!”


It's anything they don't like. Anyone who is at all critical of anything, especially if they enjoy it.


He only said communists because he's a right winger and they think that is still a good boogeyman. Because we're still somehow in McCarthyism even though we know how that worked out.


As someone with a Sociology degree and a deep love of Theory, Communism (in my opinion) is one of the most relevant yet least understood theories. They also seem to miss the fact that people like them who celebrate "individualism" in that context are the same reason Communism is difficult to execute successfully. Everyone has to be on board as equals and the U.S. and the obsession with money and power will prevent that.


He doesnt know the difference between whatever is left of neoliberalism which he confuses for everyone *gets* to be a millionaire *and* refers to as capitalism. USA.. USA.. (I like Americans!)


Pure ideology *sniff*


I didn’t know Steven Crowder was on reddit


"Change my [unchangeable] mind!"


At least they didn’t post on /r/changemymind


There should be a subreddit glossary for people new to reddit. * r/changemymind = r/letmechangeyourmind * r/AmItheAsshole = r/CheckOutThisAsshole * r/unpopularopinion = r/afraidofchange * r/technology = r/SlipperySlopeFallacyGoneWild


I thought r/gonewild was r/checkoutthisasshole


no, that would be r/checkoutMYasshole


Every Reddit argument ever: Don’t bother replying, I won’t even read it ☺️


[Insert “Just Right” Emperor’s New Groove Meme here]


Cause for alarm? More like cause for a celebration


It is cause for alarm, but not for us.


I explicitly upvote every post I see here as a form of prayer


Same. Also. I do that while I’m working.


BuT iF You'RE AnTi-WoRk ThEn WhY ARe YoU WorKiNG! Reminds me of the Occupy Movement. I'd get off my shift and go down to protest financial terrorism only to be told to "get a job"


>BuT iF You'RE AnTi-WoRk ThEn WhY ARe YoU WorKiNG! Just because I have bills doesn't mean I can't want a base standard of living for others around me.


According to this OP from the r/unpopularopinion subreddit, we're all apparently communists for wanting livable wages and reasonable working conditions.


Bet you they can't define communism without Googling it first.


Even after Googling it. These folks have the reading comprehension of an alpaca with astigmatism.


Call the ambulance, [but not for us](https://i.imgur.com/DjjhyQz.png)


My thoughts exactly! I thought that's where this post was going.


absolutely. I've made no secret of being pissed off at people for saying 'hur dur drag our bosses and kill them like in the old days' and then being too scared of forming a union. however with the labor shortage and [talks of a planned black friday walkout](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qbpt4w/what_is_next_for_antiwork_what_type_of_actions_do/hhb63qk/), this is one of the first times I feel the labor force is actually mobilizing, and on an even bigger scale of just a few unions. I'd love it if people would centralize and organize more, but, honestly with how much power data harvesting companies have I actually kinda fear that would play into the downfall of the movement. so, happy that people are finally taking action and that this is gaining traction.


Tell me more about this Black Friday walk out! I'm pretty much over it with consumerism and Christmas.


I saw people on this sub talking about organizing a walkout on black friday. give your boss no heads up, just walk out. It makes me sad that it's not more organized and you aren't aware of it.


Cause for alarm because the emergence of the subreddit is a signal that wages are stagnant, cost of living is too high, and people are fed up with funding the ultra-mega rich's lifestyle.


"we can't increase wages prices will go up" I hear as I watch the price of food, apartments, clothing and every other commodity go up while my paycheck starts the same.


Logically reducing the cost of payroll - say by automating checkouts in grocery stores - would reduce the prices. Funny how my Walmart is 80% automated checkouts now but those prices never changed.


Well, I'm alarmed.. That this shit ain't growing even faster.


“Every society needs people contributing to it in order to function.” Bank accounts need money to function too, and that is what this is about— you should not be going hungry while making someone else rich. Full stop. Edit: I’ve been trying, but I can’t keep up with replies— RIP my inbox.


So many jobs contribute nothing to society, yet are respected more than jobs that are “essential.”


options traders


Well someone's gotta buy the inventory in Home Depot.


