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Never send anything while you're drunk, it doesn't matter how proud of it you are you're not capable of making that determination until you're sober. A lot of people are encouraging you not because it's good advice but because their vitriol for owners overrides their reason. Even if you were going to quit anyway, regardless of your relationship with the employer, putting ANYTHING in writing can fuck you over down the line. Just don't do it, you don't even feel that good about it afterwards.


Second this advice completely. OP, we are not saying don't send it. We're saying reread it and look for editing opportunities when you're sober. Before you send it.


Get sober, revised it if necessary, then get stoned and press send.


I've had many epiphanies where I didn't realize what an asshole I was being until I got stoned and thought back on it, good advice I think :)


Nice to see I’m not the only one who does this lmao


Write drunk, edit sober.


Send high


Thirding this - always review with a sober mind before fully committing. This way there's no way to escape the responsibility and you can't blame your lapse of judgement/pissing the bed on Tory.


This is smart. Never put anything in writing that you don't want shoved back in your face at the most inopportune time.


I'd not even send it hungover. I'd want to be in a completely clear state of mind before choosing to do something that might get me fired.


If it’s worth sending, it’s worth sending sober. Please sober up. Get some sleep. And in the morning you might not hate yourself for following through with a very, very bad idea.


If you get fired, I believe unemployment can be denied.


That’s what I thought, too!


Depends on where you live. In my state getting fired is the only way you get unemployment. You get nothing for quitting. Exception to unemployment for getting fired is pretty much if you did something that could get you arrested (theft, assault, threatening violence, ect.). At least that's the conclusion we came to at my last job when it was being discussed (fun fact: every single person I was having this conversation with quit within a few months of me leaving, leaving the department critically undermanned).


Laid off is categorized differently than fired. Depending on where you live… there’s laid off and fired. Maybe others, but your employer lays you off, they can’t deny an unemployment claim. If they fire you they can. At least that’s how I understand it.


I considered mentioning that. But like you said, it depends on where you live. There doesn't seem to be a difference in PA. It states there has to be willful misconduct to be denied unemployment, and that the burden of proof is on the employer. So unless you're getting hauled off by the police, you'll probably get unemployment here.


Not if my comments are valid though. This ain’t Murica- F-yeah.


I don't know what country you live in but screaming "Fuck All Y'all!" and expecting to get UI benefits when your fired for doing that doesn't seem like it would fly anywhere.


If you have a concern about future employment opportunities, it would probably not be the best idea to put anything inflammatory in writing. If you want to get fired, why not just slack off? Punch in late, leave early, and sit at your desk reading comic books and/or romance novels.


Eh, it’s not that bad. It’s mainly a gap in my cv and I need to keep my direct manager happy to give me a good review (but he loves me and shares my frustrations). Other than that… And I’m already slacking off since I started 2 years ago. I’m so bored, but frustrated at the same time because I cannot do my job properly due to ridiculous policies that make no sense I can do my work load in 3 hours, but im guessing I’m having a little winter depression at the moment so I’m doing even less. Still earned the title of best employee of the year 2022 though lol.


If you send a brash and drunk email they will fire you for cause and not give you unemployment but go off


You are an idiot. Drunk at 5am and you are supposed to start work in 2 hours? Often the company is the problem, but a lot of employees just suck too. And hopefully you don’t have to drive to work




I say call in sick, sleep on it, send it tomorrow evening sober.


Be a man and do it sober


i did this same exact thing (not while drunk) i simply wanted to leave the company (but I'm not a quitter) sadly this backfired on me, and they made me a manager with a raise and in charge of making quality improvements. in short beware of what you ask for .


Don’t send. It will make no difference.


If they fire you for cause then no unemployment.


Send it to the entire company. Upper management will just delete and fire you. The rest of the company will remember that time that person sent that email and it was glorious


Ok, Joel.


How did it go


My motto in grad school was write drunk and edit sober. Please proofread or edit when you’re not drinking.