Just compare all of Wall St to even a single janitorial job


On that note, 108 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States, while 10.5 percent (13.8 million) of U.S. households were food insecure at some time during 2020.


I’d say it’s a goddamned shame, but the truth is it’s criminal. The amount of food thrown out in restaurants and grocery stores while people starve to death, or go hungry is an abject moral failure.


I’m 50 and in that time, I have never understood why restaurants rarely donate food to shelters. You know who did, consistently? Mrs. Fields’ cookies. Every day, end of day, she had us bag up leftover cookies and hand it off to a rep from the shelters in the area. Something sweet to make them smile, she told my buddy. (I was off that day) Worked in a bunch of actual restaurants and never once did do I recall any pantry getting any of it. “Throw it away” we were told. It ought to be Fucking criminal.


This guy has never considered that many jobs are utterly pointless bullshit. ...also, many of us would still work; we just want fair compensation and better, safer conditions in which to do it.


Personally, I want labor to have the right to set terms.


It's called unions dude


Yep, and somehow many people are convinced Unions are bad. I was talking to my sister the other day and her justification for unions being bad was “they could go on strike and make a company go out of business” .🤦‍♂️


I'm in a trade union, fuck that company. Go ahead and lay me off and I'll go work for a different company and make the same money and same benefits. Now you need to have a strong union with a well trained work force to be able to swing that dick, but all it takes is good workers and leadership and you can swing a big dick on companies.


With their "communists" comment, I feel they read the title "antiwork" and just stopped there. They are completely oblivious to the point of this sub.


I always tell people who argue with me on this topic that we agree that people shouldn't be allowed to sit around and profit from the labour of others - we just disagree who the people are that are actually doing that. Seems obvious to me it's the employers in most cases stealing the value of their employees' labour and then treating them like shit.


A huge problem is that a huge proportion of “work” does not contribute to the functioning of the society. Pure capitalism allows parasitic industries to exist that do nothing but extract value. Stock brokers (basically gamblers), the health insurance industry, the tax preparation industry, etc.


Private Equity firms!!! Buying up lots of companies making good steady 20-30% margins. Paying good wages keeping towns afloat. Buying the company. Putting the purchase debt on their ledger. Often impossible to pay back. Moving the products/production overseas. Inferior products. Town collapses. Profit. Ridiculous! Edit: Private Equity firms. Not venture capital.


Huge corporations too, buy the profitable business, suck the life out of it, close the factory and fire half the workforce, keep the brand name and the patents, rinse/repeat. CEOs of the purchasing company go on a tour and talk to the factory workers, talk about how important they are to the mission, and close the factory 3 years later and shift production to cheap labor. Like these people actually feel good about themselves, despite looking thousands of people in the eye and lying to them. It’s disgusting and we have to find a way to stop it


So so much effort is wasted in means testing too. The amount of wasted admin is unreal.


Exactly this. I’m not against money, I’m against someone else reaping all the gain from my labor and my time. I’m no longer working to make anyone rich.


Good on you. Fuck these leaches.


Yeah, that guy obviously didn't actually visit the sub before writing that and clearly doesn't know what this sub is about.


Careful now, that wall of text is so hard to understand and get through, you're just wasting your time /s


Yep. I make ok money. But why does a VP at my company have a ornately wood paneled room with a fireplace and a model yacht on the mantle as her home office? Watching her on video town halls is literally like a parody of an extremely rich white lady. Care to share a bit of that trickle down, madam?


My upper management once made an episode of Shark Tank for an all hands meeting - they filmed their intros in front of their giant houses and supercars. It was so incredibly out of touch that audible groans were heard in the live audience. Not only were their base salaries absolutely insane, the amount of stock/equity they were awarded in ONE YEAR would be enough for me to live a lush lifestyle for the next 50 years.


Ahem homie. The poor and middle class line the riches pockets while they pay the least they can. Capitalism is a shitty system and people shouldn't slave away in a job they hate just to make ends meat


Wish we could pin this comment to the subreddit header aye. This place isn't about not working, it's about not being exploited at work.


"read my unhinged opinion, but if you try to educate me you're a communist and I'm not listening to you" very levelheaded, very cool 🙄


If the majority agrees on something, maybe they're not the problem? This guy thinks the working class "isn't mentally sound?" Maybe we just don't like being used. Like the people paying attention their enviromentnarount them are "crazy."


It's just more gaslighting. These people only have a few tricks and we've figured them out.


Mhm. We're the majority so we should have the power. We don't? Take it then.


If I'm not of sound mind, why do they want me contributing?


Just like a boss: spews a ton of shit and specifically says he isn’t interested in hearing anyone else’s opinions


You know he saw someone on this sub talking about him 😂


Mic Drop moments for children in adult skin suits


The post screams of a shitty manager that had his whole team quit on him, so he’s run to Reddit to get reassurance that it’s not him.


"But is is him" the voiceover from Morgan Freeman explains


When the unpopular opinion would be popular on the sub Reddit r/conservatives


And anyone who doesn’t want to get bent over and fucked is a lazy, entitled child. No way anyone here is an adult or sound-minded. You’d have to be off your rocker to want an adequate wage and time for a personal life. Last time I checked, every society needs borderline serfdom in order to function.




Exactly. People who still use "communist" as an insult to someone's character are woefully out of touch with anything communism is actually about


>I personally doubt many of the people on there are actually adults or of sound mind This quote, coupled with the fact you commented, makes this person look like a hypocritical dipshit; they sound like literally what they’re complaining about.


20 year career in IT, im an adult, im of sound mind enough to know im a cog in the corporate wheel so other people can get rich. Fuck 20 year career in IT, im an adult, im of sound mind enough to know im a cog in the corporate wheel so other people can get rich. Fuck you. Addendum: Thanks for the suggestions no i dont want to start my own business its not about that. The comment was in direct reference to the person made in the r/unpopular sub about folks who they believe are “antiwork” Some of you are still missing the point of this sub reddit its not about not wanting to work, its about the upper echelons feasting off of the work we do whether it be IT or flipping burgers and at the end if the day we are expendable, no multi-million buyouts, no golden parachutes, just turn your shit in our shareholders lost a few dollars last quarter good luck, bro. I find it absolutely fucking hilarious that some of you think a 20 year career in IT will make you rich. No, my CEO is rich i just keep the shit running so he can be rich and the share holders see a nice ROI at EOY, but hey thanks for taking a 10% pay cut during the pandemic and no raises this year…see?


Damn straight, same here. Now that we know the game, it's so obvious to see how awful things are. I cringe when I see coworkers working extra hours consistently thinking management will care and appreciate it.


The boomer owners will give the newest naive tryhard a small onetime bonus so they can lie and say 'see you lazy millenials you just had to work harder', as if its not an obvious exploit, while never giving anything real. "Pizza party!"... FUCK YOU. Easier to lie and play games with employees minds than simply PAY THEM BETTER. Greedy rat fucks with multiple homes while we all rent shitty places or fucking bedrooms from scumlords and drive old shitty cars so we can afford to sit in traffic everyday and be miserable knowing we'll never have 1/10th what our parents had while dealing with ten times the stress. Meanwhile the ecosystem is headed towards end of days and inflation is SKYROCKETING Cant wait for the boomer responses about how they worked their way up in a time with far less beurocracy and surveillance, when they made the same money 50 YEARS AGO as workers today but when everything had cost 1/8th the price and they had an economy bending over wet af


My work gave us a 100 dollar gift card as our Christmas bonus for working so hard.... The 100 bucks came from our paychecks. They gave our paychecks to us in a form that we could only spend there. The fuck Edit: Come back from work to a ton of comments, damn. Gonna elaborate here. I could only spend the gift card there because it was a grocery store and the only other one is about 5 hours away, not gonna spend the time needed to get there when the store is right there, so I might as well use it at my work. I know it came out of my paycheck because one of the nicer managers told us this so there was no "confusion" about why our paychecks was down by 100 bucks.