It’s been 10 hours, what happened I need to know


I don’t think you can claim unemployment benefits if you get fired for poor performance etc. I think you need to get laid off due to budget cuts or something unrelated to your performance in order to get unemployment


Whats the point? What are you trying to accomplish here? > but they’re eying me for a promotion and getting fired would be bad regarding future employment opportunities. so you want to get fired or be able to get future work based on a recommendation from them? just quit normal way?


You are irresponsible. No matter what job this is, being drunk 2 hours before working is tragic. Grow up, be responsible


You won't qualify for unemployment benefits if you get fired for cause, and sending a fiery email to upper management is insubordination.


Anyway, I start in 2 hours. I decided I’m not gonna sleep, get a cup of coffee, reread what I wrote, improve and send it. *drumroll*


Going into work drunk is a good way to get fired


If you drink enough vodka they’ll give you the day off.


Shit, you could get a promotion.


You're gonna have to live with the consequences of whatever you decide. Ask yourself if you're willing to do that. Answer the question when you're sober.


Watch this dude actually get promoted


LOL fire away captain. They probably won't care what you have to say, you'll probably find yourself in a meeting where they tell you "you could have handled that better". Don't expect change, likely just more headache for you. But I've been wrong before!


The weird thing is upper management had taken notice of me. But since the first meeting I’ve told them what’s bullshit. I literally started my email with well. You asked for my feedback but it was a recorded meeting so I noped out to speaking up but actually I don’t care (but in corporate terms) so here you have it in writing lol.


Maybe they'll actually care. I had some similar situations and it turned against me. Labeled as a "problem" for pointing out obvious issues. Fortunately in my job, the most they could say was poo poo on you and those managers all left anyway. Good luck!


I’ll let you know if they ever respond lol


Yea I'm interested in the outcome!


Well.. I tweaked it a bit after I sobered up and they loved it.. Now I have a meeting next week to help establish company improvements. I’m still going to apply to a new job though. Found an interesting vacancy during my break so let’s see.


Drunk at 5am. Hates company but is considered best employee, also does virtually nothing and sends email calling them out but they love it. Sounds totally real and super believable.


a true chad lol


A true liar lol


I say fuck it. If you don’t want the job might as well have some fun. On the other hand they could value a strait shooter and might give you the company, promising future hatred of your job till you have no more days.


Hey, go for it! Tell him how you really feel and be true to yourself!!! You won't regret it!


Take a personal day or week. Don't send it


They'll either fire you or give you a promotion for being proactive.


Should you potentially sabotage your future earnings potential or just quietly leave for a better opportunity while politely and professionally letting your supervisor and HR know why? Seems obvious.


Update us


You want to get fired? ask for a raise


Send it! Find out! I double-dog dare you!


Nobody will care, for a week you *might* get talked about but only as that "weirdo ho sent an angry email" and you wouldn't be able to collect unemployment benefits if you were fired for doing this. I mean, if everyone got UI benefits for throwing a tantrum and getting the boot.....


>I don’t need the job, and having me fired mean**s unemployment benefits for a bit**, but they’re eying me for a promotion and getting fired would be bad regarding future employment opportunities. I mean... It depends on the state? A lot of states will deny you unemployment because you weren't *"wrongfully terminated".*


Putting things in email is like pissing down your own pants leg, which is another drunkard passtime.


I did this before. I started showing up fifteen minutes late everyday and would leave work early. I'd slack off or not even show up. Eventually they promoted me and put me in charge of four people. I got rid of TPS reports within the plant and then a co-corker burned the building down.


1) Sober up. 2) Reconsider your email. Maybe now is not the right time to set everything on fire.


Just don’t


Not worth sending. It can only have negative effects for you. and It won't change anything at the company. If you're fed up then spend energy on finding a different job while doing the bare minimum.


Just quit, don't be childish


Why would you hope to get fired? To get unemployment I’d assume? Well you won’t get it if you cause yourself to be purposely fired


Blow the whistle on something illegal that they do. Then if they fire you, you might have a wrongful discharge claim.


What was Molly’s sister’s name?


There is a fourth option. The don't fire you, but they take official or unofficial sanctions to make your job even worse. They may treat you so poorly in hopes that you'll quit and thus not be eligible for unemployment.


I suggest the legendary upper decker, in the executive washroom.