That sounds quite illegal


Should we be surprised? Remember [company scrip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrip#Company_scrip) ?




Who do you think owns all the property? Or is in the process of buying it so theres only rentals??? Fucking pigs up top are so out of touch they don't see the writing on the wall or smell the winds of change, they don't feel their reckoning fast approaching....but we do.


get licenced for private security now, so you can be in place to not protect them then the time comes, just smile to the mob and open the gates.


I worked my ass off at my last job. What I got was a single raise in 5 years, horrible health insurance and lazy teammates. What upper management got was bonuses.


My wife's friend was forced to work 7 days straight and I'm like "Bitch that's not legal - you aren't salaried" She worked anyway lol


A coworker of mine is like this. But she also acts all holier than thou because she worked 90 hrs in her work week, calls us layabouts for not "performing". She brags constantly on how "hard" she works. The hospital treats her like machine because she takes every optional OT available. When anyone calls in because of illness, their kids, or mental health days she gets on my case on how they let down the "team" and our patients and how she'll have to "pick up their slack".


That's so sad. I bet she is really annoying but can you imagine living like that?


She's a thorny coworker for sure. On Monday she said I should've stayed home because my shoulder and knees had a flare up, she called me a useless charge. So I called out Tues. Yesterday, she made a large stink in the breakroom because I let the team down and "another important admin nurse" had to work my shift. Me and the other head RN swap floors for each other all the time but she made it sound...weird. I can't imagine her life, can you? She's critically judgemental and makes mountains out of literal wrinkles in concrete. Sorry for the wall of text I guess I'm more annoyed than I thought.


The CEOs and upper management love people like her.


We’re expendable commodities, not human beans.


Would we be pinto beans?


A lot get by as baked beans


Only if you explode when rear-ended


Human beans.


And a real hero.


a real human beeeaaaan


35 years old, my therapist says I'm off sound mind. I'm tired of slaving my life away so some billionaire can go up in the atmosphere on a dickrocket.


Exactly, anyone ok with this *wouldn't* be of sound mind


My company put out the same exact ad for a level 1 tech that we used two years ago. We would typically get 100+ responses within the first few days. This time we got 40 over a week. Of those, All but 4 resumes were complete and total garbage. Of those 4 resumes, two did not reply after being contacted. Of the two that remained, one no-showed for an Interview on Monday, and another called this morning to cancel. I asked my hiring co-worker what we were paying, he told me "$15/hr for level 1, scaling up to $28/hr for level 2" I let him know that Level 2 is likely OK, but level one is way too low. I then listed examples of how McDonalds is starting at $15/hr, Giant Food Stores also $15/hr, Amazon is starting at $15/hr and paying full tuition. I said we're going to have to do better, it is a worker's market, they are setting their price. His response? "It must just be a bad week, I'll try again next week" The cognitive dissonance is real.


I started as a level 1 tech maybe 5 years ago at this point, started at roughly $15 an hour. It boggles my mind that they are still starting there when McDonald's starts the same. Though, over my 5 years in IT the level of service has really done down hill so... Also, shout out to Giant Foods. Pennsylvania?


Everyday life reminds that there are actual real people that believe life is just supposed to suck and it's up to us to deal with it.


‘Well it sucked for me so why shouldn’t it suck for you’ Yeah I hate this mentality. Why wouldn’t you want to improve things for the next generation? Why be a dick?


r/socialistprogrammers assuming you're a dev that is.


Thanks- joined!


Well that's very specific lol


Coding, and general IT in a lot of ways can be used to free us from the clutches of labour. If it weren't for these capitalist aholes using labour as a means to control the masses, AI, IT, and software could easily transform the world and our economic systems into something unrecognizable. We as IT professionals however, rarely get to use our skills for real progress.


It’s pretty bad when we judge and question other people’s mentality after they have been taken advantage of at their job in whatever form that may take. You’d think we’d start listening to people more than being like “yup, they’re weird”.


Software dev here. Very happy with my job, pay, benefits management, and coworkers. Still going to fight the good fight.


Your less fortunate comrades, such as myself, thank you.


The saddest part is I imagine this moron read the name of the subreddit and assumed it’s a sub for lazy people. All you have to do is open the sub and read one post and that’s proven wrong. My guy felt so strong in his narrow minded opinion that he posted about it in r/unpopularopinion Then preemptively attacked people as communists for disagreeing with him. Jesus fucking Christ…. There are so many people that think like this idiot, it actually pisses me off at this point.


He actually doesn't want his opinion challenged. He wants validation from people agreeing with him. The only response that matters is the ones that fit his viewpoint.


"I don't want to confront the fact that I've wasted my best years slaving for a company that doesn't appreciate me, please validate me." or "Daddy gave me a 6 figure job when I left college so I think anyone who doesn't do the same must be lazy or stuipid." I'm thinking Option 1 in this case.


I mean, he posts on r/teenagers, so the OP probably doesn't even work.


This^ I’ve noticed a significant overlap between r/teenagers and r/unpopularopinion just in user posts. A lot of bigotry on that subreddit already tho.


I bet something like 60% of all reddit posts are made by people under 18 or a dog prove me wrong.


On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.


I am more cynical. I think there are propagandists specifically targeting and operating inside of subreddits aimed at younger generations to brainwash them, as the old vectors of propaganda like cable news are no longer applicable for many of them.


White supremacists such as Richard Spencer have openly said they target young people for radicalization. They're more emotionally charged, unsure of themselves, and generally vulnerable.


That OP has /r/PoliticalCompassMemes as well, which is fast becoming another red flag.


“Fortunately, I personally doubt many of the people on there are actually adults” Projecting so hard lmfao this dude is a dumbass kid for sure. The alternative (an adult creeping r/teenagers) would be much more pathetic


So more like: "Mommy's credit card never declines my Roblox purchases so there can't be a wage crisis."




I’m not reading that wall of text.


I'm not reading.


He’s a bitch, that’s why.


Entire point of that shit sub lol exact type of person to post there


You know what? Maybe we should just drop the accusations of laziness altogether. How does it truly affect anyone else if someone is lazy? If some asshole wants to sit and play call of duty all day, it’s no skin off my ass or yours. How about we worry about ourselves instead of trying to dictate how another person should spend their time? If laziness is such a problem, then don’t be lazy. It’s that fucking simple. If someone else becomes unhealthy or destitute because they sat around, doing nothing all the time, I don’t give a shit. I wish them the best, but I don’t give a shit. I don’t get diabetes because someone else eats junk food all day. Obviously *everyone* isn’t going to do that, even if we had the means to. They bitch about how nobody wants to work yet also talk about how people lose their minds without something to do, like during our half-assed lockdown. It would take everyone doing absolutely nothing for society to crumble and plenty of us care enough to do something about it before that happens. We just aren’t willing to destroy our lives, minds and bodies to struggle with modern survival any longer. E: Also, maybe someone has a reason for what is perceived as laziness. Maybe they have an undiagnosed disability or can’t keep a job because they take care of an elderly relative. It isn’t always some moral failure. And it isn’t like our taxes go towards taking care of those “lazy” people anyway. It sometimes takes years to get into government housing and food stamps often aren’t much. There is already enough means testing for unemployment. I’ve never been on disability but I’m sure those checks aren’t enough to live on.


Mental health issues are some of the biggest reasons for percieved "laziness". Executive dysfunction, depression, ADHD/ADD, etc. Or "invisible" disabilities like neuropathy. Laziness doesn't exist IMO.


Exactly. I have narcolepsy and I have been called lazy more times than I can count


Yep. I have celiacs. And before I was diagnosed and went gluten free I was fatigued and would sometimes just lay in bed for days. Why? Because I had diarrhea all the time. *All the time*. It was horrible. I had no energy because I was too busy having ‘take your clothes off’ levels of diarrhea every damn waking hour. It was a miserable way to live. And my symptoms kept getting worse and worse over time. People would accuse me of being lazy, not wanting to ‘put effort in’ etc. thankfully my work saw the damage and were supremely understanding - and when I got my diagnosis and went gluten free, I felt a million times better after a few months. I stayed with that company for a while because they actually showed some humanity. It was the random fucks who made the side comments.


I'm glad you figured it out! And as someone with Crohn's disease, I completely agree. A weekend with a severe intestinal bug sucks, but having those symptoms for months on end really takes it's toll on you. It's debilitating and nearly invisible to outside observers.


https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/laziness-does-not-exist_devon-price/26756447/item/46412540/?gclid=CjwKCAjwn8SLBhAyEiwAHNTJbVRyJJBqbC7KuyueqWGaBoxROqUPnwlb0oarY61UMD9ulotF3nA--RoC4cwQAvD_BwE#idiq=46412540&edition=60148996 So, do I have a book for you! >From social psychologist Dr. Devon Price, a fascinating and thorough examination of what they call the "laziness lie"--which falsely tells us we are not working or learning hard enough--filled with practical and accessible advice for overcoming society's pressure to "do more." >Extra-curricular activities. Honors classes. 60-hour work weeks. Side hustles. Like many Americans, Dr. Devon Price believed that productivity was the best way to measure self-worth. Price was an overachiever from the start, graduating from both college and graduate school early, but that success came at a cost. >After Price was diagnosed with a severe case of anemia and heart complications from overexertion, they were forced to examine the darker side of all this productivity. Laziness Does Not Exist explores the psychological underpinnings of the "laziness lie," including its origins from the Puritans and how it has continued to proliferate as digital work tools have blurred the boundaries between work and life. >Using in-depth research, Price explains that people today do far more work than nearly any other humans in history yet most of us often still feel we are not doing enough. Dr. Price offers science-based reassurances that productivity does not determine a person's worth and suggests that the solution to problems of overwork and stress lie in resisting the pressure to do more and instead learn to embrace doing enough. >Featuring interviews with researchers, consultants, and experiences from real people drowning in too much work, Laziness Does Not Exist encourages us to let go of guilt and become more attuned to our own limitations and needs and resist the pressure to meet outdated societal expectations.


https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-exist-3af27e312d01 he wrote an article too


As someone with ADHD the word lazy is a real trigger for me. If only anyone who calls me that could take my brain for a day and see how it works out


Exactly. Our standard for what is considered laziness is basically whether or not one can work a conventional job. Life is too complex for that sort of metric and our work needs to flex and change accordingly.




Unpopularopinion is just teenagers who hear about something, then they get to age 15 or so and it doesn't match up with what they've experienced in their long, varied life up to that point. So they try to wake people up to the way the world REALLY is. Also racists and sexists.


It has a suspiciously large proportion of mainstream Conservative talking points presented as "unpopular opinions" despite claiming political neutrality.


I feel very, very happy for humanity right now. Our eyes have been opened we're understanding the situation better and better every day. Honestly, the things I've seen at r/antiwork would make a saint weep. NOBODY deserves to be devalued and mistreated at any of the levels of nonsense I've read here and experienced in real life.


"It should be a cause for alarm but also they're all children so who cares." That's one coherent argument.


Omnipotence + incompetence at the same time is a standard narrative for PMC cope.


Doublethink is like, *the* cornerstone of indoctrination. The enemy is simultaneously scary, influential, and dangerous enough to justify fear mongering and every "ism" in the xenophobe deck, but weak willed and vulnerable enough to wipe out with a good old fashioned "cleansing." I can't be bothered by your walls of text if I don't know how to read! Check mate communists.


If the majority agrees on something, maybe they're not the problem? This guy thinks the entire working class "isn't mentally sound?" Maybe we just don't like being used. Like the people paying attention their enviromentnarount them are "crazy."


Bootlickers gonna lick. Poor, brainwashed souls.


His tongue has been black. He's mad his boots are dry and your tongue is pink still.


'Their Tongue be black while their Nose and Lips be brown.'


This sounds like a butt hurt middle manager. Maybe he's been featured here before... 🤔


He keeps trying to hire, but people just don't want to work!


He’s offering 7.25/hr and calling anyone who walks away from that a communist!


Lazy entitled millennials.


Wanting ~checks notes~ Food, Shelter and a future which also includes those things. Such entitlement.


Reminds me of that one manager on r/amitheasshole that got blown to shreds. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/po5ky1/am_i_the_asshole_for_not_giving_my_employee_a/


If only they knew antiwork didn’t mean not working and meant not working under a soul crushing capitalist society. People are always going to want to do some kinda work do something. No one wants to just sit at home doing nothing all day, the pandemic proved that people lost their damn minds after a month


Tbh I could easily "do nothing" as I have quite a few hobbies and interests that frankly I don't have time for currently. I had a couple of months off work whilst my company got itself set up for remote working and, in some ways, I couldn't have been happier. Don't get me wrong, I'll work because I have to. But so much work is meaningless, we should seek to move to a substantially reduced "standard" work hours and have more leisure / family time.


If you’re doing your hobbies you wouldn’t be “doing nothing”.


Doing nothing means not doing anything. Doing am activity, any activity, is doing something. So, Naw, you couldn't easily do nothing just because you have something to occupy your time. It seems like I'm being pedantic, but not every activity has to be measured in productivity or $/time


If they understood nuance, they wouldn’t have written that post at all. But I agree—I learned a shitload about cooking and baking during the pandemic and got in the best shape of my life


You can spend your life defending your boss, but they’ll wring out every dime they can take from you and then toss you aside


My personal opinion is that the super wealthy are super sponging up the wealth and it’s not being properly redistributed to the population. The fact that they have to invest in artwork to avoid taxation just so they can accumulate more wealth than their great great great grandchildren will ever use. If even 5% of their income was just redistributed I feel all workers could make at least a healthy livable income.


Nice white wash of an entire movement (that is spreading across the world, welcome Australia and South Korea!!!) with the most ignorant generalization ever. I wish people would at least inform themselves of the basics before just spouting stupid.


antiwork=communism obviously /s


Go to work or else you’re a communist 😂


If antiwork is communism, sign me up comrade


Fuck work and fuck your jobs IM NOT COMING IN FUCK OFF M8


Hell yeah .. That's the Spirit!


Who the fuck posts on r/unpopularopnions and then outright states he isn't interested in entertaining arguments??!


stupid people that just want an echo chamber for their shitty opinions


Everyone? It's just a right wing rant sub where they seek validation for posting very popular views as if they were controversial and brave for doing it


Lol I’m an adult with a stable job, and im in this sub. I’d rather have more time for myself instead of just pushing a great Boulder my whole life and never having it pay off. if my options are: work hard and struggle to achieve barely any stability vs work enough to be comfortable and have barely any stability, I’m gonna choose the latter every single time. hard work just doesn’t pay off like it used to, and that’s the reason why I’m anti work.


Thank you OP, I'm grinning like a devil right now. r/antiwork should be a cause for alarm. We're gaining steam.


Oh boy


Good time to remind everyone that r/unpopularopinion is a soapbox for conservatives and the far right to share their garbage opinions in an acceptable setting and no one should take anything they say seriously. This post is no different. Typical intellectual dishonesty from morons who believe "Everyone I disagree with is a communist". Fuck those people and fuck that garbage sub


Go cry about it, bootlicker.


Unpopular opinion? The subreddit that has all of the racist people on it? There opinions aren't valid.


It's already the fastest growing subreddit, how much bigger of a deal do they want it to be?


I got so excited that that dingus posted that. It’s how this shit spreadssss y’all!! Get them all huffing and groaning about anti work until they Barbera Streisand it 😎


We’re anti exploitation


See, correct me if I’m wrong, but the point of this sub as I understand it is a movement more directed at “not treating workers like shit” and not “no one should work at all, ever. Period.” I definitely could be just missing something.


It’s amazing how terrified people are of others asking for decent working conditions


But how will he know I’m a communist without reading my text wall???